Eradication Synonym Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Eradication Synonym.

Quotes About Eradication Synonym

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He glanced down at her, keeping his expression carefully impassive. "I hate to leave you." There was a gently mocking edge to his tone. "You need someone to follow you around and keep you safe from mishaps. On the other hand, you also need someone to find a beekeeper."
Realizing he was not going to talk about Leo, Amelia followed his lead. "Will you do that for us? I would consider it a great favor."
"Of course. Although…" His eyes held a wicked glitter. "As I mentioned before, I can't keep doing favors for you with no reward. A man needs incentive."
"If … if you want money, I'll be glad to - "
"God, no." Rohan was laughing now. "I don't want money." Reaching out, he smoothed back her hair, letting the heel of his hand graze the edge of her cheekbone. The brush of his skin was light and erotic, causing her to swallow hard. "Goodbye, Miss Hathaway. I'll see myself out." He flashed a smile at her and advised, "Stay away from the windows."
On the way down the stairs, Rohan passed Merripen, who was ascending at a measured pace.
Merripen's face darkened at the sight of the visitor. "What are you doing here?"
"It seems I'm helping with pest eradication."
"Then you can begin by leaving," Merripen growled.
Rohan only grinned nonchalantly, and continued on his way. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Eradication Synonym quotes by Lisa Kleypas
From that day on I clearly understood that the kingdom of God can never mix with politics. The ultimate, stated aim of Marxist teaching is the complete eradication of all religion. The pure bride of Christ can never be controlled by an atheistic government or led by men who hate God! ~ Brother Yun
Eradication Synonym quotes by Brother Yun
Or ugsome, a late medieval word meaning loathsome or disgusting? It has lasted half a millennium in English, was a common synonym for horrid until well into the last century, and can still be found tucked away forgotten at the back of most unabridged dictionaries. Isn't it a shame to let it slip away? ~ Bill Bryson
Eradication Synonym quotes by Bill Bryson
Tolerance is not a synonym of Weakness ~ Satyendra Singh 'Shyamal'
Eradication Synonym quotes by Satyendra Singh 'Shyamal'
The GA's new recruits have to be the slowest learners since the eradication of Down's syndrome. ~ Peter Watts
Eradication Synonym quotes by Peter Watts
It is easy enough to write and talk about God while remaining comfortable within the contemporary intellectual climate. Even people who would call themselves unbelievers often use the word gesturally, as a ready-made synonym for mystery. But if nature abhors a vacuum, Christ abhors a vagueness. If God is love, Christ is love for this one person, this one place, this one time-bound and time-ravaged self. ~ Christian Wiman
Eradication Synonym quotes by Christian Wiman
Everything turned on the word "we", a synonym for love, the thing that saves us all. ~ Marisa De Los Santos
Eradication Synonym quotes by Marisa De Los Santos
Normally, anything done in the name of 'the kids' strikes me as either slightly sentimental or faintly sinister - that redolence of moral blackmail that adheres to certain charitable appeals and certain kinds of politician. (Not for nothing is baby-kissing the synonym for public insincerity.) ~ Christopher Hitchens
Eradication Synonym quotes by Christopher Hitchens
Without financial literacy, divorce rates soar, families rupture, and women stay with abusive men for financial security. A lack of jobs contributes to riots and illegal activity. Name any situation and it goes back to money. We need to focus on poverty eradication. ~ John Hope Bryant
Eradication Synonym quotes by John Hope Bryant
It's semi-frustrating when your name actually becomes a synonym for douchebag. ~ Pete Wentz
Eradication Synonym quotes by Pete Wentz
When someone uses the phrase 'the prick one', and you know immediately that this is a synonym for the word 'metaphorically', you are entitled to wonder whether you know the speaker too well. You are even entitled to wonder whether you should know her at all. ~ Nick Hornby
Eradication Synonym quotes by Nick Hornby
We take comfort, however, that mystery is not a synonym for contradiction. ~ R.C. Sproul
Eradication Synonym quotes by R.C. Sproul
Adjustment, that synonym for conformity that comes more easily to the modern tongue, is the theme of our swan song, the piper's tune to which we dance on the brink of the abyss, the siren's melody that destroys our senses and paralyzes our wills. ~ Robert M. Lindner
Eradication Synonym quotes by Robert M. Lindner
Feminist effort to end patriarchal domination should be of primary concern precisely because it insists on the eradication of exploitation and oppression in the family context and in all other intimate relationships. It is that political movement which most radically addresses the person – the personal – citing the need for the transformation of self, of relationships, so that we might be better able to act in a revolutionary manner, challenging and resisting domination, transforming the world outside the self. ~ Bell Hooks
Eradication Synonym quotes by Bell Hooks
It is much easier to evaluate perfect rather than partial results. ~ Fred Lowe Soper
Eradication Synonym quotes by Fred Lowe Soper
Here's the point to be made - there are no synonyms. There are no two words that mean exactly the same thing. ~ Theodore Sturgeon
Eradication Synonym quotes by Theodore Sturgeon
What if I were to have you hanged?" In a clever retort, alluding to both his considerable girth and to his network of influential friends abroad, the agronomist replied, "Your Excellency, the weight of my body would break the gallows with a noise loud enough to be heard in America." Djemal apparently liked that answer. Before the ending of their meeting, he had appointed Aaronsohn inspector in chief of a new locust eradication program, ~ Scott Anderson
Eradication Synonym quotes by Scott Anderson
In most societies birth has been an experience in whichwomen draw together to help each other and reinforce bonds in the community. Now that eradication of pain with effective anesthesia is often the only issue in any discussion of birththe sacramental and social elements which used to be central to women's experience of birthseem, for an increasing proportion of women, to be completely irrelevant. ~ Sheila Kitzinger
Eradication Synonym quotes by Sheila Kitzinger
I am an anarchist in politics and an impressionist in art as well as a symbolist in literature. Not that I understand what these terms mean, but I take them to be all merely synonyms of pessimist. ~ Henry Adams
Eradication Synonym quotes by Henry Adams
The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong are that belated objectives of nearly all Psychotherapy ~ Brock Chisholm
Eradication Synonym quotes by Brock Chisholm
The work directed against mosquitoes carrying yellow fever had an equally good effect upon malaria, especially when anti-anopheles work was extended to the suburbs of the city. Before the year 1901 Havana had yearly from 300 to 500 deaths from malaria, rising as high in 1898 as 1,900 deaths. Since 1901 there has been a steady decrease in the malaria death rate until 1912, when there were only four deaths. Four deaths from malaria in a city in the tropics the size of Havana, about 300,000 population, means the extinction of malaria in that city. ~ William Crawford Gorgas
Eradication Synonym quotes by William Crawford Gorgas
This is pluralism: not a synonym of relativism, but rather an antonym. Pluralism accepts the moral reality of different kinds of truth, but rejects the idea that they can all be placed on a single scale, measured by a single value. ~ Timothy Snyder
Eradication Synonym quotes by Timothy Snyder
The Holocaust was in actuality both, but for a long time the overwhelming part of it comprised by the attempted Nazi eradication of European Jewry was downplayed in many circles in favour of its more universalist aspect. ~ Steven Beller
Eradication Synonym quotes by Steven Beller
People of color have to do this work as a mater of everyday survival. And so long as they have to, who am I to act as if I have a choice in the matter? Especially when my future and that of my children in large part depends on the eradication of racism? There is no choice. ~ Tim Wise
Eradication Synonym quotes by Tim Wise
In Sri Lanka, the people you lived amongst, the people you went to school with, the people in whose houses you ate, whose jokes you shared: these were not the people you married. Quite possibly they were not your religion. More to the point they were probably not your caste. This word with its fearsome connotations was never, hardly ever used. But it was ever present: it muddied the waters of Sri Lanka's politics, it perfumed the air of her bed-chambers; it lurked, like a particularly noxious relative, behind the poruwa of every wedding ceremony. It was the c-word. People used its synonym, its acronym, its antonym-indeed any other nym that came to mind - in the vain hope its meaning would somehow go away. It didn't. But if the people you chose to associate with were the very ones you could not marry, then the ones you did marry were quite often people you wouldn't dream of associating with if you had any choice in the matter. ~ Ashok Ferrey
Eradication Synonym quotes by Ashok Ferrey
They were going crazy in Kansas. People were up to 9 p.m. I think that was the greatest thing to happen to Kansas since the eradication of the boll weevil. ~ Jay Leno
Eradication Synonym quotes by Jay Leno
I feel so fortunate to be one of the lucky ones who is so grateful and appreciative to know such great synonyms for thankful. ~ Demetri Martin
Eradication Synonym quotes by Demetri Martin
Sisterhood is a powerful metaphor; it ought not become a synonym for groupthink. ~ Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Eradication Synonym quotes by Kathleen Hall Jamieson
In Sanskrit, "independent woman" is a synonym for a harlot. Hence the woman who is unattached to a man is not only a universal feminine type but a sacral type in antiquity. ~ Erich Neumann
Eradication Synonym quotes by Erich Neumann
We start, then, with nothing, pure zero. But this is not the nothing of negation. For not means other than, and other is merely a synonym of the ordinal numeral second. As such it implies a first; while the present pure zero is prior to every first. The nothing of negation is the nothing of death, which comes second to, or after, everything. But this pure zero is the nothing of not having been born. There is no individual thing, no compulsion, outward nor inward, no law. It is the germinal nothing, in which the whole universe is involved or foreshadowed. As such, it is absolutely undefined and unlimited possibility
boundless possibility. There is no compulsion and no law. It is boundless freedom. ~ Charles Sanders Peirce
Eradication Synonym quotes by Charles Sanders Peirce
Phoebe Hurty hired me to write copy for ads about teen aged clothes. I had to wear the clothes I praised. That was part of the job. And I became friends with her two sons, who were my age. I was over at their house all the time.

She would talk bawdily to me and her sons, and our girlfriends when we brought them around. She was funny. She was liberating. She taught us to be impolite in conversation not only about sexual matters, but about American history and famous heroes, about the distribution of wealth, about school, about everything.

I now make my living being impolite. I am clumsy at it. I keep trying to imitate the impoliteness which was so graceful in Phoebe Hurty. I think now that grace was easier for her than it is for me because of the mood of the Great Depression. She believed what so many Americans believed then: that the nation would be happy and just and rational when prosperity came.

I never hear that word anymore: Prosperity. It used to be a synonym for Paradise. And Phoebe Hurty was able to believe that the impoliteness she recommended would give shape to an American paradise.

Now her sort of impoliteness is in fashion. But nobody believes anymore in a new American paradise. I sure miss Phoebe Hurty. ~ Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Eradication Synonym quotes by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
The Carter Center has the only existing international taskforce on disease eradication. Which means a total elimination of a disease on the face of the Earth. In the history of the world, there's only been one disease eradicated: smallpox. The second disease, I think, is gonna be guinea worm. ~ Jimmy Carter
Eradication Synonym quotes by Jimmy Carter
Part of the main plan of imperialism ... is that we will give you your history, we will write it for you, we will re-order the past ... What's more truly frightening is the defacement, the mutilation, and ultimately the eradication of history in order to create ... an order that is favorable to the United States. ~ Edward Said
Eradication Synonym quotes by Edward Said
In fact, among the people I met, the term soviet served essentially as a synonym for 'fucked up'. I'd been in the country about three days when a car that was sent to take me to an interview failed to start. After several attempts to get it going, the driver turned to me, smiled wearily and explained: 'Soviet car'. By that time, that was all the explanation I needed. ~ Anthony DeCurtis
Eradication Synonym quotes by Anthony DeCurtis
I am
Opposite of weak
Opposite of slack
Synonym of heat
Synonym of crack
Closest to the peak
Far from a punk
Y'all ought to stop talking
And start trying to catch up ~ Mike Shinoda
Eradication Synonym quotes by Mike Shinoda
Wealth is a means to an end, not the end itself. As a synonym for health and happiness, it has had a fair trial and failed dismally. ~ John Galsworthy
Eradication Synonym quotes by John Galsworthy
I'll have you know Southern isn't a synonym for stupid. ~ Janice Lane Palko
Eradication Synonym quotes by Janice Lane Palko
The number of nuclear bombs on the planet today - the sheer quantity of weapons of mass destruction in the possession of people and governments throughout the world - along with the fact that the use of brute force and militarism is an almost knee-jerk way of problem-solving on the planet today, makes the eradication of war the great moral issue of this generation. ~ Marianne Williamson
Eradication Synonym quotes by Marianne Williamson
Our goal of poverty eradication and of inclusive growth that embraces the disadvantaged and marginalized sections of society can be achieved when our actions are guided by a social conscience and are not devoid of sensitivity. ~ Pratibha Patil
Eradication Synonym quotes by Pratibha Patil
How much ... did the volume of disease in a nation account for its spirit? If so, the eradication of sickness, as far as it was possible, was a responsibility a democracy must assume for its people. ~ Alice Tisdale Hobart
Eradication Synonym quotes by Alice Tisdale Hobart
The goal should not be the eradication or abandonment of one culture in favor of another, but rather the connectivity of cultures. The best of mankind is distributed like a puzzle throughout all the peoples of the world, who, in the end, are not so different after all. ~ Kevin D. Hancock
Eradication Synonym quotes by Kevin D. Hancock
People use democracy as a free-floating abstraction disconnected from reality. Democracy in and of itself is not necessarily good. Gang rape, after all, is democracy in action.
All men have the right to live their own life. Democracy must be rooted in a rational philosophy that first and foremost recognizes the right of an individual. A few million Imperial Order men screaming for the lives of a much smaller number of people in the New World may win a democratic vote, but it does not give them the right to those lives, or make their calls for such killing right.
Democracy is not a synonym for justice or for freedom. Democracy is not a sacred right sanctifying mob rule. Democracy is a principle that is subordinate to the inalienable rights of the individual. ~ Terry Goodkind
Eradication Synonym quotes by Terry Goodkind
Then what's a synonym for woman?" "Entrails." "You're not very poetic, are you? Well, then, what's the antonym for entrails?" "Milk. ~ Osamu Dazai
Eradication Synonym quotes by Osamu Dazai
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