Never Forget Where You Came From Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Never Forget Where You Came From.

Quotes About Never Forget Where You Came From

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You've been given status today, but never forget where you came from. You came from dirt and will return to dirt. You will be on that day as you began: just you and Him. ~ Yasmin Mogahed
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Yasmin Mogahed
Never forget where you came from, Gina Attaviano, Alessandro said to her before he died. Then it will always be easy. ~ Paullina Simons
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Paullina Simons
Never forget who you are, never forget where you came from and why you are here on this beautiful planet. ~ Euginia Herlihy
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Euginia Herlihy
I tell my kids and my grandkids, 'Never forget where you came from. Never forget your roots.' My grandkids, they didn't go through the hard times as much as other ones in our family did. One thing is to just never forget where you came from and you never forget that nothing is more important than your relationship with Jesus Christ. ~ Kay Robertson
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Kay Robertson
Create your own job. Become the master of what you do. Fully imerse yourself in your culter. Be humble. You are never above having to pack boxes. Never forget where you came from. And always be polite. Good old-fashioned manners can get you very far. -Jenne Lomardo ~ Sophia Amoruso
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Sophia Amoruso
My mother gave me one piece of advice that stuck with me. She said don't forget where you came from. ~ Eva Longoria
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Eva Longoria
Don't forget where you came from, but always remember where you're going. ~ Luke Taylor
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Luke Taylor
Washington is a very easy city for you to forget where you came from and why you got there in the first place. ~ Harry S. Truman
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Harry S. Truman
Being others-focused instead of self-focused changes your worldview. Living in a selfless manner and seeking to help others enriches our very existence on a daily basis. Get your hands dirty once in a while by serving in a capacity that is lower than your position or station in life. This keeps you tethered to the real world and grounded to reality, which should make it harder to be prideful and forget where you came from. ~ Miles Anthony Smith
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Miles Anthony Smith
Forget about where you want to be and go out and build stuff. Dodgeball came from being bored at work ... things happen because you make them happen. Stop sketching, and start building. ~ Dennis Crowley
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Dennis Crowley
You could forget who you were if you forgot where you came from, and sometimes the innkeeper's daughter from Emond's Field seemed a stranger to her. ~ Robert Jordan
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Robert Jordan
The next day the German police picked them up, loaded them onto an armored truck and took them back to Colditz. Alexander was badly beaten by the German guards and taken to solitary, where he spent so long he lost track of time. With Pasha's death came the death of faith. Release me, Tatiana, release me, forgive me, forget me, let me forget you. I want to be free of you, free of your face, free of your freedom, free of your fire, free, free, free. The flight across the ocean was over, and with it all the warmth of his imagination. A numbness encroached on him, freezing him from the heart out, the anesthetic of despair creeping its tentacles over his ten-dons and his arteries, over his nerves and his veins until he was stiff inside and bereft of hope and bereft of Tatiana. Finally. But not quite. ~ Paullina Simons
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Paullina Simons
So when a little girl asks her father where the moon came from, he might tell her that the moon circles around the earth and reflects light from the sun. He might tell her that the moon likes to play hide-and-seek with the sun, so sometimes the moon looks like it's peeking out from behind a black curtain; sometimes all you can see is the top of its head, and sometimes you can't even see it at all! He might tell her about how the moon has invisible arms that can pull the oceans back and forth, making tides rise and fall. He might tell her that astronauts have walked on the moon and played golf on the moon and collected rocks from the moon. He might tell her that the moon has dimples and craters and basins that we can see only with a telescope and that there's a special place on the moon called the Sea of Tranquility that isn't really a sea. Then the father might take the little girl outside, hoist her up onto his shoulders, and let her stare at the moon for a while. He might recite a poem about a cow jumping over the moon or sing a song about a dreamy-eyed kid slow-dancing with it. Soon the little girl will become so lost in her father's beautiful stories that she will forget she ever had a question to begin with. ~ Rachel Held Evans
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Rachel Held Evans
This was what he stood for: a world where there would be room enough even for such a mass of clumsy and cumbersome freedom. A margin of humanity, of tolerance, where some of life's beauty could take refuge. His eyes narrowed a little, and an ironic, bitter smile came to his lips. I know you all, he thought. Today you say that elephants are archaic and cumbersome, that they interfere with roads and
telegraph poles, and tomorrow you'll begin to say that human rights too are obsolete and cumbersome, that they interfere with progress, and the temptation will be so great to let them fall by the road and not to burden ourselves with that
extra load. And in the end man himself will become in your eyes a clumsy luxury, an archaic survival from the past, and you'll dispense with him too, and the only thing left will be total efficiency and universal slavery and man himself will disappear under the weight of his material achievement. He had learned that much behind the barbed wire of the forced labor camp: it was our education, a lesson be was not prepared to forget. ~ Romain Gary
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Romain Gary
You don't have to forget where you came from to move on. ~ K. Weikel
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by K. Weikel
Forget the past, it's gone, but glance back occasionally to remind yourself where you came from and where you are going. ~ Chloe Thurlow
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Chloe Thurlow
In the end, how [is] anyone any different from a 'normal' person? If you love someone, you love them. It doesn't matter where they came from or if they're a boy or a girl, or if you fight, or if they're weird, or if they find it difficult to communicate with you; you just fucking love them. ~ Abigail Tarttelin
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Abigail Tarttelin
When spring came, even false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest. The only thing that could spoil a day was people and if you could keep from making engagements, each day had no limits ~ Ernest Hemingway
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Ernest Hemingway
A whole set of values comes with fast food: Everything should be fast, cheap and easy; there's always more where that came from; there are no seasons; you shouldn't be paid very much for preparing food. It's uniformity and a lack of connection. ~ Alice Waters
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Alice Waters
There are certain phrases in books of mine, and I don't know where they came from, or how I was capable of thinking up these formulations. It's only in the heat of composition that these things occur to you. ~ Paul Auster
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Paul Auster
The darkness behind doesn't worry me; neither do the stars ahead. I think of how perhaps the best way to fly would be with hands full of earth so you always remember where you came from, how hard walking could be. ~ Ally Condie
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Ally Condie
I make my way back whistling. Gerry nods towards Mrs Brady who is standing beside the trolleys.
Morning, Mrs Brady, I say cheerfully.
I push her provisions out to the car.
Things are something terrible, she says. You can't trust anybody.
It's come to a sorry pass.
It has.
There's hormones in the beef and tranquillizers in the bacon. There's men with breasts and women with mickeys. All from eating meat.
I steer a path between a crowd of people while she keeps step alongside.
Can you believe it - they're feeding the pigs Valium. If you boil a bit of bacon you have to lie down afterwards. Dear oh dear.
Yes, I nod.
The thought of food makes me ill.
The pigs are getting depressed in those sheds. If they get depressed they lose weight. So they tranquillize them. Where will it end?
I don't know, Mrs Brady, I say. I begin filling the boot.
That's why I started buying lamb. Then along came Chernobyl. Now you can't even have lamb stew or you'll light up at night! I swear. And when they've left you with nothing safe to eat, next thing they come along and tell you you can't live in your own house.
I haven't heard of that one, Mrs Brady.
Listen to me. She took my elbow. It could all happen that you're in your own house and the next thing is there's radiation bubbling under the floorboards.
It comes right at you through the foundations. Watch the yogurts. Did you hear of that?
Dermot Healy
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Dermot Healy
Knew you the second you set foot on my property, kid. Even as young as you were, how could I not? Folks want to blame someone for gals like us. "Her daddy was unkind" or "some fella broke her heart" … Hogwash. You and me've always been like this. Always a little removed. Always… dreaming.
Of higher, further, faster… more. Always more. We came into this world spittin' mad, runnin' full bore… To or from what, I ain't never been able to tell. Over the years, I've come to think of these particular traits as the shared attributes of a chosen people… the Lord put us here to punch holes in the sky.
And when the soul is born with that kind of purpose… It'll damn sure find a way. We're gonna get where we're going, you and me. Death and indignity be damned… we'll get there…
…And we will be the stars we were always meant to be. ~ Kelly Sue DeConnick
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Kelly Sue DeConnick
Mr. Edwards and the Spider"

I saw the spiders marching through the air,
Swimming from tree to tree that mildewed day
In latter August when the hay
Came creaking to the barn. But where
The wind is westerly,
Where gnarled November makes the spiders fly
Into the apparitions of the sky,
They purpose nothing but their ease and die
Urgently beating east to sunrise and the sea;

What are we in the hands of the great God?
It was in vain you set up thorn and briar
In battle array against the fire
And treason crackling in your blood;
For the wild thorns grow tame
And will do nothing to oppose the flame;
Your lacerations tell the losing game
You play against a sickness past your cure.
How will the hands be strong? How will the heart endure?

A very little thing, a little worm,
Or hourglass-blazoned spider, it is said,
Can kill a tiger. Will the dead
Hold up his mirror and affirm
To the four winds the smell
And flash of his authority? It's well
If God who holds you to the pit of hell,
Much as one holds a spider, will destroy,
Baffle and dissipate your soul. As a small boy

On Windsor Marsh, I saw the spider die
When thrown into the bowels of fierce fire:
There's no long struggle, no desire
To get up on its feet and fly
It stretches out its feet
And dies. This is the sinner's last retreat;
Yes, and no ~ Robert Lowell
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Robert Lowell
People always ask about young people like me being forced into things. I play tennis because I love it. I think Russians might be tougher than other people. When I arrived in America I was young, but I already knew what I wanted. I think that when you start from nothing, when you come from nothing, it makes you hungry. I am proud of where I came from and I know what I want. I want to win. ~ Maria Sharapova
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Maria Sharapova
It's okay," I said, my voice breaking. "It's okay. You guys stay back here. Try to help the others. I can't let her hurt anyone else. She won't leave until she gets me."
"You," Lend whispered, then looked at Reth. "Something unspoken passed between them. "Keep her safe," Lend said fiercely.
Reth nodded. "Always."
Lend leaned forward and smashed his lips into mine, kissing me desperately, then pulled away. "I love you," he said, his glamour melting off so it was him, just him for a heartbeat, and I got ready to stand and be lost forever. Then he replaced his water self with:
"No!" I screamed, but Reth wrapped his arms around me and traced one finger down my throat, freezing my voice.
I screamed and screamed, ripping my throat to shreds but no sound came out. Lend-as-me stood up, lifting both hands in the air.
"I'm coming," my voice said. "Stop."
He walked out from behind the counter and I couldn't see him and she'd kill him and I'd lose him forever and I couldn't live in a world where he wasn't.
I kicked against the counter as hard as I could, trying to force Reth to let me go, but his arms weren't flesh, they were permanent, there was no give. I slammed my head back into his chest again and again, but then I felt more than heard her faerie door closing as the air thinned again and I knew it was over and my world had been destroyed.
Lend was gone, and it was my fault.
I slammed my head against Reth again in rage; he pu ~ Kiersten White
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Kiersten White
Some books are so special that you never forget where you were the first time you read them. ~ Natalie Lloyd
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Natalie Lloyd
Here where you stand, a young Etruscan woman stood in just the same way three thousand years ago - and the wind came in just this way from Africa and chased the light across the ocean. ~ Erich Maria Remarque
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Erich Maria Remarque
Let me love you, girl who came from the sea. Let us swim to the bottom of the ocean where we can be anything and where no one can find us. We will grow gills and breathe salt water. We will sprout fins and scales and make our home in underground caves. Or else will drown there. But either way, i will be happy ~ Carolee Dean
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Carolee Dean
Sometimes I forget what I put in. I want to capture things in that way, where you're looking into your memory, a dream or hallucination. The characters become a mixture of archetypes, [and] that's what I like. You're trying to figure it out and your brain wants to categorize things, but it can't because of this motion. You want to solve the problem, but it never gets solved. It's like when you read a really good book and the story never leaves you. ~ Ali Banisadr
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Ali Banisadr
Want your boat, Georgie?' Pennywise asked. 'I only repeat myself because you really do not seem that eager.' He held it up, smiling. He was wearing a baggy silk suit with great big orange buttons. A bright tie, electric-blue, flopped down his front, and on his hands were big white gloves, like the kind Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck always wore.

Yes, sure,' George said, looking into the stormdrain.

And a balloon? I've got red and green and yellow and blue...'

Do they float?'

Float?' The clown's grin widened. 'Oh yes, indeed they do. They float! And there's cotton candy...'

George reached.

The clown seized his arm.

And George saw the clown's face change.
What he saw then was terrible enough to make his worst imaginings of the thing in the cellar look like sweet dreams; what he saw destroyed his sanity in one clawing stroke.

They float,' the thing in the drain crooned in a clotted, chuckling voice. It held George's arm in its thick and wormy grip, it pulled George toward that terrible darkness where the water rushed and roared and bellowed as it bore its cargo of storm debris toward the sea. George craned his neck away from that final blackness and began to scream into the rain, to scream mindlessly into the white autumn sky which curved above Derry on that day in the fall of 1957. His screams were shrill and piercing, and all up and down Witcham Street people came to their windows or bol ~ Stephen King
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Stephen King
You can't change where you came from, but you can change where you go from here. ~ Sarah Addison Allen
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Sarah Addison Allen
So many people limit themselves by holding onto that baggage. They cut themselves off at the knees. And for me, meeting my father, and seeing how he was, and seeing that other side of where I came from, allowed me to kind of ascend spiritually. Now not to get all hippy or anything, but, you cant realise your potential unless you LET yourself realise your own potential. ~ Corey Taylor
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Corey Taylor
I came from Yale, where you get an extracurricular degree in self-importance because you went there. When AIDS happened, I was treated like an outcast. And I don't like that feeling. ~ Larry Kramer
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Larry Kramer
It was seven o'clock of a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills when Father Wolf woke up from his day's rest, scratched himself, yawned, and spread out his paws one after the other to get rid of the sleepy feeling in their tips. Mother Wolf lay with her big gray nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived. "Augrh!" said Father Wolf. "It is time to hunt again." He was going to spring down hill when a little shadow with a bushy tail crossed the threshold and whined: "Good luck go with you, O Chief of the Wolves. And good luck and strong white teeth go with noble children that they may never forget the hungry in this world. ~ Rudyard Kipling
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Rudyard Kipling
We don't want your kind in this city.
Take your pack of animals and go back to where you came from.
Mark my words
if you open this club, it will be the last thing you ever do.
Blood will run. ~ Sara Humphreys
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Sara Humphreys
If I had someone buttering me up, maybe I'd have worked out. You don't even know where I came from. Nobody wants to come out here. ~ Nick Diaz
Never Forget Where You Came From quotes by Nick Diaz
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