Ivy Aberdeen Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Ivy Aberdeen.

Quotes About Ivy Aberdeen

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The feeling was wild and sort of unpredictable, like a good summer storm. ~ Ashley Herring Blake
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ashley Herring Blake
The whole world was crying as everything fell apart. ~ Ashley Herring Blake
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ashley Herring Blake
Saying good-bye to a city is harder than breaking up with a lover. The grief and regret are more piercing because they are more complex and unmixed, changing from corner to corner, with each passing vista, each shift of the light. Breaking up with a city is unclouded by the suspicion that after the affair ends, you'll learn something about the beloved you wished you never knew. The city is as it will remain: gorgeous, unattainable, going on without you as if you'd never existed. What pain and longing the lover feels as he bids farewell to a tendril of ivy, a flower stall, the local butcher. The charming café where he meant to have coffee but never did. ~ Francine Prose
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Francine Prose
I can get us a body," Ivy said ~ Kim Harrison
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Kim Harrison
It's like you are oozing magic." Tari rolled her eyes.
"Yes I am an all-powerful witch," she said sarcastically.
"No. Not a witch, but something. I can't explain it. It's as if magic is your friend," Ivy continued. ~ S.K. Whiteside
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by S.K. Whiteside
he still looked like a preppy douchebag who wore sweaters tied around his neck like some Ivy League pedophile to me. ~ Tijan
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Tijan
I love you, Ivy. You know that? There's only been you. There will only be you. I love you so fucking much. ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Oh, my God, when Ivy got it wrong, she really got it wrong. I didn't need a boyfriend. I had all the drama I could stand right here. ~ Kim Harrison
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Kim Harrison
I am ill at ease with people whose lives are an open book. ~ Ivy Compton-Burnett
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ivy Compton-Burnett
As I learned more about evolution, I realized that from nature's point of view, you and I ain't such a big deal. Humans are just another species on this planet trying to make a go of it, trying to pass our genes into the future, just like chrysanthemums, muskrats, sea jellies, poison ivy ... and bumblebees. ~ Bill Nye
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Bill Nye
I'm Eloise. This is probably a bad time to tell you but I'm your G.P. I was trying to save you, but evidently I was too late. ~ Alyssa Rose Ivy
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Alyssa Rose Ivy
The crowd started going crazy. Like even crazier than when Romeo got up from the hit. I was clinging to the railing, wondering if I would like prison, when Ivy sighed. "I swear. You have all the luck."
Confused, I glanced around. Romeo was jogging toward us, helmet in his hands. Quickly, I glanced at the big screen and it was showing a wide shot of me clinging onto the rails and him running toward us.
When he arrived, he slapped the guard on his back and said something in his ear. The guard looked at me and grinned and then walked away.
Romeo stepped up to where I was. At the height I was at one the railing, for once I was taller than him.
"You're killing me, Smalls," he said. "I had to interrupt a championship game to keep you from going to the slammer."
"I was worried. You didn't get up."
"And so you were just going to march out on the field and what?"
God, he looked so… so incredible right then. His uniform stretched out over his wide shoulders and narrow waist. The pads strapped to his body made him look even stronger. He had grass stains on his knees, sweat in his hair, and ornery laughter in his sparkling blue eyes.
I swear I'd never seen anyone equal parts of to-die-for good looks and boy-next-door troublemaker.
"I was going to come out there and kiss it and make it better."
He threw back his head and laughed, and the stadium erupted once more. I was aware that every moment between us was being broadcast like some ~ Cambria Hebert
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Cambria Hebert
In fact, in Aberdeen, Washington, I am known as Mr. Small Package! ~ Daniel Bryan
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Daniel Bryan
Love doesn't follow a schedule - it just shows up, usually when you least want it to. ~ Ivy Adams
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ivy Adams
We stand, gazing at each other, until Ivy moves again, pulling me into another super hug. But this time as my arms touch her waist, it somehow feels softer than before. I wish I could hold on forever. ~ Colleen Boyd
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Colleen Boyd
I know the days can get long if you don't have a purpose. ~ Amy Engel
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Amy Engel
He looks down at me and says in a commanding voice, "Stand up."

Without thinking, I'm on my feet. A little eager, Summers? He grasps my hips and turns me around so I'm facing the wall a few feet away. I can feel the heat from his body, but he isn't touching me. He just stands behind me and my anxiety spikes. My heart is racing. I feel his breath brush my ear. "Breathe, Ivy." Shit, he's right. I haven't taken a breath since before my wonderful elevator ride yesterday morning. Inhale. Exhale. ~ M.K. Gilher
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by M.K. Gilher
It is better to be drunk with loss and to beat the ground, than to let the deeper things gradually escape. ~ Ivy Compton-Burnett
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ivy Compton-Burnett
This is how it should have been that first night down on the sand," he whispered. "This is our beginning Ivy. I want to make it official. I want there to be no doubt, 'cause I'm gonna do stupid shit all the time." I giggled, and his white teeth flashed. "I'm gonna leave the toilet seat up. I'm gonna be overprotective, probably bossy, and my temper is always gonna run hot." "I don't care," I told him, sliding my hands up to rest on his chest. "Tell me you'll be my girl, and I swear I'll love you with everything I got." "I'm always gonna be stubborn. I'm not gonna take your shit. My makeup will be all over the bathroom, and I still don't have a major. Oh, and I want to keep Prada. You have to like her, too." "I already told Rim to get your adoption paperwork ready for that rat." Then in lower tones, he said, "She's grown on me." I smiled. He totally loved Prada. "So what's my answer?" He tightened his arms around my waist. I pretended to think it over. A girl should never sound too eager-even if she was practically peeing herself with glee. "Blondie," Braeden growled. "I'm already yours, B. I have been for a long time. ~ Cambria Hebert
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Cambria Hebert
My husband worked on Wall Street and was an Ivy League graduate as well. In our world, we were the last couple you'd imagine enmeshed in domestic violence. ~ Leslie Morgan Steiner
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Leslie Morgan Steiner
I slowly sunk in, using one hand to gentle and stroke Ivy as I did. I wanted her to know how much I worshipped her. I wanted her to feel every inch of my need for her. I wanted her to come while I was so deep inside of her that she couldn't tell where she ended and I began. ~ Sierra Simone
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Sierra Simone
On its rocky tip, dominating the scenery for miles around, stood he Villa dell'Ossevatore. Breathtakingly beautiful, it comprised three individual buildings and a single watchtower, roofed in terracotta tile and connected by stone bridges and loggias. Its lush gardens and lawns encircled the peninsula in steadily descending terraces, and a wide stone-built staircase hugged the rock all the way down to the waterline, terminating at a landing stage edged with balustrades. Higher up the hillside she saw the pergolas straining under the branches of ancient wisteria, and huge displays of azaleas and camellias. Ivy clung to the west-facing sides of the buildings and curled among its statues. ~ Stephen Lloyd Jones
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Stephen Lloyd Jones
I wanted to get out of Ashland, and I thought it would be pretty cool to go to school in the East. So I asked my guidance counselor what Ivy League schools were. And I applied to Harvard, Yale and Dartmouth - that was it. My guidance counselor told me I wouldn't get into an Ivy League school. So as my act of resistance, that's all I applied to. ~ Winona LaDuke
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Winona LaDuke
Hillary Clinton lived at Wellesley and Yale. Her circle of friends was that Ivy League bunch, and they were all being trained for lives in government. They were all being trained for lives of government: CIA, State Department. ~ Rush Limbaugh
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Rush Limbaugh
It's the people who have suffered that make the world fit to live in. ~ Ivy Anderson
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ivy Anderson
My mouth dropped open. Oh my God, it was like having a conversation with a ruder Tink. Who, by the way, was practically shimmying with excitement as he leaned in, whispering into my ear. "I like this guy. I really like him. Can I keep him?"
The Summer Prince heard him, and interest sparked in his pale blue eyes. "I've never been kept by a brownie before, but … I've heard things. Interesting things."
I so needed an adult right now, but the adults were all staring at the ceiling, pretending like a live version of Fae Tinder wasn't going down right in front of us.
Tink straightened. "Do tell."
Fabian stepped toward us. "Is it true that a brownie's co - "
"Okay," Ren stepped in, apparently to Tanner's relief by the look on his face. "Let's get back on topic. You were talking about how Ivy isn't a special snowflake. ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout

There is great mystery, Simone,
In the forest of your hair.
It smells of hay, and of the stone
Cattle have been lying on;
Of timber, and of new-baked bread
Brought to be one's breakfast fare;
And of the flowers that have grown
Along a wall abandonèd;

Of leather and of winnowed grain;
Of briers and ivy washed by rain;
You smell of rushes and of ferns
Reaped when day to evening turns;
You smell of withering grasses red
Whose seed is under hedges shed;

You smell of nettles and of broom;
Of milk, and fields in clover-bloom;
You smell of nuts, and fruits that one
Gathers in the ripe season;
And of the willow and the lime
Covered in their flowering time;

You smell of honey, of desire,
You smell of air the noon makes shiver:
You smell of earth and of the river;
You smell of love, you smell of fire.
There is great mystery, Simone,
In the forest of your hair.

Contemporary French Poetry, edited by Jethro Bithell (Wentworth Press March 4th 2019)

reply | edit | delete | flag * ~ Remy De Gourmont
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Remy De Gourmont
Receive the god into your kingdom
pour libations, cover your head with ivy, join the dance! ~ Euripides
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Euripides
My wife also contributed to my poison ivy education. She taught me women have an aversion to 'red, bumpy men' and are not the least bit aroused by any part of the male anatomy which happens to be infected. However, this was not a problem. My infestation was so severe, the act of scratching produced orgasmic waves of delight that made me consider scheduling weekly au naturel pilgrimages through lush, rolling fields of the devil vine. ~ Michael Gurnow
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Michael Gurnow
Here, dear reader, you must summon patient compassion. Try to imagine the hardships of a military officer triply burdened by close relationships with political leaders and the national news media, an Ivy League PhD, and wartime triumphs leading an elite airborne division. Our hero somehow survived in spite of it all. He rose against his handicaps, triumphing over the awful mark of Princeton University, that great gathering place for outcasts, rebels, and the socially obscure. He secured higher military rank even though he had been successful in combat. He adroitly worked CBS News, the Washington Post, and the United States Senate, yet still rose to prominence. ~ Chris Bray
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Chris Bray
For the first time in ten years, the March family gathered to perform the Twelfth Night Revels for the village of Blessingstoke, just as they had done in Master Shakespeare's day. The dragon breathed fire while the Turkish Knight brandished his sword at St. George, and when it was finished, the resurrected saint and his sad dragon stood in tableau while the white-robed chorus, of which Portia and I made two, sang of the blood-berried holly and the sweetly clinging ivy. Rather like Brisbane and myself, I thought fancifully. Both evergreen and hardy, one sturdy, one tenacious, and forever undivided. But now there was a new little branch grafted to our union. ~ Deanna Raybourn
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Deanna Raybourn
Oh, I'll just improvise. I doubt you'll be much help. You couldn't have any real skills yet. Probably all you can do is stand there and shimmer, like some kind of freakin' Christmas ornament
meaning only a believer or two will see you."
"Only a believer?"
"You mean you still haven't figured out that?" She shook her head in disbelief.
But he had figured it out; he just didn't want to admit it, just didn't want it to be true. The old lady had been a believer. So was Philip. Both of them had seen him shimmering. But Ivy had not. Ivy had stopped believing. ~ Elizabeth Chandler
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Elizabeth Chandler
There were many forms of betrayal. Betrayal of friends. Comrades. Even life. ~ Hollow Ryan
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Hollow Ryan
Our destinies are intertwined
like the stems of ivy on an oak tree. ~ Chris Tinniswood
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Chris Tinniswood
The graceful ivy, clasping the oak that supported it, would form a whole in which strength and beauty would be equally conspicuous. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Mary Wollstonecraft
Sometimes you could get so turned around that even breathing became complicated. ~ Ivy Devlin
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ivy Devlin
He played with the idea, and grew wilful; tossed it into the air and transformed it; let it escape and recaptured it; made it iridescent with fancy, and winged it with paradox. The praise of folly, as he went on, soared into a philosophy, and Philosophy herself became young, and catching the mad music of Pleasure, wearing, one might fancy, her wine-stained robe and wreath of ivy, danced like a bacchante over the hills of life, and mocked the slow Silenus for being sober. Facts fled before her like frightened forest things. Her white feet trod the huge press at which wise Omar sits, till the seething grape-juice rose round her bare limbs in waves of purple bubbles, or crawled in red foam over the vat's black, dripping, sloping sides. ~ Oscar Wilde
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Oscar Wilde
I asked Joe if he hated Ivy and Bucky. He said, "That would make as much sense as hating a rattlesnake. You don't hate rattlesnakes; you avoid them. ~ Maria Semple
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Maria Semple
I'm fighting a losing battle. I can't tell this story the way it should be told. This whole hotchpotch of characters, events, dates, and the infinite branching of cause and effect - and these people, these real people who actually existed. I'm barely able to mention a tiny fragment of their lives, their actions, their thoughts. I keep banging my head against the wall of history. And I look up and see, growing all over it - ever higher and denser, like a creeping ivy - the unmappable pattern of causality. ~ Laurent Binet
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Laurent Binet
Poison Ivy tastes like an itch when you have it on your tongue, and I'd say that love tastes the same, only itchier. ~ Jarod Kintz
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Jarod Kintz
I don't think that writing talent has much to do with where one went to school, or the number of degrees on one's business card, but I do get a bit bristly at the implication that romance authors couldn't possibly be smart enough to get into an Ivy League school. ~ Julia Quinn
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Julia Quinn
For ivy climbs the crumbling hall To decorate decay. ~ Philip James Bailey
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Philip James Bailey
Ivy gave the woman's hand a firm squeeze before letting it go. "What do you need?" she asked. "We're holding up." That, too, sounded like a rote reply, recited over and over again in hopes that it might somehow become the truth. ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Speaking of things robs them of half their terrors. ~ Ivy Compton-Burnett
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ivy Compton-Burnett
In the moonlight David saw that Thoresby had become very peculiar indeed. Figs nestled among the leaves of beech-trees. Elder-trees were bowed down with pomegranates. Ivy was almost torn from walls by the weight of ripe blackberries growing upon it. Anything which had ever possessed any sort of life had sprung fruitfulness. Ancient, dried up frames had become swollen with sap and we putting out twigs, leaves, blossoms and fruit. Door-frames and doors were so distorted that bricks had been pushed out of place and some houses were in danger of collapsing altogether. The cart in the middle of the high street was a grove of silver birches. Its broken wheels put forth briar roses and nightingales sang on it. ~ Susanna Clarke
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Susanna Clarke
These ivy league students are in the upper echelon of the college boards and had great opportunity in front of them regardless of where they go to college. Its in their very nature and it is something they expect. ~ Michael N. Castle
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Michael N. Castle
You can't keep it no matter how much you beg. Dragons are not pets, Ivy. He laughed. ~ H.M. Ward
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by H.M. Ward
But what I liked in Aberdeen was what I liked generally in Britain: the bread, the fish, the cheese, the flower gardens, the apples. the clouds, the newspapers, the beer, the wollen cloth, the radio programmes, the parks, the Indian restaurants and amateur dramatics, the postal service, the fresh vegetables, the trains, and the modesty and truthfulness of people. ~ Paul Theroux
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Paul Theroux
Grammar perfect books are for Ivy Leaguers in Ivory Towers. My book is a sandcastle built on the beach of usefullness. ~ Jonathan Heatt
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Jonathan Heatt
Write down the most important things you have to do tomorrow. ~ Ivy Lee
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Ivy Lee
I guess that's the thing about people. We always assume their true personality is the one they show you, but sometimes all it takes is moving them to a new situation and a whole new side comes out. A ~ Alyssa Rose Ivy
Ivy Aberdeen quotes by Alyssa Rose Ivy
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