Humanizing The Badge Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Humanizing The Badge.

Quotes About Humanizing The Badge

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The House of the Venerable and Inscrutable Colonel was what they called it when they were speaking Chinese. Venerable because of his goatee, white as the dogwood blossom, a badge of unimpeachable credibility in Confucian eyes. Inscrutable because he had gone to his grave without divulging the Secret of the Eleven Herbs and Spices. ~ Neal Stephenson
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Neal Stephenson
I always thought that the badge a cop has was more like the shield that Captain America has. It's an obvious sign of good and something you'll protect other people with, but it will also protect you. ~ Judd Nelson
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Judd Nelson
The true badge of courage is overcoming the fear of men. ~ Lynn G. Robbins
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Lynn G. Robbins
I do not prize the word cheap. It is not a word of inspiration. It is the badge of poverty, the signal of distress. Cheap merchandise means cheap men and cheap men mean a cheap country. ~ William McKinley
Humanizing The Badge quotes by William McKinley
The opposite of sensitive is not brave. It's not brave to refuse to pay attention, to refuse to notice, to refuse to feel and know and imagine. The opposite of sensitive is insensitive, and that's no badge of honor. ~ Glennon Doyle
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Glennon Doyle
You could make an analogy to a security guard who, three weeks prior, was mowing lawns for a living. The second he puts a uniform on and that badge, he's a man. I imagine the majority of us have felt the wrath of the over-zealous security guard guy. Is there something lying dormant in the man, that's waiting to be pumped up with that kind of power? I don't know. Does it reveal him? I don't know. Does it change him? I don't know. ~ Johnny Depp
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Johnny Depp
Lipstick is the red badge of courage. ~ Man Ray
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Man Ray
'The green beret' is again becoming a symbol of excellence, a badge of courage, a mark of distinction in the fight for freedom. I know the United States Army will live up to its reputation for imagination, resourcefulness, and spirit as we meet this challenge. ~ John F. Kennedy
Humanizing The Badge quotes by John F. Kennedy
Strip the human race, absolutely naked, and it would be a real democracy. But the introduction of even a rag of tiger skin, or a cowtail, could make a badge of distinction and be the beginning of a monarchy. ~ Mark Twain
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Mark Twain
It is dishonest the way that people suddenly think they've found guitars, and wear their guitar as a badge. ~ Pete Waterman
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Pete Waterman
The physicality was important to me. Because the film has Shane Black's dialogue, and [Robert] Downey's delivery, and you look at [Jon] Favreau, Don Cheadle and Gwyneth [Paltrow], it is this heightened level with a comedic aspect to it. Everything is grounded in reality, but it plays a little heightened. ~ James Badge Dale
Humanizing The Badge quotes by James Badge Dale
KNOW YOUR DOPE FIEND. YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT! You will not be able to see his eyes because of the Tea-Shades, but his knuckles will be white from inner tension and his pants will be crusted with semen from constantly jacking off when he can't find a rape victim. He will stagger and babble when questioned. He will not respect your badge. The Dope Fiend fears nothing. He will attack, for no reason, with every weapon at his command-including yours. BEWARE. Any officer apprehending a suspected marijuana addict should use all necessary force immediately. One stitch in time (on him) will usually save nine on you. Good luck.
-The Chief ~ Hunter S. Thompson
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Hunter S. Thompson
My tattoos, like most people's, were reminders, badges of personal experiences. Yes, I might wear them on my skin for the world to see, but their meaning was a little too personal. ~ N.R. Walker
Humanizing The Badge quotes by N.R. Walker
I Can't Make You Love Me.' Bonnie Raitt."
I glared at him a little as I climbed down. "Was that delightful list for your benefit or mine?"
Frankie grabbed my hand and, when I didn't pull away fast enough, tugged me onto his lap,where he wrapped his arms so tightly around me that I couldn't escape. Sometimes his strength still surprises me.He tickled my cheek with his nose. "Don't hate me just because I'm hateful."
"I never do."
Here's the thing. Frankie's taken a lot of hits in his life. He never stays down for long.
"Excuse me!" The mannequin's evil twin was glaring down at us fro her sky-high bootie-heeled heights. Her NM badge told us her name was Victoria. "You cannot do that here!" she snapped.
"Do what?" Frankie returned, matching lockjaw snooty for lockjaw snooty.
She opened and closed her mouth, then hissed, "Canoodle!"
I felt Frankie's hiccup of amusement. "Were we canoodling, snookums?" he asked me. "I rather thought we were about to copulate like bunnies."
I couldn't help it; I laughed out loud. Victoria's mouth thinned into a pale line. The whole thing might have ended with our being escorted out the store's hallowed doors by security. Sadie, as she so often did, momentarily saved us from ourselves.
She stomped out of the dressing room and planted herself in front of us. Ignoring the angry salesgirl completely, she muttered, "I look like a carved pumpkin!"
Frankie took in the skirt, layered ~ Melissa Jensen
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Melissa Jensen
The basic problem is not political, it is a-political and human. One of the most important things to do is to keep cutting deliberately through political lines and barriers and emphasizing the fact that these are largely fabrications and that there is another dimension, a genuine reality, totally opposed to the fictions of politics: the human dimension which politics pretend to arrogate entirely to themselves. This is the necessary first step along the long way toward the perhaps impossible task of purifying, humanizing and somehow illuminating politics themselves. ~ Thomas Merton
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Thomas Merton
My family is Chilean, and I was born there. By the time I was four, we were living in San Antonio, Texas, and I just remember picking a blue bonnet and getting yelled at by some guy with a sheriff hat and a badge. I was traumatized. He told me it was the state flower, and I wasn't supposed to be messin' with it. ~ Pedro Pascal
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Pedro Pascal
Once there was a boy so meek and modest, he was awarded a Most Humble badge. The next day, it was taken away because he wore it. Here endeth the lesson. ~ Nancy Gibbs
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Nancy Gibbs
There were those few, and there will be more, who really liked people, loved people - all people. They were the human torches setting aflame the hearts of men so that they passionately fought for the rights of their fellow men, all men. They were hated, feared, and branded as radicals . They wore the epithet of radical as a badge of honor. They fought for the right of men to govern themselves, for the right of men to walk erect as free men and not grovel before kings, for the Bill of Rights, for the abolition of slavery, for public education, and for everything decent and worth while. They loved men and fought for them. Their neighbor's misery was their misery. They acted as they believed. ~ Saul Alinsky
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Saul Alinsky
I love the idea that more people would read short fiction. I think it's such a humanizing form. It softens the boundaries between people. ~ George Saunders
Humanizing The Badge quotes by George Saunders
When our citizens are determined to openly wear pistols on their belts to go shopping at Walmart, that signifies to me a failure on the part of the macho ideal. Ostensibly, the handgun is displayed to let evildoers know, in no uncertain terms, that this is not a person with whom to trifle. It then follows that the wearing of the pistol presumes a situation in which the bearer will need to shoot someone, rendering the brandishing of the weapon a badge of fear, does it not? It occurs to me that if we keep on turning to such "masculine" methodology to solve our conflicts, the only inevitable ending is a bunch of somebody's family lying in a bloody schoolhouse, movie theater, or smoking Japanese city. I guess we just hope it's not our family? I don't like the odds. ~ Nick Offerman
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Nick Offerman
Her breast, with its badge of shame, was but the softer pillow for the head that needed one. ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Nathaniel Hawthorne
I think I come under the singer/songwriter badge. I've always written songs right from the very beginning. Because of my style of playing people tend of me more of a guitar player than a singer sometimes. ~ Bert Jansch
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Bert Jansch
An air of fashion, which is but a badge of slavery ... proves that the soul has not a strong individual character. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Mary Wollstonecraft
The white poor also suffer deprivation and the humiliation of poverty if not of color. They are chained by the weight of discrimination though its badge of degradation does not mark them. It corrupts their lives, frustrates their opportunities and withers their education. In one sense it is more evil for them because it has confused so many by prejudice that they have supported their own oppressors. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr.
What a smile! I remember it now, and I know that it was the effluence of fine intellect, of true courage; it lit up her marked lineaments, her thin face, her sunken grey eye, like a reflection from the aspect of an angel. Yet at that moment Helen Burns wore on her arm "the untidy badge;" scarcely an hour ago I had heard her condemned by Miss Scatcherd to a dinner of bread and water on the morrow because she had blotted an exercise in copying it out. Such is the imperfect nature of man! such spots are there on the disc of the clearest planet; and eyes like Miss Scatcherd's can only see those minute defects, and are blind to the full brightness of the orb. CHAPTER ~ Charlotte Bronte
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Charlotte Bronte
Jesus was in the business of re-humanizing all of creation. ~ Nathan Albert
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Nathan Albert
Surviving is what any animal would do. It's making something of yourself that earns the badge. Nobody can choose how they were born and raised, but everyone can choose how they're going to live. ~ Nadia Lee
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Nadia Lee
The door of opportunity swings wide open in our country. Through it, in constant flow, go those who toil. America recognizes no aristocracy save those who work. The badge of service is the sole requirement for admission to the ranks of our nobility. ~ Calvin Coolidge
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Calvin Coolidge
Love in truth-caritas in veritate-is a great challenge for the Church in a world that is becoming progressively and pervasively globalized. The risk for our time is that the de facto interdependence of people and nations is not matched by ethical interaction of consciences and minds that would give rise to truly human development. Only in charity, illumined by the light of reason and faith, is it possible to pursue development goals that possess a more humane and humanizing value. ~ Pope Benedict XVI
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Pope Benedict XVI
It feels good, it feels like a badge of honor, honestly. Amongst the artists here, in California, that festival is such a big deal. People live and die for Coachella. So to be a part of it on such a big scale is really flattering, and I feel really lucky to be part of the community. ~ Zella Day
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Zella Day
For the sake of humanity it is devoutly to be wished that the manly employment of agriculture and the humanizing benefits of commerce would supersede the waste of war and the rage of conquest; and the swords might be turned into ploughshares, the spears into pruning-hooks, and as the Scripture expresses it, the nations learn war no more. ~ George Washington
Humanizing The Badge quotes by George Washington
I didn't know I was about to be left with her idea of me; with her idea of my goodness pinned onto me like a badge and no chance to throw it back at her (as would have been the normal course of affairs with a mother and a daughter - if she'd lived, as I'd grown older). ~ Margaret Atwood
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Margaret Atwood
The biggest regret I have about 'Rubicon' is that we didn't end it. Sometimes you do these shows and you don't have the opportunity to get closure. Stories are supposed to have a beginning, middle and an end. ~ James Badge Dale
Humanizing The Badge quotes by James Badge Dale
Unfortunately, our over-emphasis on the male as oppressor often obscures the fact that men too are victimized. To be an oppressor is dehumanizing and anti-human in nature, as it is to be a victim. Patriarchy forces fathers to act as monsters, encourages husbands and lovers to be rapists in disguise; it teaches our blood brothers to feel ashamed that they care for us, and denies all men the emotional life that would act as a humanizing, self-affirming force in their lives. ~ Bell Hooks
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Bell Hooks
Most undercover cops are vastly skilled at compartmentalization. It is a talent as valued as lying. They seal off their real feelings and create imitation emotions. Easily torn down when it's time to show the badge, drag someone downtown, and sit across from him in an interrogation cell and tell him how fucked he is now. ~ Charlie Huston
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Charlie Huston
I grew up in a family of actors. I grew up onstage. The choice for me wasn't, 'Do I want to be an actor or not?' I always felt like that's just ingrained in you, the need to perform. The choice was, 'Do you want to do this professionally or not?' ~ James Badge Dale
Humanizing The Badge quotes by James Badge Dale
I'm not going to allow anybody to hold a badge up over me or a cross or any other power symbol and say I'm going to kill you and you're just going to kneel down to me because I'm the law. ~ Ice-T
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Ice-T
As every lord giveth a certain livery to his servants, charity is the very livery of Christ. Our Saviour, Who is the Lord above all lords, would have His servants known their badge, which is love. ~ Hugh Latimer
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Hugh Latimer
I've enjoyed every age I've been, and each has had its own individual merit. Every laugh line, every scar, is a badge I wear to show I've been present, the inner rings of my personal tree trunk that I display proudly for all to see. Nowadays, I don't want a "perfect" face and body; I want to wear the life I've lived. ~ Pat Benatar
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Pat Benatar
I don't know why I just remembered this, and I haven't told anybody this, but we were shooting in Canyon de Chelly and we were so far up the canyon. Once we were up there, we were up there. There was no going back to your trailers. ~ James Badge Dale
Humanizing The Badge quotes by James Badge Dale
All I could do is look down the barrel of the gun and think about my kids who were shot," said Johnson, who filed a citizen's complaint with the CHP in December. "I didn't know he was a police (officer). Never once did he say he was or show a badge. All he said was, 'get back,' with his gun out." In a response to Johnson's complaint, a CHP captain wrote to Johnson: "The California Highway Patrol maintains the highest level of expectations from our employees. I hope that if you should have any future contact with a member of this department it will be under more favorable circumstances. ~ Anonymous
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Anonymous
So people keep asking me what this badge is for ... this badge makes me the sheriff, the sheriff of Emo town, so get your straight irons and eyeliner ready! ~ Gerard Way
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Gerard Way
Was a soldier's tent of heavy canvas, dyed the dark yellow that sometimes passed for gold. Only the royal banner that streamed atop the center pole marked it as a king's. That, and the guards without; queen's men leaning on tall spears, with the badge of the fiery heart sewn over their own. Grooms came up to help them dismount. One of the guards relieved Melisandre of her cumbersome standard, driving the staff deep into the soft ground. Devan stood to one side of the door, waiting to lift the flap for ~ George R R Martin
Humanizing The Badge quotes by George R R Martin
It felt like sadness was like radiation, like the amount of time between exposures was irrelevant, like you got a badge that eventually got filled up from a lifetime of it, and then it just killed you. ~ Maggie Stiefvater
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Maggie Stiefvater
It's a cultural matter. They take pride in their unpride. It reflects their lack of status. Bottom ... of the bottom of the human world, and they know it, and they don't like it, and the squalor is like a badge of nonstatus for them. Saying, you want us to be filth, we'll live in filth too. Reveling in it. Wallowing in it. If we're not people, we don't have to be tidy ... ~ Robert Silverberg
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Robert Silverberg
I bent down over my neighborhood, taking in the people there. At first, they'd just seemed arranged the same way they were everywhere else: in random formations, some in groups, some alone. Then, though, I saw the single figure at the back of my house, walking away from the back door. And another person, a girl, running through the side yard, where the hedge would have been, while someone else, with a badge and flashlight followed. There were three people under the basketball goal, one lying prone on the ground.

I took a breath, then moved in closer. Two people were seated on the curb between Dave's and my houses: a few inches away two more walked up the narrow alley to Luna Blu's back door. A couple stood in the driveway, facing each other. And in that empty building, the old hotel, a tiny set of cellar doors had been added, flung open, a figure standing before them. Whether they were about to go down, or just coming up, was unclear, and the cellar itself was a dark square. But I knew what was down below.

He'd put me everywhere. Every single place I'd been, with him or without, from the first time we'd met to the last conversation. It was all there, laid out as carefully, as real as the buildings and streets around it. I swallowed, hard, then reached forward, touching the girl running through the hedge. Not Liz Sweet. Not anyone, at that moment, not yet. But on her way to someone. To me. ~ Sarah Dessen
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Sarah Dessen
Police," I say.
"Let's see your badge."
"I'm undercover. And I'm going to need that as evidence."
She hands me the spiff. I take a drag. "Yep, it's the real deal. You're busted. ~ Mark Mills
Humanizing The Badge quotes by Mark Mills
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