Mascarinas Photography Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mascarinas Photography.

Quotes About Mascarinas Photography

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You don't study photography, you do it ~ Elliott Erwitt
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Elliott Erwitt
The craft of photography is the key to good images. ~ Ansel Adams
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Ansel Adams
I don't story board. I do something else, which is, I block it. We then train to the blocking. In other words, when everybody's training, they're actually training a lot of the moves that we are definitely going to use, and then, I do a lot of photography of that, and that becomes where the cameras go. ~ Michael Mann
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Michael Mann
I always prefer to work in the studio. It isolates people from their environment. They become in a sense ... symbolic of themselves. I often feel that people come to me to be photographed as they would go to a doctor or a fortune teller - to find out how they are. ~ Richard Avedon
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Richard Avedon
In total acceptance, almost everything becomes a revelation. ~ Frederick Sommer
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Frederick Sommer
Photography by nature is spiritual, considering it comes from the darkness to show the light. ~ Kevin Russo
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Kevin Russo
I have the same themes over and over again. How I'm saying it keeps changing or growing. ~ Joyce Tenneson
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Joyce Tenneson
Instantaneity is photography. ~ Edgar Degas
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Edgar Degas
Photography was the first foreign language of my artistic expression. ~ Jerzy Kosinski
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Jerzy Kosinski
The important thing is not the camera but the eye. ~ Alfred Eisenstaedt
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Alfred Eisenstaedt
I looked through a lens and ended up abandoning everything else. ~ Sebastiao Salgado
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Sebastiao Salgado
I suffered first as a child from discrimination, poverty ... So I think it was a natural follow from that that I should use my camera to speak for people who are unable to speak for themselves. ~ Gordon Parks
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Gordon Parks
If I had to start over, I'd pursue photography - probably to the exclusion of acting. ~ Jessica Lange
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Jessica Lange
It's easy to photograph light reflecting from a surface, the truly hard part is capturing the light in the air. ~ Walker Evans
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Walker Evans
Everyone is a photographer now, remember. That's the great thing about photography. ~ Martin Parr
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Martin Parr
In photography there is no meantime. There was just that moment and now there's this moment and in between there is nothing. Photography, in a way, is the negation of chronology. ~ Geoff Dyer
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Geoff Dyer
I felt like I was in the best photography school in the world - I had Herb Ritts, Bruce Weber, Richard Avedon and Irving Penn teach me. ~ Helena Christensen
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Helena Christensen
The time of the photograph is [always] after. This imprecision accommodates the numerous successions, the end upon seismic end, in a time without time, un[re]countable: still. In this, it is a perfect crime, "l'anéantissement anéanti, la fin… privée d'elle-même. ~ Nathanaël
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Nathanaël
When you take a picture you haven't a clue that it is going to be what it is. Maybe you have a clue but you don't really know. There are too many possibilities. Part of the game is how many balls you can juggle. It is to me. When you are 12 you can juggle two. Maybe when you are 50 you can juggle five. That is an interesting concept to me: how much I can put in and still make it pull together? ~ Lee Friedlander
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Lee Friedlander
Art and accident are one. ~ Frederick Sommer
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Frederick Sommer
I'm designing a seductive frame to attract an audience to a subject they would otherwise ignore. And that's what I do in all of my photography - give a stage to things that wouldn't normally receive that stage. ~ Taryn Simon
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Taryn Simon
When you've had a bad experience, you sometimes feel compelled to recreate it in a way that allows you to control it. ~ Todd Hido
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Todd Hido
Photography is an art of observation - it's about creating something extraordinary out of the ordinary. You choose a frame and then wait until the right time for something magical to come along and fill it. ~ Elliott Erwitt
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Elliott Erwitt
Photography is not cute cats, nor nudes, motherhood or arrangements of manufactured products. Under no circumstances it is anything ever anywhere near a beach. ~ Walker Evans
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Walker Evans
He who seeks beauty will find it. ~ Bill Cunningham
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Bill Cunningham
The canvas is the door to another dimension. The paintbrush is the key. ~ Luhraw
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Luhraw
The photographer must bear the responsibility for his work and its effect ... [for] photographic journalism, because of its tremendous audience reached by publications using it, has more influence on public thinking than any other branch of photography. ~ W. Eugene Smith
Mascarinas Photography quotes by W. Eugene Smith
What my portraits are made of?
10% reality, 90% my philosophy. ~ Scuro Chiaro
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Scuro Chiaro
Sometimes it's not how much light you use to get an effect, it's how
little you use and still make it work. There are a lot of rules to be
broken in photography, and you've got to have courage. ~ James Wong Howe
Mascarinas Photography quotes by James Wong Howe
Photography is a medium of inescapable truthfulness. The camera doesn't know how to lie. ~ Janet Malcolm
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Janet Malcolm
I wanted [my photography] to appear as though the camera was seeing by itself. ~ Lewis Baltz
Mascarinas Photography quotes by Lewis Baltz
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