Heathers Movie Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Heathers Movie.

Quotes About Heathers Movie

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My dream as a teenager was to run a movie studio, as in the old studio system. ~ Robert Greenblatt
Heathers Movie quotes by Robert Greenblatt
I just wrapped this movie called 'The Wedding Crashers' which was a pretty big break for me. ~ Bradley Cooper
Heathers Movie quotes by Bradley Cooper
And I like the look on people's faces when I say I'm doing this movie called Pride and Prejudice and they kind of smile, and then I say I'm in a movie called Doom and they kind of do a double take and try and put the two things together. And they never quite manage to. ~ Rosamund Pike
Heathers Movie quotes by Rosamund Pike
I'm not a fan of horror. I don't think a proper horror movie has been done since The Shining. ~ Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Heathers Movie quotes by Jeffrey Dean Morgan
One of my dad's friends from the music industry came over to our house one time and heard me sing, and he said, 'She should audition for this role I have!' So I did! It was a movie called 'The Gospel,' which I did when I was five. That was when I was like, 'I want to do this acting thing!' ~ China Anne McClain
Heathers Movie quotes by China Anne McClain
Most of the time for movies and stuff, with the exception of Jeff Nichols, who I've worked with a few times, you just don't know people too well. Everyone is cordial and nice and some people are very genuinely friendly, but once the movie is over you never see them again. ~ Michael Shannon
Heathers Movie quotes by Michael Shannon
We can't negate television. Unfortunately, I do feel in many ways that it did kill my movie career. It did do that. But would I not do it again? Do I have any regrets about doing it? No. ~ Shirley Jones
Heathers Movie quotes by Shirley Jones
I sold my first script when I was 21 - this kids' adventure movie that never got made. I just bought that one back, actually. I'm pretty psyched about it. ~ Jason Segel
Heathers Movie quotes by Jason Segel
I didn't picture myself as a movie actress. I began to think about it around college. I remember thinking, 'Well somebody has to be in them,' so maybe I could do that eventually. It's all been a surprise. ~ Annette Bening
Heathers Movie quotes by Annette Bening
We never thought the first movie would bomb. ~ Kevin McDonald
Heathers Movie quotes by Kevin McDonald
I think if the movie has resonance and stimulates the viewer to talk about it, you can have as large an audience as you want. The most important thing for me is that the movie exists. And that's success enough already. ~ Andy Garcia
Heathers Movie quotes by Andy Garcia
'Mary Poppins,' the movie, was an object of mockery if you were a student in the '60s, something to be laughed at. ~ Richard Eyre
Heathers Movie quotes by Richard Eyre
The movies were wonderful because they took you out of yourself, and at the same time they gave you a sense of being whole. Things of the world might serve to remind you at every turn that your life was snarled and perilously incomplete, that terror would never be far from possession of your heart, but those perceptions would nearly always vanish, if only for a little while, in the cool and nicely scented darkness of any movie house, anywhere. ~ Richard Yates
Heathers Movie quotes by Richard Yates
If you want to be an actor and you love acting, you can do it whether you're doing something else or not. You can be connected with community theater or make your own little movies. But if you want to be a movie star, you've got a tough road ahead of you. ~ Alan Arkin
Heathers Movie quotes by Alan Arkin
Filmmakers, they tell me they want to make movies. I say, 'Good, go out, buy a $500 camera, get some friends and make a movie. Don't go to Hollywood. Stay wherever you are.' ~ Alan Arkin
Heathers Movie quotes by Alan Arkin
People will continue to make movies. But I do think the economic model of the studio movie is closing in on a kind of systemic collapse. ~ Matthew Specktor
Heathers Movie quotes by Matthew Specktor
Brokeback Mountain is a sad love story about two people who can't be together, and the reason that they can't be together is because being gay is a stigmatized thing. It would be interesting to have the same movie in which the two guys weren't in the closet and there was no shame about them being gay and they couldn't be together for other reasons. I still feel like we're a long way from that happening. ~ Wesley Morris
Heathers Movie quotes by Wesley Morris
I've spent many birthdays on a movie set, all great days. ~ Tom Cruise
Heathers Movie quotes by Tom Cruise
Movie stars have careers - actors work, and then they don't work, and then they work again. ~ Frances McDormand
Heathers Movie quotes by Frances McDormand
You'll see a movie about someone you hate or someone you love. Will you see a movie about grandma making apple pies? No, you won't. Only if grandma has poisoned the neighbor or is suspected of poisoning the neighbor through her apple pies. ~ John McAfee
Heathers Movie quotes by John McAfee
The hardest thing, as a director, is that it's never right. Nothing you do is ever right. It's never exactly how you envision it. Making a movie is about making it better. ~ David Ayer
Heathers Movie quotes by David Ayer
I think its pretty clear that film is the pre-eminent art form of our age. If Michaelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci were alive today they'd be making Avatar, not painting a chapel. Film is incredibly democratic and accessible, it's probably the best option if you actually want to change the world, not just re-decorate it. ~ Banksy
Heathers Movie quotes by Banksy
It's not the end of the world if I can't get a film job, or if a movie doesn't turn out well - even though I don't like it when that happens. There are other things I enjoy doing, and I involve myself in them. ~ Viggo Mortensen
Heathers Movie quotes by Viggo Mortensen
Dorothy: Shut up, just shut up. You had me at "hello".

- From Jerry Maguire, 1996 ~ Movie Quote
Heathers Movie quotes by Movie Quote
In the movie, you're moving, you have personality, you don't have to be great looking. ~ Keira Knightley
Heathers Movie quotes by Keira Knightley
The original Spencer Tracy version of 'The Old Man and the Sea' was always terribly flawed because of the over-reliance on voice over, but it's still a beautiful movie. ~ J. C. Chandor
Heathers Movie quotes by J. C. Chandor
You want to know what I'll tell God when I see him? ...I'm gonna tell him I was framed. ~ Various
Heathers Movie quotes by Various
There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The "negroes" of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours. ~ Pat Buchanan
Heathers Movie quotes by Pat Buchanan
Meditation is practiced by traditions all over the world. It is not a Buddhist practice per se, or even a religious practice, and has existed for centuries. The only reason you and I ought to practice meditation is because our friend Sid used it as a tool to discover his innate wisdom, and lived happily ever after as a result. We too can touch the wisdom behind our confusion. We too can look at the display on our movie screen, and see it as illusory. Sid is most commonly ~ Lodro Rinzler
Heathers Movie quotes by Lodro Rinzler
The reviewers tear me apart. I bleed. I'm a favorite target. They go along for six months looking at movies, praying for rain, and then a new Sandra Dee movie comes out, and their eyes open, and they lick their lips. Before they've ever seen it. ~ Sandra Dee
Heathers Movie quotes by Sandra Dee
I figured, when I make a movie, especially earlier in my career, one thing I was going to make sure was that the movie doesn't cost a lot and that it has potential to make a lot of money. That's how you get respect in Hollywood. ~ Ice Cube
Heathers Movie quotes by Ice Cube
I was so grateful that Lemony Snicket wasn't the worst movie ever made that I overlooked many things that might have otherwise upset me. ~ Daniel Handler
Heathers Movie quotes by Daniel Handler
You can't create a movie as you think about it. And what's in the scene is not what's being seen. A shot always means something other than what it is. All are vehicles. A landscape is just a vehicle. The viewer might think different things, and I'm not going to intervene. ~ Bruno Dumont
Heathers Movie quotes by Bruno Dumont
In the original 'Star Wars' movie, there is a small toaster-sized and shaped robot on the Death Star that guides Stormtroopers to where they need to go. I always liked that robot because I could imagine how to build it - and it served a real purpose. ~ Colin Angle
Heathers Movie quotes by Colin Angle
Many movie stars or American Idol contestants sort of fall into theater ... and say, 'Oh, yeah, I would love to do theater.' And then they get here and say, 'Oh, wait a minute, this actually is a craft!' It's not just show up one day and do it. It's show up eight times a week, twice on Wednesdays and twice on Saturdays. ~ Billy Porter
Heathers Movie quotes by Billy Porter
What troubles me is not that movie stars run for office, but that they find it easy to get elected. It should be difficult. It should be difficult for millionaires, too. ~ Shana Alexander
Heathers Movie quotes by Shana Alexander
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