Gen David Shoup Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Gen David Shoup.

Quotes About Gen David Shoup

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Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning. ~ David M. Shoup
Gen David Shoup quotes by David M. Shoup
Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and at Centcom, is probably the most decorated officer of his generation. ~ David Ignatius
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Ignatius
Remember, God provides the best camouflage several hours out of every 24. ~ David M. Shoup
Gen David Shoup quotes by David M. Shoup
To lack intelligence is to be in the ring blindfolded. ~ David M. Shoup
Gen David Shoup quotes by David M. Shoup
Gen. Matthew Ridgeway intended not to impose his will on his men, but to allow the men under him to find something in themselves that would make them more confident, more purposeful fighting men. It was their confidence in themselves that would make them fight well, he believed, not so much their belief in him. His job was to keep them to find that quality in themselves. ~ David Halberstam
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Halberstam
Successful trial lawyers are like heat-seeking missiles carrying payloads of information prejudicial to their opponent's case, constantly looking for the chance to unload their cargo, right up until the final moments of trial. ~ David Berg
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Berg
When I first came into parliament, there was, on average, a by-election every three months - due not to MPs bailing out, but because of the death rate. ~ David Blunkett
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Blunkett
Recovering alcoholics talk about needing to hit rock bottom before they are able to climb out. The paradox for the workaholic is that rock bottom is the top of whatever profession they're in. ~ David Chang
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Chang
There really isn't a dream role, but there's a dream situation where I could work with a director that I idolize. So, the idea of working with David Fincher or Paul Thomas Anderson or Wes Anderson or Scorsese or Spielberg or any of the guys I really idolize is a dream for me. ~ Logan Lerman
Gen David Shoup quotes by Logan Lerman
In film, life-and-death struggles make you sit up, lean forward a little bit. They amplify things happening, in smaller ways, in all of us. These things show up in relationships. They show up in struggles and bring them to a critical point. ~ David Lynch
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Lynch
There's no believing in God ... We either know God, or we don't. ~ Gregory David Roberts
Gen David Shoup quotes by Gregory David Roberts
I do regard myself as very lucky. ~ David Wenham
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Wenham
David Boreanaz is pretty funny. He's probably the one that cracks everybody up the most on set. He can be very serious as well, but when he's silly he's pretty silly. ~ Emily Deschanel
Gen David Shoup quotes by Emily Deschanel
Cooking and gardening involve so many disciplines: math, chemistry, reading, history. ~ David Chang
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Chang
There are no free and democratic and wealthy countries in the world that have US rate of gun violence. We have to worry about loners and alienated people. We have to do better on mental health. ~ David Brooks
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Brooks
There were a couple of occasions in India when I was twenty that felt to me like going out with a thimble in your hand, hoping to catch a drop of rain, and having the ocean land on your head. These experiences convinced me that there is an absolute love that pervades everything. ~ David James Duncan
Gen David Shoup quotes by David James Duncan
mercy and justice are deadlier than any rifle or bayonet. ~ David Weber
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Weber
You really think love needs to have a future?"
"Good," Lily said. "So do I."
"Good," I echoed, leaning in. "So do you."
"Don't repeat what I say," she told me, swatting at my arm.
"Don't repeat what I say," I murmured, smiling.
"You're being silly," she said, but the silliness was falling out of her voice.
"You're being silly," I assured her.
"Lily is the greatest girl who ever was."
I drew closer. "Lily is the greatest girl who ever was."
For a moment, I think we'd forgotten where we were.
And then the officers returned, and we were reminded once again. ~ David Levithan
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Levithan
To leave this life, to me, is a sweet prospect. When you read this I will be quite dead and no answer will be possible. All I can say is that I offered you love, and the best I could. All I got in return in the end was a kick in the teeth. Thus I die alone and unloved. As you sowed, so shall you reap. ~ David Ferrie
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Ferrie
They bright whiten all this sepulchre with powdered chloride of lime. It's a perfectly sanitary war. ~ David Jones
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Jones
And that's how we got arrested at the Stinkerlaas parade'. ~ Keren David
Gen David Shoup quotes by Keren David
Anyone who can steal the king's seal ring can manage the locks on his record room. ~ Megan Whalen Turner
Gen David Shoup quotes by Megan Whalen Turner
Float with me in the world of ether. ~ David Lynch
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Lynch
Nearly the physical size of Los Angeles, Bukchang housed fifty thousand prisoners who were kept in by, among many other things, a four-meter-high fence. If you were sent here, so was your entire family-the classic definition of guilt by association, which extended to infants, toddlers, teenagers, siblings, spouses, and grandparents. Babies born here shared the same guilt as their families. Unauthorized babies born here, because intercourse and pregnancies were strictly regulated, were killed. Age and personal culpability meant nothing, and a toddler and an ancient grand- mother were treated the same-brutally. ~ David Baldacci
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Baldacci
She gave Stalin the letter and asked him to deliver it; for a moment, at least, one of the great murderers of the twentieth century played mailman for a young girl in love. ~ David Remnick
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Remnick
Some time later, I sat in the wine cellar, staring at the walls while cradling a wineskin in my lap like a child, murmuring over and over as if lulling the child to sleep, 'I am shat upon. I am shat upon'. ~ Peter David
Gen David Shoup quotes by Peter David
diphthongs. Avril ~ David Foster Wallace
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Foster Wallace
Common sense was sufficient to determine that it could not mean that all men were equal in fact, but in right, not all equally tall, strong, wise, handsome, active, but equally men . . . the work of the same Artist, children in the same cases entitled to the same justice. Nabby ~ David McCullough
Gen David Shoup quotes by David McCullough
The conductor shouts "All aboard!" when the smoke is blown away and the vapor condensed, it will be perceived that a few are riding, but the rest are run over - and it will be called, and will be, "A melancholy accident. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Gen David Shoup quotes by Henry David Thoreau
I see the role of a rabbi or a pastor in general sort of like the role of a quarterback who throws the ball a little bit ahead of the receiver - that is you want to make people run just a bit to catch up to the message that you offer. ~ David Wolpe
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Wolpe
My idea was that if I took a picture of somebody and years later, or whenever, they would die and if someone wanted to know who this person was, they could take one of these pictures and it would tell who the person was. ~ David LaChapelle
Gen David Shoup quotes by David LaChapelle
Are you going to be playing for the pure thrill of unreluctant desire? ~ David Levithan
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Levithan
In some ways, it was far easier to be bad than good. When you're bad, you don't care what happens to anyone other than yourself. When you're trying to do god, you have to worry about everyone. ~ David Baldacci
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Baldacci
If, for example, a conspiratorially minded elite is so powerful, has at its fingertips such multiple and delicate instruments with which to fine-tune accumulation, then how can the periodic headlong slides into crisis be explained? ~ David Harvey
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Harvey
Salvation has absolutely nothing to do with human merit and absolutely everything to do with divine mercy. ~ David Platt
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Platt
Human life, Borges said, is a cascade of possible directions, and we take only one, or we perceive that we take only one - which is how novels are written, too. You start with a blank page, and the first word opens up possibilities for the second word. If your first word is Call, those second two or three could be a doctor or it could be me Ishmael. It could be Call girls on Saturday nights generally cost more than . . . The second sentence opens up a multitude of third sentences, and on we go through that denseness of choices taken and choices not taken, swinging our machetes. ~ David Mitchell
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Mitchell
Once, somebody asked Robert Schumann to explain the meaning of a certain piece of music he had just played on the piano.
What Robert Schumann did was sit back down at the piano and play the piece of music again. ~ David Markson
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Markson
Isn't a gay Mormon like an oxymoron?'
'Do I look like an oxymoron to you?'
'An oxymormon. ~ David Ebershoff
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Ebershoff
campaign in poetry and govern in prose" - and ~ David Axelrod
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Axelrod
The fun of reading as "an exchange between consciousnesses, a way for human beings to talk to each other about stuff we can't normally talk about." ~ David Foster Wallace
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Foster Wallace
Time, too, will die, just as we do, when the universe dies, and is born again. Time's a living thing, just as we are, with birth, longevity, and extinction. Time has a heartbeat, but it isn't ours, no matter how much of ourselves we sacrifice to it. We don't need Time. Time needs us. Even Time loves company. ~ Gregory David Roberts
Gen David Shoup quotes by Gregory David Roberts
American human beings are a slippery and protean bunch in real life, hard as hell to get any kind of universal handle on. ~ David Foster Wallace
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Foster Wallace
The green spaces in Pyongyang were immense and many in number, but not as immense as the monuments. ~ David Baldacci
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Baldacci
On 9/11, all the hatred and murder could not compare with the weight of love, of bravery, of caring. I have to believe that. I honestly believe that. I think we saw the way humanity works on that day, and while some of it was horrifying, so much of it was good. ~ David Levithan
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Levithan
The horizon was shitting a sun, casting a glow on a layer of fog that was settling in the low areas like puddles of ghost piss. ~ David Wong
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Wong
I might have changed, but that did not mean the sport had. ~ David Millar
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Millar
The whole of science, and one is tempted to think the whole of the life of any thinking man, is trying to come to terms with the relationship between yourself and the natural world. Why are you here, and how do you fit in, and what's it all about. ~ David Attenborough
Gen David Shoup quotes by David Attenborough
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