Harpal Singh Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Harpal Singh.

Quotes About Harpal Singh

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What is greatness? Greatness is when you have found out that you are not great, but everything else is. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Harpal Singh quotes by Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Get drunk in love for it has no hangover, but only bliss ~ Rabjot Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Rabjot Singh
Aden turned his body toward her . . . and then he did an unexpected thing for an Arrow. He reached out to cup her jaw, hold her face for a long, taut second, their eyes locked. I think, he said at last, you are a worthy match for my friend, Ivy Jane. You see the greatness of him - and you see his vulnerability. Neither scares you. A decisive nod as he broke contact. Anything you need from me, you can have. You need only ask. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
Then she lay silent as he moved his fingers over the strings with a grace that astounded and compelled. When he added his voice, keeping the volume low to avoid disturbing her neighbors, she felt her heart stop beating. A fallen angel might have a voice like that, she thought, hard and pure and with an unashamed sexuality to it that invited the listener into sin. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
I don't fear for a physical death, but when my conscience dies, that is a real death ~ Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale
Harpal Singh quotes by Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale
We had heard that the people of Delhi loved their city as bees love flowers. But we could not believe that the child of a courtesan would prefer to live in a Delhi brothel rather than in our palace in Iran! ~ Khushwant Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Khushwant Singh
True love is unconditional. And if it is a 'Conditions Apply' scenari, then it isn't true love. It is as good as a mutual fund ... ~ Ravinder Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Ravinder Singh
mighty smug with their present, howsoever unenviable or contemptible their lives and the attitudes might appear others to be. While nearsightedness is not exactly an affliction (but just the thing a good doctor or spiritual healer might prescribe for leading an uncomplicated and happy life), farsightedness is nothing less than a full-blown syndrome. Forever whining, carping, criticizing, castigating, berating and bemoaning every aspect of national-societal life, the lot of the farsighted is pathetic indeed. And, this, when they have far less reasons to cavil, enjoy as they do generally a far better station in life than their nearsighted ~ D.P. Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by D.P. Singh
We built a foundation called the 3HO Foundation: a Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization of people. The first song I sang was, "We are the people, the people of love, let us people love today."All of those who have left, all who are with me, who shall be with me, or who shall leave me, all play a very important role in the development of 3HO-a lifestyle of the Age of Aquarius where humans shall be first and foremost purely human, and will do everything graciously. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Harpal Singh quotes by Harbhajan Singh Yogi
It is easy to kill individuals but you cannot kill the ideas. ~ Bhagat Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Bhagat Singh
The best gift I could give my father would be to represent India in the Olympics. If I can do that in 2016, and even win a medal, it will be fantastic. ~ Jeev Milkha Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Jeev Milkha Singh
There is no wine in the world as heady as applause; and it has the same effect. It temporarily subdues anxiety and restores confidence. ~ Khushwant Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Khushwant Singh
As you train your mind, shockingly it brings you prosperity as well as the faculty to maintain it. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Harpal Singh quotes by Harbhajan Singh Yogi

she walked into her bathroom, stripped, and entered the shower.
The door opened a minute later to expose Riley standing there, beer in hand.
Scraping damp strands of red off her face, she glared at him. "I don't remember giving you an invitation."
"You said to amuse myself while you shower." A slow, slow, deliciously slow smile.
It said gotcha ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
I've learnt that you shouldn't take people seriously, whether they praise you or trash you. ~ Ranveer Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Ranveer Singh
When you meet an ungrateful person, be great. The moment you become great, you will become fulfilled. There is no other secret. Nothing else will give you fulfillment. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Harpal Singh quotes by Harbhajan Singh Yogi
I love you, Kaia Luna." Never had he spoken those three words to a lover. "With all of the man I am, the good and the bad, the mistakes and the glories. I love you to the depths of my being, and if tomorrow I don't wake as me - ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
Blessed, blessed is the True Guru, who has given the supreme gift of the Name of the Lord. ~ Guru Gobind Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Guru Gobind Singh
What is the purpose of life? To elevate all, big or small. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Harpal Singh quotes by Harbhajan Singh Yogi
She leans over Roop the way Sardarji leaned over Satya the years she cried for children, brushing tears from Roop's heavy lashes with her lips. She strokes her head as a mother would, says. "Slpee little one, we are together now."
And Roop sleeps, overcome by the afternoon heat.
While Satya watches her.
So trusting, so very stupid. ~ Shauna Singh Baldwin
Harpal Singh quotes by Shauna Singh Baldwin
Going slow didn't come naturally to him, but Charlotte was worth it. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
The brain was the single thing that remained sacred among the Psy. To rewire that would equal the erasure of the individual, making the PsyNet a true hive mind. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
Raphael, in case you're getting ideas - I won't be this civilized if you decide you need a concubine. In fact, it's a good bet I'll turn homicidal.
He didn't look up from his conversation with Astaad as he said, A pity, in that cool "Archangel" tone of his. I will now have to ask the pilot to empty the hold of my chosen females.
We're going to have to talk about this new sense of humor of yours. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
"Shh ... Lie back and think of England."
Laughter reawakened inside of her, bubbling its way past the raw burn of emotion. "I'd rather think of you."
She felt his smile against the curve of her abdomen, his jaw rough with stubble that made her shiver as he kissed his way oh-so-slowly down her body. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
Now a small woman, with dangerous curves. I could bite into her. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
God send a one person for you, never miss the chance , who make you queen and do-did everything for your smile without any selfiness.... ~ Arshdeep Singh Samrala
Harpal Singh quotes by Arshdeep Singh Samrala
We are here to start an era, to start an Age, to celebrate the transition from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age. We are here to celebrate that. We are the pioneers. We are the pioneers of the Dharma. Let's bow our heads in prayer and let us open our hearts. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Harpal Singh quotes by Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Sugar, remember - " "One of your best ideas, cher." Secret rules, she thought, her eyes on his profile as he watched the sky rain color, secret play. When he met her eyes, his own reflecting the sky, she said, "Full throttle." The smile faded from his lips, raw emotion in his voice as he repeated the vow. "Full throttle. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
To fight is to face death once more, perhaps the total annihilation of their kind. But to run ... is that not also a kind of annihilation? ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
Some things need to be broken to become stronger. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
What seems certain is that Pythagoras developed the idea of mathematical logic ... He realized that numbers exist independently of the tangible world and therefore their study was untainted by inaccuracies of perception. This meant he could discover truths which were independent of opinion of prejudice and which were more absolute then any previous knowledge. ~ Simon Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Simon Singh
They have horses in 'Snow White?' I am lucky nothing nasty happens to horses in 'Snow White.' ~ Tarsem Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Tarsem Singh
If the deaf are to hear, the sound has to be very loud. When we dropped the bomb, it was not our intention to kill anybody. We have bombed the British Government. The British must quit India and make her free. ~ Bhagat Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Bhagat Singh
I would be a disaster as a prime minister. ~ V. P. Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by V. P. Singh
If you are filled with hatred, you can hardly enjoy genuine happiness. Hatred makes your personality extremely fragile and you lose your temper on the slightest pretext, which further creates enmity. ~ Awdhesh Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Awdhesh Singh
Don't give up before you even try. ~ Lilly Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Lilly Singh
I notice women have memory retrieval systems that work like sticky tongues of toads. They leap out like lightening and can strike in all directions to retrieve the object of choice in the situation. ~ Rachna Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Rachna Singh
When the darkness receded, she found herself lying on the bed, still half-dressed ... and being watched by human eyes that held a very feline satisfaction. "I said slow."
He smiled. "Oops."
Charm. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
Aren't you going to get up?"

He put a hand on the curve of her hip, a possessive gesture that had already become

"No. Let's have more sex. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
When Naasir was yet a child, Dmitri had told him he must learn as many languages as possible, so no one could keep secrets from him. This wasn't the first time that advice had held Naasir in good stead. ~ Nalini Singh
Harpal Singh quotes by Nalini Singh
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