Intercollegiate Athletics Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Intercollegiate Athletics.

Quotes About Intercollegiate Athletics

Enjoy collection of 39 Intercollegiate Athletics quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Intercollegiate Athletics. Righ click to see and save pictures of Intercollegiate Athletics quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

In the current era, more than prodigies in mathematics, science, athletics, or art, I believe we need prodigies of good character and integrity. People who have polished their character and integrity until they shine are the ones who can be the real heroes the world needs to solve its problems. I think that, when people have the correct understanding of the meaning of human character, there will be a solution. ~ Ilchi Lee
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Ilchi Lee
I've always thought that my exposure to competitive sports helped me a great deal in the operating room. It teaches you endurance, and it teaches you how to cope with defeat, and with complications of all sort. I think I'm a well-coordinated person, more than average, and I think that came through my interest in sports, and athletics ... Playing basketball You have to make decisions promptly, and that's true in the operating room as well. ~ Denton Cooley
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Denton Cooley
College athletics are so entrenched and enjoyed by so many people that they will never be discontinued or substantially changed. I know that. I just pity the people caught in that tender trap. And most of all, I pity those kids. ~ Susan Orlean
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Susan Orlean
If you are afraid of other people take a martial arts class. The best way to overcome fear is learn to be proficient in martial arts. ~ Frederick Lenz
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Frederick Lenz
Frankly," said the Doctor, "I am at a loss to understand my own emotions. I can think of no entertainment that fills me with greater detestation than a display of competitive athletics, none - except possibly folk dancing. ~ Evelyn Waugh
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Evelyn Waugh
I come from athletics and I have a pretty big boxing background, so I never really shy away or get nervous about the physical rigors of filmmaking. ~ Jon Bernthal
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Jon Bernthal
We want to promote the great qualities of athletics - and maintain its integrity - all over the world. ~ Alberto Juantorena
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Alberto Juantorena
In the game of Frisbee you throw the disk to someone else. The point of Frisbee is perfect communication. The person at the other end of the field is receiving an impression, a vibration from you. ~ Frederick Lenz
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Frederick Lenz
During my early days as a sportsman and early career as a policeman, things were tight. In athletics I competed as an amateur and, although I might have received some expenses, very little came my way in earnings. ~ Geoff Capes
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Geoff Capes
I've always been really comfortable around athletics, I've just never been comfortable playing anything. ~ Amy Adams
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Amy Adams
In the West, we think of sports and athletics as individual achievement, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat; it all revolves around the ego. This has nothing to do with the Zen of sports and athletics. ~ Frederick Lenz
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Frederick Lenz
For too long the world has failed to recognise that the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement are about fine athletics and fine art. ~ Avery Brundage
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Avery Brundage
I think everybody ought to be allowed to be engaged in athletics at whatever level the audience will accept. ~ Gerald McRaney
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Gerald McRaney
Everyone has to try to give back as much as possible because I think in all sports it helps kids to have role models or people to look up to. Someone like Jess Ennis, I know a lot of young girls have started to get into athletics stuff because of her, because of her success. ~ Andy Murray
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Andy Murray
Our politics, religion, news, athletics, education and commerce have been transformed into congenial adjuncts of show business, largely without protest or even much popular notice. The result is that we are a people on the verge of amusing ourselves to death. ~ Neil Postman
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Neil Postman
Harold (about max): he looks kinda like a football couch
Chester (sarcastically): Yay team rah rah. if he says anything athletic i'll scream
max: want to jog?
(chester screams).
~ James Howe
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by James Howe
I don't think the discus will ever attract any interest until they let us start throwing them at each other. ~ Al Oerter
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Al Oerter
The late start is due to the time. ~ David Coleman
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by David Coleman
Potential does not always ensure success. The greatest players have not always been the most endowed. In athletics, we often hear the phrase, "He has the will to win". I think this is wrong. We can have the greatest will to do well. But unless we have prepared, it is of little use. Really, it should be the "will to prepare". Those who succeed have this will, whether it be in athletics, whether it be in school, whether it be in their chosen vocation, whether it be on a mission, or in almost any other phase of their life. ~ LaVell Edwards
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by LaVell Edwards
I can be whatever it takes to be a folksinger. Folk music to me, if we had to have a definition, is portable music. A lot of what I do is flash, gesture, athletics, but what it comes down to is getting across a melody that will help it stick to your ribs, and being able to take it from town to town. ~ Vance Gilbert
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Vance Gilbert
Hair the color of lemons,'" Rudy read. His fingers touched the words. "You told him about me?"
At first, Liesel could not talk. Perhaps it was the sudden bumpiness of love she felt for him. Or had she always loved him? It's likely. Restricted as she was from speaking, she wanted him to kiss her. She wanted him to drag her hand across and pull her over. It didn't matter where. Her mouth, her neck, her cheek. Her skin was empty for it, waiting.
Years ago, when they'd raced on a muddy field, Rudy was a hastily assembled set of bones, with a jagged, rocky smile. In the trees this afternoon, he was a giver of bread and teddy bears. He was a triple Hitler Youth athletics champion. He was her best friend. And he was a month from his death.
Of course I told him about you," Liesel said. ~ Markus Zusak
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Markus Zusak
We do not use managers, we are the representatives of our athletes, and that is why I am deeply involved in athletics, I follow our athletes careers from start to finish, 100% all the way. ~ Alberto Juantorena
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Alberto Juantorena
I always said I wanted to be a great athlete, ever since I was an overweight little kid. I just love competing in any kind of athletics. ~ Herschel Walker
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Herschel Walker
It has always been my thought that the most important single ingredient to success in athletics or life is discipline. I have many times felt that this word is the most ill-defined in all of our language. My definition isas follows: 1. Do what has to be done; 2. When it has to be done; 3. As well as it can be done; and 4. Do it it that way all the time. ~ Bobby Knight
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Bobby Knight
When I was in first grade, the kids called me 'fatso.' It hurt, but the way I overcame it was to outrun every kid in the class. So I developed a thick skin, and athletics became my way of performing and being accepted. ~ Billy Casper
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Billy Casper
Athletics brings out a side of you that is wonderful. It brings out so many good attributes like competing, intensity and playing at the highest level. ~ Julie Foudy
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Julie Foudy
Encourage kids to enjoy running and play in athletics. Don't force them to run too much competition. ~ Arthur Lydiard
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Arthur Lydiard
There is no better leader in collegiate athletics than Tom Brady. ~ Lloyd Carr
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Lloyd Carr
You have to get into the water and learn against what seems to be the law gravity to float and dancing, or athletics takes you years before you develop a skill. But if you work at it, practicing daily, you can enable your body to do things that are utterly impossible to an untrained physic. ~ Karen Armstrong
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Karen Armstrong
Wonder Woman' was conceived by Dr. Marston to set up a standard among children and young people of strong, free, courageous womanhood; and to combat the idea that women are inferior to men, and to inspire girls to self-confidence and achievement in athletics, occupations, and professions monopolized by men. She wasn't meant to be a superwoman; she was meant to be an everywoman. ~ Jill Lepore
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Jill Lepore
I can't compare family to athletics. ~ Joe Namath
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Joe Namath
In athletics, older runners tend to go for longer races, but it's the opposite in swimming because your body can't handle the endurance. ~ Kirsty Coventry
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Kirsty Coventry
The ability to grow is directly related to the amount of insecurity you can take in your life. ~ Bruce Jenner
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Bruce Jenner
You have to be positive, and I'm not just talking about athletics, this also applies to life. ~ Sheryl Swoopes
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Sheryl Swoopes
There are kinds of unity other than those of the explicit and systematic unity that Poole is attacking. There are kinds of movement - in music or athletics, for example - that present themselves as having a certain unity about them. In some sphere we might talk about 'style'. ~ George Pattison
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by George Pattison
The need of exercise is a modern superstition, invented by people who ate too much and had nothing to think about. Athletics don't make anybody long-lived or useful. ~ George Santayana
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by George Santayana
Athletics is a luxury. ~ Roger Bannister
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Roger Bannister
Addressing the Columbia crew after winning the intercollegiate regatta: I congratulate you most heartily upon the splendid victory you have won, and the luster you have shed upon the name of Columbia College. I thank you for the Faculty of the College, for the manifest service you have done to this institution ... I am convinced that in one day or in one summer, you have done more to make Columbia College known than all your predecessors have done since the foundation of the college by this, your great triumph. ~ Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard
Mary Decker Slaney, the world greatest front runner, I shouldn't be surprised to see her at the front ~ Ron Pickering
Intercollegiate Athletics quotes by Ron Pickering
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