Lookingbill Iowa Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Lookingbill Iowa.

Quotes About Lookingbill Iowa

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In two weeks a man could completely refashion his history; he could walk all the way to Ohio or Iowa, change his name and his accent, disappear into another life. In the woods, footprints faded, the wind rose up to disperse of clothing, flesh became grass. ~ Alice Hoffman
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Alice Hoffman
(On upcoming racing plans) Right now I am going to go back into training and then I am going to resurface and do the BAA Mile, The Boston Mile, and then I am going to do the USA Championships Mile out in Des Moines, Iowa. Then it is either going to be between The Penn or Drake Relays and then I will go back into training again and start another kind of session. ~ Leonel Manzano
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Leonel Manzano
the world." Jeffrey just shakes his head. "You don't know what it was like. You weren't there when things got really bad. That Haslett asshole kept on calling, and then Iowa, and whenever I went out, there'd be someone just staring at me. It was like I could see my words there in their heads. Crawling there on the undersides of their foreheads. It was like they thought I knew something. And they always ask me, Is it true? Is it true? Did it really happen? And then . . . What's next? What are you working on now? All of these . . . these . . . these - "" (from "The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards: A Novel (Ala Notable Books for Adults)" by Kristopher Jansma) ~ Kristopher Jansma
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Kristopher Jansma
Taking a scenic route in Southeast Iowa is like talking about a good Barry Manilow album. You have to make certain allowances. ~ Bill Bryson
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Bill Bryson
Quality, affordable housing is a key element of a strong and secure Iowa. ~ Thomas Vilsack
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Thomas Vilsack
Why me? "We don't do requests. Try Iowa. I hear they're more accommodating." Hey, Dad, I found a lovely present for this coming Father's Day. Enjoy.
The insect pointed a leg at me. "Die."
Curran's eyes went gold. His clothes tore, falling in shreds to the street, as the massive meld of human and lion spilled out. "Let's see you try that shit on me. ~ Ilona Andrews
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Ilona Andrews
Speaking of River City in The Music Man & his home town, Mason City, Iowa: I didn't have to make up anything. I simply remembered Mason City as closely as I could. ~ Meredith Willson
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Meredith Willson
The solid, middle-class values of hard work, responsibility, family, community, and faith my father talked about tirelessly from Iowa to New York, he lived at home. The hopes he had for his family and for me, he had for all Americans. I think Americans understood this. ~ Chelsea Clinton
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Chelsea Clinton
Contact often has the effect of hardening hostilities, not dissolving barriers. This effect is common in politics. When Jesse Jackson was running for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party, his percentage of the white vote was consistently highest in those states with the fewest blacks. Whites with the most actual contact with blacks were least likely to vote for him. The same was true in 2008 during Barack Obama's Democratic primary campaigns. He won the highest percentages of the white vote in states such as Iowa, which has few blacks, and the lowest percentages in states with large black populations. Bernard N. Grofman of the University of California, Irvine has found a reliable political correlation: As the number of blacks rises, more whites vote Republican - and the less likely they are to vote for black candidates. It is whites whose knowledge about blacks is filtered by the media rather than gained first-hand who have the most favorable impression of them. The alleged benefits of diversity seem illusory to the people who actually experience it. ~ Jared Taylor
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Jared Taylor
I'm from Iowa Falls, Iowa. My dad was a small-town lawyer, and my mom was a pharmacist. She worked at Swartz Drug. I have five older brothers. ~ Patrick Whitesell
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Patrick Whitesell
If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. Peace, Montag. Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change. ~ Ray Bradbury
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Ray Bradbury
I ate apple pie and ice cream - it was getting better as I got deeper into Iowa, the pie bigger, the ice cream richer. There were the most beautiful bevies of girls everywhere I looked in Des Moines that afternoon - they were coming home from high school - but I had no time for thoughts like that ... So I rushed past the pretty girls, and the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines. ~ Jack Kerouac
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Jack Kerouac
The United States does not have a very good record in the Middle East. I think they have the best of intentions but I think the problem is that it's very difficult from Washington, or from Iowa or Nebraska to understand what is happening in this crazy part of the world. In some cases US diplomacy has been somewhat naive. ~ Moshe Arens
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Moshe Arens
Newt Gingrich had a horrible week in the Iowa caucuses. Only 13 percent of his ex-wives voted for him. ~ David Letterman
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by David Letterman
John Kerry was the big winner in Iowa. Ted Kennedy introduced Kerry as the 'comeback kid.' That used to be Bill Clinton's name - because every time he would come back to a city, he would find out if he had a kid or not. ~ Jay Leno
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Jay Leno
The Iowa Women's Health Study, which has followed more than 35,000 women for decades, found eating more broccoli, cauliflower, kale and other cruciferous vegetables was associated with a lower risk of getting non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the first place. ~ Michael Greger
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Michael Greger
We set off walking backwards, thumbs out, trying to hitchhike to the postoperative breast augmentation appointment, perhaps a first in the state of Iowa. ~ Ann Patchett
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Ann Patchett
My bad mood returns like an unwanted rash. "I got in a fight with Logan. And that's all I'm saying on the subject, because if I talk about it right now, it'll just piss me off again and then I'll be too distracted to produce Dumb and Dumber's show."

We both glance at the main booth, where Evelyn is using the reflection on her water glass to check her makeup, dabbing delicately at her eye shadow. Pace is engrossed with his phone, his chair tipped back so far that I predict a very loud disaster in the near future.

"God, I love them," Daisy says with a snicker. "I don't think I've ever met two more self-absorbed people."

Morris saunters out of the booth and wanders over to us. He notices Daisy's shirt and says, "Sweetheart, we're at work. Show some decorum."

"Says the guy who ripped this shirt off me in the supply closet." Rolling her eyes, she takes a step away. "I'm going to make myself presentable in the bathroom. I'd do it out here, but I'm scared Dumber might take a picture and post it on a porn site."

"Wait, the names Dumb and Dumber actually correspond to each of them?" Morris says in surprise. "I thought it was more of a general thing. Which one is Dumber?"

The second the question leaves his mouth, a muffled crash reverberates from the booth, and we all turn to see Pace tangled up on the floor. Yup, the guy who spent an hour regaling me about his cow-tipping days back in Iowa? Tipped himself right over.
Elle Kennedy
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Elle Kennedy
My interest in chemistry was started by reading Robert Kennedy Duncan's popular books while a high school student in Des Moines, Iowa, so that after some delay when it was possible for me to go to college I had definitely decided to specialize in chemistry. ~ Wallace Carothers
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Wallace Carothers
Need a hand?"

I peeked at the figure on the horse's back through cracks in my fingers. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light emanating from the horse, and the figure came into focus. It was Barack Obama, clad in a white toga.

He pulled me to my feet.

"Thanks," I said. "You wouldn't believe the dream I've had."

"Try me."

"You came to me one night, and said my friend had been hit by a train…and…is that a unicorn? I asked, squinting at the curled horn sprouting up between the horse's ears.

"I call her Little Beast."

I ran my fingers through the unicorn's silken hair, which left rainbow glitter on my hand. The headache that had plagued me off and on all weekend was gone. There was no pain in my knee, or anywhere else in my body. "Is this heaven?"

"No," Barack said. "It's Iowa."

And then suddenly we weren't in the cemetery anymore. We were on a baseball diamond at the edge of a cornfield. ~ Andrew Shaffer
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Andrew Shaffer
Rick Perry was philosophical about (his election losses). He said, 'Last week was Iowa. Yesterday was New Hampshire. ' He said at least it's giving him a chance to learn the names of all the states. ~ Jay Leno
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Jay Leno
A major Iowa newspaper published an op-ed against Trump calling him a 'self-absorbed, wholly unqualified feckless blowhard.' Or as Trump put it, 'You forgot very rich ... I'm a very rich, self-absorbed, wholly unqualified feckless blowhard. Very, very rich.' ~ Jimmy Fallon
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Jimmy Fallon
God invented Iowa, he always said, so people could leave it and never come back. ~ Justin Cronin
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Justin Cronin
People like to stop reading when they've finished a chapter, not in the middle of a chapter. This is probably the last thing they'll tell you at the Iowa Writer's Workshop, but it's a reality ~ Shawn Coyne
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Shawn Coyne
I'm not cutting services. But I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe common core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be lo - you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education. ~ Donald Trump
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Donald Trump
I went to college in Iowa for a little bit and tried to get some bands together there. That was about a year of my life. ~ Dave Keuning
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Dave Keuning
Hillary Clinton is now driving from New York to Iowa. It's been called the least-exciting spring break trip in history. ~ Conan O'Brien
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Conan O'Brien
In the past, in order to continue as a candidate, a serious candidate, you had to be in the top three finishes in Iowa. You had to be in the top two out of New Hampshire. All our presidents elected in the past half-century finished either first or second in New Hampshire and in the top three in Iowa. That changed with the Citizens United, when we gave unlimited amounts of money. ~ Mark Shields
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Mark Shields
Minneapolis doesn't benefit from a proximity to other rich cities and their intermingling of commerce. Instead, it's so far from other major metros that it's a singular magnet for regional talent. "There's basically nothing between us and Seattle, so we've historically had all these smaller cities in Iowa, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and Montana that are our satellites," Orfield told me. ~ Anonymous
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Anonymous
California: The west coast of Iowa. ~ Joan Didion
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Joan Didion
I pity the Jews trying to get through life with only half a Bible. That's like trying to get from here to San Francisco with a road map that stops at Dubuque, Iowa.
Grandfather Wills , Hocus Pocus ~ Kurt Vonnegut
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Kurt Vonnegut
The early 1990s was a time of great advancements in precooked bacon technology. Pork producers, food labs, and agricultural schools such as Iowa State University began investing substantially in precooked R&D. ~ David Sax
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by David Sax
The Poet Ridiculed by Hysterical Academics"

Is it, then, your opinion
Women are putty in your hands?
Is this the face to launch upon
A thousand one night stands?

First, please, would you be so kind
As to define your contribution
To modern verse, the Western mind
And human institutions?

Where, where is the long, flowing hair,
The velvet suit, the broad bow tie;
Where is the other-worldly air,
Where the abstracted eye?

Describe the influence on your verse
Of Oscar Mudwarp's mighty line,
The theories of Susan Schmersch
Or the spondee's decline.

You've labored to present us with
This mouse-sized volume; shall this equal
The epic glories of Joe Smith?
He's just brought out a sequel.

Where are the beard, the bongo drums,
Tattered T-shirt and grubby sandals,
As who, released from Iowa, comes
To tell of wondrous scandals?

Have you subversive, out of date,
Or controversial ideas?
And can you really pull your weight
Among such minds as these?

Ah, what avails the tenure race,
Ah, what the Ph.D.,
When all departments have a place
For nincompoops like thee? ~ W.D. Snodgrass
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by W.D. Snodgrass
An awful lot of England is slowly eroding, in ways that I find really distressing, and an awful lot of it is the hedgerows ... We're reaching the point where a lot of the English countryside looks just like Iowa - just kind of open space. ~ Bill Bryson
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Bill Bryson
And Father said, "There are no happy endings." "Right!" cried Iowa Bob – an odd mixture of exuberance and stoicism in his cracked voice. "Death is horrible, final, and frequently premature," Coach Bob declared. "So what?" my father said. "Right!" cried Iowa Bob. "That's the point: So what?" Thus the family maxim was that an unhappy ending did not undermine a rich and energetic life. This was based on the belief that there were no happy endings. ~ John Irving
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by John Irving
I heard a story the other night about an editor who visited the Iowa Workshop and, when asked what sorts of books she published, replied, "Classic books." One of the students asked her, "You mean like Kafka?" Apparently she said, "Oh, I don't think I would publish Kafka." ~ Matthew Specktor
Lookingbill Iowa quotes by Matthew Specktor
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