Kimberlee Kramer Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Kimberlee Kramer.

Quotes About Kimberlee Kramer

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Hockey is my favorite because I'm from Michigan. I used to figure-skate and root for the Red Wings. ~ Jana Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jana Kramer
Swimming, Freud favors the breaststroke, to keep his beard dry. ~ Peter D. Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Peter D. Kramer
All your life has been a journey to find an identity. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
Ignorance has one virtue: persistence. It will insist through dogged persistence on leading others to follow its vision no matter how misguided. Ignorance will drive the world to the brink of failure and catastrophe and beyond into the abyss with arrogance and anger because wisdom is often too polite to fight. Wisdom doesn't like to impose its will, but that is all ignorance understands - force over free will and choice. Sooner or later the world comes to its senses, but oh the damage that has been done. ~ John Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by John Kramer
As time went on, we formed a number of different bands. We played in rival, neighborhood bands. We learned more songs and we learned how to play Chuck Berry music and we learned Ventures songs. ~ Wayne Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Wayne Kramer
Gold is cold. The only warmth it has we give to it. ~ John Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by John Kramer
Writers who are activists are very rarely taken seriously as artists. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
They don't understand because they don't have a heart ~ Clara Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Clara Kramer
AIDS is a plague - numerically, statistically and by any definition known to modern public health - though no one in authority has the guts to call it one. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
But when I was a teenager, the idea of spending the rest of my life in a factory was real depressing. So the idea that I could become a musician opened up some possibilities I didn't see otherwise. ~ Wayne Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Wayne Kramer
The next time you face something that is unexpected, unwanted and uncertain ... consider that it just might be a gift. ~ Stacy Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Stacy Kramer
The guys in New York don't know the new media. San Francisco takes more risks as a culture. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
Many hybrid owners realize how sharply fuel efficiency goes down over 55 mph because they get instant mileage feedback. ~ Felix Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Felix Kramer
But devils are subservient to certain influences of the stars, because magicians observe the course of certain stars in order to evoke the devils. ~ Heinrich Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Heinrich Kramer
Gradually, people are connecting with my music, and that means the world to me. ~ Jana Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jana Kramer
In November, 1964 when I was a patient at the Mayo Clinic I though seriously about killing myself. ~ Jerry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jerry Kramer
Dogs were both feared, in their guise as tools of war and as guards, yet loathed as contemptible dung eaters. That is why so many insults, even today, link the word "dog" with someone who is being conveyed as both a threateningly evil and/or disgusting object. Note that the word "bitch" is still thrown like a verbal rock at women who seem to be usurping masculine traits, such as competiveness or aggression (Hazelton, 2009:173). ~ Kyra Cornelius Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Kyra Cornelius Kramer
Straights don't compare themselves to us! ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
There's a great deal of love for one another on this club. Perhaps we're living in Camelot. ~ Jerry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jerry Kramer
It's honestly every time that I'm doing something, and every time I visit a station and hear my song on the radio and people buying my stuff, I'm like 'Are you kidding me? This is insane!' ~ Jana Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jana Kramer
The point about L-O-V-E is that we hate the word. Because we vulgarize it. It should be taboo, forbidden from utterance for many years, till we've found a new and a better idea. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
My mom wanted to be a country singer, too, so country was always being played. And my girlfriends and I used to go to concerts, like Brad Paisley, in middle school and high school. ~ Jana Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jana Kramer
She who follows another's course, finds a sure path to her own remorse. ~ John Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by John Kramer
I missed the country sounds on the radio. I missed the Deana Carters and the old Faith Hill songs that are more richly country and not so highly pop. So I really wanted that to be on my first album. ~ Jana Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jana Kramer
Stanley Kramer? Spencer Tracy? No one turns down being in a movie with them. ~ Phil Silvers
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Phil Silvers
Her sample drawings were clipped, rather subordinately, to her photograph. All of them were arresting. One of them was unforgettable. The unforgettable one was done in florid wash colors, with a caption that read: 'Forgive Them Their Trespasses.' It showed three small boys fishing in an odd-looking body of water, one of their jackets draped over a 'No Fishing!' sign. The tallest boy, in the foreground of the picture, appeared to have rickets in one leg and elephantiasis in the other--an effect, it was clear, that Miss Kramer had deliberately used to show that the boy was standing with his feet slightly apart. ~ J.D. Salinger
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by J.D. Salinger
I never want to be too mean with my songs, but with 'I Hope It Rains' it was definitely somewhere in the middle with being sassy but also a little class in there as well. It was a good blend for me and who I want to be perceived as an artist. ~ Jana Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jana Kramer
[Adult children of a BPD parent] may seem old before their time or like an old soul (and probably were that way as children too.) They may easily assume the role of fixer and nurturer. They're the ones friends lean on, the ones to whom people tell their problems. Helping others gives them a sense of purpose and worth. ~ Kimberlee Roth
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Kimberlee Roth
We were the generation psychoanalysts tried to change. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
Atlantic reckoned we should use a top Yank producer and appointed one Eddie Kramer to the post. It turns out the guy was full of bullshit and couldn't produce a healthy fart. ~ Bon Scott
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Bon Scott
Depression, in its insidious way, acts as a degenerative disease, harming nerve cells. Like ~ Peter D. Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Peter D. Kramer
We both smile at the classic misunderstanding. It's all so cliché-ridden, it's embarrassing. I wish our story could have some more original twists and turns. Maybe one of us will turn into a vampire or something. ~ Stacy Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Stacy Kramer
When a psychiatrist writes a bestseller, he is then urged to write a book of advice. But I think our culture's awash in advice. The problem is we don't know whether it applies to us or whether we're an exception. ~ Peter D. Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Peter D. Kramer
Catastrophe alone sparks man's salvation. I don't mean in the religious sense, although I guess it is appropriate there, too, because believers agree that salvation comes only after death. It is part of the human near-tragedy that we learn more from loss than from gain. Gain binds us until we stumble and fall into that black pit then we find the spirit of understanding and truth. And if we fall far enough and still persist, we find our salvation. ~ John Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by John Kramer
The tyranny of the blood test. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
Is there something wrong with daydreaming? Whether you're lost in a fairy tale or in a theory on chemistry, daydreaming about possibilities is rather enjoyable, in my view. ~ Kieran Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Kieran Kramer
That Massachusetts Bay Colony had been set up in England as a corporation, enabling one hundred white male religious fanatics to elect their leader to rule in a completely totalitarian way. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
Talbot's eyes widened as he recognised Daniel. The four lost boys got out of the car and stood behind their alpha.
"So he's back?" Talbot asked.
"Yep." I couldn't stop smiling a bit and thinking of that song from the oldies station my Grandpa Kramer used to listen to. My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble ... ~ Bree Despain
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Bree Despain
There are over 1.5 billion tweets generated every 2 days and over 30 billion pieces of content shared each month on Facebook (Kiss Metrics). ~ Bryan Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Bryan Kramer
Of course, even though Peter and I have had our disagreements, we share a bond I'd defend to the death if needs be. If all goes according to the natural order of things, siblings will know us longer than our parents, longer than our spouses and friends. Lord Westdale to Duncan ~ Kieran Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Kieran Kramer
The bravery of Stanley Kramer's 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner' amounted to two Hollywood legends - Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy - telling the world that a black son-in-law is something they can live with, and so should you, especially if he looks like Sidney Poitier and has degrees. ~ Wesley Morris
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Wesley Morris
I forgot that San Francisco is not an angry city like New York. Gays have gotten what they wanted there over the years, unlike New York, where we had to fight for everything. ~ Larry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Larry Kramer
You have to work with the paint and work with whatever the day brings you. If it's a wee bit dreary out, you paint it. But paint it so it makes you glad to be inside near a cozy fire. ~ Kieran Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Kieran Kramer
It's easier to invade a small country than to file a court document. ~ Melody A. Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Melody A. Kramer
It was no accident that one of the first things God asked of Adam was for him to name the animals he saw around him. Why do you suppose God asked man to do that? Because once you have a name, you have the beginning of understanding, and once you have understanding, you lose fear. God didn't want man to be fearful. He wanted man to be brave. ~ John Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by John Kramer
I love sports. So if I was like a sports anchor or something like that. I would love to do that. ~ Jana Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jana Kramer
When the game is over it is really just beginning. ~ Jerry Kramer
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Jerry Kramer
Borderline parents with an insecure sense of self may use jewelry, clothes, and other trappings as proof of their attainment of the idealized happy family, regardless of their means. Rather than unconditional love, nurturance, and open communication, the emphasis may have been on how things appeared to outsiders. Thus the need for expensive cars, respectable jobs, obedient children, well-groomed pets, a carefully landscaped yard.
The ~ Kimberlee Roth
Kimberlee Kramer quotes by Kimberlee Roth
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