Indecently Infatuated Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Indecently Infatuated.

Quotes About Indecently Infatuated

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My forces are not enfeebled, I find no decay in my strength; my provisions are not cut off, I find no abhorring in mine appetite; my counsels are not corrupted nor infatuated, I find no false apprehensions to work upon mine understanding; and yet they see that invisibly, and I feel that insensibly, the disease prevails. ~ Bill Vaughan
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Bill Vaughan
I realize now that I always needed somebody to be infatuated with when I was twenty years old, and it didn't really matter who, apparently. Anybody with more charisma than me would do the trick. I was so unformulated as a human being, so unsteady in myself, that I was constantly grasping for attachment to another person - constantly anchoring myself to someone else's allure. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert
He's unconventionally attractive and yet coincidentally everything I've ever wanted. ~ Crystal Woods
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Crystal Woods
GINGER. He and I established the most wonderful rapport. I think he's infatuated with me; he kept grabbing my ass and telling me how different I am. I think he senses the rebel in me. I've always been in rebellion ever since I was a kid. I remember how whenever my father's tell me to pick my toys up I'd stamp my foot and say "No" twice before picking them up. Oh, I was a mean one. My latest rebellion is my childhood religion; I've just rebelled against that. I used to be High Episcopalian.
BONGI. What're you now?
GINGER. Low Epicsopalian. ~ Valerie Solanas
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Valerie Solanas
Heart; I named my lass sweetly;
She danced to the mundane tunes of daftness;
By nature she was midsummer madness;
Or rather a reckless, careless, devil-may-care colleen.

I pampered all her hefty desires;
Brain; my friend said treat her with caution;
For she is a child; doesn't ruminate her action;
You are mother, with deep devotion.

And one fine day came the tempest darling;
She named him love, besotted and infatuated;
Enchanted by his charms, smelled the roses;
Failed to see the thorns that pricked.

And drip-drip-drip, the blood it dripped;
When her beloved tossed and crushed her core;
She knew not how to stand up straight;
I opened my eyes and the driblets fell.

Don't nurse her; said my friend; my brain;
For she is a demented lass not worth the pain;
She will go away when her wounds are dried;
To her unmoved brutal hero, Love.

A mother cannot be unmoved, I cried;
For all this time, I held her high;
I knocked at your door, you flinty villain;
Not to hear, all that you said.

Call me a demon or a dragon;
For all I will say is don't nurse the brat;
Let her bleed and cry for some more time;
She will get up; for she is your child.

All he said was unerred truth;
She bled and nursed her own wounds;
She drove me to her hero's place; And said,

"This is where my poem stays. ~ Ranjani Ramachandran
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Ranjani Ramachandran
He loved me, but I also think he was infatuated with somebody in me I wasn't so crazy about. If Nate was the one who saw Kate Pierson underneath my grubby disaffect when we met, David tried to strip away all of Kate's lovely lashes and wigs and iridescent outfits to reveal what he was confident was the mousy, wide-eyed ragamuffin little girl that he wanted to love me as, and who he wanted me to be. ~ Julie Klausner
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Julie Klausner
He looked just perfect to play Dorian Gray in a film version of Oscar Wilde's novel. Young, graceful, and indecently fresh and handsome, he could easily have worn a badge that said READY FOR DEBAUCHERY! ~ Sergei Lukyanenko
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Sergei Lukyanenko
Why the long face?" "Is there anyone who isn't infatuated with you?" I smiled at him, with teeth. "If not, it's because you haven't assigned them to me yet. Mata Hari at your service. Would you like to add him to the list?" "I don't appreciate your sarcasm." "I don't appreciate being handed out like a party favor. ~ Chloe Neill
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Chloe Neill
You didn't want to put in the work to make us happen.
It was true. I had been so captivated by Duncan, so enamored, so infatuated, that I let his life drown mine for two years. I went along, and when I got tired of it, tired of it just being easy and comfortable and convenient but not love, I ended it. And that was why I had the man in my lobby looking at me like there were still places for us to go.
I had let him believe that he was my whole world, let him be everything, and then one day just stopped loving him and walked away. It was something I did, something I had always done - poured on the charm, made myself into the ideal partner, lover, friend, indispensable and irreplaceable, and then, when I got bored or tired or tapped out, instead of fighting, I just quit. It was wildly unfair, and the only people I didn't do it with were my family. Even my friends complained that I was always around and then just gone.
Nathan Qells ~ Mary Calmes
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Mary Calmes
My dad was the force behind me early on. He was just infatuated with baseball. He was the one that basically taught me how to play the game. He gave a lot of his time working out with me, practicing and taking me to a lot of different games. It was hard work between both of us. ~ Rafael Palmeiro
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Rafael Palmeiro
As a child, I was attractive to paedophiles. I suppose being indecently assaulted when I was 13 years old should have warned me that there were some weird and dangerous men out there, but I had got over that episode in my life. ~ Stephen Richards
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Stephen Richards
Despite the fact that he thought her quite interesting at their first meeting, John Robinson could not be said to be infatuated with Mirusia Jansen at first sight. ~ Monika Barbara Potocki
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Monika Barbara Potocki
In France, this general climate of distrust toward private capitalism was deepened after 1945 by the fact that many members of the economic elite were suspected of having collaborated with the German occupiers and indecently enriched themselves during the war. It was in this highly charged post-Liberation climate that major sectors of the economy were nationalized, including in particular the banking sector, the coal mines, and the automobile industry. The Renault factories were punitively seized after their owner, Louis Renault, was arrested as a collaborator in September 1944. ~ Anonymous
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Anonymous
Some people think that being in love or infatuated is a modern invention that appears only in novels. Be that as it may, it nevertheless exists, the invention, the word, and our capacity for such a feeling. ~ Javier Marias
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Javier Marias
A recognisable picture of a spoilt 22-year-old girl experiencing her first love affair, knowing that she is infatuated with a totally unsuitable man who will alienate her friends and eventually cause herself serious damage, yet determined to press ahead whatever the cost. ~ Roderick Graham
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Roderick Graham
The arrival in Paris, as grim as ever. The leprous façades of the Pont Cardinet flats, behind which one invariably imagines retired folk agonizing alongside their cat Poucette which is eating up half their pension with its Friskies. Those weird metal structures that indecently mount each other to form a grid of overhead wires. And the inevitable advertising hoardings flashing by, gaudy and repellent. 'A gay and changing spectacle on the walls.' Bullshit. Pure fucking bullshit. ~ Michel Houellebecq
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Michel Houellebecq
My heart wants to escape, to flap out of my body and into his. And, God. Is this what it means to become infatuated with someone? A heart becomes a hybrid, half yours, half theirs. Mine beats like this because it wants out. My chest aches to let his heart in. ~ Christina Lauren
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Christina Lauren
It is scarcely credible to what degree discernment may be dazzled by the mist of pride, and wisdom infatuated by the intoxication of flattery. ~ Samuel Johnson
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Samuel Johnson
The Revolutionary Hill Estates had not been designed to accommodate a tragedy. Even at night, as if on purpose, the development held no looming shadows and no gaunt silhouettes. It was invincibly cheerful, a toyland of white and pastel houses whose bright, uncurtained windows winked blandly through a dappling of green and yellow leaves ... A man running down these streets in desperate grief was indecently out of place. ~ Richard Yates
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Richard Yates
The ignorant soul bride wanders in delusion, in the love of duality, she sits like a widow. She sits like a widow, in the love of duality, infatuated with Maya, she suffers in pain. She grows old, and her body withers away. ~ Guru Nanak
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Guru Nanak
She wasn't wholly infatuated, though she liked the way he looked; but, so too did he and that unfatuated her a bit. ~ Alan Bennett
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Alan Bennett
When I was in high school, I was in a special math class. I was infatuated with physics, particularly nuclear physics, Einstein, and the Big Bang. I read a lot about black holes. And partly because I'm so lazy I thought you could do all this just by looking at the sky and thinking up universes. It didn't seem like hard work when I was a kid, so I enrolled in this class. ~ Aleksandar Hemon
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Aleksandar Hemon
Imagine someone so infatuated by a band that they have every different pressing of every album the band made. Most of the time, the only difference in the album is the matrix number or a different 'made in' notation on the back cover or label. This is enough to make some people extremely excited. Actually, much more than excited. ~ Henry Rollins
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Henry Rollins
Around the outside of the room other beautiful women wearing little or nothing at all flitted between the infatuated, intoxicated men, sometimes luring them away for a private dance. The men would follow obediently, weighed down by lust and credit cards. ~ R.D. Ronald
Indecently Infatuated quotes by R.D. Ronald
Now I think of breaking up as moving. Imagine you have your own house, full of your own boxes. A person you meet has his own house, full of his own boxes. When you have a relationship with that person, you shack up in a third house, into which you can each put any number of your boxes. You shouldn't move them all in at once, or else you will seem too eager. And don't dawdle too much either, or you will seem skittish about commitment. You kind of aim to match each other's pace, so that the power balance feels fair and equal. Happy marriage--at least ideally--would be the situation in which both parties enthusiastically choose to keep all of their boxes in their shared house. Conversely, when someone starts to doubt the relationship, he might move a box or two back into his own house, just in case. While he's weighing his options, he may transport a few more boxes to the safety of his own home. When he's ready to take back his final few boxes, he breaks up with you. If you were too infatuated to see it coming, there you are, with all of your boxes in the shared house, and none in the security of your own home. ~ Tyler Oakley
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Tyler Oakley
Small nations are like indecently dressed women. They tempt the evil-minded. ~ Julius Nyerere
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Julius Nyerere
Are we like late Rome, infatuated with past glories, ruled by a complacent, greedy elite, and hopelessly powerless to respond to changing conditions? ~ Camille Paglia
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Camille Paglia
Peoria is such a seemingly quintessential American city, and I had always wanted to draw on that in either my fiction or in nonfiction. The Midwest is also a landscape that I have always been infatuated with, perhaps because it's the first one I can truly remember. ~ Dinaw Mengestu
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Dinaw Mengestu
I have no hobby. As far as my activities beyond the bounds of my recognized profession are concerned, I take them all, without exception, very seriously. So much so, that I should be horrified by the idea that they had anything to do with hobbies - preoccupations in which I had become mindlessly infatuated in order to kill the time - had I not become hardened by experience to such examples of this now widespread, barbarous mentality. ~ Theodor W. Adorno
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Theodor W. Adorno
I desire to be with you. I miss you. I feel lonely when I can't see you. I am obsessed with you, fascinated by you, infatuated with you. I hunger for your taste, your smell, the feel of your soul touching mine. ~ Jack Llawayllynn
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Jack Llawayllynn
I am inclined to think that as I grow older I will come to be infatuated with the art of revision, and there may come a time when I will dread giving up a novel at all. ~ Joyce Carol Oates
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Joyce Carol Oates
But, if strength of body be, with some show of reason, the boast of men, why are women so infatuated as to be proud of a defect? Rousseau has furnished them with a plausible excuse, which could only have occurred to a man, whose imagination had been allowed to run wild, and refine on the impressions made by exquisite senses, that they might, forsooth have a pretext for yielding to a natural appetite without violating a romantic species of modesty, which gratifies the pride and libertinism of man. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft
Indecently Infatuated quotes by Mary Wollstonecraft
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