Borggaard Hockey Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Borggaard Hockey.

Quotes About Borggaard Hockey

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I'd like to hear them be a bit more creative, though. I've heard 'you're a sieve, you stink' my whole life and you can tell it's obviously affected me. ~ Ryan Miller
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Ryan Miller
I liked hockey, and I still like hockey. ~ Kevin Smith
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Kevin Smith
I'm just a simple guy. I love beer, sex, and hockey. I hate liars, Sting, and art that doesn't have people in it. - Luke Almeida ~ Kate Meader
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Kate Meader
The coaching profession doesn't hand you any gifts. ~ Randy Carlyle
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Randy Carlyle
The skill set for hockey is so specific to skating and if you haven't been skating as a kid it's impossible to play - and I wasn't a skater. ~ Liev Schreiber
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Liev Schreiber
In terms of soccer, it wasn't really a thing that girls did. In England it more kind of Net Ball and Hockey and stuff like that in athletics. It's to each their own, really. ~ Parminder Nagra
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Parminder Nagra
Why do Canadians like to do it doggie style? So they can both keep watching the hockey game ~ Norm Crosby
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Norm Crosby
I guess time flies when you're playing hockey every day and getting laid every night. ~ Sarina Bowen
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Sarina Bowen
Wrapping Christmas presents is tough. Even peeling a Mandarin orange is tough. I have to get my kids to help me. ~ Brendan Morrison
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Brendan Morrison
Swear to God, you come near us and–"
"Like this?" The biker sidestepped a slash from the hockey stick, grabbed it on the way, and yanked it out of Eve's hands. He tossed it over his shoulder to land on the floor with a clatter. "This near enough? Whatcha gonna do, doll girl?"
Claire hid her eyes as the biker reached out for Eve with one tattooed hand.
"No," Eve said breathlessly. "I'm going to let my boyfriend beat the crap out of you."
There was a dull thunk of wood meeting flesh, and a howl. Then another, harder thunk, and a crash as a body hit the floor.
The biker was down. Claire stared at him in disbelief, then looked past him, to the figure standing there with the field hockey stick in both hands.
Michael Glass. Back from the dead, again, a gorgeous blond avenging angel, breathing hard. ~ Rachel Caine
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Rachel Caine
In the U.S., coaches could be the father next door. They had no formal training. They're like old hockey players. They don't go to school and study. ~ Gabe Polsky
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Gabe Polsky
I guess the prime example is in North America there's a thing where if there's no opportunity to move forward with the puck, then a [hockey] player is told to dump the puck into the other zone. Just give up the puck and dump it in. Give it to the other team. And to the Soviet mentality in coaching, it just doesn't make any sense. If you're a skilled player, why are you going to give the puck away to the other team? Just give it away, right? ~ Gabe Polsky
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Gabe Polsky
Maybe they should go back to wooden sticks. ~ Ondrej Pavelec
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Ondrej Pavelec
The only ingenuity I can see is Gaddis' wherewithal in getting this brick published, printed, and hyped-up enough to win the National Book Award. Did he use coercion, bribery, blackmail perhaps? Did he have incriminating evidence on certain influential literary critics and talking heads, like pictures of them with farm animals or something? ~ A. Cretan
Borggaard Hockey quotes by A. Cretan
I don't train to look good in the mirror. I train to make improvements in my game. ~ Duncan Keith
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Duncan Keith
The kids just aren't the same today. ~ Doug Gilmour
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Doug Gilmour
The pattern of your breathing affects the pattern of your performance. When you are under stress, deep breathing helps bring your mind and body back into the present.Over the years I have handed out thousands of little stickers to athletes that read 'Breathe and Focus.' A baseball player will place the bright orange circle on the shoulder of his uniform or underneath the bill of his cap, or on the barrel of his bat. A hockey player might affix it to his stick. Firefighters I have worked with place the stickers on their self-contained breathing apparatus. The stickers serve as a reminder. Whenever they feel themselves growing anxious, breathe in energy. Breathe out negativity. Breathe in relaxation. Breathe out stress. ~ Gary Mack
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Gary Mack
If Peter has learned one thing about human nature during all his years in hockey, it's that almost everyone regards themselves as a good team player, but that very few indeed understand what that really means. ~ Fredrik Backman
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Fredrik Backman
He's one of the most coachable players out there. ~ Jonathan Toews
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Jonathan Toews
One of the great rules of hockey is: On the Stanley Cup, all germs are healthy. ~ George Vecsey
Borggaard Hockey quotes by George Vecsey
Bobby would drive to the net injured, he would drive to the net hurt. He played that way every night. He told Bobby that he was the one who made him famous. ~ Derek Sanderson
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Derek Sanderson
He's skating like he's 36 again. ~ Mike Keane
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Mike Keane
Buck ambles out of the locker room with a towel draped across his bare shoulders and his hockey pants on, thank the Lord. The amount of fur he sports makes him resemble a matted yeti. ~ Helena Hunting
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Helena Hunting
Drama is played at the pace of chess ... or billiards ... or poker. Engrossing? Sure. But comedy is played at the jubilant, high-octane speed of sports like basketball or hockey. ~ Mark Waters
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Mark Waters
It's odd, that's why I don't like telling people I played field hockey. It's real big in Australia for guys. But I say I played in America, and everybody goes, 'Oh, you girl!' ~ Heath Ledger
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Heath Ledger
I'm okay. Russian machine never breaks. ~ Alexander Ovechkin
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Alexander Ovechkin
When you lose the shootout, you feel like you lost the hockey game, ... But we didn't lose the hockey game. We lost a point and they gained a point. That's the reality of it. ~ Randy Carlyle
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Randy Carlyle
Like fragile ice, anger passes away in time. Therefore, the greatest remedy for anger is delay. - Gideon Penman of Muirwood Abbey ~ Jeff Wheeler
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Jeff Wheeler
I don't want to get into a 'he said, she said' with the refs ... I'm the he. ~ Chris Pronger
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Chris Pronger
When I was a kid, I remember playing hockey outside and whenever you did, you thought about playing for Finland vs. Sweden. That's just the way it was. ~ Teemu Selanne
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Teemu Selanne
I saw a hockey game where they threw the puck aside and just started fighting. I saw that, and I'm like, 'So I'm the thug?' ~ Richard Sherman
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Richard Sherman
She had a hundred reasons: because Bear had carved a statue of her in the center of the topiary garden, because she could always make him laugh, because he'd let her return to the station, because he won at chess and lost at hockey, because he ran as fast as he could to polar bear births, because he had seal breath even as a human, because his hands were soft, because he was her Bear. "Because i want my husband back," Cassie said. ~ Sarah Beth Durst
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Sarah Beth Durst
GAY OR NOT. ~ Kevin Smith
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Kevin Smith
Canadians send us great hockey players. You also send us wonderful performers, from the beginning, with Mary Pickford. ~ Jamie Farr
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Jamie Farr
I mean, if you pause over what it means at the age of 76 that Eleanor Roosevelt wrote, the happiest single day of her life was the day she made the first team at field hockey. Field hockey is a team sport. Field hockey is a knockabout - I mean, picture Allenswood, the swamps of north London. It's a messy sport. So she really enjoyed playing this rough-and-tumble sport in the mud of Allenswood, a team sport. And she was very competitive. And she loved being competitive, and she loved to win. And that, I think, was all of the things that Allenswood enabled. ~ Blanche Wiesen Cook
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Blanche Wiesen Cook
The whole world knows that American TV companies have monopolized Olympic broadcasts and in order to please the fans in their country they do everything they can to keep American viewers interested in what is going on at the hockey rink in Sochi. According to their logic, Americans should always win, no matter what. It was absolutely obvious that [Fyodor] Tyutin's goal yesterday should have been allowed. This was clear to the whole world except the American referee, American TV and those officials with American passports who rule international hockey, grossly neglecting all Olympic principles. ~ Ivan Ilyin
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Ivan Ilyin
Excerpt from Winning Streak, Las Vegas Sinners Book 3, coming later this year:

Tonight's ensemble was typical Madden. Dark and faded but expensive jeans, a fitted, black Vegas is For Lovers t-shirt and some Doc Martin boots. Okay, those were a little unusual. "We're not going for a hike in the desert, are we?"

"Not exactly."

"What is 'not exactly'? I'm not a pee-behind-a-tree kind of girl. ~ Katie Kenyhercz
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Katie Kenyhercz
I am a pretty tough guy. I'm an old hockey player. ~ Jim Flaherty
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Jim Flaherty
People would say, 'Girls don't play hockey. Girls don't skate.' I would say, 'Watch this.' ~ Hayley Wickenheiser
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Hayley Wickenheiser
What if I can't? Forgive her, I mean."
"Then you don't. Not everyone gets along, Kennie."
"But I don't want to live like that. I've never held a grudge, been this mad for this long."
Libby shrugged, "First time for everything."
Mekena laughed. "You are honestly the worst person to talk to about this."
Libby grinned. "I know, but you're welcome. ~ Toni Aleo
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Toni Aleo
Developing better people should be the number one goal for any coach when dealing with kids. In trying to develop better people, we are going to develop more and better pros. ~ Bobby Orr
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Bobby Orr
If one of my players ever wants to hit me, he better do it really hard because otherwise, I'll find a rock, a stick, or a piece of wood - and believe me, it's gonna be a brawl. ~ Pat Burns
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Pat Burns
I will openly admit that I've never really followed hockey. Given my New England upbringing, I have always adhered to the Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox, Bruins mantra of professional sports fandom, but hockey was definitely the lowest sport on the totem pole - even when the Bruins won the Stanley Cup. ~ Rachel Nichols
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Rachel Nichols
I had all the usual ambition growing up. I wanted to be a writer, a musician, a hockey player. I wanted to do something that wasn't nine to five. Acting was the first thing I tried that clicked. ~ Michael J. Fox
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Michael J. Fox
I was 13 or 14 and I met Donald Trump at a bar mitzvah of a good friend of ours, who's friends with him. He had his girlfriend at the time with him, that Melania with him. He said, 'Hey guys, if you work hard and be successful, you'll get one of these.' I'll never forget that. And now he's married to her. ~ Jason Spezza
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Jason Spezza
Like all teenagers in the early '60s, I put down my hockey stick when the Beatles got big and picked up a guitar. We all thought we'd be rock stars. Then I got into comedy, but I'd always find a way to use my guitar, such as writing songs and doing musical parodies. ~ Rick Moranis
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Rick Moranis
I had a lot of fun in those days. It was a great experience being in the Eastern Hockey League for the simple reason that you did not have a staff. ~ John Muckler
Borggaard Hockey quotes by John Muckler
It's never been easy. But I've always wanted to play hockey. I love hockey. I'd rather play hockey than do anything else. If you have that kind of desire, I think you can achieve what you want to achieve. ~ Manon Rheaume
Borggaard Hockey quotes by Manon Rheaume
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