Sheirah Kay Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Sheirah Kay.

Quotes About Sheirah Kay

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If there's one lesson that I've been taught it is that when it comes to the bad, everyone wants to be a drop in the ocean. Insignificant and without fault. They want to be a drop instead of the straw that breaks the camel's back. ~ Kay Whitley
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Whitley
When life kicks you, let it kick you forward. ~ Kay Yow
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Yow
Her parents, she said, has put a pinball machine inside her head when she was five years old. The red balls told her when she should laugh, the blue ones when she should be silent and keep away from other people; the green balls told her that she should start multiplying by three. Every few days a silver ball would make its way through the pins of the machine. At this point her head turned and she stared at me; I assumed she was checking to see if I was still listening. I was, of course. How could one not? The whole thing was bizarre but riveting. I asked her, What does the silver ball mean? She looked at me intently, and then everything went dead in her eyes. She stared off into space, caught up in some internal world. I never found out what the silver ball meant. ~ Kay Redfield Jamison
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Redfield Jamison
My intention has been, often, to say what I had to say in a way that would exemplify it; that would, conceivably, permit the listener to experience what I had to say rather than just hear about it. - John Cage ~ Kay Larson
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Larson
We spend a lot of time talking about the unfairness of how our toxic musculine society forces us to be ashamed of embracing romance novels. Yet we buy our books in secret. It's time we practice what we preach. ~ Lyssa Kay Adams
Sheirah Kay quotes by Lyssa Kay Adams
My world was the size of a crayon box, and it took every colour to draw her ~ Sarah Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sarah Kay
How strange, that when you are away, I reach for my cell phone's buzz as if it were your hand. Each shiver in my pocket, a way to find you. ~ Sarah Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sarah Kay
When people are suicidal, their thinking is paralyzed, their options appear spare or nonexistent, their mood is despairing, and hopelessness permeates their entire mental domain. The future cannot be separated from the present, and the present is painful beyond solace. 'This is my last experiment,' wrote a young chemist in his suicide note. 'If there is any eternal torment worse than mine I'll have to be shown. ~ Kay Redfield Jamison
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Redfield Jamison
Thank you for a lovely weekend.
They tell me it rained. ~ Kay Redfield Jamison
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Redfield Jamison
One man sees a riselka: his life forks there.
 Two men see a riselka: one of them shall die.
 Three men see a riselka: one is blessed, one forks, one shall die.

One woman sees a riselka: her path comes clear to her.
 Two women see a riselka: one of them shall bear a child.
 Three women see a riselka: one is blessed, one is clear, one shall bear a child. ~ Guy Gavriel Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Guy Gavriel Kay
Perhaps the greatest lesson she'd learned was that the quality of one's relationships had less to do with time spent together than with the manner in which it was spent. ~ Linda Kay Silva
Sheirah Kay quotes by Linda Kay Silva
Her extremely posh eight year-old asks her a question about the economy (!), and before she answers it, she asks her extremely posh five year-old "Do you know what the economy is, darling?"

"Yes mummy, it's the part of the plane that's terrible".

This is how revolutions start. ~ Adam Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Adam Kay
I've fucked more women in my almost forty years than I could count, but I have always preferred men when it comes to sex. I like to fuck and I occasionally like to be fucked. ~ Candi Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Candi Kay
If she pleaded not guilty, David said she could suggest that the boy had been the agressor, or maybe it was all some teenage fantasy that went too far. Maybe the sex never really happened. Mary Kay saw that scenario as ridiculous. Almost laughable. She didn't think it would work. "I'm carrying his baby," she said.
Scratch that. ~ Gregg Olsen
Sheirah Kay quotes by Gregg Olsen
A novel in progress doesn't have a clear, forward process. It's messy, like a beloved, balky child. ~ Kay Kenyon
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Kenyon
When I listen to Radio 1 and hear five different tracks in a row using old disco samples, well that's plagiarism, that's taking other people's music. ~ Jay Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Jay Kay
There is nothing worse than an enemy with imagination. ~ Sharon Kay Penman
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sharon Kay Penman
When energy is profoundly dissipated, the ability to think is clearly eroded, and the capacity to actively engage in the efforts and pleasures of life is fundamentally altered, then depression becomes an illness rather than a temporary or existential state. ~ Kay Redfield Jamison
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Redfield Jamison
It's quiet in the suburbs. It's too cold for people to be in their gardens; and it's not a thoroughfare so few cars drive by. I look past decaying roses and through the first flush of Michelmas daisies, blazing a glorious purple, into the darkened windows of the houses we walk by. Who lives here? Are they watching us? Did one of our neighbours do something seven years ago that he now regrets? How little we know of the people who surround us. ~ Sanjida Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sanjida Kay
No one knows the origins of their metal coat hangers. ~ Peter Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Peter Kay
Some paths, some doorways, some people were not to be yours, though the slightest difference in the rippling of time might have made it so. ~ Guy Gavriel Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Guy Gavriel Kay
And somewhere in between then and now irony slipped its way into my vocabulary. Laughter became the antidote for guilt. Sacrifice grew to be a Band-Aid for shame. ~ Sarah Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sarah Kay
Composure and self-restraint were not only desirable characteristics in a woman, they were essental.
As my mother put it later, it was bad enough having to worry yourself sick every time your husband went up in an airplane; now, she was being told, she was also supposed to feel responsible if his plane crashed. Anger and discontent, lest they kill, were to be kept to oneself. The military, even more so than the rest of society, clearly put a premium on well-behaved, genteel, and even-tempered women. ~ Kay Redfield Jamison
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Redfield Jamison
You are the only boss you have. And I want you to be the most demanding boss that you can be. If you really want to make a success of this business, then you must put yourself on a schedule. ~ Mary Kay Ash
Sheirah Kay quotes by Mary Kay Ash
For our country to be safe from terrorists we must stabilize Iraq and show that it can be done and take out these terrorist organizations who would harm Americans. Our freedom is at stake here. ~ Kay Bailey Hutchison
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Bailey Hutchison
I was sitting on my mom's lap across from my father to see Kay Thompson at Ciro's. And I always remember this energy force, this woman flying around the room and singing these harmonies so everyone went, 'Wow!' So I thought, 'That's what I want to do.' ~ Liza Minnelli
Sheirah Kay quotes by Liza Minnelli
Katerina, stop! Or I'll shoot!"
"Then fucking shoot!"
"Okay, I'm gonna shoot you in the ankle, okay? They say that's the safest place."
"Don't shoot me, just go home."
"I can't! Okay, I'm gonna shoot you now, and then when I do, just stay down, okay?"
"Why are you so weird?! If you are going to shot, then fucking shoot!"
"O-kay! Are you ready?!"
She goes down.
I run up to her, bleeding out the side of her calf.
"Oh, I meant to hit a little lower, actually."
She gets up. I think she actually believes she's going to catch up with these guys. Gunshot and all.
I kick her in the chest.
"This is interesting friendship. ~ Andrea Portes
Sheirah Kay quotes by Andrea Portes
Never forget, your family should always have priority over your work. ~ Mary Kay Ash
Sheirah Kay quotes by Mary Kay Ash
When Autumn was born, it was as if she recognized her, as if she'd always known that it would be her, this little person who had come to live with her and reside permanently in her heart. It was a love unlike any other: fierce and powerful. ~ Sanjida Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sanjida Kay
I wanted to play the part that Mary Kay played, the lawyer who wanted to have baby and felt her clock ticking, because it was something I could relate to. ~ JoBeth Williams
Sheirah Kay quotes by JoBeth Williams
The difference between a confident person and an unconfident person is simply that the confident person acts on their ambitions and desires and doesn't let fear of failure stop them. ~ Katty Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Katty Kay
I lived in Meadowbrook. I went to church at Meadowbrook United Methodist Church. I went to school at Meadowbrook Elementary School and then Meadowbrook Middle School. I learned to dance at Meadowbrook Country Club. All those things grounded me in one place and I think most of Fort Worth is just like the area I grew up in. ~ Kay Granger
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Granger
We've schemed and fought and loved until we are so entangled in hearts and minds that there is no way to set us free. God help us both, Harry, for we will never be rid of each other. Not even death will do that. ~ Sharon Kay Penman
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sharon Kay Penman
Because the privacy of my nightmare had been of my own designing, no one close to me had any real idea of the psychological company I had been keeping. ~ Kay Redfield Jamison
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay Redfield Jamison
But unfortunately the depth of the lows is the price you pay for the height of the highs. ~ Adam Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Adam Kay
Collect stimulus, draw them. Focus, find out as much as you can. Stimulate yourself. ~ Kay WalkingStick
Sheirah Kay quotes by Kay WalkingStick
I moved to roll over on my hands and knees but he stopped me.

"No. I want to see your face while I'm making love to you. ~ Candi Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Candi Kay
Oh, she could get lost for days in here, Irena thought as she took in the towering shelves of the library. If only she could. ~ Lyssa Kay Adams
Sheirah Kay quotes by Lyssa Kay Adams
All he wanted was enough time to consider all his options without being dragged into his household's petty squabbles or being nagged by his wife about that damnable pilgrimage. Was that so much to ask?
Apparently so, for he'd yet to find a peaceful moment at Caen, not with Marguerite sulking and Aimar lurking and Will acting put-upon and Geoff wanting to lay plans and Richard strutting around as if he were the incarnation of Roland and poor Tilda grieving over Maman's absence and his father refusing to heed any voice but his own. ~ Sharon Kay Penman
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sharon Kay Penman
She couldn't tell how long she'd been searching for her daughter.
It was dusk, but it had seemed darker as she ran through the wood, tripping on hooked tree roots, her feet crunching through crisp, curled ash leaves. ~ Sanjida Kay
Sheirah Kay quotes by Sanjida Kay
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