Jiminy Cricket Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Jiminy Cricket.

Quotes About Jiminy Cricket

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Apparently, I've grown a conscience. I don't know when it happened. I don't know how it happened, but I'm not happy about it.
If I could, I would squash that Jiminy Cricket fucker like the roach he is. ~ Emma Chase
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Emma Chase
Cole stared at the Pinocchio clock, then a small ceramic figurine of Jiminy Cricket a client had given him. Let your conscience be your guide. Everyone needed a Jiminy. ~ Robert Crais
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Robert Crais
-Such dark thoughts for the sake of a corner table. My inner Jiminy Cricket spoke up. Oh, all right, I said. May the world's small things fill her with delight.
-Good, good, spoke the cricket.
-and may she purchase a lottery ticket and possess the winning number,
-Unnecessary, but fine.
-And may she order a thousand such bags, each one more splendid than the last, delivered and dumped by FedEx, and may she be trapped by a storeroom's worth, without food, water, or cell phone.
-I'm leaving, said my conscience.
-Me too, I said, and I went back out on the street. ~ Patti Smith
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Patti Smith
Don't get me wrong. I like Disney World. The rest rooms are clean enough for neurosurgery, and the employees say things like "Howdy, folks!" and actually seem to mean it. You wonder: Where do they get these people? My guess: 1952. I think old Walt realized, way back then, that there would eventually be a shortage of cheerful people, so he put all the residents of south western Nebraska into a giant freezer with a huge picture of Jiminy Cricket on the outside, and the corporation has been thawing them out as needed ever since. ~ Dave Barry
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Dave Barry
And it was true that if you categorized people by which Disney character they were, then Jonah would always be Bambi. Motherless, graceful, unobtrusive. Ethan
Jiminy Cricket, the annoying little conscience ... just look at Ash. In the Disney hierarchy she was Snow White ... He paused to wonder which Disney character Jules was, and realized that Disney did not make women or girls or woodland animals that were like her. ~ Meg Wolitzer
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Meg Wolitzer
Nobody understands that by the time the addiction has set in the alcoholic is mandated to drink ... he cannot not drink! Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, 'Jiminy Cricket, I feel sensational! My life is really in great shape! I think I'll become an alcoholic!' I firmly believe that when a shaking-to-pieces alcoholic says he needs a drink or he will die, he means it. ~ Mercedes McCambridge
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Mercedes McCambridge
When your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme. Jiminy Cricket
Never, never, never give up. Winston Spencer Churchill ~ Sheelagh McGrath
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Sheelagh McGrath
And I want to press my palm against his chest to feel it beat, to prove he's really there.
But we cannot touch. ~ Stephanie Perkins
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Stephanie Perkins
The public want to see people play an exciting brand of cricket. ~ Shane Warne
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Shane Warne
I didn't mean to go after him, but no one was doing anything, and I'm probably the only one here who's actually been in the woods for real."
"Besides - he's British. What do they know about camping and wilderness survival and all that?" ...
There too busy drinking tea and playing cricket. He would have been lost without me ~ Heather Davis
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Heather Davis
When I was a kid, I used to try and hit every ball out of the ground. After playing one-day cricket and Test cricket, I never thought I'd get a chance to play like that again, ever. Twenty20 has given me the opportunity of playing like a kid again. I can just feel free and go out there and hit. ~ Yuvraj Singh
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Yuvraj Singh
It seems perfectly reasonable to give the greatest weight to the longest series. South Africa were only offered a five-Test series in Australia and England when they were considered worthy opponents and when the authorities considered that sufficient crowds would allow such a series to be a viable financial option. This link between the duration of a Test series and the money it is likely to generate is a constant throughout the history of the game and has been made more complex over the last three decades by the introduction of the various one-day formats. The constant also remains that a five-Test series (six being a thing of the past) is the ultimate examination of the relative strength of two teams and the current fashion for a quick two-match 'shoot-out' can only harm the standing of Test cricket whatever the short-term financial rewards. ~ Patrick Ferriday
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Patrick Ferriday
As a kid in New Zealand, you play cricket in summer and rugby in winter. I played cricket and hockey. Not rugby. I wasn't brawny enough for it. Or silly enough, perhaps. ~ Glenn Turner
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Glenn Turner
I don't like the country. The crickets make me nervous. ~ Budd Schulberg
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Budd Schulberg
The Snow Cricket

Just beyond the leaves and the white faces
Of the lilies,
I saw the wings
Of the green snow cricket
As it went flying
From vine to vine,
Searching, then finding a shadowed place in which
To sing and sing…
One repeated
Rippling phrase
Built of loneliness
And its consequences: longing
And hope…
It was trembling
With the force of its crying out,
And in truth I couldn't wait to see if another would come to it
For fear that it wouldn't,
And I wouldn't be able to bear it
I wished it good luck, with all my heart,
And went back over the lawn, to where the lilies were standing
On their calm, cob feet,
Each in the ease
Of a single, waxy body
Breathing contentedly in the chill night air;
And I swear I pitied them, as I looked down
into the theater of their perfect faces-
That frozen, bottomless glare. ~ Mary Oliver
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Mary Oliver
I put my heart, soul and tears into the game and this is what I get. I don't know what to do. My wife can't sleep at night. I hold my daughter all night. I am ashamed I played cricket. ~ Kapil Dev
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Kapil Dev
The outfield's billiard green: no bare patches, no flowers. The things that are painted white-the sightscreen, the pickets around the boundary-are so white it hurts. The hoses and the boundary line are white. The entire playing surface is perfectly flat and level. And in the middle of the ground, across that wide carpet of perfect grass, the holy of holies.
A turf wicket. ~ Jock Serong
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Jock Serong
I have formed the Mahendra Singh Dhoni Charitable Trust which organises cricket tournaments in Jharkhand to identify promising cricketers so that we can help groom them, either in India or abroad. ~ Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Mahendra Singh Dhoni
I can remember running around at the age of 3, wanting to play golf, cricket and football. I was always active, one way or another, driving my parents mad. ~ Ian Botham
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Ian Botham
I saw that vigil now as necessary, a prerequisite for my insides to harden and cure just like the willow of a cricket bat must cure to be ready for a lifetime of knocks. ~ Abraham Verghese
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Abraham Verghese
We lost the crickets. ~ Eoin Colfer
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Eoin Colfer
There's something about blue eyes.
The kind of blue that startles you every time they're lifted in your direction. The kind of blue that makes you ache for them to look at you again. Not the blue green or blue gray, the blue that's just blue.
Cricket has those eyes. ~ Stephanie Perkins
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Stephanie Perkins
To me, it doesn't matter how good you are. Sport is all about playing and competing. Whatever you do in cricket and in sport, enjoy it, be positive and try to win. ~ Ian Botham
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Ian Botham
The only other time I've seen Paul cry was when he got hit in the teeth with a cricket bat when he was fourteen. And that time Diana made us watch 'Bambi'. ~ Leanne Hall
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Leanne Hall
I can't say I have much experience with conscience. I wasn't born with that particular cricket on my shoulder. ~ Mary Elizabeth Summer
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Mary Elizabeth Summer
Reading poetry and watching cricket were the sum of my world, and the two are not so far apart as many aesthetes might believe. ~ Donald Bradman
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Donald Bradman
In a near-by clearing, Cricket and How-Ya-Do came upon a ridiculously comical sight.
It was an extra-large hyper-manic bird yelling at the funniest looking Crawfish that she had ever seen. The Crawfish stood over a foot tall, which just does not happen, and he was wearing a light-blue beanie and gold chains around his neck. ~ Darwun St. James
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Darwun St. James
Sometimes I play cricket, and I play badminton. ~ Malala Yousafzai
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Malala Yousafzai
For its health, cricket needs to look outward to the sharpest minds, to people who sustain and nurture brands and often take hard but necessary decisions. Cricket cannot be bound by cricketing minds alone. ~ Harsha Bhogle
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Harsha Bhogle
I am a sports enthusiast, and if given an opportunity, I want to be a sportsman, even today. I want to promote the sport that is indigenous to India. Kabaddi is a matter of national pride. Why can't cricket, hockey, football and kabaddi be given equal platforms and co-exist? I believe that can happen. ~ Abhishek Bachchan
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Abhishek Bachchan
Doesn't move his feet? Who cares? Neither did Graeme Pollock. ~ James Mettyear
Jiminy Cricket quotes by James Mettyear
She was only the faint violet whiff and dead leaf echo of the nymphet I had rolled myself upon with such cries in the past; an echo on the brink of a russet ravine, with a far wood under a white sky, and brown leaves choking the brook, and one last cricket in the crisp weeds. ~ Vladimir Nabokov
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Vladimir Nabokov
The aim of English cricket is, in fact, mainly to beat Australia. ~ Jim Laker
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Jim Laker
In mid-wood silence, thus, how sweet to be;
Where all the noises, that on peace intrude,
Come from the chittering cricket, bird, and bee,
Whose songs have charms to sweeten solitude. ~ John Clare
Jiminy Cricket quotes by John Clare
Cricket could barely believe her eyes... but when that shotgun went off with a boom, so did the snake. Up until yesterday, Cricket has never seen a snake fly! ~ Darwun St. James
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Darwun St. James
I thought about cricket a lot. I needed to get out of this bubble of mine. I found it in books and conversations with other people about other things. I was a curious person, and this was my release. I like being challenged intellectually. I hated at the end of the day to talk cricket to someone else. ~ Rahul Dravid
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Rahul Dravid
From the animist point of view, humans belong in a sacred place because they themselves are sacred. Not sacred in a special way, not more sacred than anything else, but merely as sacred as anything else
as sacred as bison or salmon or crows or crickets or bears or sunflowers. ~ Daniel Quinn
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Daniel Quinn
Young Bride had a scratch on her neck from the knife, but no other external injuries. It seemed she was killed by the shock the drunks gave her.

After sixty-odd years, reliving the trauma of that fateful night was too much to bear.

There was no funeral procession. She was buried on the unlucky hill on the outskirts of the village.

The crickets, however, remained around her shack and continued to sing until the first snow fell. ~ Susumu Katsumata
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Susumu Katsumata
What gives a wriggle
And makes you giggle
When you eat'em?
Whose weensy little feet
Make my heart really beat?
Why, it's those little creepy crawlies
That make me feel so jolly.
For the darling centipede
My favorite buggy feed
I always want some more.
That's the insect I adore
More than beetles, more than crickets,
Which at times gives me the hiccups.
I crave only to feed
On a juicy centipede
And I shall be happy forevermore.
-Soren ~ Kathryn Lasky
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Kathryn Lasky
The crickets sang in the grasses. They sang the song of summer's ending, a sad monotonous song. "Summer is over and gone, over and gone, over and gone. Summer is dying, dying." A little maple tree heard the cricket song and turned bright red with anxiety. ~ E.B. White
Jiminy Cricket quotes by E.B. White
The West Indians and Pakistanis play one-day cricket so well because they play for English counties. ~ Kapil Dev
Jiminy Cricket quotes by Kapil Dev
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