Markinson Broadway Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Markinson Broadway.

Quotes About Markinson Broadway

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What's the difference in opening from scratch in Philly or opening from scratch in New York? The old out-of-town tryout circuit - taking the show pre-Broadway to cities like Boston, New Haven, Philadelphia, Washington - has sort of been replaced with the amount of workshops we do. ~ Patti LuPone
Markinson Broadway quotes by Patti LuPone
Winston Churchill said: 'Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. ~ T.B. Markinson
Markinson Broadway quotes by T.B. Markinson
We will be ready. We will will be alert: always watchful, always wary of the snakes within our ranks. We will recover our purity and reclaim history and make it our present. ~ Alice Broadway
Markinson Broadway quotes by Alice Broadway
I knew when I was a kid that I had a Broadway voice. I wanted to be a rocker, because I grew up in that era of transistor radios at the beach. ~ Patti LuPone
Markinson Broadway quotes by Patti LuPone
Friends, let this encourage you to live lives worthy of the calling we have received. Live lives to be remembered, friends. ~ Alice Broadway
Markinson Broadway quotes by Alice Broadway
My dream of dreams is to write Broadway musicals. All of this Twitter and TV writing is just a day job. ~ Megan Amram
Markinson Broadway quotes by Megan Amram
I would love to be in musical theater and be on Broadway. If someone were to offer me a position to do something like that, I wouldnt pass it down. Im a huge fan of musicals and I really want to do that. ~ Michelle Branch
Markinson Broadway quotes by Michelle Branch
I got nominated for a Tony in my Broadway debut, which was fascinating and thrilling and sort of unbelievable all at the same time. ~ Pablo Schreiber
Markinson Broadway quotes by Pablo Schreiber
Yeah, I feel sort of unfinished in New York, even though I spent so many years there. I think it's because I never got a chance to do any Broadway, or even off-Broadway. I would love to do that and I haven't given up on that. ~ Eva LaRue
Markinson Broadway quotes by Eva LaRue
I did green screen for the first time! I wouldn't like to do a whole movie of green screen, though. You kind of forget the plot a little - like being in a Broadway play and doing it over and over and forgetting your line halfway through. ~ Idris Elba
Markinson Broadway quotes by Idris Elba
You can't make money on Broadway. You make nothing. You maybe make like $1,350 a week after you pay out all the producers. ~ Colin Quinn
Markinson Broadway quotes by Colin Quinn
I would love to do a Broadway play. I would love to do big screen also, motion picture. ~ LaToya London
Markinson Broadway quotes by LaToya London
Our only competition in the theater is boredom, because if I'm bored with a play, if I'm revolted by a play on stage, with the Broadway prices, especially today, I'm going to walk out and not come back and pay that price again. ~ Jerome Lawrence
Markinson Broadway quotes by Jerome Lawrence
My parents were in 'Brigadoon' on Broadway when I was a couple of years old. ~ Laura Benanti
Markinson Broadway quotes by Laura Benanti
Especially on Broadway, composers and lyricists fretted over their creations, obsessed over every rhyme, every critical chord or interval. The stakes were so high. On Broadway, people were watching and judging, especially newspaper critics who knew a thousand ways to slice and dice a songwriter for the entertainment of hundreds of thousands of faithful readers. There was no anonymity for the Broadway songwriter. Even the best could find themselves stripped naked the morning after by the tastemakers and their readers. ~ Michael Kosser
Markinson Broadway quotes by Michael Kosser
Back in the summer of 1941, they had stood to lose so much, it seemed, through the shame and ruination of exposure. Sammy could not have known that one day he would come to regard all the things that their loving each other had seemed to put at so much risk – his career in comic books, his relations with his family, his place in the world – as the walls of a prison, an airless, lightless keep from which there was no hope of escape….He recalled his and Tracy's parting at Penn Station on the morning of Pearl Harbor, in the first-class compartment of the Broadway Limited, their show of ordinary mute male farewell, the handshake, the pat on the shoulder, carefully tailoring and modulating their behavior through there was no one at all watching, so finely attuned to the danger of what they might lose that they could not permit themselves to notice what they had ~ Michael Chabon
Markinson Broadway quotes by Michael Chabon
After graduation I probably won't see any of these people again."
I throw him a hurt look. "Hey! What about me?"
"Not you. You're coming to visit me in New York."
"Ooh! Yes, please."
"Sarah Lawrence is so close to the city. I'll be able to go to Broadway shows whenever I want. There's an app for same-day student tickets." He gets a faraway look in his eyes.
"You're so lucky," I say.
"I'll take you. We'll go to a gay bar, too. It'll be amazing."
"Thank you!"
"But everybody else I can take or leave."
"We still have Beach Week," I remind him, and he nods.
"For the rest of our lives, we'll always have Beach Week," he says mockingly, and I throw a hair tie at him. ~ Jenny Han
Markinson Broadway quotes by Jenny Han
Initially, I wanted to be an ice skater, but then when I was 13 I saw Bye Bye Birdie, and that was it - I wanted to be on Broadway. ~ Liza Minnelli
Markinson Broadway quotes by Liza Minnelli
Code of Civil Procedure §1161(2) prevents the landlord from claiming rent due more than a year before the service of the 3-day notice. See Fifth & Broadway Partnership v Kimny, Inc. (1980) 102 CA3d 195, 202. An argument could also be made on the ground of laches that it is inequitable for a landlord to wait a full year before demanding overdue rent. That argument was successfully made in Maxwell v Simons (Civ Ct 1973) 353 NYS2d 589, which held that it was unconscionable for a landlord to permit the tenant to fall more than 3 months behind in rent before bringing an unlawful detainer action based on the total arrearage. New York law required the tenant to pay the arrearage within 5 days or return possession. The court held that the landlord could base his eviction action only on the last 3 months' nonpayment of rent and would have to recover the balance in an ordinary action for rent. See also Marriott v Shaw (Civ Ct 1991) 574 NYS2d 477 and Dedvukaj v Mandonado (Civ Ct 1982) 453 NYS2d 965. In California, this reasoning, along with the cases cited above on "equitable" defenses, might be used to attack a 3-day notice to pay or quit demanding more than three months' back rent. ~ Myron Moskovitz
Markinson Broadway quotes by Myron Moskovitz
They say for every light on Broadway there is a broken heart, an unrealized dream. And that's the same in any profession. So you have to want it more than anyone else, and you have to be your own champion, be your own superstar, blaze your own path, say yes to opportunity, follow your instincts, be eager, and passionate, keep learning, nurture your real, lasting relationships, don't be a jerk, and free your imagination so you can become all that you want to be. ~ Sutton Foster
Markinson Broadway quotes by Sutton Foster
I love New York. I'm working on Broadway, and it's a great way for me to get my feet wet in acting and a great way to season yourself as a performer. ~ Taylor Hicks
Markinson Broadway quotes by Taylor Hicks
I think as a writer you never have to flee from fame because you're not that visible in the first place, but, after the Broadway success of 'Beauty Queen,' people were coming up to me all the time, and I wasn't really prepared for that level of attention. ~ Martin McDonagh
Markinson Broadway quotes by Martin McDonagh
I feel like I've been known for having long black hair, so when I took all my extensions out and cut my own hair, it was the most freeing thing, I think, I've ever done. That was my 21st year: I cut my hair, I was doing Broadway; I was living in New York, and I was really having a moment of becoming my individual self, and it was amazing. ~ Keke Palmer
Markinson Broadway quotes by Keke Palmer
Claudia's eyes grew ten sizes when she saw Parker was armed once again. Great! Now she was being locked up with an eerily calm lunatic and an attack dog loyal to the lunatic. ~ T.B. Markinson
Markinson Broadway quotes by T.B. Markinson
I'd love to go back to Broadway if there was a place for me there. I would absolutely go back; it's just a part of me. ~ Brooke Elliott
Markinson Broadway quotes by Brooke Elliott
The secret to life is to put yourself in the right lighting. For some, it's a Broadway spotlight; for others, a lamplit desk. Use your natural powers
of persistence, concentration, and insight
to do work you love and work that matters. Solve problems. make art, think deeply. ~ Susan Cain
Markinson Broadway quotes by Susan Cain
I was, like, this token teen angst child of Broadway. It's so funny. What is that? I don't even know. But I loved it. ~ Jennifer Damiano
Markinson Broadway quotes by Jennifer Damiano
The first song I ever learned to sing and play on the piano was 'I Remember Sky' when I was 10 years old. I remember thinking, This is the most beautiful song I will ever hear. And that remains true for me to this day. His music is the sole reason I wanted to be on Broadway. I wanted to sing music that transports us to the most important place one can travel, our hearts. ~ Laura Benanti
Markinson Broadway quotes by Laura Benanti
'One Night Only,' the words I'll be hearing from my agents when I tell them I'm coming back to Broadway. ~ Hugh Jackman
Markinson Broadway quotes by Hugh Jackman
Go to any police-and-community meeting in Brooklyn, the Bronx, or Harlem, and you will hear pleas such as the following: Teens are congregating on my stoop; can you please arrest them? SUVs are driving down the street at night with their stereos blaring; can't you do something? People have been barbecuing on the pedestrian islands of Broadway; that's illegal! The targets of these complaints may be black and Hispanic, but the people making the complaints, themselves black and Hispanic, don't care. They just want orderly streets. ~ Heather Mac Donald
Markinson Broadway quotes by Heather Mac Donald
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