Tf Hodge Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Tf Hodge.

Quotes About Tf Hodge

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«Speaking the truth is like gulping a mouthful of brandy: it burns on my tongue, but a moment after my body feels warmer, looser, freer.» ~ Rosamund Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Rosamund Hodge
Whether it's social class status or your economic status, it is very evident that the top, if they get their way, will survive and be strong. They will lead those who are helpless, in many ways, to suffer. ~ Edwin Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Edwin Hodge
When spontaneous demoralizing thoughts seep into your conscience, don't trip ... allowing them to fester. These are random tests of your conviction and determination. Large or small, your reaction to such intrusions is a defining moment for which no one else, but you, can mitigate. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
Tonight you need to learn about your duties."
I know my duty, I wanted to say, but followed her silently. I had borne Aunt Telomache's preaching for years; it couldn't get any worse now.
"Your wifely duties," she added, opening the door to my room, and I realized that it could get infinitely worse. ~ Rosamund Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Rosamund Hodge
In opposition ... to all the suggestions of the devil, the sole, simple, and sufficient answer is the word of God. This puts to flight all the powers of darkness. ~ Charles Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Charles Hodge
The world seems to be witnessing a deluge of 'haterisms', and racist propaganda because evil's pain was born to die, and it's time of tyranny is near the end. Don't get caught up by the souls of wickedness; this ain't your fight. ~T.F. Hodge ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
Give up this dry discussion, this hodge-podge of philosophy. Who has been able to know God by reasoning? Even sages like Suka and Vyasa are at best like big ants trying to carry away a few grains of sugar from a large hea ~ Sarada Devi
Tf Hodge quotes by Sarada Devi
Think about rethinking what you're thinking, before speaking the thought you were thinking, and cause unintended consequences for speaking what you probably shouldn't have been thinking. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
Dinnertime!" It was Isabelle, standing framed in the door of the library. She still had the spoon in her hand, though her hair had escaped from its bun and was straggling down her neck. "Sorry if I'm interrupting," she added, as an afterthought.
"Dear God," said Jace, "the dread hour is nigh."
Hodge looked alarmed. "I - I - I had a very filling breakfast," he stammered. "I mean lunch. A filling lunch. I couldn't possibly eat - "
"I threw out the soup," Isabelle said. "And ordered Chinese from that place downtown."
Jace unhitched himself from the desk and stretched. "Great. I'm starved."
"I might be able to eat a bite," admitted Hodge meekly. ~ Cassandra Clare
Tf Hodge quotes by Cassandra Clare
I hope you aren't planning to order me back to bed."
"No, you have far too much crockery at your disposal. ~ Rosamund Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Rosamund Hodge
Those who do not succeed do not believe in their ability to exercise the potential power to forge beyond perceptions of limitations. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
The illusion, as ego suggests, is that it's about time - mechanical mind; it is not. It is, however, all about conscious space - something [the] soul has always known. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
Bravado may stir the crowd, but courage needs no audience. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
Death follows stagnation ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
The best evidence of the Bible's being the word of God is to be found between its covers. It proves itself. ~ Charles Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Charles Hodge
A King and Queen cannot support a crown with eyes looking down. Their universe expands as far as you can see. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
A leader learned to follow, and serves the followers who are learning to lead. ~T.F. Hodge ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
The positive vibrations of unregulated joy, peace, happiness and tranquility is freedom. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
The beauty of inspiration is its unpredictable timing. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
Smile, until the pain is no longer controlling your emotions. ~ Angela Y. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Angela Y. Hodge
Having beef with someone is unnecessary and avoidable. Whatever the issue, if not positive, it is an opportunity to cut the excess fat from an unhealthy dietary network. Simply excuse yourself from the table of negativity and lean forward in peace. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
The eye of judgment sees at a distance what it refuses to see in it's own reflection. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
If soul does not evolve it is dead ... even if its body still breathes. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
It's got you thinking - you've never really known anyone who's died of natural causes, have you? Parents and grandparents, plus friends and neighbors and casual lovers, they've all left you too early, and in such ghastly ways. Cancers and violence, accidents and congenital defects, aneurysms of the brain and psyche. You've heard of people who've slipped peacefully away in their sleep, or in their favorite easy chairs, after ripe octogenarian lives, but suspect they must be mythical, in the company of unicorns and mermaids. If you didn't know better, you'd think there was a deliberate methodology behind it all, a gradual pattern of calamity spiraling inward until, at last, you're the only one left to be dealt with. You could be expected to think that, but don't, because you still keep your wits about you, thank god - So to speak. ~ Brian Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Brian Hodge
Circumstance points to deeper meaning. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
Sustained negative flashbacks can stir a heart attack. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
CAPITALISM: If everything worked without need of repair, upgrade or replacement, then peaceful minds and prosperity would prevail among the masses rather than just the few who control markets. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
First sons and daughters seduced to play and party 'til it was too late to realize they were being lead to the slaughter. They discounted the law of moderation. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
When you mix with the wrong energy, there's bound to be an explosion. Pay attention and switch lanes when the signal changes. What's really real, is ultimately revealed. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
One of my favorite things to do within horror is explore this feeling that a lot of people seem to have from time to time, of there being currents of another reality running beneath, or alongside, what we see and interact with every day. ~ Brian Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Brian Hodge
Why are you here?"
"'Here' as in your bedroom, or 'here' as in the great, spiritual question of our purpose here on this planet? If you're asking me whether this is all some cosmic coincidence or if there's a greater meta-ethical purpose to life, well, that's a puzzler for the ages. I mean, modern-day reductionism is clearly a fallacious argument, but-,"
-"I'm going back to bed."
-"I'm here because Hodge reminded me it's your birthday. ~ Cassandra Clare
Tf Hodge quotes by Cassandra Clare
When the word is heard consult the source, and beware the messenger. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
Being thankful for and celebrating what is attracts more of what can and will be. ~ T.F. Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by T.F. Hodge
If all Church power vests in the clergy, then the people are practically bound to passive obedience in all matters of faith and practice; for all right of private judgment is then denied. ~ Charles Hodge
Tf Hodge quotes by Charles Hodge
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