Michael Kors Shoes Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Michael Kors Shoes.

Quotes About Michael Kors Shoes

Enjoy collection of 43 Michael Kors Shoes quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Michael Kors Shoes. Righ click to see and save pictures of Michael Kors Shoes quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

I normally wear Stuart Weitzman or Kors Michael Kors. ~ Jackie Evancho
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Jackie Evancho
Pink is like the one color I say I hate, and yet somehow I end up wearing it. Like, Michael Kors sent me a pink dress, and I'm like: 'So beautiful!' And I'm wearing it telling him 'I hate pink, why am I wearing this? It's really nice though.' ~ Kate Mara
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Kate Mara
I'm definitely curious. I love pop culture. I'm glued to it. I can watch garbage TV, but then I can also watch great theater. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I grew up surrounded by these tough, ballsy, strong women. They were also adoring women, but they were the kind of women who would argue over what kind of pants you were wearing or the color of your nail polish. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
The minute it gets to a runway, you're tempted to do some high jinks. I don't want to show something I won't produce. I want people to wear the clothes I show. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
My apartment looks like no one lives in it. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
People always think that designers hate each other. And we're certainly a competitive lot, but we also enjoy each other's company. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Every woman should own a shirtdress ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
My legacy would be that you don't have to give up anything. You can be chic but have a sense of humor, you can be sexy but comfortable, you can be timeless but fresh. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I think the trick is, how do you spend time doing it but make it look like you haven't spent time doing it? Over the years you look at women like Lauren Hutton and everyone says: 'She just pulled her hair back and ran out of the door.' I've been in fittings with Lauren and she definitely thinks about it. She just knows how to make it look easy. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Learn to invest in the best quality you can afford and wear pieces in different ways. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
The perfect accessory can make the difference between looking blah and totally to die for ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I hate the idea that you have to give up anything. I think you can be powerful and still be provocative, you can be smart and have a softness, you can have all of it. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
My mom was a model. She had me at 20, so she was a young mother. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Seventy per cent of the clothes you own should be meat and potatoes. Thirty per cent should be icing and fluff - that's colour, pattern, shine, accessories. Too many women get the proportions the other way round, then can't figure out why they can't get dressed. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I think a lot of women have too many mini skirts in their closets. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
If you want to have longevity, then I think that you have to have a point of view, but at the same time still be elastic. Things evolve, the world changes, but people have to know you for who you are so they know what you stand for. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Because of what's going on with the economy, I think women are realizing that maybe they don't need a closet full of clothes. They just need the right clothes. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I can't dance and I can't sing too well. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Ultimately, clean lines have greater longevity, which women appreciate, and to which they can add their own personality ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
For me, true luxury can be caviar or a day with no meetings, no appointments and no schedule. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Clothes are like a good meal, a good movie, great pieces of music. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
You need to be curious one way or another as a designer. Your eye has to stay curious. I look at people and think about how they live. I think about bodies. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
The '90s will be looked back on as ushering in an era of comfort. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
When I was a kid, I was trendier. I'd wear anything. I was in love beads and platforms. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
North Americans as a whole need to embrace having clothes altered to their body. I hear it all the time: why do the Europeans always look so good? They have a relationship with their tailor and spend the time and money to make their clothes look their best. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Fashion is like food! Some people like sushi, others think hamburgers are divine! People like different things! ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
No human being should wear tight satin. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
A man in a well tailored suit will always shine brighter than a guy in an off-the-rack suit. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I mean you might have wanted Carrie Bradshaw, but to me she's like toddlers and tiaras gone berserk! ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I've worked for years with Michael Kors, and he's just like this funny, charismatic guy. ~ Erin Heatherton
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Erin Heatherton
I think to be empathetic is the greatest gift you can have as a designer. Hopefully, people will look at me and say, 'He really loved women.' ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Women are much more comfortable making their own style rules now. They want pieces that will make their busy lives easier. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Put on a trench, you're suddenly Audrey Hepburn walking along the Seine. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
China is exciting because it is an extremely curious and interested market. What more can a designer ask for? The client here is bold and willing to try new things, which a country with a long fashion history wouldn't dare. France or England is weighed down by all these rules, elaborate etiquette, do's and don'ts. Things here move incredibly quickly. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
My personal style icon is Steve McQueen. My design style icon is a mix of everyone from Jackie O. to Lauren Hutton to my mother. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
As you get older, you'll realise that a £250 watch and a £25 watch both tell the same time.

A Michael Kors wallet and a Primark wallet hold the same amount of money.

A £500,000 and a £100,000 house host the same loneliness.

True happiness is not found in materialistic things. ~ Fuad Alakbarov
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Fuad Alakbarov
I don't even think of going to Europe as going to another country now. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Great style means having a point of view, but evolving your look is even more important. Rushing to embrace every trend will leave you fashionable, but not stylish ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Let's be honest - look what Hollywood at 18 is. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I know what women look good in. I don't think the rules ever change. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
I can sketch up a storm, and I'm very involved in how clothes are constructed, but I have a short attention span. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
Give me Caviar Kaspia and give me a hamburger. I love the two extremes. ~ Michael Kors
Michael Kors Shoes quotes by Michael Kors
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