Westrum House Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Westrum House.

Quotes About Westrum House

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Early in To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem refuses to come down from the tree house and eat breakfast because his father won't play football for the Methodists. Atticus goes out to invite Jem in to eat, but Jem refuses. Atticus doesn't get into a long discussion. He has made his offer and quietly walks away when Jem stubbornly declares he will not come down. 'Suit yourself,' says Atticus simply. He can rest easy because he's done his job as a loving father, and if Jem decides to go hungry, that's his choice. The wise father knows when to walk away and leave well enough alone.

As a teacher , I wish I had realized this early in my career, but at least I know it now. Whether I deal with administrators, parents, teachers, or students, I have my answer. ~ Rafe Esquith
Westrum House quotes by Rafe Esquith
The mere difficulty of getting hold of a house is one of the worst aggravations of poverty. ~ George Orwell
Westrum House quotes by George Orwell
When your neighbour's house is on fire, you should help with a bucket of water. ~ Yahya Jammeh
Westrum House quotes by Yahya Jammeh
If you start wondering how this house works, you'll likely go mad. That could be amusing, I suppose. Especially if it's the kind of madness that causes you to run naked through the hallways. Do feel free to indulge in that anytime. ~ Rosamund Hodge
Westrum House quotes by Rosamund Hodge
All Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known. ~ George R R Martin
Westrum House quotes by George R R Martin
This was hers and hers alone. Forevermore. Or at least so I thought… but shit didn't work out that way, and then you came along… and circle be damned, I don't want to be finished with you." Now it was her turn to feel poleaxed, her body going numb as she struggled to comprehend what he was saying. "Autumn, I'm in love with you - that's why I came here tonight. And we don't have to be together, and you don't have to get over what I said, but I wanted you to hear that from me. And I also want to tell you that I'm at peace with it, because…" He took a deep breath. "You want to know why Wellsie got pregnant? It wasn't because I wanted a young. It's because she knew that every night when I left the house I could get killed in the field, and as she said, she wanted something to keep on living for. If I had been the one to go? She would have carved out a life for herself, and… the strange thing is, I would have wanted her to do that. Even if it included someone else. I guess I've realized that… she wouldn't have wanted me to mourn her forever. She'd have wanted me to move on… and I have. ~ J.R. Ward
Westrum House quotes by J.R. Ward
You gave me Christopher Robin, and then
You breathed new life in Pooh.
Whatever of each has left my pen
Goes homing back to you.
My book is ready, and comes to greet
The mother it longs to see
It would be my present to you, my sweet,
If it weren't your gift to me. ~ A.A. Milne
Westrum House quotes by A.A. Milne
But in fact I was like Ossie, in this one regard: I was consumed by a helpless, often furious love for a ghost. Every rock on the island, every swaying tree branch or dirty dish in our house was like a word in a a sentence that I could read about my mother. All objects and events on our island, every single thing that you could see with your eyes, were like clues that I could use to reinvent her: would our mom love this thing, would she hate it? For a second I luxuriated in a real hatred of my brother. ~ Karen Russell
Westrum House quotes by Karen Russell
I actually saw the loch ness monster when I was 9. She was big as a house. Want to know who the loch ness monster is? It's your obese mother. Burn mother****er ~ Thom Yorke
Westrum House quotes by Thom Yorke
There's nothing here!" she screamed at the charm. "We're not hiding anything and you have the wrong woman! You'd better bring my grandmother back, and I swear on the house I was born in if you've hurt one hair, one wrinkle, one freckle on her body I am going to hunt every last one of you down and snap your necks like the chickens you are, do you understand me? BRING HER BACK! ~ Marissa Meyer
Westrum House quotes by Marissa Meyer
I was afraid of other people's houses. After school sometimes a friend might talk me into going to his house or apartment to do our homework together. It was a shock, the way people lived, other people, those who weren't me. I didn't know how to respond, the clinging intimacy of it, kitchen slop, pan handles jutting from the sink. Did I want to be curious, amused, indifferent, superior? Just walking past a bathroom, a woman's stocking draped over the towel rack, pill bottles on the windowsill, some open, some capsized, a child's slipper in the bathtub. It made me want to run and hide, partly from my own fastidiousness. The bedrooms with unmade beds, somebody's socks on the floor, the old woman in nightclothes, barefoot, an entire life gathered up in a chair by the bed, hunched frame and muttering face. Who are these people, minute to minute and year after year? It made me want to go home and stay there. ~ Don DeLillo
Westrum House quotes by Don DeLillo
You just don't want to go to the barn in sweats with Elle there.
Well, he hated to admit it, but that was probably the reason he was tottering back and forth on one foot and two sore armpits here in this insane closet that seemed about the same size as the house he and his dad used to live in. ~ Genell Dellin
Westrum House quotes by Genell Dellin
You are so good. So good, you're always feeling so much. And sometimes it feels like you're gonna bust wide open from all the feeling, doesn't it? People like you are the best in the world, but you sure do suffer for it. ~ Silas House
Westrum House quotes by Silas House
What I like about organizing things that way is that each story gets nearly full reign over its own space, but all of them are hung on a single string - the loosely-reined voice mentioned above. Thus the collection jogs away from suzerainty and past federation toward, I guess, alliance. Or maybe call each story a separate house on a single street? Or it's all a line of dive bars on some wharf front? What the hell, let's call reading the collection a pub crawl, but with words. ~ Roy Kesey
Westrum House quotes by Roy Kesey
All of us have moments in out lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them. ~ Erma Bombeck
Westrum House quotes by Erma Bombeck
Built at a time when servants had servants who had servants, there'd been a whole thriving community in the great house to wait upon the tiny family perched on top like a hut on a mountain. ~ Josa Young
Westrum House quotes by Josa Young
So here's the deal: You will sleep in separate bedrooms. You will leave your doors open at all times. You will keep the public displays of affection to a minimum. You will attempt to dismantle any of my surveillance equipment, which, I remind you, covers nearly every room of this house. And if I hear any article of clothing being unzipped, unstrapped, unhooked, or unbuckled, you will lose the body part that it corresponds to. Understand?
Lex and Driggs looked at each other, then nodded, defeated. ~ Gina Damico
Westrum House quotes by Gina Damico
Joseph, you're out of clean towels." Lucia poked her head into the living room, the rest of her hidden behind the wall. Her red hair dripped water onto my wooden floors.
"She's in the buff." Jenna guffawed. Gabriella rolled her eyes, beaming.
I rose. "Go back to the bathroom. I'll bring you a towel," I ordered Lucia. She disappeared down the hall.
"You have naked angels running around your house," Jenna continued through her laughter. Gabby laughed louder. ~ Laura Kreitzer
Westrum House quotes by Laura Kreitzer
What are you doing?'Helen put her hand over his to stop him from shifting.
'I'm going inside to talk to your dad. I don't want him to feel like he can't trust me with his daughter.'
'Lucas, I swear to whatever god you think is holy that I will get out of this car and walk to school if you go inside and talk to my dad.'
Lucas smiled and shifted back into first, driving away from her house. 'Who told you the gods were holy? ~ Josephine Angelini
Westrum House quotes by Josephine Angelini
Leave bands, go back to obscurity if I choose to, without a great sense of loss of security because it's all been based on the fact that I did it on my own or was doing, enjoying doing it on my own in the first place. ~ Eric Clapton
Westrum House quotes by Eric Clapton
He wants to feel good, he always used to feel good at every turning of the year, every vacation or end of vacation, every new sheet on the calendar: but his adult life has proved to have no seasons, only changes of weather, and the older he gets, the less weather interests him. The house next to his old house still has the FOR SALE sign up. He tries his front door ~ John Updike
Westrum House quotes by John Updike
You might be a redneck if the richest member of your family bought a house and you have to help take the wheels off of it. ~ Jeff Foxworthy
Westrum House quotes by Jeff Foxworthy
In Washington, the U.S. House passed a bill unanimously. Every single member of both parties voted for it. What was it? To deny Social Security benefits to Nazis. So from now on, no SS for the SS. ~ Craig Ferguson
Westrum House quotes by Craig Ferguson
We're still looking for the Messiah, so I usually invite myself over to someone's house who's found him. ~ Dan Salerno
Westrum House quotes by Dan Salerno
Is it true cats wont stay in a house when it's haunted? ~ Jeff Valdez
Westrum House quotes by Jeff Valdez
Gifford presented the house to Bonaguidi as a series of 'telescopic' spaces in the landscape, and his inspiration hints at the atmosphere in the Pines at this time. A telescope is a device often used for spying: it elongates when engaged in order to capture objects in its gaze. ~ Christopher Bascom Rawlins
Westrum House quotes by Christopher Bascom Rawlins
Blood stains are not easy to remove. Yes, and they will enter the rooms and see my bedding. Perhaps a young girl will fit into my daughter's clothes. Or it'll all be a waste because they too lost a young daughter in the vadda raula. These clothes will haunt them. They will want to go back. How crazy! I don't want to be here and they don't want to be there. They can't be here and I can't be there. How absurd! It is like someone just did it in jest. What value does my life have? Zilch. Nobody thought of this? They live with my nightmares, I live with theirs. And then learn to ignore these sounds I hear from the crevices of the new house. Each night I plug my ears and shut my eyes. A new story over my story. The slate has been wiped clean. With blood. ~ Sakoon Singh
Westrum House quotes by Sakoon Singh
I am agreed, and would I had given him the best horse in Padua to begin his wooing that would thoroughly woo her, wed her, and bed her, and rid the house of her ~ William Shakespeare
Westrum House quotes by William Shakespeare
Rena noticed me watching it pass. 'You think they don't got problem?' Rena said. 'Everybody got problem. You got me, they got insurance, house payment, Preparation H.' She smiled, baring the part between her two upper teeth. 'We are the free birds. They want to be us. ~ Janet Fitch
Westrum House quotes by Janet Fitch
I shall never use profanity except in discussing house rent and taxes. ~ Mark Twain
Westrum House quotes by Mark Twain
It suddenly seems incredible to me that this was my best friend, that we could hang out for days and never run out of things to talk about, that I would come home from her house with my throat sore from laughing. It's like there's a glass wall between us now, invisible but impenetrable. I ~ Lauren Oliver
Westrum House quotes by Lauren Oliver
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