Mosmann Swimsuit Quotes

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Quotes About Mosmann Swimsuit

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Nothing in the world can replace the modern swimsuit, and it practically has. ~ Sam Ewing
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Sam Ewing
I gave birth to my first son in April 1986. I thought it would be a good goal to get back in shape after having a baby if I ran the New York City Marathon. I ran in it November 1986. I had just shot the 'Sports Illustrated' swimsuit issue, so I was in great shape. ~ Kim Alexis
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Kim Alexis
Life magazine ran a page featuring me and three other girls that was clearly the precursor of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues. ~ Esther Williams
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Esther Williams
And I have a couple swimsuit calendars I did that are coming out. ~ Trishelle Cannatella
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Trishelle Cannatella
Once, before I had you, I saw you. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. I was pregnant and standing alone outside a party, and when you kicked, I shut my eyes and saw you on a beach we would arrive at almost five years later. You were facing the water and wearing your blue swimsuit and I knew, from the curve in your spine and the nut brown of your skin, that you were mine to protect like nothing else ever will be.
So when you first started asking me hard questions, the ones about America and your place here, I wanted to find you the right answers - the kind that would make you feel good, welcome, and loved. I thought if I could just remember the country I'd been raised to believe in, the one I was sure I would eventually get to, I'd be able to get us back there.
Here is the thing, though, the real, true thing I still have trouble admitting: I can't protect you from everything. I can't protect you from becoming a brown man in America. I can't protect you from spending a lifetime caught between the beautiful dream of a diverse nation and the complicated reality of one. I can't even protect you from the simple fact that sometimes, the people who love us will choose a world that doesn't.
Even now, just writing that down, I want to say something that will make it okay, or even make it make sense, but I can't. Will they ever really understand it themselves? Will they ever change? I have no idea. Our burden is how much we might love them anyway.

And this ~ Mira Jacob
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Mira Jacob
For a while I was on the cover of every Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, which was regarded as the pinnacle of success in America. ~ Elle Macpherson
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Elle Macpherson
Anyone looking back at the log later, trying to piece together a mystery, would find nothing but times and dry entries. It was a lazy Sunday. What made it meaningful were not the facts or details, but the imperceptibles. Inner life. The smell of the beach grass and the feel of sand on a bathroom floor when changing out of a swimsuit. The heat of American summer. Line ten of the log read simply: 10:22 Condor ate second breakfast. It couldn't capture the perfect toasting of the onion bagel or the saltiness of the fish in contrast with the thickness of cream cheese. It was time lost in a book - a journey of imagination, transportation - which to others simply looks like sitting or lying stomach-down on the rug in front of a summertime fire, legs bent at the knees, up ninety degrees, kicking absently, feet languid in the air. ~ Noah Hawley
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Noah Hawley
A lot of the time, we're shooting summer campaigns in winter because they have to come out the next season. It's the hardest to feel great in a bikini when it's cold ... so I appreciate a swimsuit shoot that's in warm weather. ~ Gigi Hadid
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Gigi Hadid
Then, finally, we were ready to charge in and save Sadie, and she rides up in a limousine driven by an ugly dwarf in a swimsuit, and she accuses us of being late.
So when she told us the dwarf was driving us to Russia, I was like, "Whatever." And I got into the car. ~ Rick Riordan
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Rick Riordan
He looks like a starving man, like he could devour me all at once. "That swimsuit," he begins. "Is small," I conclude. ~ Nicola Yoon
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Nicola Yoon
I have no idea what he wants. Maybe he needs to remind you to pack your skimpiest swimsuit." He paused. "Oh, wait, no. That's me." He grinned as I rolled my eyes.
"Why do I even try to have normal conversations with you?" I asked him. "Because you like talking to me. ~ Ada Adams
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Ada Adams
Coming from the modeling industry I have to exercise a lot, but I do enjoy it ... I don't want to put my swimsuit on if I'm not fit. ~ Brooke Burke
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Brooke Burke
It doesn't look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary dietary advice. And then we hear that she's out eating ribs at 1500 calories a serving with 141 grams of fat ... No, I'm trying to say that our first lady does not project the image of women that you might see on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue or of a woman Alex Rodriguez might date every six months or what have you. ~ Rush Limbaugh
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Rush Limbaugh
I live in a swimsuit so I'm really comfortable with my body. ~ Natalie Coughlin
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Natalie Coughlin
Swimsuit competitions go against everything that is right and decent in this world. We're told that beauty is on the inside and that who we are matters far more than what we look like. But could you please just put on this bikini and walk around on high heels so I can judge your inner beauty? ~ Firoozeh Dumas
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Firoozeh Dumas
I looked at her. She wore a very tight and tiny two-piece orange bathing swimsuit that inadequately covered the overplump body I'd been using as a forget-yourself machine. ~ Gil Brewer
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Gil Brewer
I've been thinking a lot about the word "everything." Whenever something horrible happens, you hear people say they "lost everything." They lost their house or their car or their stuff or whatever, and to them it feels like everything. But they have no idea what it's like to lose everything. I thought I knew, but now I realize even I haven't lost everything, because I still have that polka-dot swimsuit in my memory. I still have those ice cream nights and the scorpion that scared Marin and the Barking Bulldogs sweatshirt and the robins-egg-blue nail polish. Somehow having those things makes the other things matter less.
I'm wondering if it's even possible to lose "everything" or if you just have to keep redefining what "everything" is. ~ Jennifer Brown
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Jennifer Brown
The pinup girl, Betty Grable, sprayed her bare butt and breasts with hairspray until they were wet. That way the top and bottom of her swimsuit
stayed glued where she wanted. Hairspray inside your high heels works the same way. ~ Chuck Palahniuk
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Chuck Palahniuk
Being able to wear underwear brilliantly is such a key talent for a woman that there are even competitions to judge who is the best at it: Miss America, Miss World, Miss International, Miss Universe. You can call this "the swimsuit round" all you like - we know what it really means. It's the "bra and undies round. ~ Caitlin Moran
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Caitlin Moran
Jackson stood quietly as Alani came into the house. Unlike the other women, she didn't wear a swimsuit. Shame. He'd love to see her in one. Everyone had duly celebrated Trace's engagement, and Alani seemed taken with Priss - but then, who wouldn't be? Priss was funny, smart, cute and - luckily for Trace - stacked.
Unaware of Jackson, Alani stopped to look out the patio doors. She looked . . . wistful. Like maybe she wanted to take part, but couldn't.
In so many ways, despite being kidnapped by flesh peddlers, or maybe because of that, she was still an innocent. At just-barely twenty-three, she acted much older.
Like a virgin spinster.
Every night, in his dreams, they burned up the sheets.
Here, in reality, she avoided him. She avoided involvement.
But he'd get her over that. Somehow.
Suddenly Priss came in, wet hair sleek down her back, rivulets of water trailing between her breasts. She spotted Jackson right off and, after smiling at Alani, asked them both, "Why aren't you guys coming down to swim?"
Alani jerked around to stare at Jackson with big eyes.
His crooked smile told her that he had her in his sights. "I was just about to ask Alani that."
Priss laughed. "You're still dressed."
"I can undress fast enough." He looked at Alani. "What about you?"
Her lips parted. "No, I . . . didn't bring a suit."
"Pity. Maybe we could move up to the cove and skinny-dip in private?"
Pointing a finger at him, Priss sa ~ Lori Foster
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Lori Foster
He emerged out of the lake, the declining sun drenching him with aureate light, the droplets on his body iridescent in their beams. He walked confidently toward her, almost every inch of his sculptured body exposed in his black swimsuit. Each sharp contour of muscle glistened, each limb unfolded with lithe grace as he approached, his eyes riveted on her. Coral watched spellbound, a yearning surging up within her, eager and expectant. The air around them trembled with infinite anticipation. ~ Hannah Fielding
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Hannah Fielding
Being pregnant finally helped me understand what my true relationship was with my body - meaning that it wasn't put on this earth to look good in a swimsuit. ~ Amy Adams
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Amy Adams
In some countries, women aren't allowed to wear a swimsuit. ~ Valeria Mazza
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Valeria Mazza
Julia arrived at "just do it" as a personal credo long before Nike snapped it up. Nothing anyone thought about her could stop her. Imagine a life in which you're never too anything for anything. Never too old to go back and get that degree. Never too uncoordinated to cut loose on the dance floor. Never too wrong-of-body to wear that swimsuit and throw yourself into the waves. ~ Karen Karbo
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Karen Karbo
It's ... You've been all over the world. Been in perilous places, taken risks that stop my breath. In comparison to all that, will what we might have ... will I be enough?"
"Sweetheart ... "
"You said my world, this world, is colorless, remember?" It almost made him laugh. "Honey-pie, when I'm with you, I think of a thousand colors. Your beautiful silvery eyes, your lemon-yellow swimsuit, your pink sunburn, your pumpkin shoes. You're ... you're my rainbow." His darling, serious, wonderful, brave, spirited, beautiful, talented Jane. So, so lovable ~ Christie Ridgway
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Christie Ridgway
I was a swimsuit model, and I got bored. Acting was challenging. It was very hard and intimidating. We choose to do things in life sometimes that scare the crap outta us. Performing in front of people was my challenge. ~ Christa Campbell
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Christa Campbell
When I got the paperwork for Superstars, and I saw they asked what size swimsuit I wear, I had a hot flash, nearly broke into cold sweats and hired a trainer immediately. ~ Ali Landry
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Ali Landry
You jerk."
Grinning, he backed down the steps. "I'll see you at noon, Kitten."
"I hate you," I hissed.
"The feeling's mutual." He glanced over his shoulder. "Twenty bucks says you wear a once-piece swimsuit."
He was insufferable. ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout
If all superheroines were as indestructible as Superman, leaping across rooftops, smashing through windows, and flying through flames in a skimpy swimsuit wouldn't be such a problem. However, male heroes are usually presented as being unquestionably more powerful than women.Yet, they wear costumes that cover and protect most of their bodies. Women on the other hand, are written as weaker, and presumable less able to protect themselves. Yet they charge into battle with most of their bodies exposed...............................................
...............The reason for this superhero fashion double standard is that comic books have always been primarily targeted to a heterosexual male reader. As a result, female superheroes must look attractive to these readers. And in the world of male fantasy, attractive= sexy. So, revealing costumes are fitted onto idealized bodies with large breasts, tiny waists and impossible long legs. Men need to look powerful and virile, but can't display bulging genitalia showing through their spandex, as it would be too threatening for most straight male readers. ~ Mike Madrid
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Mike Madrid
How can I ever make you understand Cassie and me? I would have to take you there, walk you down every path of our secret shared geography. The truism says it's against all odds for a straight man and woman to be real friends, platonic friends; we rolled thirteen, threw down five aces and ran away giggling. She was the summertime cousin out of storybooks, the one you taught to swim at some midge-humming lake and pestered with tadpoles down her swimsuit, with whom you practiced first kisses on a heather hillside and laughed about it years later over a clandestine joint in your granny's cluttered attic. She painted my fingernails gold and dared me to leave them that way for work ... We climbed out her window and down the fire escape and lay on the roof of the extension below, drinking improvised cocktails and singing Tom Waits and watching the stars spin dizzily around us.
No. ~ Tana French
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Tana French
I might sound like a crazy person, but that's the way I pump myself up. You know how some people are just like 'I have to talk about it'? Sometimes I'll call my husband and we'll talk about it, sometimes I have to talk to myself in the mirror. So I start talking to myself: 'You got this. Don't think of this as Sports Illustrated, just think about this as the best swimsuit campaign you've done in your life. And just kill it and own it and don't put that pressure on yourself.' ~ Ashley Graham
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Ashley Graham
What woman doesn't want to feel comfortable in a swimsuit? It's incredibly empowering. ~ Sara Rue
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Sara Rue
I return to the sprinklers and sit down. George plunks down next to me. "Did you know that a bird-eating tarantula is as big as your hand?"
"Jase doesn't have one of those, does he?"
George gives me his sunniest smile. "No. He useta have a reg'lar tarantula named Agnes, but she" - his voice drops mournfully - "died."
"I'm sure she's in tarantula heaven now," I assure him hastily, shuddering to think what that might look like.
Mrs. Garret's van pulls in behind the motorcycle, disgorging what I assume are Duff and Andy, both red-faced and windblown. Judging by their life jackets, they've been at sailing camp.
George and Harry, my loyal fans, rave to their mother about my accomplishments, while Patsy immediately bursts into tears, points an accusing finger at her mother, and wails, "Boob."
"It was her first word." Mrs. Garret takes her from me, heedless of Patsy's damp swimsuit. "There's one for the baby book. ~ Huntley Fitzpatrick
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Posing for these photographs was all part of the publicity machine - anything they could do to get people's names and faces in front of the public. They did all kinds of photos - swimsuit, people playing sports, cooking - that could be used in different sections of the newspaper and magazines. ~ Mary Mallory
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Mary Mallory
Violet had carefully chosen some long-hanging, loose-fitting basketball shorts to wear over her swimsuit, in hopes of keeping her injuries at least partially hidden. But it didn't take long before one . . . and then two . . . and then at least twenty of her friends had noticed her bandages peeking out from beneath the swishing fabric, and she was forced to recount her morning accident.
Jay loved hearing her tell the story, and every time he heard her talking about it, he would come over so that he could interject, and of course embellish, his role in the events. In his version, he was her champion, practically carrying her from the woods and performing near-miraculous medical feats to save her legs from complete amputation. Violet, and annoyingly every other girl within earshot, couldn't help but giggle while he jokingly sang his own praises.
Violet happened to walk up just in time to hear Jay recounting his version once more to a group of eager admirers.
"Hero? I wouldn't say hero . . ." he quipped.
Violet rolled her eyes, turning to Grady Spencer, a friend of theirs from school. "Can you believe him?"
Grady gave her a concerned look. "Seriously, are you okay, Violet? It sounds like it was pretty bad."
Violet was embarrassed that Jay's exaggerations were actually dredging up real sympathy from others. "It's fine," she assured him, and when Grady didn't look convinced, she added, "Really, I just tripped."
She reached out and shoved Jay. "Wil ~ Kimberly Derting
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Kimberly Derting
Washed-out like last year's swimsuit. ~ Dennis Vickers
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Dennis Vickers
Pray tell, what is wrong with the swimsuit model that I have delivered to your doorstep? ~ Alessandra Torre
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Alessandra Torre
It's so important for husbands and wives to be united when making parenting decisions. If either parent doesn't feel good about something, then permission should not be granted. If either feels uncomfortable about a movie, a television show, a video game, a party, a dress, a swimsuit, or an Internet activity, have the courage to support each other and say no. ~ Larry R. Lawrence
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Larry R. Lawrence
Listen, I noticed you haven't brought your swimsuit home yet. I hope you're not still getting in the water. It's too cold for swimming, Emma."
I do my own laundry. Digging around in my drawers is the only way she could have "noticed" anything missing. Does she also look for condoms or other incriminating evidence moms usually scavenge for? Does she come home to scavenge? The thought tickles my temper. Making a mental note to by a new bathing suit strictly for Galen's house, I say, "You're telling me this? You know how cold-natured I am." My laugh is loud enough to be suspicious, but Mom doesn't seem to notice. Rachel smirks though.
"Don't try to tell me you and Galen haven't figured out how to stay warm in the water."
"Just promise you won't get in the water," she says, her voice tight again. "I don't need you getting sick."
"Fine. I promise."
"And be home before dawn this time. I dare you to bring home anything less than an A on your report card after this. I double dog dare you."
I mouth the words into the phone as she says them; you'd think she'd at least change the wording after all these years. It's her go-to threat for just about everything. But somehow, it doesn't work this time. There's no bluster behind it. She's getting soft lately, and I think it has to do with the night I accused her of adopting me. ~ Anna Banks
Mosmann Swimsuit quotes by Anna Banks
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