Pagmamahal Na Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Pagmamahal Na.

Quotes About Pagmamahal Na

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Love when you can, and fight when you must, but stand together and never give up, not to the enemy, and not on each other. ~ Alex E. Carey
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Alex E. Carey
A man's perspective is limited by the brevity of his existence.
Even living deliberately, how far up can we reach?
Standing on our miniscule patch of time, how far into the future can we see? How much of the past can one truly understand?

Yet, only a recreant spends their precious drops of sand before dropping back
into the abyss lounging in indulgence, not striving for understanding, knowledge,
answers that those of us
scourged/consecrated with consciousness
should seek with unconquerable passion. ~ Alpha Four
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Alpha Four
When Life Hands You Lemonds Make Lemonade ~ Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Na
Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win. ~ Jeffrey Gitomer
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Jeffrey Gitomer
Na Arean sat alone in space as a cloud that floats in nothingness. He slept not, for there was no sleep; he hungered not, for as yet there was no hunger. So he remained for a great while, until a thought came to his mind. He said to himself, I will make a thing. ~ Carl Sagan
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Carl Sagan
Tahiya hote pavan nahin pani, tahiya srishti kown utpati;
tahiya hote kali nahin phula, tahiya hote garbh nahi mula;
tahiya hote vidya nahin Veda, tahiya hote shabd nahin swada;
tahiya hote pind nahin basu,
nahin dhar dharni na pavan akasu;
tahiya hote guru nahin chela, gamya agamya na panth duhela.
Sakhi: avigati ki gati ka kahown, jake gawn na thawn
gun bihuna pekhana, ka kahi lijai nawn
In that state there is no air or water, and no creation or creator; There is no bud or flower, and no fetus or semen; There is no education or Vedas, and no word or taste; There is no body or settlement, and no earth, air or space; There is no guru or disciple, and no easy or difficult path.
Sakhi: That state is very strange. I cannot explain it. It has no village or resting place. That state is without gunas (qualities). What name can on give it? ~ Kabir
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Kabir
It's always tough when you're fighting with your husband on the court. ~ Li Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Li Na
Lucia opened the door. "They say not to discuss politics and religion on the first date."
"Well, then." I gave her a huge smile. "We're screwed. ~ Jennifer Lane
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Jennifer Lane
When you love someone it feels like their blood runs through your veins, their breath fills your lungs, their heart makes yours beat, and without them everything stops."
"Fuck. That sounds tragic."
Tell me about it. "It is." I bend to kiss him again, this time on the forehead. "But it's worth it. ~ D.R. Graham
Pagmamahal Na quotes by D.R. Graham
The problem is, lahat na lang kasi ng pelikula pinipilit gawing pampamilya. one size fits all. kaya tuloy ang material for movies nagiging too mature for kids and too cheesy for adults. ~ Bob Ong
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Bob Ong
I have no life there if you're not in it. You're part of everything good I've ever done, Ryen. Please. ~ Penelope Douglas
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Penelope Douglas
Porridge is our soup, our grits, our sustenance, so it's pretty much the go-to for breakfast. For the first time, I ate with a bunch of other Taiwanese-Chinese kids my age who knew what the hell they were doing. Even at Chinese school, there were always kids that brought hamburgers, shunned chopsticks, or didn't get down with the funky shit. They were like faux-bootleg-Canal Street Chinamen.
That was one of the things that really annoyed me about growing up Chinese in the States. Even if you wanted to roll with Chinese/Taiwanese kids, there were barely any around and the ones that were around had lost their culture and identity. They barely spoke Chinese, resented Chinese food, and if we got picked on by white people on the basketball court, everyone just looked out for themselves. It wasn't that I wanted people to carry around little red books to affirm their "Chinese-ness," but I just wanted to know there were other people that wanted this community to live on in America. There was on kid who wouldn't eat the thousand-year-old eggs at breakfast and all the other kids started roasting him.
"If you don't get down with the nasty shit, you're not Chinese!"
I was down with the mob, but something left me unsettled. One thing ABCs love to do is compete on "Chinese-ness," i.e., who will eat the most chicken feet, pig intestines, and have the highest SAT scores. I scored high in chick feet, sneaker game, and pirated good, but relatively low on the SAT. I had made Na ~ Eddie Huang
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Eddie Huang
Did you say you were going into Tir Na Nog? Lemme guess - you met with our lovely queen, she threatened to turn you into lemurs or something ridiculous and then she told you to go complete some ludicrously impossible task for her. Am I right?" When we nodded, he shook his head. "I thought so. Well, you know what this means, don't you?"
"Yes." Keirran's eyes were hard as he faced Puck, his expression one of grim determination. "We have to find a way into Winter. ~ Julie Kagawa
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Julie Kagawa
You start out performing because it's fun, then you learn more things and you want to do more than go "Na-na-na-na" on a stage. The production end is interesting, writing is interesting, and you learn to coordinate all these things. ~ Grace Slick
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Grace Slick
You're right: if there's sentient life behind the border, it probably won't share my goals. Unlike the people in this room, who all want exactly the same things in life as I do, and have precisely the same tastes in food, art, music, and sex. Unlike the people of Schur, and Cartan, and Zapata - who I came here in the hope of protecting, after losing my own home - who doubtless celebrate all the same festivals, delight in the same songs and stories, and gather every fortieth night to watch actors perform the same plays, in the same language, from the same undisputed canon, as the people I left behind.

"If there's sentient life behind the border, of course we couldn't empathize with it. These creatures are unlikely to possess cute mammalian neonate faces, or anything else we might mistake for human features. None of us could have the imagination to get over such insurmountable barriers, or the wit to apply such difficult abstractions as the General Intelligence theorem - though since every twelve-year-old on my home world was required to master that result, it must be universally known on this side of the border.

"You're right: we should give up responsibility for making any difficult moral judgments, and surrender to the dictates of natural selection. Evolution cares so much about our happiness that no one who's obeyed an inherited urge has ever suffered a moment's regret for it. History is full of joyful case studies of people who followed their na ~ Greg Egan
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Greg Egan
Part of me was slightly pissed off that this kiss with him hadn't happened sooner. As in years ago sooner. Because this one little kiss - it literally rocked my world. He was morphine and I was an instant addict. ~ Sarah Darlington
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Sarah Darlington

Ailith: A-lith ("noble war"; "ascending, rising")
Andriana: An-dree-ana, or Dree, for "Dri" ("warrior")
Asher: Ash-er ("happy one")
Azarel: Ah-zah-rell ("helper")
Bellona: Bell-oh-na ("warlike")
Chaza'el: Chazah-ell ("one who sees")
Kapriel: Kah-pree-ell (variant of "warrior")
Keallach: Key-lock ("battle")
Killian: Kill-ee-un ("little warrior"--though he's not so little in my novel!)
Raniero: Rah-near-oh ("wise warrior")
Ronan: Row-nun ("little seal"; I know. Not as cool, right? But he was named Duncan at first draft and I had to change it due to publisher request, and "Ronan" sounded like a medieval, cool warrior name to me. I overlooked the real translation in favor of the man he became in my story. And that guy, to my mind, is more like a warrior, with the spray of the sea upon his face as he takes on the storm--which is like a seal!)
Tressa: Tre-sah ("late summer")
Vidar: Vee-dar ("forest warrior") ~ Lisa Tawn Bergren
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Lisa Tawn Bergren
But listen well. In Tir na nOg, because there is no sorrow, there is no joy.
Do you hear the meaning of the seachain's song? ~ Alexandra Ripley
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Alexandra Ripley
It was a big decision to leave the system because many people said I would fail. ~ Li Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Li Na
I'm like Madonna: I'm Ming-Na. Just my first and middle name. That's it. Pure and simple. ~ Ming-Na Wen
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Ming-Na Wen
Yu Na Kim, Mao Asada, Carolina Kostner - all these girls can do triple-triples in their sleep, and they have the skating skills and the spins and the rest of the technical jumps. So I have to have that as well if I want to be able to call myself 'competitive' against them. And when I say 'competitive,' I mean I want to win. ~ Ashley Wagner
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Ashley Wagner
I think on 'ER,' my other long-running show, I had some ideas about what's going on. 'Stargate Universe,' they were kind of secretive too a little bit about what they wanted to do, but I kind of liked working this way. I like the surprises, and I like knowing just enough to work on the character. ~ Ming-Na Wen
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Ming-Na Wen
St. Clair: So did you enjoy the book?
Anna: I did. Did you?
St. Clair: I like the author's name the best. Ba-nah-na. ~ Stephanie Perkins
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Stephanie Perkins
Peanut: Just last week I was lying in bed and I woke up sobbing 'I will never be happy until we return to SA-NA-TA-ANA!' And now we're here! Thank you for bringing me! ~ Jeff Dunham
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Jeff Dunham
Sha na tay, sha na tay," he said, his voice becoming more sure as he chanted it, seeking the attention of the Goddess that he was reluctantly beginning to believe in. He'd seen too much not to. His pulse quickened, an awareness seemed to touch on him - one eye among thousands idly turning his way. The line was all around him, and dizzy with it, he let it fill his chi. And when he was sure he had the Goddess's attention, he reached for Rachel's chi. ~ Kim Harrison
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Kim Harrison
Chakravyuh mein ghusne se pehle,
Before entering the circle of deceit,
kaun tha mein aur kaisa tha,
who I was, and what I was,
yeh mujhe yaad hi na rahega.
I would not remember.
Chakravyuh mein ghusne ke baad,
After entering the circle of deceit,
mere aur chakravyuh ke beech,
(there was) between me and the circle,
sirf ek jaanleva nikat'ta thi,
only a deathly intimacy
iska mujhe pata hi na chalega.
that I never realised. ~ Dilip Chitre
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Dilip Chitre
The weather for me is nothing special. The weather couldn't kill me. ~ Li Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Li Na
When you put your whole heart in something you risk just that. Your whole heart. It's a high roller's type of gamble. I can tell by your letters that you love with your whole heart. ~ Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Na
What I want is the same opportunities as anyone to get a part. ~ Ming-Na Wen
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Ming-Na Wen
Na, it's not about what I say; It's about what I can't express in words. ~ Saurabh Sharma
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Saurabh Sharma
Your life can be different, Young Ju. Study and be strong. In America, women have choices. ~ An Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by An Na
I'm going to be honest with you. I don't want to sit here all night making small talk when all I want to do is kiss you. ~ Karli Perrin
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Karli Perrin
I felt sad because everyday I had to wake up early to practice before going to school. After school I had to go back to tennis again, and then after tennis I had homework. I didn't have time to play. ~ Li Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Li Na
When the power of love overcomes the love of power than the world will know peace ~ Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Na
Are you anywhere near Champaign-Urbana?"


"I went there once. I thought from its name that it would be a different kind of place. I kept saying to myself, 'Champagne, urbah na, champagne, urbah na! Champagne! Urbana'" He sighed. "It was just this thing in the middle of a field. ~ Lorrie Moore
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Lorrie Moore
Just because you win the French Open it doesn't mean you can do well at Wimbledon. ~ Li Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Li Na
They know that Marcos will not give in, so why continue? The only thing that [people have to do] is not pay taxes. Wher will the government get money? Nanghihinayang ako sa life na nawala, because I know Marcos will not give in. ~ Teodoro A. Agoncillo
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Teodoro A. Agoncillo
My precious things… are things I've made for myself. ~ Kanae Hazuki
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Kanae Hazuki
You f*#ked my v*g*na, you wanted to think that you f#*ked my mind, but unlike you, D*ck, my mind doesn't lie between my two legs.

~ Subhangi Tyagi ~ Kirtida Gautam
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Kirtida Gautam
I can't just take it.'
'You can. I'm giving it to you.' She affirms, glimpsing quickly up at me and then down to the floor, moving her foot once and then back again. Still her hand is offered to me, still flinching with the ring in her palm.
'What do you want for it?'
'You must want something.'
'I... got what I wanted.' She smiles, such a light, smooth movement of her lips, but it dies out so quickly, like a candle light being blown in the wind.
'What's that?'
'I got to see you again, to give it to you. ~ Charlotte Munro
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Charlotte Munro
Whoever did not live in the years neighboring 1789 does not know what the pleasure of living means.
[Fr., Qui n'a pas vecu dans les annees voisines de 1789 ne sait pas ce que c'est le palisir de vivre.] ~ Charles Maurice De Talleyrand
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Charles Maurice De Talleyrand
Be the one to take the responsibilities not the one hiding from it. Responsibilities makes you appreciate the hard work other's do. ~ Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Na
There's just so much love that goes into home cooking, and I think it will really help the American family overall. I'm hoping to maybe get a cookbook out one day because I've got some great family recipes. ~ Ming-Na Wen
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Ming-Na Wen
The ordinary and the unordinary are closely related. The difference is the subjective view of them. ~ Kentaro Katayama - Denpa Teki Na Kanojo
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Kentaro Katayama - Denpa Teki Na Kanojo
We're not together anymore. Don't forget it.
There is a pause before he responds. Hard to forget that. The gaping hole in my chest that was left when u ripped my heart out kind of reminds me every time I breathe. ~ D.R. Graham
Pagmamahal Na quotes by D.R. Graham
I love listening lies.. when i know the truth ! ~ Na
Pagmamahal Na quotes by Na
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