Web Hosting Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Web Hosting.

Quotes About Web Hosting

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After surgery, he told his doctors that the pain was exactly as it was, but he did not feel it as greatly. "It's as if," he had said, a cool blandness in his eyes, "the pain is not being done to me." One day, maybe in a ten years, or fifty years, a surgeon will be able to do this with disturbing precision, destroy a whirlpool of memory, an entire system of feelings, but in the meantime it's like taking a hatchet to a spider's web. ~ Madeleine Thien
Web Hosting quotes by Madeleine Thien
Every year the inventions of science weave more inextricably the web that binds man to man, group to group, nation to nation. ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick
Web Hosting quotes by Harry Emerson Fosdick
Websites should look good from the inside and out ~ Paul Cookson
Web Hosting quotes by Paul Cookson
Okay, I have internet but it's limited and here on the web the information is countless. ~ Deyth Banger
Web Hosting quotes by Deyth Banger
What is aura? A peculiar web of space and time: the unique manifestation of a distance, however near it may be. To follow, while reclining on a summer's noon, the outline of a mountain range on the horizon or a branch, which casts its shadow on the observer until the moment or the hour partakes of their presence - this is to breathe in the aura of these mountains, of this branch. Today, people have as passionate an inclination to bring things close to themselves or even more to the masses, as to overcome uniqueness in every situation by reproducing it. Every day the need grows more urgent to possess an object in the closest proximity, through a picture or, better, a reproduction. And the reproduction, as the illustrated newspaper and weekly readily prove, distinguishes itself unmistakably from the picture. Uniqueness and permanence are as closely intertwined in the latter as transitoriness and reproducibility in the former. ~ Walter Benjamin
Web Hosting quotes by Walter Benjamin
He falls asleep unsure if he is the spinner of this web or a creature trapped at its heart. ~ K M Soehnlein
Web Hosting quotes by K M Soehnlein
I am a firm believer that you need a well-defined leadership role to deal with unexpected and non-linear side effects of people working together. You need someone to keep the threads untangled and forming a high-functioning web rather than a big snarl of a Gordian knot. ~ Rands
Web Hosting quotes by Rands
The fact that you can crawl the web is a commodity. ~ Carol Bartz
Web Hosting quotes by Carol Bartz
The more you love your children, the more care you should take to neglect them occasionally. The web of affection can be drawn too tight. ~ Dominique Sutton
Web Hosting quotes by Dominique Sutton
Web A to Z one of the best seo company in Delhi and provide result oriented seo in given time frame. Get more information visit at our official website. ~ Sumeet
Web Hosting quotes by Sumeet
Flash content is the most prolific content on the web today; it is the way people express themselves on the Internet. ~ Gary Kovacs
Web Hosting quotes by Gary Kovacs
As a host, you set the tone, and you set it right away. It's so easy to get carried away with an ambitious menu, and then spend the whole night flinging things around your kitchen and being annoyed with your guests for having the audacity to try to talk with you. Terrible plan. Everyone would rather have a simpler meal and a happier host. ~ Shauna Niequist
Web Hosting quotes by Shauna Niequist
Web standards keep you out of the dustbin of history. ~ Joshua Greenberg
Web Hosting quotes by Joshua Greenberg
Dapps are just now gaining media coverage but will, I believe, someday become more widely used than the world's most popular web apps. They are more flexible, transparent, distributed, resilient, and have a better incentivized structure than current software models. This is the first book that will help you to understand them and create your own. ~ Siraj Raval
Web Hosting quotes by Siraj Raval
Kids are taking PCs and the Internet to new heights. They're the ones that are designing the cutting-edge web sites. ~ Bill Gates
Web Hosting quotes by Bill Gates
I looked into her gray-blue eyes and saw myself in them, as clearly as looking in a mirror. Building a miniature record player for my dollhouse long past bedtime. Teaching myself to code a Web site under the covers, so my dad wouldn't come in and tell me to go to sleep. DJing alone in my bedroom in the dark. These things could always wait until daylight, but I wanted to do them in the night. ~ Leila Sales
Web Hosting quotes by Leila Sales
I also saw a huge expansion of the Internet, with many major corporations, afraid of being left behind, spending hundreds of millions of dollars to develop World Wide Web sites in a frantic scramble to reach the vast new consumer market of Web use ~ Dave Barry
Web Hosting quotes by Dave Barry
When I think of my own efforts to be everything to everyone - something that women are socialized to do - I can see how every move I make just ensnares me even more. Every effort to twist my way out of the web just leads to becoming more stuck. That's because every choice has consequences or leads to someone being disappointed. ~ Brene Brown
Web Hosting quotes by Brene Brown
Ever since I was a child I have been a strong believer in the principle that to under-stand how anything works you need to take it apart and look at it in detail. This principle that worked with toys also works pretty well with search. ~ David Amerland
Web Hosting quotes by David Amerland
Istagunga sought for the magic that ran beneath the soil like a network, each thread connecting all living things together. It was this immense power that held Iktomi's Web together... ~ Alannah K. Pearson
Web Hosting quotes by Alannah K. Pearson
Let's leverage the power of the Web - don't get rid of it, but make the Web beautiful again. We need to give the content room to breathe and give magazine-style advertisements the opportunity to flourish. ~ Mike McCue
Web Hosting quotes by Mike McCue
Amazon.com took the idea of a man inside the computer and created a service with the same name. A person or company can present a task to the Mechanical Turk Web site, and hordes of invisible people will chip away at it, doing work that's eerily human but requires no personal interaction and very little money. These hardworking people are like the little man inside the chess computer: you can't see them, but they're doing all the work. ~ Seth Godin
Web Hosting quotes by Seth Godin
If you use the original World Wide Web program, you never see a URL or have to deal with HTML. That was a surprise to me - that people were prepared to painstakingly write HTML. ~ Tim Berners-Lee
Web Hosting quotes by Tim Berners-Lee
The web of our Life is of mingled Yarn. ~ John Keats
Web Hosting quotes by John Keats
Instead of one-way interruption, Web marketing is about delivering useful content at just the right moment that a buyer needs it. ~ David Meerman Scott
Web Hosting quotes by David Meerman Scott
After four seasons of co-hosting 'Wipeout,' I have been given the opportunity to pursue new directions in my acting career, which I am very passionate about. I am extremely grateful to all those at 'Wipeout,' Endemol and ABC, who have been so supportive of me through these years. ~ Jill Wagner
Web Hosting quotes by Jill Wagner
That idea of URL was the basic clue to the universality of the Web. That was the only thing I insisted upon. ~ Tim Berners-Lee
Web Hosting quotes by Tim Berners-Lee
This was one of those non-glamorous parts about college that people never tell you about - worrying that the dilapidated apartment hosting a party would fall apart with you in it. ~ Alyssa Rose Ivy
Web Hosting quotes by Alyssa Rose Ivy
I do not believe the wicked always win. I believe our despair is a lie we are telling ourselves. In many other periods of history, people, ordinary citizens, routinely set aside hours, days, time in their lives for doing the work of politics, some of which is glam and revolutionary and some of which is dull and electoral and tedious and not especially pure – and the world changed because of the work they did. That's what we're starting now. It requires setting aside the time to do it, and then doing it. Not any single one of us has to or possibly can save the world, but together in some sort of concert, in even not-especially-coordinated concert, with all of us working where we see work to be done, the world will change. And we have to do it by showing up places, our bodies in places, turn off the fucking computers, leave the Web and the Net – and show up, our bodies at meetings and demos and rallies and leafletting corners. ~ Tony Kushner
Web Hosting quotes by Tony Kushner
Bluetooth earpieces are so geeky," Dan Cahill said.
"But they free up your hands for surfing the web, stealing priceless jewels, and eating pastry," Atticus said, taking a huge bite out of an apple strudel.
"And picking your nose," Dan added, which caused Atticus to blow a mouthful of strudel all over the seat in front of them occupied by Dan's sister, Amy, who was trying to sleep ~ Roland Smith
Web Hosting quotes by Roland Smith
This intelligence, or what I'll call "the wisdom of crowds," is at work in the world in many different guises. It's the reason the Internet search engine Google can scan a billion Web pages and find the one page that has the exact piece of information you were looking for. It's the reason it's so hard to make money betting on NFL games, and it helps explain why, for the past fifteen years, a few hundred amateur traders in the middle of Iowa have done a better job of predicting election results than Gallup polls have. ~ James Surowiecki
Web Hosting quotes by James Surowiecki
I once lay in a white hospital for the dying and the dying self, where some god pissed a rain of reason to make things grow only to die, where on my knees I prayed for LIGHT, I prayed for l*i*g*h*t, and praying crawled like a blind slug into the web where threads of wind stuck against my mind and I died of pity for Man, for myself, on a cross without nails, watching in fear as the pig belches in his sty, farts, blinks and eats. ~ Charles Bukowski
Web Hosting quotes by Charles Bukowski
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together: our virtues would be proud,if our faults whipped them not; and our crimes would despair, if they were not cherished by our virtues. ~ William Shakespeare
Web Hosting quotes by William Shakespeare
I weave Beauty and Light into my Dreams, offering them into the web of all things. ~ Catherine Veritas
Web Hosting quotes by Catherine Veritas
Quantum physics shows us the universe as a dynamic web of connection. ~ Robert Moss
Web Hosting quotes by Robert Moss
Madness rides the star-wind . . . claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses . . . dripping death astride a Bacchanale of bats from night-black ruins of buried temples of Belial. . . . Now, as the baying of that dead, fleshless monstrosity grows louder and louder, and the stealthy whirring and flapping of those accursed web-wings circles closer and closer, I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my only refuge from the unnamed and unnamable. ~ H.P. Lovecraft
Web Hosting quotes by H.P. Lovecraft
The 'gatekeepers' became a term of revile. But when you think about the flow of information, I personally value immensely the calibration a news organ, whether it's on the web or in print, brings to the floodwaters of information. I haven't the time to read all the dispatches of the Associated Press, for example. It's fantastic what they put out, it's extremely good, from all over the world. I like when someone acts as a filter. ~ Harold Evans
Web Hosting quotes by Harold Evans
What if the decisions have already been made by someone else? What if your company has made a commitment to a certain database, or a certain web server, or a certain framework? A good architect pretends that the decision has not been made, and shapes the system such that those decisions can still be deferred or changed for as long as possible.

A good architect maximizes the number of decisions not made. ~ Robert C. Martin
Web Hosting quotes by Robert C. Martin
If you fall for a dark-eyed beauty, pretty as a picture, with lips as sweet as a luscious rasberry, and a gentle face, unrumpled by kisses, like an apple-blossom petal in May, and she becomes your love - then do not say that love is yours: even though you cannot tire of her rounded breasts, of her slender frame that melts in your embrace like wax before a flame. . . . The day will come, that cruel hour will come, the fatal moment will come, when he face will fade, rumpled by kisses, her breasts will no longer quiver at your touch: all this will come to pass; and you will be alone with your own shadow amidst the sunscorched deserts and the dried up springs, where flowers do not bloom and the sunlight plays on the dry skin of a lizard; and you might even see the hairy black tarantula's lair, all enmeshed in the threads of its web . . . And then your thirsting voice will be raised from the sands, calling longingly to your homeland.
But if your love is otherwise, if her browless face has once been touched by the black blemish of the pox, if her hair is red, her breasts sagging, her bare feet dirty, and to any extent at all her stomach protrudes, and still she is your love - then that which you have sought and found in her is the sacred homeland of your soul. ~ Andrei Bely
Web Hosting quotes by Andrei Bely
My response is being written with ink and paper in the glorious tradition of our ancestors and then transcribed by Ms. Vliegenthart into a series of 1s and 0s to travel through the insipid web which has lately ensnared our species, so I apologize for any errors or omissions that may result. "'Given ~ John Green
Web Hosting quotes by John Green
What is a Web year now, about three months? And when people can browse around, discover new things, and download them fast, when we all have agents - then Web years could slip by before human beings can notice. ~ Tim Berners-Lee
Web Hosting quotes by Tim Berners-Lee
When we are uncaring, when we lack compassion, when we are unforgiving, we will always pay the price for it. It is not, however, we alone who suffer. Our whole community suffers, and ultimately our whole world suffers. We are made to exist in a delicate network of interdependence. We are sisters and brothers, whether we like it or not. To treat anyone as if they were less than human, less than a brother or a sister, no matter what they have done, is to contravene the very laws of our humanity. And those who shred the web of interconnectedness cannot escape the consequences of their actions. In ~ Desmond Tutu
Web Hosting quotes by Desmond Tutu
I can do web, comic books, macrame, art. ~ Joss Whedon
Web Hosting quotes by Joss Whedon
I fear I have not one good word to say this fair morning, though the sun shines so encouragingly on the distant hills and gentle river and the trees are in their festive hues. I am not festive, though contented. When obliged to give myself to the prose of life, as I am on this occasion of being established in a new home I like to do the thing, wholly and quite, - to weave my web for the day solely from the grey yarn. ~ Margaret Fuller
Web Hosting quotes by Margaret Fuller
The user experience design of a product essentially lies between the intentions of the product and the characteristics of your user. ~ David Kadavy
Web Hosting quotes by David Kadavy
Ye whose clay-cold heads and luke-warm hearts can argue down or mask your passions
tell me, what trespass is it that man should have them? ... If nature has so wove her web of kindness, that some threads of love and desire are entangled with the piece
must the whole web be rent in drawing them out? ~ Laurence Sterne
Web Hosting quotes by Laurence Sterne
The word nature has given rise to a multitude of errors. Let me repeat that the nature of any being is the sum of the qualities attributed to it by the Creator. With immeasurable profundity, Burke said that art is man's nature. This is beyond doubt; man with all his affections, all his knowledge, all his arts is the true natural man, and the weaver's cloth is as natural as the spider's web. Man's natural state is therefore to be what he is today and what he has always been, that is to say, sociable. All human records attest to this truth.. ~ Joseph De Maistre
Web Hosting quotes by Joseph De Maistre
This is so," Illyrio agreed, "but the world is one great web, and a man dare not touch a single strand lest all the others tremble. More wine? ~ George R R Martin
Web Hosting quotes by George R R Martin
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