Lanfranchi Las Vegas Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Lanfranchi Las Vegas.

Quotes About Lanfranchi Las Vegas

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but being over's no problemo, it's the getting there that's a bitch or a boor or a bother, to that small apresbellum, the birth of the universe in reverse, the door unshut after the party's over and the guests uncoupled on the floor. In Las Vegas in the '50s, there were parties on hotel-tops, parties that went on all night long, everyone swinging to the sounds of some sassy swinging-hair'd sister backed by the brassy cool combo, and the show-stopper was the morning's nuclear test, sponsored by the US Army, the white light skirled across the shar Nevada desert, blotting the sun, they called them dawn parties because they done broke the day. ~ Vanessa Place
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Vanessa Place
Las Vegas is a very strange place. It's a place of broken dreams. ~ Concha Buika
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Concha Buika
An intruder broke into Mike Tyson's hotel room in Las Vegas while he was sleeping but got out before Tyson could get to him. I don't know what's scarier. Having someone breaking into your room while you're sleeping or breaking into someone else's room and finding out the guy is Mike Tyson. ~ Jay Leno
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Jay Leno
Nobody realizes that Mormons were the first Americans to settle Las Vegas. ~ David Roberts
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by David Roberts
Is it me or is Bush going everywhere Kerry goes? So far in the past week, President Bush has followed John Kerry to Davenport, Iowa; New Mexico; Las Vegas; Los Angeles; and he follows him to Portland, Oregon. The only place he never followed John Kerry was Vietnam. ~ Jay Leno
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Jay Leno
The Obama 'stimulus' plan is a $1 trillion dollar gamble more suited to Las Vegas than Washington. ~ Cal Thomas
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Cal Thomas
Yeah," he agreed, "but when you go for Squeeze Serve with someone, it's a safe zone. What's said there, stays there."
I looked at him. "I think that's Las Vegas."
"That, too. ~ Sarah Dessen
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Sarah Dessen
Why ban guns? Let's give everyone a rocket launcher! What could possibly go wrong? ~ Oliver Markus Malloy
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Oliver Markus Malloy
Neve, you're wicked," he groaned as she rocked up against him even harder.
"I hope that's not a problem for you," she panted. ~ Amanda Carlson
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Amanda Carlson
Your email inbox is a bit like a Las Vegas roulette machine. You know, you just check it and check it, and every once in a while there's some juicy little tidbit of reward, like the three quarters that pop down on a one-armed bandit. And that keeps you coming back for more. ~ Douglas Rushkoff
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Douglas Rushkoff
I'm very happy with how Jaleo in Las Vegas came together. ~ Jose Andres
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Jose Andres
So much of the theatrical can leave you with a yearning for the real. The real is suddenly and starkly there right at the city's edge and extends for thousands of square miles of desert and mountain and canyon with which human beings can do almost nothing profitable other than to leave it be and just look at it. ~ Timothy O'Grady
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Timothy O'Grady
But I came to see that Las Vegas is not a freak but is, instead, deeply integrated with the rest of the country, and the world beyond. It is symptom, mirror, metaphor. ~ Timothy O'Grady
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Timothy O'Grady
Diesel" - his name sounded sweet coming out of her mouth --"I want you, and I mean I really, really want you. Please. Let's go back to my room. ~ Amanda Carlson
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Amanda Carlson
Jerkiness isn't as respectable as it used to be, not even in L.A. Which is why they had to build Vegas. ~ Ross Macdonald
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Ross Macdonald
Vegas is the most extreme and allegorical of American settlements, bizarre and beautiful in its venality and in its devotion to immediate gratification. ~ Joan Didion
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Joan Didion
Last Vegas is a counterfeit version of the New Jerusalem. And it shares something of the glorious reality that it mocks. ~ Richard J. Mouw
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Richard J. Mouw
With everything it has to offer, Las Vegas is an obvious destination for tourists, as proven by the over 40 million visitors the city welcomes per year. ~ Jon Porter
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Jon Porter
I've enjoyed appearing in Atlantic City. East Coast audiences are a bit brighter than Las Vegas audiences. I think most entertainers will tell you the same thing. The East Coast audiences are more perceptive - especially when it comes to a performer with a theatrical background. ~ Anthony Newley
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Anthony Newley
My 2005 calendar we actually did a shoot in Lake Las Vegas. Since I had requests do some swimwear and athletic shots we tried them and they came out good so we inserted them into the new calendar. ~ Natalie Gulbis
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Natalie Gulbis
I love performing in Las Vegas. ~ Holly Madison
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Holly Madison
In Vegas, the veneer of glamor was bright but thin. You didn't have to look that hard to see the darker realities that lurked beneath the surface. ~ Rob Thomas
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Rob Thomas
Las Vegas is the boxing capital. During a Floyd Mayweather fight weekend, you can shop, party, stay out late and do anything you want. The city of Las Vegas has everything. ~ Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
The people who say New York never sleeps must have never visited Las Vegas. ~ Michelle Madow
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Michelle Madow
I lost $35,000 in less than a week at the Mirage in Las Vegas. ~ Dennis Rodman
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Dennis Rodman
Most people think of Las Vegas, and they think of extravagance. But it's really a mix between fantasy and laziness. ~ Gia Coppola
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Gia Coppola
EVEN THOUGH I KNEW it was going to be what she would ask me, Graciela McCaleb's request gave me pause. Terry McCaleb had died on his boat a month earlier. I had read about it in the Las Vegas Sun. It had made the papers because of the movie. FBI agent gets heart transplant and then tracks down his donor's killer. It was a story that had Hollywood written all over it and Clint Eastwood played the part, even though he had a couple decades on Terry. The film was a modest success at best, but it still gave Terry the kind of notoriety that guaranteed an obituary notice in papers across the country. I had just gotten back to my apartment near the strip one morning and picked up the Sun. Terry's death was a short story in the back of the A section. ~ Michael Connelly
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Michael Connelly
When I played the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve, I got to bring Wiley, my 85-pound black lab. He's responsible for my favorite New Year's memory of all: At the end of the show, he ran onstage and then out across all the tables in the showroom, sending champagne glasses and gamblers flying. ~ Elayne Boosler
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Elayne Boosler
He's on a bus to Las Vegas. He has a friend there who will give him a job."

She brightened up very suddenly. "Oh- to Las Vegas? How sentimental of him. That's where we were married."

"I guess he forgot," I said, "or he would have gone somewhere else. ~ Raymond Chandler
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Raymond Chandler
I've got too much respect for stand-ups to call myself one. ~ Johnny Vegas
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Johnny Vegas
They had found out.

Before I could panic, I made myself stretch my fingers wide and take a calming breath. You already knew this was bound to happen. At least that's what I told myself.

The more I thought about it, the more I should have been appreciative that the people at the chapel in Las Vegas hadn't recognized him. Or that people on the street had been oblivious and hadn't seen us going in and out of there. Or that the receptionist at the acupuncturist hadn't snapped a picture on her phone and posted it online.

Because I might not understand all people, much less most of them, but I understood nosey folks. And nosey folks would do something like that without a second thought. Yet, I reminded myself that there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

It would be fine. So, one gossip site posted about us getting married. Whoop-de-do. There was probably a thousand sites just like it.

I briefly thought about Diana hearing about it, but I'd deal with that later. There was no use in getting scared now. She was the only one whose reaction I cared about. My mom and sisters' opinions and feelings weren't exactly registering at the top of my list now… or ever. I made myself shove them to the back of my thoughts. I was tired of being mad and upset; it affected my work. Plus, they'd made me sad and mad enough times in my life. I wasn't going to let them ruin another day.

Picking my phone up again, I quickly texted Aiden b ~ Mariana Zapata
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Mariana Zapata
He is a warden for Hells Prison. A politician shoved in the guise of a devil. He doesn't care about the Lost Souls he steals with his promises of illusion. He just wants numbers like the republicans want votes. He lives with the other Fallen and Demons in a place made especially for their kind ... The city of Sin itself. Las Vegas, Nevada.
They call it Wanton.
I call it hell. It's certainly hot enough.-Lilith ~ Ashley Jeffery
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Ashley Jeffery
See, every hotel in Las Vegas has a gimmick, and the biggest gimmick of all is the Stratosphere Tower, which claims to have 113 floors, although I think they're measuring floors in Las-Vegas-inches, which stretch and contract to fit whatever lie you're trying to sell. ~ Neal Shusterman
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Neal Shusterman
How? Give me permission, tell me it's okay to strip you naked, kiss you wherever the need takes me, and f**k you until you can't see straight. ~ Dominique Eastwick
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Dominique Eastwick
In the heart of the desert and founded by the first Spanish Conquistadores, Las Vegas has become the entertainment capital of the world, with more than 30 million visitors a year. ~ Brunello Cucinelli
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Brunello Cucinelli
Wall Street investment banks are like Las Vegas casinos: They set the odds. The customer who plays zero-sum games against them may win from time to time but never systematically, and never so spectacularly that he bankrupts the casino. ~ Michael Lewis
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Michael Lewis
In Las Vegas, the magnitude is impressive, but the humanity is gone. It feels like you're being intimidated out of your money instead of inviting you to come have this experience. ~ Eric Whitacre
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Eric Whitacre
If you ever go to Las Vegas, and you will, just go for a few days. I was there recently for seven days, seven days in Vegas. After I blew all my money on gambling and prostitution, I had six days to kill. ~ Doug Benson
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Doug Benson
Melissa Barak, an ex-City Ballet dancer and sometime choreographer, has put together an unspeakably dopey and incompetent mess called 'Call Me Ben,' combining ultra-generic dance, terrible dialogue and disastrous storytelling, about the founding of Las Vegas by the gangster Bugsy Siegel, who insists, violently, on being addressed as 'Ben.' ~ Robert Gottlieb
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Robert Gottlieb
I'm one of the few reading and thinking people who loves Las Vegas for the vulgarity and omnipresence of the dream. The collective dream. There's something enormous about it. Let me say one thing: Las Vegas and cinema have similar roots. The country fair. The magician at the country fair. The vulgarity of the country fair. ~ Werner Herzog
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Werner Herzog
Las Vegas doesn't allow ( tourism ) to dictate the social norms of their community. We don't have to be a boring town that no one is willing to come to. ( But, ) we can't let tourism be the reason for not taking action. Accountability is not there. As a community we can be different. We don't have to be what our visitors are. We can work at policies that will make us a vibrant healthy resort community. ~ Eric Thomas
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Eric Thomas
$16 billion in complex securities whose value ultimately turned on the ability of a Las Vegas stripper with five investment properties, or a Mexican strawberry picker with a single $750,000 home, to make rapidly rising interest payments. ~ Michael Lewis
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Michael Lewis
Las Vegas is a major family destination. Nevada casinos have become American family values now. It's considered just fine to go into one of these windowless scary gambling-malls, drink yourself silly, lose your ass at roulette, and then go ogle showgirls with breast implants. Republicans do this now. Working-class folks do it in polyester stretch pants. It's normal. ~ Bruce Sterling
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Bruce Sterling
I think that people who have Vegas throat are people who sing from their throats only. ~ Robert Goulet
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Robert Goulet
There's a great deal of disturbance in this country and how black feel about what happened in Katrina, and, you know, many of the comics, many of performers are in Las Vegas and New Orleans trying to raise money for what happened there. ~ Michael Richards
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Michael Richards
editor in New York and my mom and dad on the phone. My body is weak and bloated. I'm slowly poisoning myself to death. And it's not like I haven't seen what this shit does to people. The most fucked-up detoxes I've ever seen are the people coming off alcohol. It's worse than heroin, worse than benzos, worse than anything. Alcohol can pickle your brain - leaving you helpless, like a child - infantilized - shitting in your pants - ranting madness - disoriented - angry - terrified. But that's not gonna be me, I mean, it can't be. I may hate myself. I may fantasize about suicide. But I'm way too vain to let myself die an alcoholic death. There's nothing glamorous about alcoholism. You don't go out like Nic Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, with a gorgeous woman riding you till your heart stops. Alcoholism takes you down slow, robbing you of every last bit of dignity on your way ~ Nic Sheff
Lanfranchi Las Vegas quotes by Nic Sheff
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