Vapoury Synonym Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Vapoury Synonym.

Quotes About Vapoury Synonym

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Modesty is related to diffidence, diffidence is related to shyness, Shyness is a synonym for timidity, timidity is a characteristic of the meek, the meek do not inherit the Earth, they serve those who are self confident and self assertive. ~ Dean Koontz
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Dean Koontz
contextualization is inevitable. As soon as you choose a language to speak in and particular words to use within that language, the culture-laden nature of words comes into play. We often think that translating words from one language to another is simple - it's just a matter of locating the synonym in the other language. But there are few true synonyms. The word God is translated into German as Gott - simple enough. But the cultural history of German speakers is such that the word Gott strikes German ears differently than the English word God strikes the ears of English speakers. It means something different to them. You may need to do more explanation if you are to give German speakers the same biblical concept of God that the word conveys to English speakers. ~ Timothy J. Keller
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Timothy J. Keller
It is permissible with certain precautions to speak in print of coitus, but it is not permissible to employ the monosyllabic synonym for this word. ~ Bertrand Russell
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Bertrand Russell
I entered the word "crisis" into, it suggested "hot potato" as a synonym. I could not write this book without letting you know that lists "hot potato" as a synonym for "crisis. ~ Aziz Ansari
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Aziz Ansari
Adjustment, that synonym for conformity that comes more easily to the modern tongue, is the theme of our swan song, the piper's tune to which we dance on the brink of the abyss, the siren's melody that destroys our senses and paralyzes our wills. ~ Robert M. Lindner
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Robert M. Lindner
The only people who ever called me were my dad, my brother, assorted Vaders to tell me to come early or late to work (including Sean, but he always sounded grumpy that he had to call me, so it wasn't as big a thrill as you'd think), Tammy to tell me to come early or late to tennis practice, and Frances. I glanced at the caller ID screen and clicked the phone on. "What's up, Fanny?"
From the time Mom died until I was eleven, Frances the au pair had hung out in the background of my life. Once Sean overheard someone calling her Fanny, whch apparently is a nickname for Frances. We found this shocking. I mean, who has a nickname that's a synonym for derriere? Who's named Frances in the first place? So the boys started calling her Fanny the Nanny. Then, Booty the Babysitter. Then, Butt I Don't Need a Governess. This had everything to do with the nickname Fanny and the fact that she tried not to get upset at being addressed in this undignified manner when she was trying to raise compassionate, responsible children. It had nothing to do with her having an outsized rumpus. Frances had a cute figure, if you could see it under all that hippie-wear. ~ Jennifer Echols
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Jennifer Echols
Is there another word for synonym? ~ George Carlin
Vapoury Synonym quotes by George Carlin
Everything turned on the word "we", a synonym for love, the thing that saves us all. ~ Marisa De Los Santos
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Marisa De Los Santos
Empathy has become a misused buzz-word. It is transformed into a catch all term for everything good as a synonym of the morality, kindness and compassion. It is frequently mistaken for sympathy, which means aligning yourself with someone suffering, not inhabiting it. ~ Pandora Sykes
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Pandora Sykes
'Unicorn Island' is the synonym for my happy place. It's a really beautiful message: that happiness is one of the hardest things you'll ever fight for, but it's the only thing worth fighting for. ~ Lilly Singh
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Lilly Singh
To deny the existence of races or to replace the word 'race' by a synonym, hoping to produce some effect on the question of racism, displays only bad faith and stupidity. ~ Andre Pichot
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Andre Pichot
To call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Arthur Schopenhauer
I really think happiness is very closely aligned with success, and may almost be an interchangeable synonym. Happiness (like success) also comes from doing what we feel called to do in life; however, it's also obvious no one can experience one without the other. ~ Donna Fargo
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Donna Fargo
If a man is only as good as his word,
then I want to marry a man with a vocabulary like yours.
The way you say dicey and delectable and octogenarian
in the same sentence - that really turns me on.
The way you describe the oranges in your backyard
using anarchistic and intimate in the same breath.

I would follow the legato and staccato of your tongue
wrapping around your diction
until listening become more like dreaming
and dreaming became more like kissing you.

I want to jump off the cliff of your voice
into the suicide of your stream of consciousness.
I want to visit the place in your heart where the wrong words die.
I want to map it out with a dictionary and points
of brilliant light until it looks more like a star chart
than a strategy for communication.
I want to see where your words are born.
I want to find a pattern in the astrology.

I want to memorize the scripts of your seductions.
I want to live in the long-winded epics of your disappointments,
in the haiku of your epiphanies.
I want to know all the names you've given your desires.
I want to find my name among them,

'cause there is nothing more wrecking sexy than the right word.
I want to thank whoever told you
there was no such thing as a synonym.
I want to throw a party for the heartbreak
that turned you into a poet.

And if ~ Mindy Nettifee
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Mindy Nettifee
Capitalism is not a synonym for free markets. ~ Richard A. Posner
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Richard A. Posner
The name Urdu, by which this language is usually known, is said to be of Turkish origin, and means literally "camp." But the Moghuls of India first introduced it in the precincts of the Imperial camp; so that as Urdu-i-muali (High or Supreme Camp) came to be a synonym for new Dehli after Shahjahan had made it his permanent capital, so Urdu-ki-zaban meant the lingua franca spoken at Dehli. ~ H.G. Keene
Vapoury Synonym quotes by H.G. Keene
Bedlam: an institution with a history so fearsome it gave its name to a synonym for chaos and pandemonium. ~ Jon Ronson
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Jon Ronson
I am an anarchist in politics and an impressionist in art as well as a symbolist in literature. Not that I understand what these terms mean, but I take them to be all merely synonyms of pessimist. ~ Henry Adams
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Henry Adams
I've never understood why the majority of human curses and insults refer to the erotic sphere. Sex is wonderful and associated with beauty, joy and pleasure. How can the names of the sexual organs be used as a vulgar synonym for ̶ ~ Andrzej Sapkowski
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Andrzej Sapkowski
Blessing: just another synonym for her existence ~ Ismaaciil C. Ubax
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Ismaaciil C. Ubax
There is no closer bond than the one that gratefulness celebrates, the bond between giver and thanksgiver. Everything is a gift. Grateful living is a celebration of the universal give-and-take of life, a limitless yes to belonging. Can our world survive without gratefulness? Whatever the answer, one thing is certain: to say an unconditional yes to the mutual belonging of all beings will make this a more joyful world. This is the reason why Yes is my favorite synonym for God. ~ David Steindl-Rast
Vapoury Synonym quotes by David Steindl-Rast
When someone uses the phrase 'the prick one', and you know immediately that this is a synonym for the word 'metaphorically', you are entitled to wonder whether you know the speaker too well. You are even entitled to wonder whether you should know her at all. ~ Nick Hornby
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Nick Hornby
The very fact we use the term "cold-blooded" as a synonym for "heartless" should tell you something about the innate bias we primates hold against reptiles. Do not judge other species by your own social norms. ~ Becky Chambers
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Becky Chambers
I am
Opposite of weak
Opposite of slack
Synonym of heat
Synonym of crack
Closest to the peak
Far from a punk
Y'all ought to stop talking
And start trying to catch up ~ Mike Shinoda
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Mike Shinoda
I feel so fortunate to be one of the lucky ones who is so grateful and appreciative to know such great synonyms for thankful. ~ Demetri Martin
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Demetri Martin
To share our independence, to me, is synonym with "maturity". Maturity means the combination of courage - to do something - and consideration - to stop doing that when it's required. Kind of like the gas and brake in a vehicle.
"To depend on Love isn't the same as to depend on a single person to feel that connection towards Love. The more Love that flows through any given relationship, the more love that can flow towards other relationships, in contrast, a lack of Love in a relationship calls us to look out for anything else that could make us feel connected, feel accepted.
"Most people aren't ready for the kind of commitment and dedication required to 'merge' in someone else while retaining their individuality, and after a very short time, they feel suffocated and abandon such relationship.
"In order to identify when we are receiving this energy from a particular - limited - individual, or when it is coming from Source, the Love that flows from Source is unlimited and increases constantly, whilst the other one needs constant recharge to continue to function. It's as clear as the difference between sunlight and a torchlight. ~ Nityananda Das
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Nityananda Das

Eva. Because her name is a synonym for temptation: what treads nearer to the core of man? Because her soul swims in her eyes. Because I dream of creeping through the velvet folds to her room, where I let myself in, hum her a tune so-so-so softly, she stands with her naked feet on mine, her ear to my heart, and we waltz like string puppets. After that kiss, she says, "Vous embrassez comme un poisson rouge!" and in moonlight mirrors we fall in love with our youth and beauty. Because all my life, sophisticated, idiotic women have taken it upon themselves to understand me, to cure me, but Eva knows I'm terra incognita and explores me unhurriedly, like you did. Because she's lean as a boy. Because her scent is almonds, meadow grass. Because if I smile at her ambition to be an Egyptologist, she kicks my shin under the table. Because she makes me think about something other than myself. Because even when serious she shines. Because she prefers travelogues to Sir Walter Scott, prefers Billy Mayerl to Mozart, and couldn't tell C major from a sergeant major. Because I, only I, see her smile a fraction before it reaches her face. Because Emperor Robert is not a good man - his best part is commandeered by his unperformed music - but she gives me that rarest smile, anyway. Because we listened to nightjars. Because her laughter spurts through a blowhole in the top of her head and sprays all over the morning. Because a man like me has no business with this substance "be ~ David Mitchell
Vapoury Synonym quotes by David Mitchell
Belgium! name unromantic and unpoetic, yet name that whenever uttered has in my ear a sound, in my heart an echo, such as no other assemblage of syllables, however sweet or classic, can produce. Belgium! I repeat the word, now as I sit alone near midnight. It stirs my world of the past like a summons to resurrection; the graves unclose, the dead are raised; thoughts, feelings, memories that slept, are seen by me ascending from the clods
haloed most of them
but while I gaze on their vapoury forms, and strive to ascertain definitely their outline, the sound which wakened them dies, and they sink, each and all, like a light wreath of mist, absorbed in the mould, recalled to urns, resealed in monuments. ~ Charlotte Bronte
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Charlotte Bronte
My mom does not exist anymore, and I cannot see my mother in myself. To me, the word "mother" is the synonym for the words "parting" or "separation" or "farewell." ~ Kim Hyesoon
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Kim Hyesoon
Everything-less. The lack of everything. Synonym to nothing. I am everything-less without you. ~ Aundrea Ascencio
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Aundrea Ascencio
In most languages, 'control' is the first synonym for the word 'manage.' Control is about spotting and correcting deviations from pre-defined standards; thus to control, one must first constrain. ~ Gary Hamel
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Gary Hamel
The first objection to Darwinism is that it is only a guess and was never anything more. It is called a 'hypothesis,' but the word 'hypothesis,' though euphonious, dignified and high-sounding, is merely a scientific synonym for the old-fashioned word 'guess.' If Darwin had advanced his views as a guess they would not have survived for a year, but they have floated for half a century, buoyed up by the inflated word 'hypothesis.' When it is understood that "hypothesis" means 'guess,' people will inspect it more carefully before accepting it. ~ William Jennings Bryan
Vapoury Synonym quotes by William Jennings Bryan
Then what's a synonym for woman?" "Entrails." "You're not very poetic, are you? Well, then, what's the antonym for entrails?" "Milk. ~ Osamu Dazai
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Osamu Dazai
Tolerance is not a synonym of Weakness ~ Satyendra Singh 'Shyamal'
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Satyendra Singh 'Shyamal'
Phoebe Hurty hired me to write copy for ads about teen aged clothes. I had to wear the clothes I praised. That was part of the job. And I became friends with her two sons, who were my age. I was over at their house all the time.

She would talk bawdily to me and her sons, and our girlfriends when we brought them around. She was funny. She was liberating. She taught us to be impolite in conversation not only about sexual matters, but about American history and famous heroes, about the distribution of wealth, about school, about everything.

I now make my living being impolite. I am clumsy at it. I keep trying to imitate the impoliteness which was so graceful in Phoebe Hurty. I think now that grace was easier for her than it is for me because of the mood of the Great Depression. She believed what so many Americans believed then: that the nation would be happy and just and rational when prosperity came.

I never hear that word anymore: Prosperity. It used to be a synonym for Paradise. And Phoebe Hurty was able to believe that the impoliteness she recommended would give shape to an American paradise.

Now her sort of impoliteness is in fashion. But nobody believes anymore in a new American paradise. I sure miss Phoebe Hurty. ~ Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
A brick could be used to say hello in a foreign language. Like most great words, it'd also have synonyms. One such synonym would be the word "Duck!" Not a Feathery Quack Maker, but Get down! ~ Jarod Kintz
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Jarod Kintz
The power of imagination makes us infinite. ~ John Muir
Vapoury Synonym quotes by John Muir
We're sick of hearing people say, "That band is so gay," or "Those guys are fags." Gay is not a synonym for shitty. If you wanna say something's shitty, say it's shitty. Stop being such homophobic assholes. ~ Pete Wentz
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Pete Wentz
Sisterhood is a powerful metaphor; it ought not become a synonym for groupthink. ~ Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Kathleen Hall Jamieson
How obvious can it be? ... The purpose of makeup is to defy the degradations of time, and time is just a synonym for death. ~ Dean Koontz
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Dean Koontz
Here's the point to be made - there are no synonyms. There are no two words that mean exactly the same thing. ~ Theodore Sturgeon
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Theodore Sturgeon
Ideation is not a synonym for innovation, conformity is not its simple antonym, and innovation is not the automatic consequence of "creative thinking.". ~ Theodore Levitt
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Theodore Levitt
Or ugsome, a late medieval word meaning loathsome or disgusting? It has lasted half a millennium in English, was a common synonym for horrid until well into the last century, and can still be found tucked away forgotten at the back of most unabridged dictionaries. Isn't it a shame to let it slip away? ~ Bill Bryson
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Bill Bryson
What I like most about change is that it's synonym for 'hope'. If you are taking a risk, what you are really saying is, 'I believe in tomorrow and I will be part of it. ~ Linda Ellerbee
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Linda Ellerbee
When men in power decide that things need to be rebalanced at any cost, the violence is never brief and never really directed solely at the imbalance that supposedly inspired it. The rule of law becomes the rule of violence. Revenge becomes a synonym for justice. No city is safe from such horror, no nation, no time in all of history. Be ready to recognize the moment. Be always ready. ~ Dean Koontz
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Dean Koontz
Observe, in politics, that the term extremism has become a synonym of "evil," regardless of the content of the issue (the evil is not what you are extreme about, but that you are "extreme" - i.e., consistent). ~ Ayn Rand
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Ayn Rand
Verbose is not a synonym for literary. ~ Constance Hale
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Constance Hale
How quickly all things disappear, in the universe the bodies themselves, but in time the remembrance of them; what is the nature of all sensible things, and particularly those which attract with the bait of pleasure or terrify by pain, or are noised abroad by vapoury fame; how worthless, and contemptible, and sordid, and perishable, and dead they are - all this it is the part of the intellectual faculty to observe. To ~ Marcus Aurelius
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Marcus Aurelius
I said what might have been a bad word meaning excrement, but I hope that I used a polite synonym. ~ Dean Koontz
Vapoury Synonym quotes by Dean Koontz
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