Maxted Towel Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Maxted Towel.

Quotes About Maxted Towel

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Yes, Kat, I really want to get married."
"In a towel?"
His head tipped back, and he let out a deep laugh. "Maybe I'll put some clothes on. ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Maxted Towel quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The windows of my poetry are wide open on the boulevards and in the shop windows
The precious stones of light
Listen to the violins of the limousines and the xylophones of the linotypes
The sketcher washes with the hand-towel of the sky
All is color spots
And the hats of the women passing by are comets in the conflagration of the evening
There's no more unity
All the clocks now read midnight after being set back ten minutes
There's no more time.
There's no more money.
In the Chamber
They are spoiling the marvelous elements of raw material
("Contrasts") ~ Blaise Cendrars
Maxted Towel quotes by Blaise Cendrars
She wrapped her head in a towel and croaked." That sounded reasonable to me ... except for the paring knife with blood and pieces of hair stuck to it. Lula bent at the waist and examined the towel, wrapped turban style. "Must have been a good clonk she took. Lots of blood." Usually when people die their bodies evacuate and the smell gets bad fast. Mrs. Nowicki didn't smell dead. Mrs. Nowicki smelled like Jim Beam. Carl and I were both registering this oddity, looking at each other sideways when Mrs. Nowicki opened one eye and fixed it on Lula. "YOW!" Lula yelled, jumping back a foot, knocking into Sally. "Her eye popped open!" "The better ~ Janet Evanovich
Maxted Towel quotes by Janet Evanovich
My mother will emerge with a towel on her head, Nefertiti fashion, and a good terry-cloth robe, and make herself a tall gin-and-tonic and look like a movie star for an hour. Being around her is like being on safari; there is an elusive something we are after, in difficult conditions, and we will look good in the getting there. ~ Padgett Powell
Maxted Towel quotes by Padgett Powell
Jack had the power to make my heart fly. He also had the power to shoot it out of the sky. Because, let's not forget, love isn't just about the flying. ~ Anna Maxted
Maxted Towel quotes by Anna Maxted
You were blasted out of the sanctuary. The force of the explosion caused the first avalanche that buried the Qayom Malak, but the fig and olive trees remained exposed, a beacon for the other sanctuaries that were built in the coming years. The Christians were here, the Greeks, the Jews, the Moors. Their sanctuaries fell, too, to avalanche, fire, to scandal or fear, creating a nearly impenetrable wall around the Qayom Malak. You needed me to help you find it again. And you couldn't find me until you really needed me."
"What happens now?" Cam asked. "Don't tell me we have to pray."
Dee's eyes never left the Qayom Malak, even as she tossed cam the towel draped over her shoulder. "Oh, it's far worse, Cam. Now you've got to clean. Polish the angels, especially their wings. Polish them until they shine. We are going to need the moonlight to shine on them in precisely the right way. ~ Lauren Kate
Maxted Towel quotes by Lauren Kate
She'd stumbled into Norman Bates' attic. There in the bathroom was a gaudy heart shaped pink bathtub, and standing proudly next to it was a bear. Holding a clean white towel draped over his arm like a waiter. ~ Erin McCarthy
Maxted Towel quotes by Erin McCarthy
The toughest part for me is the city - the people. They've got burgers named after me in Orlando, they've got a Web site saying, "Please stay." I love the people in the city. I've literally sat on the bench with a towel on my head crying, because I feel the passion in the stands. ~ Dwight Howard
Maxted Towel quotes by Dwight Howard
The privilege of money, as Edgar's parents saw it, was that you could get yourself into the great wild beauty - the thousand-meter-deep sea, the wide open West, an island inhabited mostly by dangerous animals, and feel alive and real - and then come over the crest of the hill and have someone meet you with a silver tray containing fresh fruit, aged scotch, a cold towel for your hands, and show you to a seat with a perfect view from which to tell the story of your adventure. ~ Ramona Ausubel
Maxted Towel quotes by Ramona Ausubel
I'm a tiger made out of a paper towel, and I'm going to wipe you out. ~ Jarod Kintz
Maxted Towel quotes by Jarod Kintz
I'm sorry, but I was born with a towel on my head. ~ Charles Olson
Maxted Towel quotes by Charles Olson
Your house has two colors," she said,
while looking up at a corner
of my ceiling and walls.
"Yes," I replied.
"Why is that rainbow beach blanket on the couch?"
I replied, "Color."
She bent over and ripped
the beach towel off my white couch.
Maybe she thought I was trying to hide something.
"You talk a lot," she said sarcastically.
I looked back at her.
Maybe I raised an eyebrow,
but I didn't say anything.
She's right, of course.
I don't talk much.
I am a simple man.
I speak from my heart.
Sometimes, I write poetry. ~ Jeffrey A. White
Maxted Towel quotes by Jeffrey A. White
I say is someone in there?' The voice is the young post-New formalist from
Pittsburgh who affects Continental and wears an ascot that won't stay tight, with that
hesitant knocking of when you know perfectly well someone's in there, the
bathroom door composed of thirty-six that's three times a lengthwise twelve
recessed two-bevelled squares in a warped rectangle of steam-softened wood, not
quite white, the bottom outside corner right here raw wood and mangled from
hitting the cabinets' bottom drawer's wicked metal knob, through the door and
offset 'Red' and glowering actors and calendar and very crowded scene and pubic
spirals of pale blue smoke from the elephant-colored rubble of ash and little
blackened chunks in the foil funnel's cone, the smoke's baby-blanket blue that's sent
her sliding down along the wall past knotted washcloth, towel rack, blood-flower
wallpaper and intricately grimed electrical outlet, the light sharp bitter tint of a heated
sky's blue that's left her uprightly fetal with chin on knees in yet another North
American bathroom, deveiled, too pretty for words, maybe the Prettiest Girl Of All
Time (Prettiest G.O.A.T.), knees to chest, slew-footed by the radiant chill of the
claw-footed tub's porcelain, Molly's had somebody lacquer the tub in blue, lacquer,
she's holding the bottle, recalling vividly its slogan for the past generation was The
Choice of a Nud ~ David Foster Wallace
Maxted Towel quotes by David Foster Wallace
„REY I'd rather not be in thy presence now.
KYLO Yea, also could I say the same to thee.
REY [aside:] How shall I speak to this deshirted man
And hope to focus on the conversation?
[To Kylo:] Say, wherefore didst thou hate thy father kind?
Hast thou no cloak or towel thou canst use?
[Kylo dons his doublet. ~ Ian Doescher
Maxted Towel quotes by Ian Doescher
Lightning snapped the night sky like a jock's gym towel on a dork's butt. ~ Lisi Harrison
Maxted Towel quotes by Lisi Harrison
He bent and whispered against her ear. "Stay close, Erienne. The towel has come loose. If you step away, it is at your own risk."
Clenching her eyes tightly shut, she buried her face against his shoulder to hide the crimson tides that swept over her and clung to him with a panic born of desperation.
Unable to see his face, she missed the smile that widened his lips.
-Christopher & Erienne ~ Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
Maxted Towel quotes by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
and the girl and I get into her car and drive off into the hills and we go to her room and I take off my clothes and lie on her bed and she goes into the bathroom and I wait a couple of minutes and then she finally comes out, a towel wrapped around her, and sits on the bed and I put my hands on her shoulders, and she says stop it and, after I let her go, she tells me to lean against the headboard and I do and then she takes off the towel and she's naked and she reaches into the drawer by her bed and brings out a tube of Bain De Soleil and she hands it to me and then she reaches into the drawer and brings out a pair of Wayfarer sunglasses and she tells me to put them on and I do. And she takes the tube of suntan lotion form me and squeezes some onto her fingers and then touches herself and motions for me to do the same, and I do. After a while I stop and reach over to her and she stops me and says no, and then places my hand back on myself and her hand begins again and after this goes on for a while I tell her that I'm going to come and she tells me to hold on a minute and that she's almost there and she begins to move her hand faster, spreading her legs wider, leaning back against the pillows, and I take the sunglasses off and she tells me to put them back on and I put them back on and it stings when I come and then I guess she comes too. Bowie's on the stereo and she gets up, flushed, and turns the stereo off and turns on MTV. I lie there, naked, sunglasses still on and she ~ Bret Easton Ellis
Maxted Towel quotes by Bret Easton Ellis
She pushed the bathroom door open to discover Magnus lurking on the other side, clutching a towel in one hand and his glittery hair in the other. He must have slept on it, she thought, because one side of the glittered spikes looked dented in. "Why does it take girls so long to shower?" he demanded. "Mortal girls, Shadowhunters, female warlocks, you're all the same. I'm not getting any younger waiting out here."
Clary stepped aside to let him pass. "How old are you, anyway?" she asked curiously.
Magnus winked at her. "I was alive when the Dead Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly."
Clary rolled her eyes.
Magnus made a shooing moving. "Now move your petite behind. I need to get in there; my hair is a wreck. ~ Cassandra Clare
Maxted Towel quotes by Cassandra Clare
Kate knocked on his door and sucked in some air when he opened the door fresh from a shower. His hair was wet and he had a towel wrapped low on his hips.

"Jeez," Kate said, staring at the towel, her mind running amuck over what the towel was hiding, unable to drag her eyes to Nick's face.

"Is that a good jeez or a bad jeez?"

"It's just jeez. Don't you have a robe?"

"The room didn't come with a robe."

"Okay, so that's why you're wearing the towel. I can see that. Makes perfect sense."

A smile twitched at the corners of Nick's mouth. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"No! Gosh. Absolutely not." Kate stared at the towel. She was pretty sure she saw it move.

Nick tightened his grip on the towel. "Kate?"


"You're staring."

"I know. I can't help myself."

"Cute," Nick said.

Kate squinched her eyes shut and wrinkled her nose. "Ugh! I hate being cute."

"Cute is good."

"It's not. I'm an FBI agent. There's no cute in the FBI. Cute is goofy."

"I'd grab you and kiss you, but I'd lose my towel, and I'm afraid you'd faint at the sight of me naked."

"I think I could handle it."

Nick dropped his towel ~ Janet Evanovich
Maxted Towel quotes by Janet Evanovich
Wishing I had a towel, I used my fingers to wipe the raindrops off my face. My wet face that had been partially protected by the brim of his cap. Which would have worked if the rain fell straight down. This had been slashing across.
"Oh, no."
"What?" Jason said.
"Turn on the light."
He did. I lowered the sun visor, looked at my reflection in the mirror, groaned, and slapped the visor back into place. "Turn the light off."
"What's wrong?"
I didn't look at him, didn't want him to see. "The makeup ran."
Not as badly as I'd expected, but I had dark smudges beneath my eyes and my bruising was more visible.
"So what?"
I leaned my head back. "I look worse than I did the night you met me."
"I thought you looked fine."
I rolled my head to the side, so I could see him. Hoping the shadows made it so he couldn't see me. "What are you talking about? I looked like a Cirque de Soleil performer."
"What are you talking about?"
"The black dots around my eyes?"
He shook his head. "I'm lost."
"You were staring--"
"Oh, yeah." He gazed through the windshield. "Sorry about that. I've just never seen eyes as green as yours. I was trying to figure out if you wore contacts."
"You were looking at my eyes?"
"Not the makeup."
He turned his attention back to me. "I didn't realize you were wearing any. That night, anyway. Tonight it's pretty obvious."
"Oh." Didn't I feel silly? "I thought--" I ~ Rachel Hawthorne
Maxted Towel quotes by Rachel Hawthorne
With no clean clothes in the bathroom, my only option was to wrap the towel around myself, take a deep breath, and open the door.
There was a scream.
From Logan.


"Is anyone else naked?" Logan was sitting on the floor, back against my bed, shading his eyes with one hand and rubbing his forehead with the other.
"Is naked a thing now that a girl's on the team?"

A & E Kirk (2014-05-26). Drop Dead Demons: The Divinicus Nex Chronicles: Book 2 (Divinicus Nex Chronicles series) (pp. 168-169). A&E Kirk. Kindle Edition. ~ A. Kirk
Maxted Towel quotes by A.  Kirk
The Lord ate from a common bowl, and asked the disciples to sit on the grass. He washed their feet, with a towel wrapped around His waist - He, who is the Lord of the universe! ~ Clement Of Alexandria
Maxted Towel quotes by Clement Of Alexandria
Hey, Large," Gabe says, flicking me with his towel. "Where you been all day?"
"I've been around." I look over at Peter, but he won't meet my eyes. "I saw you guys on the slopes."
Darrell says, "Then why didn't you holler at us? I wanted to show off my ollies for you."
Teasingly I say, "Well, I called Peter's name, but I guess he didn't hear me."
Peter finally looks me in the eyes. "Nope. I didn't hear you." His voice is cold and indifferent and so un-Peterlike, the smile fades from my face.
Gabe and Darrell exchange looks like oooh and Gabe says to Peter, "We're gonna head out to the hot tub," and they trot off.
Peter and I are left standing in the lobby, neither of us saying anything. I finally ask, "Are you mad at me or something?"
"Why would I be mad?"
And then it's back to quiet again.
I say, "You know, you're the one who talked me into coming on this trip. The least you could do is talk to me."
"The least you could do was sit next to me on the bus!" he bursts out.
My mouth hangs open. "Are you really that mad that I didn't sit next to you on the bus?"
Peter lets out an impatient breath of air. "Lara Jean, when you're dating someone, there are just…certain things you do, okay? Like sit next to each other on a school trip. That's pretty much expected."
"I just don't see what the big deal is," I say. How can he be this mad over such a tiny thing?
"Forget it." He turns like he's going to leave, and I grab ~ Jenny Han
Maxted Towel quotes by Jenny Han
There is joy
in all:
in the hair I brush each morning,
in the Cannon towel, newly washed,
that I rub my body with each morning ... ~ Anne Sexton
Maxted Towel quotes by Anne Sexton
I don't understand, Jenna, why you couldn't give him a ride home?" Mom struck the archetypal Mom pose-hands on hips, perplexed look on face, head tilted at that I cannot believe you came from my womb angle. "He walked home in the pouring rain. With a cold, I might add."
"I didn't know he had a cold. I was at the JCC with Steph," I said, knowing that was not going to fly. Cameron padded into the kitchen on bare feet, rubbing his hair dry with a towel.
"It's fine," he said. "I didn't have to walk that far."
Mom shook her head. "It's not fine. While you're living with us, you're part of the family, and we don't leave each other stranded in the rain. ~ Sara Zarr
Maxted Towel quotes by Sara Zarr
I still do have the little lunch bag that my mother made out of a towel and embroidered with my name on it for when I went to kindergarten. ~ Maira Kalman
Maxted Towel quotes by Maira Kalman
T.S. Eliot, who learned to swim at the same beach as I did, just threw in the towel and moved to Cheyne Walk. I'm not going to do that but I'm not scared of the open channel between me and Britain. ~ William Monahan
Maxted Towel quotes by William Monahan
Covering the essentials, and holds out a larger fluffy white towel ~ E.L. James
Maxted Towel quotes by E.L. James
Thank you ... motion sensor hand towel machine. You never work, so I just end up looking like I'm waving hello to a wall robot. ~ Jimmy Fallon
Maxted Towel quotes by Jimmy Fallon
He took the soap from me, and turned it in his hand to capture its lather. Then he ran his fingers up and down my scarred arm, gentle. It was, in some ways, even better than being kissed by him. He had no fragile illusions about my goodness, destined to shatter when he found out the truth. But he accepted me anyway. Cared about me anyway.
"Okay," I said. "I'm done, I think."
Akos stood, holding my hands, and lifted me as I came to my feet. Water ran down my legs and back. As I fastened the armor around my forearm again, he found a towel in one of the cabinets, then pieced together clothes for me--the pants from Isae, underwear from Cisi, one of his own shirts and a pair of his socks, my still-intact boots. I looked at the pile of clothes with some dismay. It was one thing for him to see me in my underwear, but to help me take it off…
Well. If that was going to happen, I wanted it to be under different circumstances.
"Cisi," Akos said. He was also staring at the pile of clothes. "Maybe you should help with this part."
"Thank you," I said to him.
He smiled. "It's getting really hard to keep my eyes on your face."
I made a face at him as he left. ~ Veronica Roth
Maxted Towel quotes by Veronica Roth
There's nothing I like more than meeting velvet clad peers while wrapped in a towel. ~ Eloisa James
Maxted Towel quotes by Eloisa James
Stop your complaining," Sterling demanded, before Frannie could reply. "I'll have you know I've paid good money to have beautiful ladies towel me off."
She jerked her head around to look at him, and a charming blush crept up her cheeks.
He grinned at her. "Some foreign countries have lovely customs. ~ Lorraine Heath
Maxted Towel quotes by Lorraine Heath
Buck ambles out of the locker room with a towel draped across his bare shoulders and his hockey pants on, thank the Lord. The amount of fur he sports makes him resemble a matted yeti. ~ Helena Hunting
Maxted Towel quotes by Helena Hunting
I took my clothes out of the cupboard and looked at myself in the mirror. I dropped the wet towel. i took a long, clear-eyed look at myself. that i was different was nowhere apparent. ~ Sachin Kundalkar
Maxted Towel quotes by Sachin Kundalkar
Jesse rounded forward under the towel and cozied his feet in the bath water. It was as if no one else were around and Jesse was once again alone and at ease with his meditations. He said, "I can't figure it out: do you want to be like me, or do you want to be me? ~ Ron Hansen
Maxted Towel quotes by Ron Hansen
Because my patient just sat herself up
and I'm not talking about her raising her torso off the damn pillows. I wasn't there when she did it and I need to see how it happened."
Red Sox seemed to stop breathing. "What ... I'm sorry. What the fuck are you saying."
"Do I need to reenact it in charades or some shit?"
"I'll pass on that
I so don't need you on your knees in front of me with only a towel on."
"Which makes two of us."
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Yeah. I'm really not interested in blowing you, either. ~ J.R. Ward
Maxted Towel quotes by J.R. Ward
Oh shit, I wouldn't use that towel if I were you," Gavin mumbles.
I ignore him scrubbing every inch of my face, hoping that maybe I can rub away the memory of the words my mother spoke to me.
"Seriously dude, give me that thing," Gavin says, Interrupting my thoughts. I pull the towel away and glare at his reflection in the mirror. He's standing behind me with a look of disgust on his face and his hand out. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I just found out that my mom was a slut and has no idea who my dad is and all you're worried about is your precious towel?" I ramble, my voice getting that hysterical squeak to it. "What's wrong? Is this one of Charlotte's 'good' towels, reserved for guests or some shit? Fuck, are you pussy whipped."
Gavin shakes his head at me and tries reaching over my shoulder to take the towel. I snatch it away and turn to face him. "What is your fucking deal? It's a Goddamn towel!" I yell. "Yeah, it's a jizz towel, dude."
I look at him in confusion, glancing down at the towel and back up at him when what he said finally sinks in. He's biting his lip and I can't tell if he's trying not to laugh or if he's trying to think of a way to run out of here as fast as he can. "Hey, what are you guys doing in the bathroom?" Charlotte asks, suddenly appearing in the doorway. "Oh, my God! Did you just use that towel, Tyler?" I quickly throw the towel away from me like it's on fire and it lands in the toilet. "Dammit, don't throw it in the toilet ~ Tara Sivec
Maxted Towel quotes by Tara Sivec
Not everything on TV can be edgy and irreverent, otherwise you'd end up with weather presenters shouting, 'Listen up bitches!', after which the whole of middle England would spin off its axis and someone would get strangled with a tea towel. ~ Richard Porter
Maxted Towel quotes by Richard Porter
I looked towards the door and saw David standing there in nothing but his towel. An almost completely naked David! His towel was so small that he might as well not have been wearing the thing. The towel only covered him from his waist to his upper thighs. I gasped. I was getting aroused from being alone with David in an enclosed space. My heart raced, I had not expected to find him in my house let alone my bedroom. ~ Delicious David
Maxted Towel quotes by Delicious David
There are things we never tell anyone. We want to but we can't. So we write them down. Or we paint them. Or we sing about them. It's our only option. To remember. To attempt to discover the truth. Sometimes we do it to stay alive. These things, they live inside of us. They are the secrets we stash in our pockets and the weapons we carry like guns across our backs. And in the end we have to decide for ourselves when these things are worth fighting for, and when it's time to throw in the towel. Sometimes a person has to die in order to live. Deep down, I know you know this. You just can't seem to do anything about it. I guess it's a sad fact of life that some of us move on and some of us inevitably stay behind. Only in this case I'm not sure which one of us is doing which. You were right about one thing though. It's not fate. It's a choice. And who knows, maybe we'll meet again someday, somewhere up above all the noise. Until then, when you think of me, try and remember the good stuff. Try and remember the love. ~ Tiffanie DeBartolo
Maxted Towel quotes by Tiffanie DeBartolo
Jesus gave us a model for the work of the church at the Last Supper. While his disciples kept proposing more organization - Hey, let's elect officers, establish hierarchy, set standards of professionalism - Jesus quietly picked up a towel and basin of water and began to wash their feet. ~ Philip Yancey
Maxted Towel quotes by Philip Yancey
(I resent people who use phrases like "my first," so the person they're speaking to is practically obliged to imagine them having sex to complete the sentence. It's not nice.) ~ Anna Maxted
Maxted Towel quotes by Anna Maxted
The day I make movies that Rupert Murdoch likes and admires is the day I'll throw in the towel, because he's got no taste. ~ Irwin Winkler
Maxted Towel quotes by Irwin Winkler
One knew, of course, that it was not the red cape any more than it was the boots, the tights, the trunks, or the trademark "S" that gave Superman the ability to fly. That ability derived from the effects of the rays of our yellow sun on Superman's alien anatomy, which had evolved under the red sun of Krypton. And yet you had only to tie a towel around your shoulders to feel the strange vibratory pulse of flight stirring in the red sun of your heart. ~ Michael Chabon
Maxted Towel quotes by Michael Chabon
Decent is the last way I want you, she said, skimming her fingers over my stomach, my lower stomach. My lower lower stomach, AKA the last part of exposed skin that, had my towel been hanging any lower, would have been considered indecent. ~ Nicole Williams
Maxted Towel quotes by Nicole Williams
The beatings at Repton were more fierce and more frequent than anything I had yet experienced. And do not think for one moment that the future Archbishop of Canterbury objected to these squalid exercises. He rolled up his sleeves and joined in with gusto. His were the bad ones, the really terrifying occasions. Some of the beatings administered by this man of God, this future Head of the Church of England, were very brutal. To my certain knowledge he once had to produce a basin of water, a sponge and a towel so that the victim could wash the blood away afterwards. No joke, that. Shades of the Spanish Inquisition. ~ Roald Dahl
Maxted Towel quotes by Roald Dahl
By the time I got back with the bag, he had the door closed. I knocked and he reached out with one hand. I smiled as I hooked the bag over his fingers. I had been in a towel before and he'd open the door right up. Gabriel was more modest with himself than he was with me. ~ C.L. Stone
Maxted Towel quotes by C.L. Stone
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