Tadhgh Rainey Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Tadhgh Rainey.

Quotes About Tadhgh Rainey

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She reached for the milk and honey soap, then poured it into the puff, but when she started washing him with it, he chuckled.
"Uh, sweetheart?"
"Hmm?" Candice mumbled as she stared at some interesting spot on his arm.
"Real men don't use puffs," he said, amused and turned on by having Candice's undivided attention.
She finally managed to drag her gaze away from his forearm and stared at him as if he'd lost his mind. "You can't be serious?" When he only shrugged, she rolled her eyes. "What does it matter what I use, so long as you're clean?"
"It matters, believe me." Blade knew he sounded absurd but he couldn't help it. It was bad enough he'd let her put bandages on a few measly cuts; if word got out he'd let her use a peach-colored puff and milk-and-honey bath soap he'd never hear the end of it.
A man had to put his foot down somewhere. ~ Anne Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Anne Rainey
My favorite movies growing up were things like 'The Wizard of Oz,' but as I got older, I really began to admire people like Steven Soderbergh. ~ Rainey Qualley
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Rainey Qualley
I believe that time period was a gift of God's grace. I have no other way to explain why I did not die or suffer permanently disabling seizures. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
People who say that small things don't bother them have never slept in a room with a mosquito. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
Wade sighed. "I'll never understand why women wear bras to start with. They look uncomfortable as hell."
"They're not that bad."
"Turn around so I can fasten the damn thing for you."
She refused to let go. Suddenly it seemed important to do this one small task alone. "I can do it, Wade. I need to get used to doing things with this cast."
He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her struggle. "Is it so hard to ask for help from me, Gracie?"
She tried the two small hooks once more, but failed to get them both attached. "No, it's just that I'm not used to people offering, I guess."
He moved around her and helped fasten the contrary hook. When she turned to tell him thanks, he placed his finger over her lips and murmured, "If you thank me, I'll spank you. Knowing I haven't been able to catch your stalker, that he broke into your home and trashed your things and I wasn't able to stop him makes me feel as fucking useless as tits on a bull. The least I can do is fasten your bra. ~ Anne Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Anne Rainey
NO" is a complete sentence. It does not require an explanation to follow. You can truly answer someone's request with a simple No. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
I wanted to live more than I wanted to die. I didn't know how to live. I didn't know how I would be able to live life on life's terms. But I know God carried me to the end of that journey so I could start a new one. In those few days, God brought me to the point of willingness again, to start down a path with an unknown destination. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
Extreme emotional pain has a profound effect on the body. I witnessed my already frail body become even more toxic and plundered. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
The man who claims he's never done anything courageous doesn't understand what courage really is. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
Too many of us are afraid to slow down because then we would have to take a good look at how we're using our time and what we're becoming. We don't want to listen to that other voice deep inside, telling us something is not right. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
Like a young eaglet that gets pushed out of the nest at the appropriate time, a young man must learn to fly on his own. If the nest is too cushy, if all of his creature comforts are there for his enjoyment, then he may set up his high-definition television and perch for a while. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
I can't cure anyone. I can't guarantee they will heal. I can only tell them my story, remind them that they are not alone in their journey and offer a glimmer of hope for healing. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
Marriage is not a private experiment, littered with prenuptial agreements & an attitude of 'Try me! If it doesn't work, you can always bail out!' Marriage isn't a social contract - something you 'do' for as long as you both shall 'love.' Marriage is a sacred covenant between 1 man & 1 woman & their God for a lifetime. It's a public vow of how you will relate to your spouse as you form a new family unit. ~ D. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by D. Rainey
Near beliefs are to blame for a new brand of Christianity that is epidemic in our homes and churches-a faith that has little flavor, little light and little influence. When near beliefs are our only source of motivation, tough stands are never taken, feathers are never ruffled, and absolutes are held very loosely. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
I remember thinking I wanted to die rather than live through another February day of grayness; I didn't tell anyone because I knew it wasn't normal. And normal was all I ever wanted to be. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
I'm afraid too many of us Christians don't know what we really believe. Like a cork in the ocean, driven and tossed by the waves, we bounce from opinion to opinion ... We've become activity junkies, seldom stopping long enough to decide what really matters to us, too busy to determine what's really worth living for, let alone worth dying for. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
Did you really think you could quit?" He moved closer, his steps slow, purposeful. "Just fax me a damned piece of paper and I'd be forced to let you walk away from me?"
"You don't have a choice." Lydia swallowed the lump in her throat and moved around the chair. Putting furniture between them seemed like a smart idea. "I quit, end of story."
"The hell it is," he growled as he stopped and crossed his arms over his chest. "I've given you space, Lydia, but it's time we talk."
"There's nothing to say."
He pointedly glanced at the chair and quirked a brow. "Afraid, little Lydia?"
Afraid of her own ability to keep her hands off him, yeah. "You don't scare me, Dane. You'd never hurt me."
"Then quit acting so skittish and come here. ~ Anne Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Anne Rainey
With each challenging situation, each nightmare - each new piece of grit embraced and transformed - I came through with a more loving family, deeper friendships, and an even more profound relationship with God. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
Most of all, I remember her laughing. It filled my ears. Her smile, her sparkling eyes, and her infectious laughter, along with the vistas, were limitless and unending and powerful. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
When you read the words of Langston Hughes you are reading the words of a Black Gay man. When you read the words of Alice Dunbar-Nelson and Angelina Weld Grimké, poets of the Harlem Renaissance, you are reading the words of Black Lesbians. When you listen to the life-affirming voices of Bessie Smith and Ma Rainey, you are hearing Black Lesbian women. When you see the plays and read the words of Lorraine Hansberry, you are reading the words of a women who loved women deeply. ~ Audre Lorde
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Audre Lorde
My body craved sunshine; winter felt like an addict's withdrawal. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
Your marriage moves toward a state of isolation. Unless you lovingly and energetically nurture your marriage, you will begin to drift away from your mate. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
People don't have ideas, ideas have people. ~ Paul B. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Paul B. Rainey
Dylan Landis knows how to unnerve a reader, even as she's appreciating being unnerved. Rainey Royal thrums with sex and power. A brave, exquisite book. ~ Mary Kay Zuravleff
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Mary Kay Zuravleff
I knew if I stayed where I was, nothing would get better; nothing would change. If I wanted to ease the pain, I had to try something different. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
No one gave me the secret decoder ring on how to make friends. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
I can't tell my future, so I'm going to tell my past. ~ Ma Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Ma Rainey
Heather leaned toward me and placed a soothing hand on my knee. "It'll be fine, sweetie. You'll see."
"I've never done anything like this. What if I can't go through with it? I'll feel like such a dolt."
"I won't let that happen. Once I get you warmed up, you'll forget all these silly insecurities. And I'd bet my favorite dildo that the instant you see Blake in the buff, you'll be damn glad you followed through on this little plan. ~ Anne Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Anne Rainey
When I left my first marriage, I left the insanity, the indifference, the negativity. In my world, LOVE MUST WIN. It can't just be the answer. It must conquer all evil, all hatred, all indifference. Yes, Love is the always the answer, no matter the question. But Love always wins. Love always conquers (if we allow it). ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
The Aramaic word for "forgive" means literally to "untie." Hatred and anger had bound me to my pain. The fastest way to free the self from an enemy and all associated negativity is to forgive. Untie those bindings; free yourself from that person's ugliness. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
I have learned through repeated experiences that in order to heal, I MUST forgive. The forgiveness is not for the transgressor. The forgiveness is for ME. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
I've never quite mastered the art of holding my liquor," she replied. He watched her root around in her purse a moment, before pulling out a tube of lip balm.
As Jonas watched her apply it, he nearly got distracted from her answer. Leaning forward, Jonas murmured, "Can't hold your liquor, huh?"
She replaced the cap and dropped it back into her purse. "Not so much. I tend to get a bit too happy."
His eyebrows shot up and his cock came to full-alert status. Happy--he liked the sound of that. "And that's a bad thing?"
To his utter shock, Deanna blushed. "In my case it is."
Curiosity got the better of him. "Care to explain?"
The waiter returned with the check, forcing Jonas to drop the conversation while he fished out his credit card. Once they were alone again, Jonas waited, hoping Deanna would go into more detail. She didn't disappoint him. "All my inhibitions disappear. It's not a comfortable feeling for me."
She was killing him. An immediate picture of a carefree Deanna sprang to mind. He liked it a hell of a lot. "Most people enjoy letting it all hang out every once in a while. Taking life too seriously leads to an early grave."
"Maybe, but if I suddenly develop the urge, I'd rather be coherent."
"You don't like to give up control," he surmised.
She cocked her head to the side, as if unsure how to respond at first. "It's not that," she said. "I guess if I'm in the mood to go romping naked through a forest, for example, then ~ Anne Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Anne Rainey
I am, by God's design, a "feeler." Everything in the world I interpret with my feelings. I am hyper-sensitive to others' hurtful words. I find it almost impossible to let what others say "just roll off my back." I personalize too much of what anyone says to me. This is definitely not a good characteristic, but it is how God created me. I have worked very hard through the years to change this, with very little success. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
I think I was probably an early teenager when I discovered Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey and a bunch of people that are on a long list of artists. They were important to me, especially as an early adolescent. ~ Madeleine Peyroux
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Madeleine Peyroux
One of the tragedies of our day is that too many boys are growing up without guidance of a father, or another man, to show them what it looks like to do away with that boyhood stuff. As a result, they often move into adolescence and then adulthood looking like men but still speaking, reasoning, and behaving like boys. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
It is important for me to focus on positive actions taken to heal instead of beating myself up over what I did wrong each day. It shifts my perspective, thus making my body and mind more hospitable places for healing and positive energy. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
Initiative is the essence of manhood. Noting comes to the man who is passive, except failure. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
This is where life as I knew it changed. This is where a new feeling slowly, eventually, permeated every cell of my body, changing the way I took in the world. My perceptions, opinions, everything changed the year I moved from Texas to Virginia. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
Why did I want to die? Because living was just so damn hard, even at age 10. When all I had to do was get up in the morning and go to school, it was more than drudgery; it was excruciating. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
She brought her elbow
backward and connected with Rand's ribs. He swore and released her.
She whirled on him. "That's for being so arrogant!"
Rand advanced on her, and the grin on his face wasn't at all reassuring. She took one step
back, then turned to sprint into the bathroom, when a pair of hands caught her and slung her over
a hard muscled shoulder.
"Put me down right now!" She screamed as she pummeled his back. "You are the most
annoying, selfish, barbaric, horny man I know, Rand Miller!"
He set her back on her feet inside the bathroom, then cupped her chin in his palm. "You
are the most gorgeous, intelligent, feisty woman I know, Lucy Flemming."
Lucy narrowed her eyes. What was he up to now? "Flattery won't help you out of this
"It's not flattery. It's the truth," he murmured as he leaned close to her ear. "And, baby?"
"Yes?" she answered, her voice nearly inaudible as his nearness began to override her
"I'd better be the only horny man you know. ~ Anne Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Anne Rainey
But I have one more thing to tell you, Samael. Something that is more important than what any of us want. Listen to me. The last thing Gabriel told me is that during the Tribulation, you will have a mission." ... "She wants you to kill someone. To kill the Antichrist that has risen in your stead. ~ Phillip W. Simpson
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Phillip W. Simpson
No patriotism is genuine that is merely partisan or provincial. ~ William Rainey Harper
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by William Rainey Harper
Without core convictions to help us navigate, we stand uneasily on shifting sand, and we lack the solid footing with which to stage a life of principle and character. Today is a call to biblical conviction ... What is needed today is a battalion of believers who follow Christ and stand for Him and His truth. ~ Dennis Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Dennis Rainey
I think the important thing to understand first and foremost about Michael Jackson is that he was the international emblem of the African American blues spiritual impulse that goes back through slavery - Jim Crow, Jane Crow, up to the present moment, through a Louis Armstrong, through a Ma Rainey, through a Bessie Smith, all the way to John Coltrane, Aretha Franklin and Nina Simone. ~ Cornel West
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Cornel West
I had to clear up my messy life. By letting go of the debris and filth, I have come to a deeper, more soulful beauty and clarity like an oasis in the desert. From that place of clarity, a vision of what I could have, what I could do, who I could be has emerged if I allow my heart to become a place of compassion, acceptance and forgiveness. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
I was desperately searching for something to make sense; for the world to connect back with me. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
I call it an Aha! moment. It is the moment when I can hear, when I know, that an answer is being offered to me. All other sounds measurably fade, including the banter in my brain. It is when the answer travels from my heart to my head and says, "This is so." No questions follow, no objections interrupt; just the recognition that I must listen and follow. ~ Sharon E. Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Sharon E. Rainey
If you can get life outta love, you should die trying to get love outta life. ~ Shane Rainey
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Shane Rainey
I am honored to be selected as the 2012 Miss Golden Globe. It's very exciting to be a part of an awards show like the Golden Globes so early on in my career. ~ Rainey Qualley
Tadhgh Rainey quotes by Rainey Qualley
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