Fonejacker George Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Fonejacker George.

Quotes About Fonejacker George

Enjoy collection of 33 Fonejacker George quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Fonejacker George. Righ click to see and save pictures of Fonejacker George quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Sure, we want to go home. We want this war over with. The quickest way to get it over with is to go get the bastards who started it. ~ George S. Patton
Fonejacker George quotes by George S. Patton
I do not believe that there is anything inherently and unavoidably ugly about industrialism. A factory or even a gasworks is not obliged of its own nature to be ugly, any more than a palace or a dog-kennel or a cathedral. . . . But in any case, though the ugliness of industrialism is the most obvious thing about it and the thing every newcomer exclaims against, I doubt whether it is centrally important. And perhaps it is not even desirable, industrialism being what it is, that it should learn to disguise itself as something else. As Mr Aldous Huxley has truly remarked, a dark Satanic mill ought to look like a dark Satanic mill and not like the temple of mysterious and splendid gods. Moreover, even in the worst of the industrial towns one sees a great deal that is not ugly in the narrow aesthetic sense. A belching chimney or a stinking slum is repulsive chiefly because it implies warped lives and ailing children. Look at it from a purely aesthetic standpoint and it may have a certain macabre appeal. I find that anything outrageously strange generally ends by fascinating me even when I abominate it. ~ George Orwell
Fonejacker George quotes by George Orwell
German and Spanish are accessible to foreigners: English is not accessible even to Englishmen. ~ George Bernard Shaw
Fonejacker George quotes by George Bernard Shaw
Look, when you're the president, there's all kinds of things said about us. I mean, it's just the nature of the job. ~ George W. Bush
Fonejacker George quotes by George W. Bush
Many friends in generall, one in speciall. ~ George Herbert
Fonejacker George quotes by George Herbert
Impressions arriving at the brain make it enter into activity, just as food falling into the stomach excites it to more abundant secretion of gastric juice. ~ Pierre Jean George Cabanis
Fonejacker George quotes by Pierre Jean George Cabanis
Rhode Island has become a second home to me after being involved in its cultural life for over 61 years. I look upon it as a privilege to be inducted into the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame. ~ George Wein
Fonejacker George quotes by George Wein
Their world is like the one that George Orwell depicted in his novel. I'm sure you realize that there are plenty of people who are looking for exactly that kind of brain death. It makes life a lot easier. You don't have to think about difficult things, just shut up and do what your superiors tell you to do. You never have to starve. ~ Haruki Murakami
Fonejacker George quotes by Haruki Murakami
If you go into a battle, it's better to win the first time. ~ George S. Patton
Fonejacker George quotes by George S. Patton
Unrestrained competition can drive people into actions that they would otherwise regret. ~ George Soros
Fonejacker George quotes by George Soros
Alyn carried the Stark banner. When she saw him rein in beside Lord Beric to exchange words, it made Sansa feel ever so proud. Alyn was handsomer than Jory had been; he was going to be a knight one day. The Tower of the Hand ~ George R R Martin
Fonejacker George quotes by George R R Martin
The heart is all that matters. ~ George R R Martin
Fonejacker George quotes by George R R Martin
You live eighty years, and at best you get about six minutes of pure magic. ~ George Carlin
Fonejacker George quotes by George Carlin
Aside from her aged maid, Sansa's only companion was the Lord Robert, eight going on three. ~ George R R Martin
Fonejacker George quotes by George R R Martin
No mortal man could frighten him, no more than the darkness could, nor the bones of his soul, the grey and grisly bones of his soul. ~ George R R Martin
Fonejacker George quotes by George R R Martin
Your tragedy is God's opportunity to show Himself faithful. ~ Jim George
Fonejacker George quotes by Jim George
I watch 'Batman & Robin' from time to time. It's the worst movie I ever made, so it's a good lesson in humility. ~ George Clooney
Fonejacker George quotes by George Clooney
We only make peace with our enemies. That's why it's called making peace. ~ George R R Martin
Fonejacker George quotes by George R R Martin
The medieval doctors of divinity who did not pretend to settle how many angels could dance on the point of a needle cut a very poor figure as far as romantic credulity is concerned beside the modern physicists who have settled to the billionth of a millimetre every movement and position in the dance of the electrons. Not for worlds would I question the precise accuracy of these calculations or the existence of electrons (whatever they may be). The fate of Joan is a warning to me against such heresy. ~ George Bernard Shaw
Fonejacker George quotes by George Bernard Shaw
Good manners are the last thing to desert us, so it seems. They remain behind to mock us with their hollow sound when all else has fled. On ~ Margaret George
Fonejacker George quotes by Margaret George
Margaret Thatcher, like George W. Bush and Tony Blair after her, never hesitated to augment the repressive and information-gathering arms of central government. ~ Tony Judt
Fonejacker George quotes by Tony Judt
One important idea is that science is a means whereby learning is achieved, not by mere theoretical speculation on the one hand, nor by the undirected accumulation of practical facts on the other, but rather by a motivated iteration between theory and practice. ~ George E.P. Box
Fonejacker George quotes by George E.P. Box
Those were the two prerequisites, in my conception, to perfect friendship: capacity to worship and capacity to laugh. Modern life is not made for friendship: common interests are not strong enough, private interests too absorbing. In each person I catch the fleeting suggestion of something beautiful and swear eternal friendship with that. ~ George Santayana
Fonejacker George quotes by George Santayana
Moral: Don't try to Account for Anything. ~ George Ade
Fonejacker George quotes by George Ade
The Beatles were something everyone had in common; this was thirty years ago, there was Dr. Who and everybody knew who the Daleks were and there was The Beatles and everybody knew who George Harrison was. ~ Robyn Hitchcock
Fonejacker George quotes by Robyn Hitchcock
Mary was like a caged tiger in the first days of her captivity. Keen, alert, and watchful, she listened tensely each dawn for the key that unlocked her door. After breakfast she watched the road for messengers, pacing back and forth like a confined feline.
But no messengers ever came.
Elizabeth had abandoned her. Or forgotten her.
And the days passed.
Little by little, the Queen of Scots grew accustomed to her captivity. She no longer heard the key in the lock, or the footsteps outside her door. More often than not it was the maid's cheerful voice that woke her, along with the hand on Mary's shoulder and the delicious smells wafting from the breakfast tray. ~ Margaret George
Fonejacker George quotes by Margaret George
George: [On the 'Two Virgins' cover]
'What I thought of the sleeve then was the same as I think now: it's just two not-very-nice-looking bodies, two flabby bodies naked. It's harmless, really - different strokes for different folks. ~ George Harrison
Fonejacker George quotes by George Harrison
I felt somehow for many years that George Washington and Alexander Hamilton just left me out by mistake. But through the process of amendment, interpretation, and court decision, I have finally been included in 'We, the people.' ~ Barbara Jordan
Fonejacker George quotes by Barbara Jordan
He that is not handsome at 20, nor strong at 30, nor rich at 40, nor wise at 50, will never be handsome, strong, rich or wise. ~ George Herbert
Fonejacker George quotes by George Herbert
He that will be served must bee patient. ~ George Herbert
Fonejacker George quotes by George Herbert
Trackers and hunters sworn to deepwood with clan names like Forrester and Woods, branch and bole. ~ George R R Martin
Fonejacker George quotes by George R R Martin
You have a choice of trusting the natural stability of gold, or the honesty and intelligence of members of government. ~ George Bernard Shaw
Fonejacker George quotes by George Bernard Shaw
People think my friend George is weird because he wears sideburns ... behind his ears. I think he's weird because he wears false teeth ... with braces on them. ~ Steven Wright
Fonejacker George quotes by Steven Wright
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