Jovannah Ellison Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Jovannah Ellison.

Quotes About Jovannah Ellison

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The trap into which all writers have, will, or should fall into, of writing The Great American Watchamacallit, is such an uncluttered and inviting one that from time to time I'm sure even the greatest have to pull themselves up short by the Shift key to remind themselves that it is story first that they should write. ~ Harlan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Harlan Ellison
Astrid found the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up over his head. She unbuckled his belt and shoved his jeans to the deck. She pushed him, gently but insistently, onto the bed. Then she undressed herself and stood in the faint light, looking down at him as he gazed up at her.
"You're giving me a reason to live," he said, half joking.
"I'm just recapturing the mood," she said, trying to make it sound light and sexy.
"You captured me a long time ago."
She climbed atop him. "We walk out of this together, Sam. Whatever it takes. You and me."
"You and me," he said.
She would not yet let him have her. "Whatever it takes," she insisted. "Say it."
"You and me," he said at last. "Whatever it takes."
"Swear it. ~ Michael Grant
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Michael Grant
Sometimes people were strongest at their most vulnerable, dangerous moments. ~ Kate Avery Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Kate Avery Ellison
You're a dick," Ellison said. "Or, is it just that you suck it?"

Aaron knew by the stillness in the room that everyone was awaiting Tony's response.

"Both," Tony agreed lightly. "And if you actually had one you might be in trouble, sailor. ~ Terra Laurent
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Terra Laurent
Astrid looked at Lana, now leaning against the window, and Diana, lost in thought, and reminded herself that at times she had hated Diana. She had told Sam to kill her if necessary. And she had disliked Lana as a short-tempered bitch who sometimes abused her privileges.
She let her mind move beyond these two. Orc, who had been the first to kill in the FAYZ, the first murderer. A vicious drunk. But someone who had died a hero.
Mary. Mother Mary. A saint who had died trying to murder the children she cared for.
Quinn, who had been a faithless worm at the start and had been a pillar at the end.
Albert. She still didn't know quite what to think of Albert, but it was undeniable that far fewer would have walked out of the FAYZ without Albert.
If her own feelings were this conflicted, was it any wonder the rest of the world didn't know what to do with the Perdido survivors? ~ Michael Grant
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Michael Grant
But on the other hand, it would be a great mistake to assume that the dead are absolutely powerless. ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
I think art must be tough! I think art has to be hard. I don't think it should be easy. I think it should take foot-pounds of energy to produce that art, otherwise we would have more mediocre writers, and we don't have room for any more mediocrity in the world. There's already enough of it being visited on us night and day through the Internet, and through television, and through politics. ~ Harlan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Harlan Ellison
I'm nothing. Nothing at all without writing. Without truth, my truth, the only truth I know, it's all a gambol in the pasture without rhythm or sense. ~ Harlan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Harlan Ellison
What and how much had I lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what I myself had wished to do? ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
The antidote to hubris, to overweening pride, is irony, that capacity to discover and systematize ideas. ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
What is Oracle? A bunch of people. And all of our products were just ideas in the heads of those people - ideas that people typed into a computer, tested, and that turned out to be the best idea for a database or for a programming language. ~ Larry Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Larry Ellison
My emotions locked, as I saw her lipstick lying on the table and grabbed it, saying, "Yes, yes," as I bent to write furiously across her belly in drunken inspiration:
and paused there; trembling above her, my knees on the bed as she waited with unsteady expectancy. It was purplish metallic shade of lipstick, and as she panted with anticipation the letters stretched and quivered, up hill and down dale, and she was lit up like a luminescent sign. ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
Our democracy is not something to be taken for granted. You have to fight for it. You have to commit yourself to working for it - for the long haul. ~ Keith Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Keith Ellison
I love performing on stage the most. It's getting that instant reaction from a live audience. There are no boundaries, you can take your character as far as you want to, you can be the craziest person ever. ~ Jennifer Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Jennifer Ellison
I used to be such a daredevil but now I'm much more cautious. ~ Jennifer Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Jennifer Ellison
I refuse to write the same story twice. I keep experimenting. I keep learning how to work. I've been at it pretty much 50 years, and I'm now beginning to learn how to do the job well. ~ Harlan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Harlan Ellison
I wish HP nothing but the best. I think HP is an icon. Those of us who had their careers in the Valley think of Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett as role models. We would love to be half as good as they were. ~ Larry Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Larry Ellison
I'm in two modes when I'm on Lanai: In engineering mode, I'm trying to find the right place for the reservoir and the desalination plant, and looking at designs for new hotel rooms. The rest of the time, I'm in decompression mode. I'm on Hulopoe Beach, going for a swim, or on my paddleboard surrounded by 100 spinner dolphins. ~ Larry Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Larry Ellison
I hate being wrong, but I love it when I'm set straight. ~ Harlan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Harlan Ellison
Everybody has a talent, whether it's scrapbooking, or kite-flying, or brain surgery, or writing, everybody has a talent. And if they discover it, and they turn it to their purposes and make a living out of it, then they become not "that person," but they become "that writer" or "that doctor" or "that supervisor." ~ Harlan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Harlan Ellison
They could laugh at him but they couldn't ignore him ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
Cloud nine is made for a man like Gray Ellison, and for three married years my feet haven't touched the floor because of him. ~ V. Theia
Jovannah Ellison quotes by V. Theia
I knew it wasn't the right kind of love, because it required nothing of me. I did not need to worry about keeping it alive or putting it out since it was kept alive quite independently of anything I might or might not do. He would not be someone who demanded anything of me. He would hold on to whatever pieces I offered him, however flawed they might be. It did not bind me to him - somehow, it freed me. Louise ~ Jan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Jan Ellison
And a killer was out there, plotting his next murder. Damn. He watched her mood shift, playful to alert and serious. ~ J.T. Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by J.T. Ellison
How can I be certain I'm not manufacturing a memory to match the evidence? You can't rely on memory. You can't rely on ancient artifacts, either, to tell you a story you can live with. You can rely only on the sculpture of your life you carve out of the available material, the one that stands by while you muddle your way into your future. Patrick ~ Jan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Jan Ellison
A corporation's primary goal is to make money. Government's primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others. ~ Larry Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Larry Ellison
If it's supposed to be a really passionate snog, you slip the tongue in. ~ Jennifer Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Jennifer Ellison
In order to grow at this pace, there will have to be a couple of acquisitions along the way. The tricky thing is to grow at this rate and maintain a 40 percent operating margin. ~ Larry Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Larry Ellison
I got a mortgage at 17! I didn't even know you could get a mortgage at 17. ~ Jennifer Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Jennifer Ellison
Civil wars...are the best wars for the writer...because they have a way of continuing long afterwl wars between nations are resolved; because, with the combatants being the same people, civil wars are never really won; and because their most devastating engagements are fought within the individual human heart. ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
If the press see you looking normal they can suddenly be 'oh, she's got a spot on her face, she's having a bad day'. That can be quite cruel. ~ Jennifer Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Jennifer Ellison
An illusion was creating a counter-illusion. Where would it end? Did they believe their own propaganda? Afterwards ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
The reward of a successful collaboration is a thing that cannot be produced by either of the parties working alone. It is akin to the benefits of sex with a partner, as opposed to masturbation. The latter is fun, but you show me anyone who has gotten a baby from playing with him or herself, and I'll show you an ugly baby, with just a whole bunch of knuckles. ~ Harlan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Harlan Ellison
So still and silent that they clash with the crowd in their very immobility; standing noisy in their silence; harsh as a cry of terror in their quietness. ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
They closed the door on the cabin. There wasn't room enough for them to stand, so they fell into each other's arms on the bunk.
Sam kissed her and tried not to think that it was for the last time.
He was happy. That was the hell of it. He was finally happy. Right here, right now, in this place, with this girl in his arms, he was happy. Was that why he felt the hammer about to fall on him? No, that was crazy. He was happy. Happiness didn't mean that tragedy was coming around the corner. Did it? ~ Michael Grant
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Michael Grant
What the Ellison Foundation and I are hoping to encourage is a more holistic approach to psychiatry, in which psychotherapy is put on as rigorous a level as psychopharmacology. ~ Eric Kandel
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Eric Kandel
Every serious novel is, beyond its immediate thematic preoccupations, a discussion of the craft, a conquest of the form, a conflict with its difficulties and a pursuit of its felicities and beauty. ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
Because software is all about scale. The larger you are, the more profitable you are. If we sell twice as much as software, it doesn't cost us twice as much to build that software. So the more customers you have, the more scale you have. The larger you are, the more profitable you are. ~ Larry Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Larry Ellison
I was no longer afraid. Not of important men, not of trustees and such; for knowing now that there was nothing which I could expect from them, there was no reason to be afraid. ~ Ralph Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Ralph Ellison
You must never be afraid to go there. ~ Harlan Ellison
Jovannah Ellison quotes by Harlan Ellison
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