Walkley Bikes Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Walkley Bikes.

Quotes About Walkley Bikes

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My two favourite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything. The perfect day: riding a bike to the library. ~ Peter Golkin
Walkley Bikes quotes by Peter Golkin
Pedaling down Dune Drive on a red beach cruiser, Dani ahead of her and Vanessa behind her, is a transporting experience. The night is quiet; the air on her face is soft; her hair streams behind her; the stars above are as brilliant as stars in a children's book. They could be nine years old, or fifteen, or twenty-one; they've ridden bikes down Dune Drive at all of those ages and all of the ones in between. There must have been so much more to those summers, but what she remembers are the two weeks she spent in Avalon with Dani and Vanessa - two weeks that always went by too quickly, but that in memory stretch to fill an entire season. ~ Meg Donohue
Walkley Bikes quotes by Meg Donohue
In 'Hokey Pokey,' bikes are kind of more than bikes alone. They become mustangs; they become creatures that rip up the dust as they gallop across the Great Plains. ~ Jerry Spinelli
Walkley Bikes quotes by Jerry Spinelli
I had beautiful bikes and I was really into it. I just thought it was really glamorous. ~ Bryan Ferry
Walkley Bikes quotes by Bryan Ferry
For every show that we do, anyone that rides public transit, bikes, or walk, we offer them a $5 voucher at the merch table. It gets people using the infrastructure in the area. Hopefully, the venues where we play will lobby city council and say, we need bike paths, sidewalk repair. That stuff affects so many people's lives. ~ Ben Sollee
Walkley Bikes quotes by Ben Sollee
Most married people can expect a specific other person to be there for them in a way that a single person typically cannot. Does that make married people more mature than single people?

Married people are on training wheels. Singles are riding the bikes for grown-ups. ~ Bella DePaulo
Walkley Bikes quotes by Bella DePaulo
I'm a total petrolhead. My three brothers and I used to ride scrambling bikes in the field near where we lived. We all liked cars. I've always loved the smell of an engine. ~ Jennifer Saunders
Walkley Bikes quotes by Jennifer Saunders
I felt like I was cheating myself of those communities and cheating the audience because I wasn't able to know them. That's what the bikes did, without me having to put any arbitrary philosophy on what it was supposed to be. It enabled human connection. ~ Ben Sollee
Walkley Bikes quotes by Ben Sollee
I mean, I had fast motor cars and fast motor bikes, and when I wasn't crashing airplanes, I was crashing motor bikes. It's all part of the game. ~ Harry Broadhurst
Walkley Bikes quotes by Harry Broadhurst
It's been a while since I've had sex. I figured it was just like riding a bike, the only difference is that after a while, the bike doesn't turn you over and ride you. ~ Beatrice Stark Girl Detective
Walkley Bikes quotes by Beatrice Stark Girl Detective
Second place is the first loser. ~ Dennis Anderson
Walkley Bikes quotes by Dennis Anderson
I rode many bikes and motorcycles. My brother was in an accident when he was a kid and my mom forbade us to use motorcycles. ~ John Travolta
Walkley Bikes quotes by John Travolta
He smelled like bikes. Like a mechanic. She loved that smell. ~ Lauren Gilley
Walkley Bikes quotes by Lauren Gilley
I love cars, but I love bikes more. ~ Candace Kita
Walkley Bikes quotes by Candace Kita
What if you should forget yourself in the excitement and just peddle straight through the park and out the other end?' she warns. 'If you keep your feet on the pedals and don't stop, where might you end up?'

The idea appeals to Maud more than she can say. She doesn't want to know where she may 'end up'. ~ Emmanuelle De Maupassant
Walkley Bikes quotes by Emmanuelle De Maupassant
I am so pathetic with machines in real life, it's not a joke. I'd rather walk, or even run, than take the car out myself. I like to be driven around. Yes, I like fancy cars, and fancy bikes, too. It's my dream to learn how to ride one myself, but for now, I am content being driven around. ~ Bipasha Basu
Walkley Bikes quotes by Bipasha Basu
The first day we rode our bikes to Chelsey and parked them. It was a terrible feeling. Most of those kids, at least all the older ones, had their own automobiles, many of them new convertibles, and they weren't black or dark blue like most cars, they were bright yellow, green, orange, and red. The guys sat in them outside of the school and the girls gathered around and went for rides. Everybody was nicely dressed, the guys and the girls, they had pullover sweaters, wrist watches and the latest in shoes. They seemed very adult and poised and superior. And there I was in my homemade shirt, my one ragged pair of pants, my rundown shoes, and I was covered with boils. The guys with the cars didn't worry about acne. They were very handsome, they were tall and clean with bright teeth and they didn't wash their hair with hand soap. They seemed to know something I didn't know. I was at the bottom again.

Since all the guys had cars Baldy and I were ashamed of our bicycles. We left them home and walked to school and back, two-and-one-half miles each way. We carried brown bag lunches. But mot of the other students didn't even eat in the school cafeteria. They drove to malt shops with the girls, played the juke boxes and laughed. They were on their way to U.S.C. ~ Charles Bukowski
Walkley Bikes quotes by Charles Bukowski
As I started getting older and started to learn about the world, my friends would tell me about video games and dirt bikes and stuff, and I'd be like, "Oh, I got none of that." I started asking questions, like, "Why we can't get this stuff?" And it was like, "Well, we work hard to make sure da da da ... " ~ Fetty Wap
Walkley Bikes quotes by Fetty Wap
We stepped a little quicker, laughed a little louder and chatted over the fences a little longer. We gathered bouquets of wildflowers, dined on fresh strawberries and began to ride our bikes up and down the Third Line again. We ran up grassy hills and rolled back down through the young clover, feeling light and giddy, free from our heavy boots and coats. There were trilliums to pick for Mother and tadpoles to catch and keep in a jar. Spring had come at last to Bathurst Township and was she ever worth the wait! ~ Arlene Stafford-Wilson
Walkley Bikes quotes by Arlene Stafford-Wilson
Get on your bikes and ride! ~ Freddie Mercury
Walkley Bikes quotes by Freddie Mercury
My parents were kind of over protective people. Me and my sister had to play in the backyard all the time. They bought us bikes for Christmas but wouldn't let us ride in the street, we had to ride in the backyard. Another Christmas, my dad got me a basketball hoop and put it in the middle of the lawn! You can't dribble on grass. ~ Jimmy Fallon
Walkley Bikes quotes by Jimmy Fallon
My friend Jonathan had a great tree house. It was awesome. It was like a big fort up in this tall magnolia tree ... That's where we would conduct our very important business, I'm sure, with all our bikes leaning up against a tree and no girls allowed, handling all sorts of important things you handle when you're seven or eight. ~ Eric Ladin
Walkley Bikes quotes by Eric Ladin
When I become president, all you assholes that ride bikes in the city? Lock and load! You're going down! ~ Denis Leary
Walkley Bikes quotes by Denis Leary
My Range Rover is great for LA. You can take surfboards on it and stick some bikes in the back. And if you kidnap people you could tie them up in the back, there's space for your chloroform ... ~ Gerard Butler
Walkley Bikes quotes by Gerard Butler
Back at the office, Woodward went to the rear of the newsroom to call Deep Throat. Bernstein wished he had a source like that. The only source he knew who had such comprehensive knowledge in any field was Mike Schwering, who owned Georgetown Cycle Sport Shop. There was nothing about bikes - and, more important, bike thieves - that Schwering didn't know. Bernstein knew something about bike thieves: the night of the Watergate indictments, somebody had stolen his 10-speed Raleigh from a parking garage. That was the difference between him and Woodward. Woodward went into a garage to find a source who could tell him what Nixon's men were up to. Bernstein walked into a garage to find an eight-pound chain cut neatly in two and his bike gone.
Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward ~ Carl Bernstein
Walkley Bikes quotes by Carl Bernstein
If God had wanted men to ride bikes, He wouldn't have put our balls where they are. ~ James Rollins
Walkley Bikes quotes by James Rollins
I used to be a daredevil on BMX bikes. ~ ASAP Ferg
Walkley Bikes quotes by ASAP Ferg
The bicycle, the bicycle surely, should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets. ~ Christopher Morley
Walkley Bikes quotes by Christopher Morley
When we cut off access to certain parts of our cities to people on bikes or in wheelchairs, we're not only doing economic damage, we're also doing culture damage. New York is the culture capital of the world because people are running into each other on the street all the time. They are forced to engage in creativity and problem-solving. ~ Ben Sollee
Walkley Bikes quotes by Ben Sollee
Aching familiar in a way that made me wish I was still eight. Eight was before death or divorce or heartbreak. Eight was just eight. Hot dogs and peanut butter, mosquito bites and splinters, bikes and boogie boards. Tangled hair, sunburned shoulders, Judy Blume, in bed by nine thirty. ~ Jenny Han
Walkley Bikes quotes by Jenny Han
You know, it's kind of hard because I really - I see kids on their Rollerblades and their bikes, and just running around, climbing trees, and I used to do that. And I loved doing that. ~ Mattie Stepanek
Walkley Bikes quotes by Mattie Stepanek
I was stunned. I pulled the phone away and looked quizzically at the hole-punched speaker. Aside from the blood obligation to be my sister's maid of honor, it had never occured to me that I would get asked to be in anyone's wedding. I thought we had reached an understanding, the institution of marriage and I. Weddings are the like the triathlon of female friendship: the Shower, the Bachelorette Party, and the Main Event. It's the Iron Woman and most people never make it through. They fall off their bikes or choke on ocean water. I figured if I valued my life, I'd stay away from weddings and they'd stay away from me. ~ Sloane Crosley
Walkley Bikes quotes by Sloane Crosley
We look for opportunities to play together including basketball, tennis, swimming, riding bikes and touch football. I try to provide a loving environment where we can play. I think that's good on so many levels - emotionally, for family interactions and, of course, physically. ~ Alan Thicke
Walkley Bikes quotes by Alan Thicke
Some bikers have a code about who they put on the backs of their bikes and when. Rally, party, road trip, could be whoever you pick up. Your wheels are takin' you home, for me, for Chaos, only the old lady. A woman comes up here, she has her own ride. That way, I'm done, she can go. You gotta wait for me to take you where you need to be. This means, unless I take you, you aren't goin' anywhere. ~ Kristen Ashley
Walkley Bikes quotes by Kristen Ashley
There are dreams of love, life, and adventure in all of us. But we are also sadly filled with reasons why we shouldn't try. These reasons seem to protect us, but in truth they imprison us. They hold life at a distance. Life will be over sooner than we think. If we have bikes to ride and people to love, now is the time. ~ Elisabeth Kubler Ross
Walkley Bikes quotes by Elisabeth Kubler Ross
I was always fast riding bikes with my brother who got me on a bike. There was little to do so I ended up riding everywhere. It was both my transportation, entertainment, and a good way perhaps to make a living I hope. ~ Peter Sagan
Walkley Bikes quotes by Peter Sagan
There is no magic milkshake or workout machine. I think the real machine is your body. I do love treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, free weights. ~ Richard Simmons
Walkley Bikes quotes by Richard Simmons
Rule #12: The correct number of bikes to own is N+1, where N is the number of bikes currently owned. ~ The Velominati
Walkley Bikes quotes by The Velominati
My father raced bikes. He gave me the passion very early. I had my first bike when I was three or four years old. ~ Valentino Rossi
Walkley Bikes quotes by Valentino Rossi
Hey, I got an idea, let's go to the movies. I wanna go to the movies, I want to take you all to the movies. Let's go and experience the art of the cinema. Let's begin with the Scream Of Fear, and we're gonna have it haunt us for the rest of our lives. And then let's go see The Great Escape, and spend our summer jumping our bikes, just like Steve McQueen over barb wire. And then let's catch The Seven Samurai for some reason on PBS, and we'll feel like we speak Japanese because we can read the subtitles and hear the language at the same time. And then let's lose sleep the night before we see 2001: A Space Odyssey because we have this idea that it's going to change forever the way we look at films. And then let's go see it four times in one year. And let's see Woodstock three times in one year and let's see Taxi Driver twice in one week. And let's see Close Encounters of the Third Kind just so we can freeze there in mid-popcorn. And when the kids are old enough, let's sit them together on the sofa and screen City Lights and Stage Coach and The Best Years of Our Lives and On The Waterfront and Midnight Cowboy and Five Easy Pieces and The Last Picture Show and Raging Bull and Schindler's List… so that they can understand how the human condition can be captured by this amalgam of light and sound and literature we call the cinema. ~ Tom Hanks
Walkley Bikes quotes by Tom Hanks
Cyclists thus found their hobby not as pleasant as it could be, to say the least, and the League of American Wheelmen committed to doing something about it. A year after Fisher opened his store, the league launched a magazine, Good Roads, that became an influential mouthpiece for road improvement. Its articles were widely reprinted, which attracted members who didn't even own bikes; at the group's peak, Fisher and more than 102,000 others were on the rolls, and the Good Roads Movement was too big for politicians to ignore. Yes, the demand for roads was pedal-powered, and a national cause even before the first practical American car rolled out of a Chicopee, Massachusetts, shop in 1893. A few months ahead of the Duryea Motor Wagon's debut, Congress authorized the secretary of agriculture to "make inquiry regarding public roads" and to investigate how they might be improved. ~ Earl Swift
Walkley Bikes quotes by Earl Swift
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