I Love Justin Bieber Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about I Love Justin Bieber.

Quotes About I Love Justin Bieber

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Am I your special someone? Or just someone special?"
--Janet ~ Justin Villanueva
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Villanueva
Listen Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people calls "love" is just a chemical reaction
that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a
failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus
on science. ~ Justin Roiland
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Roiland
Producing and deejaying are two different outlets to the same creativity. When I'm in the studio I get to create and go through my process. When I'm on stage I get to share the results of that process with everybody. It's two different experiences but they both go back to the same thing and I love them both. ~ Justin Smith
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Smith
You are my drug of choice
I know you're no good for me
And though I swear my lips
Will never touch you again
Here we are, here we are. ~ Justin Wetch
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Wetch
I hate to admit it, but sometimes I think he's right. When you kiss someone, it's the first taste of his mouth that will make or break your heart. ~ Justin Chin
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Chin
I was pretty much seen as a basketball player coming out of high school. Football was my second love, but luckily, I turned out to be pretty good. Something just drew me to football; besides, I ended up being too short for my position in basketball. ~ Justin Tuck
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Tuck
Winkie? Flesh flute? Tallywhacker? Baby maker? Quiver bone? Joystick? Fun stick? Lap rocket? Love muscle? Wedding tackle? One-eyed wonder weasel? Helmet head? Wang? Trouser snake? Giggle stick? Schlong? Mushroom head? Love rod? Pecker? Thundersw - "
"Enough!" Lucian barked, and when Bricker paused and glanced to him questioningly, he said, "I do not know what alarms me more, that you have so many names for cock or what it means in regard to how much time you spend thinking about cock. ~ Lynsay Sands
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Lynsay Sands
I snipped off the stem and took a knee.
"For you, my love. A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet as your feet."
Jules smacked me on the back of the head. ~ B. Justin Shier
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by B. Justin Shier
Hi, I'm Justin." Then, unable to help myself, I shot Peyton a sly grin and added," Or, as someone people like to call me, "Baseball Stud. ~ Rachel Harris
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Rachel Harris
I just remember that when Jennifer Love Hewitt released an album a few years back, it was like 'Oh, why is Jennifer Love Hewitt releasing an album?' But if Queen Latifah, or Justin Timberlake, or anybody else wants to be an actor, it's like 'Yeah, I'll go check that out.' ~ Zachary Levi
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Zachary Levi
I was born in Swindon ... a place that always looked west. I found that wherever I go I love to have a room with a view of the western sky. My late brother and I, when we were small, had a room at the back of the house that overlooked the sunset; and both for he and I it was kind of magical. ~ Justin Hayward
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Hayward
My parents inspire me every day. They are both incredible people that I love and look up to every day. Industry wise, I love what Justin Timberlake has done with his career. He's truly an idol to me, not only as a performer, but as a person as well. ~ Max Schneider
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Max Schneider
I love rings, but I can't wear them. I mean, look at my knuckles. My fingers and joints are so swollen from years of playing. That means no wedding band, either. Luckily, I have a very understanding wife. ~ Justin Tuck
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Tuck
I really hated school and so I just wanted to stay home and watch 'I Love Lucy' and watch the movies that inspired me to the point where we are sitting here. ~ Justin Long
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Long
This is who you are, I thought, and my eyes were wet with love for myself and my lovers and for the world. How wonderful and strange it is to be alive! How uneven we are, and how lucky, in our delirious specificity and holy broken forms. ~ Justin Taylor
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Taylor
Call me obsessed, color me consumed
I've always been the type to notice
The smell of a rose in bloom,
But let me confess, this is new
You've stopped my heart, let it resume
And I, to finish, must tell it true
I'm high on your perfume. ~ Justin Wetch
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Wetch
I came up with a new reason
To write your name today
I plagiarized each letter
From a love note you wrote me.
The scent of ink was sacred to me
In that relapsed moment…
For a minute I could pretend
The paper reminded me of your skin;
I could pretend the glimmering ink
Was the moonlit lake
Of our summer night.
But the pretending crumpled with paper
And I threw us into the trash can
For the bridge between us is long burned
And it's time I accepted that. ~ Justin Wetch
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Wetch
I want to do what I love, which is act, and hopefully through that, leave a positive impact somehow, someway, with somebody. ~ Justin Lee
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Lee
That was the first time I realized that I'd fallen in love with him. I loved Justin, More than a friend, more than anything. I was so mad at myself. My biggest fear was losing him. It hit me that it was going to happen someday. Maybe it was already happening. ~ Penelope Ward
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Penelope Ward
And things are never okay. It does get better I guess, in that you grow to love yourself if you're lucky. But it doesn't get better because life is hard, and people aren't always nice. ~ Justin Vivian Bond
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Vivian Bond
I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you
I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish you were mine
The truth is, you stole my heart from afar
The truth is, you still have it. ~ Justin Wetch
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Wetch
I am aware that humans believe they are the sole owners of this curse, but all creatures love, Dieter. Love is our one shared madness, our one shared burden. All creatures are driven against sense by it, and even the lowest ant will die madly for her queen. ~ B. Justin Shier
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by B. Justin Shier
I think video games are a huge part of our society now. Having kids play baseball video games helps them understand and love the game. It could actually push them to get out there and play the game for real. That's great for the sport. ~ Justin Verlander
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Verlander
Not yet, but I do wanna work with Leona Lewis. I love her, she's so sweet! I think she's working on her album as well so I'd love to do a nice powerful female duet with her. I think our voices would blend really well. There's a couple of other people I'd love to work with - like Fergie, Justin Timberlake and Alicia Keys. ~ Jordin Sparks
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Jordin Sparks
In vain I try to jump into the photo
To create again a time so simple
That a piece of paper might encapsulate it
From the erosive winds and waves of time
Which bring even the greatest of loves to a grave of dust. ~ Justin Wetch
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Wetch
Let's start over shall we? Hello gorgeous. I'm Justin McKinley. I'm head baker at Le Chef Petite. I'd love to get to know you better. Can I seduce you with my vast knowledge of sweet and sensual desserts?
Alicia couldn't help it. She giggled. One of those girly, I've-been-flirting bubbly ~ Lea Barrymire
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Lea Barrymire
I do MMA and things like that, so any chance I get to do my own stunts, I love it. ~ Justin Lee
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Lee
As long as I feel the love of the game and my health is good, I'm going to play. I don't want to be one of these guys who stays too long or regrets leaving early. Football has been great to me. ~ Justin Tuck
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Tuck
I love food. I'm a huge food addict. I think in my past life I was a pig or something like that, but I love eating; I never stop eating. ~ Justin Lee
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Lee
Love starts as a feeling,
But to continue is a choice;
And I find myself choosing you
More and more every day. ~ Justin Wetch
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Wetch
The big man shrugged, "I don't know. You're pretty good with the cards. Tell me what the odds are."
[She] shifted her gaze to Michael, then back at Hollis. "This isn't a question of odds. Of all the men in the world, that woman chose you. If she's still out there, she's waiting for you. Staying alive any way she can until you find her. That's all that matters."
Everybody waited for what Hollis would next say. "You're a real ball-buster, you know that? ... Let me pack a few things. ~ Justin Cronin
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Cronin
Towers' is the name of the dormitory that I lived in in college; it's made up of these two towers – North and South – my girlfriend lived in one and I lived in the other. It's about falling in love, but also about what happens when you've long fallen out of love and those reminders are still there. You drive by them, these two buildings, and you look, and you realise that we really built that up. That we really built that love into these things, and for a long time afterward looking at them really made me feel sad; to see these empty buildings that I don't go in to anymore. But then, as time goes on, they start to become kind of joyous in their own way: you can look at them and think 'that love was great and these buildings still stand tall'. But there's also an element of the fact that they're just buildings – they're gonna fall down one day, and they're not that important because there's new love in your life and you've got to break things down that get built up. ~ Justin Vernon
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Vernon
I don't think I'm a star. I just love to act. I'm not thinking I'm even close to where I want to be. ~ Justin Chon
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Chon
When you love to kill and can do it as well as I can, then what better way to raise hell?" -Javier "Bones" Jones ~ Justin Bienvenue
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Bienvenue
Justin: I am falling so in love with you.

Her body electrified. Celeste wiped her eyes and read his text again. The drone of the plane disappeared; the turbulence was no more. There was only Justin and his words.

Justin: I lose myself and find myself at the same time with you.

Justin: I need you, Celeste. I need you as part of my world, because for the first time, I am connected to someone in a way that has meaning. And truth. Maybe our distance has strengthened what I feel between us since we're not grounded in habit or daily convenience. We have to fight for what we have.

Justin: I don't know if I can equate what I feel for you with anything else. Except maybe one thing, if this makes any sense.

Justin: I go to this spot at Sunset Cliffs sometimes. It's usually a place crowded with tourists, but certain times of year are quieter. I like it then. And there's a high spot on the sandstone cliff, surrounded by this gorgeous ice plant, and it overlooks the most beautiful water view you've ever seen. I'm on top of the world there, it seems.

Justin: And everything fits, you know? Life feels right. As though I could take on anything, do anything. And sometimes, when I'm feeling overcome with gratitude for the view and for what I have, I jump so that I remember to continue to be courageous because not every piece of life will feel so in place.

Justin: It's a twenty-foot drop, ~ Jessica Park
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Jessica Park
'Cause if your love was all I had in this life, well that would be enough until the end of time. So rest your weary heart and relax your mind, 'Cause I'm gonna love you, girl, until the end of time. ~ Justin Timberlake
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Timberlake
Aside from my love of animation, as an actor I like the total lack of vanity in terms of not having to worry at all about your appearance. You don't have to deal with hair or makeup or wardrobe. ~ Justin Long
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Long
I love Minnesota, and I'd love to play my whole career here. ~ Justin Morneau
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Morneau
I found a night's sky full of stars
In your cinematic eyes
And heard a symphony
In your laughter. ~ Justin Wetch
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Wetch
I love to sing, but I'm just terrible. I play guitar, and I play enough where I can play most country stuff, and I'll sing when it's just me. ~ Justin Deeley
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Deeley
I have great respect for daytime drama. I love the branding. I love the style. What can I say? I love good soap! ~ Justin Hartley
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Hartley
I've always hated it when authors seem to find joy
In killing my favorite characters.
With gleaming eyes they toy
With turmoil in every chapter.

Just when they've got you attached
To the character's quirks and flaws
To their words and their demons
Just when you've fallen in love
With the character's identity -
With a cruel turn of the lip
The author smirks and kills them off
And at our gasped pleas, merely scoffs.

But the author was God
And my favorite character was you
And I still can't believe
You're gone. ~ Justin Wetch
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Wetch
I've really grown to love film, but I think occasionally you need to get up on a stage and see what's going on. ~ Justin Kirk
I Love Justin Bieber quotes by Justin Kirk
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