Discredits Synonym Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Discredits Synonym.

Quotes About Discredits Synonym

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When men in power decide that things need to be rebalanced at any cost, the violence is never brief and never really directed solely at the imbalance that supposedly inspired it. The rule of law becomes the rule of violence. Revenge becomes a synonym for justice. No city is safe from such horror, no nation, no time in all of history. Be ready to recognize the moment. Be always ready. ~ Dean Koontz
Discredits Synonym quotes by Dean Koontz
What I like most about change is that it's synonym for 'hope'. If you are taking a risk, what you are really saying is, 'I believe in tomorrow and I will be part of it. ~ Linda Ellerbee
Discredits Synonym quotes by Linda Ellerbee
Death discredits. Survival is the whole success. The voice of the dead goes away. There isn't any memory. The power that's established fills the earth and destiny is whatever survives, so whatever is is right. ~ Saul Bellow
Discredits Synonym quotes by Saul Bellow
Renounce and give up. What did Christ say? "He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Again and again did he preach renunciation as the only way to perfection. There comes a time when the mind awakes from this long and dreary dream-the child gives up its play and wants to go back to its mother. Renunciation is not asceticism. Are all beggars Christ? Poverty is not a synonym for holiness; often the reverse. ~ Swami Vivekananda
Discredits Synonym quotes by Swami Vivekananda
And yet all the gold is in England, it is dug up from Portuguese and Spanish mines, but it flows by some occult power of attraction to the Tower of London." "Flows," Caroline repeated. "Flows, like a current." Sophie nodded. "And the English have grown so used to this that they use 'currency' as a synonym for money, as if no distinction need be observed between them. ~ Neal Stephenson
Discredits Synonym quotes by Neal Stephenson
I entered the word "crisis" into Thesaurus.com, it suggested "hot potato" as a synonym. I could not write this book without letting you know that Thesaurus.com lists "hot potato" as a synonym for "crisis. ~ Aziz Ansari
Discredits Synonym quotes by Aziz Ansari
Normally, anything done in the name of 'the kids' strikes me as either slightly sentimental or faintly sinister - that redolence of moral blackmail that adheres to certain charitable appeals and certain kinds of politician. (Not for nothing is baby-kissing the synonym for public insincerity.) ~ Christopher Hitchens
Discredits Synonym quotes by Christopher Hitchens
I've been surprised by how many of you actually seem to believe that what you have is perfection. [ ... ] A great many of you consciously or unconsciously think of evolution as a process of inexorable improvement. You imagine that humans began as a completely miserable lot but under the influence of evolution very gradually got better and better and better and better until one day the became what you are now, complete with frost-free refrigerators, microwave ovens, air-conditioning, minivans, and satellite telivision with six hundred channels. [ ... ] In its root sense, 'wealth' isn't a synonym for 'money', it's a synonym for 'wellness'. ~ Daniel Quinn
Discredits Synonym quotes by Daniel Quinn
The power of imagination makes us infinite. ~ John Muir
Discredits Synonym quotes by John Muir
contextualization is inevitable. As soon as you choose a language to speak in and particular words to use within that language, the culture-laden nature of words comes into play. We often think that translating words from one language to another is simple - it's just a matter of locating the synonym in the other language. But there are few true synonyms. The word God is translated into German as Gott - simple enough. But the cultural history of German speakers is such that the word Gott strikes German ears differently than the English word God strikes the ears of English speakers. It means something different to them. You may need to do more explanation if you are to give German speakers the same biblical concept of God that the word conveys to English speakers. ~ Timothy J. Keller
Discredits Synonym quotes by Timothy J. Keller
Is there another word for synonym? ~ George Carlin
Discredits Synonym quotes by George Carlin
It's semi-frustrating when your name actually becomes a synonym for douchebag. ~ Pete Wentz
Discredits Synonym quotes by Pete Wentz
Verbose is not a synonym for literary. ~ Constance Hale
Discredits Synonym quotes by Constance Hale
Then what's a synonym for woman?" "Entrails." "You're not very poetic, are you? Well, then, what's the antonym for entrails?" "Milk. ~ Osamu Dazai
Discredits Synonym quotes by Osamu Dazai
Empathy has become a misused buzz-word. It is transformed into a catch all term for everything good as a synonym of the morality, kindness and compassion. It is frequently mistaken for sympathy, which means aligning yourself with someone suffering, not inhabiting it. ~ Pandora Sykes
Discredits Synonym quotes by Pandora Sykes
To call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer
Discredits Synonym quotes by Arthur Schopenhauer
To deny the existence of races or to replace the word 'race' by a synonym, hoping to produce some effect on the question of racism, displays only bad faith and stupidity. ~ Andre Pichot
Discredits Synonym quotes by Andre Pichot
I said what might have been a bad word meaning excrement, but I hope that I used a polite synonym. ~ Dean Koontz
Discredits Synonym quotes by Dean Koontz
If I had to catalog all the moronic plot turns in The Day After Tomorrow, we'd be here until the next ice age. It's just so very bad. You can have a pretty good time snickering at it-unless, like me, you think there's something to this global warming thing, and you shudder at the irony of a movie meant to warn people about a dangerous environmental trend that completely discredits it. Is it possible that the film is a plot to make environmental activists look as wacko as anti-environmentalists always claim they are? ~ David Edelstein
Discredits Synonym quotes by David Edelstein
Sisterhood is a powerful metaphor; it ought not become a synonym for groupthink. ~ Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Discredits Synonym quotes by Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Unfortunately, we live in an era where once a person learns a bit of the Arabic language and memorizes the translation of the Qur'an, he thinks he has the right to make his own opinions regarding the Qur'an. The Blessed Prophet s said, "Whosoever explains the Qur'an from his own opinion is wrong even if he is right."

Modernists generally ignore the opinions and exegesis of the pious predecessors [al-salaf al-salihun] issuing fatwas that are based on their own whims. In our time, the modernist desires to embody all the greatest attributes in every field. If he can write simple Arabic, articulate himself in his native language, or deliver impromptu speeches, he sees himself the teacher of Junaid and Shiblõ in Taüawwuf and also a mujtahid in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). He introduces new ideas in the exegesis of the Qur'an without concern for the opinions of the pious predecessors or that his opinions contradict the aúódõth of the Blessed Prophet (PBUH).He is whimsical in matters of Dõn. He states his heart's desire no matter how much it contradicts the Qur'an and the Sunna. Despite this, no one discredits him, protests his incompetence, or shows him his deviation.

If one gathers the courage to say, "This is against the teachings of the pious predecessors," he is immediately branded a sycophant of the pious predecessors. He is condemned as ultra-orthodox, anti-intellectual, and someone not attuned to the modern world. Conversely, if a person rejects the e ~ Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi
Discredits Synonym quotes by Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi
We take comfort, however, that mystery is not a synonym for contradiction. ~ R.C. Sproul
Discredits Synonym quotes by R.C. Sproul
The name Urdu, by which this language is usually known, is said to be of Turkish origin, and means literally "camp." But the Moghuls of India first introduced it in the precincts of the Imperial camp; so that as Urdu-i-muali (High or Supreme Camp) came to be a synonym for new Dehli after Shahjahan had made it his permanent capital, so Urdu-ki-zaban meant the lingua franca spoken at Dehli. ~ H.G. Keene
Discredits Synonym quotes by H.G. Keene
Wealth is a means to an end, not the end itself. As a synonym for health and happiness, it has had a fair trial and failed dismally. ~ John Galsworthy
Discredits Synonym quotes by John Galsworthy
Frankie had used one (reverently) to wipe his eyes.This specimen was old and soft,monogrammed with a J in the corner. "Makes it interesting," he told me once, after finding a box monogrammed with M for fifty cents at a sidewalk sale. "Was it Max or Michael? Maybe Marco..."
"Here," he said now. "You have lipstick halfway down to your chin."
Humiliated, I scrubbed at my face.
Frankie held out his hand, palm up. "Okay,let's have it." I pulled the tube out of my pocket. "Not really my thing, madam, but since I've seen what happens when you don't use a mirror..." I'm sure it helped that he was holding my face, but he read it like a pro. "You had a mirror."
"I did.I'm hopeless."
"Maybe.Open." He squinted as he filled in my upper lip. "I don't like this."
"The color? I knew it was too pink-"
"Quiet.You'll smear it.The color is fine. Better for Sienna, I'm sure..." He surveyed his handiwork. "I don't like that you're doing this for him."
"Don't start. I told you how nice he was."
"In excruciating detail."
Given, the post-Bainbridge family dinner e-mail to Frankie and Sadie had been long. But excrutiating stung, especially from the boy who'd used every possible synonym for hot in describing his Friday-night bookstore acquisition. No name, just detailed hotness and the play-by-play of their flirtation over the fantasy section. ~ Melissa Jensen
Discredits Synonym quotes by Melissa Jensen
Bedlam: an institution with a history so fearsome it gave its name to a synonym for chaos and pandemonium. ~ Jon Ronson
Discredits Synonym quotes by Jon Ronson
I'll have you know Southern isn't a synonym for stupid. ~ Janice Lane Palko
Discredits Synonym quotes by Janice Lane Palko
Let us remind ourselves of the terminology. A theist believes in a supernatural intelligence who, in addition to his main work of creating the universe in the first place, is still around to oversee and influence the subsequent fate of his initial creation. In many theistic belief systems, the deity is intimately involved in human affairs. He answers prayers; forgives or punishes sins; intervenes in the world by performing miracles; frets about good and bad deeds, and knows when we do them (or even think about doing them). A deist, too, believes in a supernatural intelligence, but one whose activities were confined to setting up the laws that govern the universe in the first place. The deist God never intervenes thereafter, and certainly has no specific interest in human affairs. Pantheists don't believe in a supernatural God at all, but use the word God as a non-supernatural synonym for Nature, or for the Universe, or for the lawfulness that governs its workings. Deists differ from theists in that their God does not answer prayers, is not interested in sins or confessions, does not read our thoughts and does not intervene with capricious miracles. Deists differ from pantheists in that the deist God is some kind of cosmic intelligence, rather than the pantheist's metaphoric or poetic synonym for the laws of the universe. Pantheism is sexed-up atheism. Deism is watered-down theism. ~ Richard Dawkins
Discredits Synonym quotes by Richard Dawkins
I think sometimes people think cheerful is a synonym for dumb, so no one is ever cheerful. ~ Mindy Kaling
Discredits Synonym quotes by Mindy Kaling
Mother is a synonym for abandonment and death. Comparing this synonym to water, it is like poured-out water. I call it mother, the identity that I cannot identify. ~ Kim Hyesoon
Discredits Synonym quotes by Kim Hyesoon
In Sri Lanka, the people you lived amongst, the people you went to school with, the people in whose houses you ate, whose jokes you shared: these were not the people you married. Quite possibly they were not your religion. More to the point they were probably not your caste. This word with its fearsome connotations was never, hardly ever used. But it was ever present: it muddied the waters of Sri Lanka's politics, it perfumed the air of her bed-chambers; it lurked, like a particularly noxious relative, behind the poruwa of every wedding ceremony. It was the c-word. People used its synonym, its acronym, its antonym-indeed any other nym that came to mind - in the vain hope its meaning would somehow go away. It didn't. But if the people you chose to associate with were the very ones you could not marry, then the ones you did marry were quite often people you wouldn't dream of associating with if you had any choice in the matter. ~ Ashok Ferrey
Discredits Synonym quotes by Ashok Ferrey
A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one. ~ Baltasar Gracian
Discredits Synonym quotes by Baltasar Gracian
In the wake of the Longitude Act, the concept of "discovering the longitude" became a synonym for attempting the impossible. ~ Dava Sobel
Discredits Synonym quotes by Dava Sobel
'Unicorn Island' is the synonym for my happy place. It's a really beautiful message: that happiness is one of the hardest things you'll ever fight for, but it's the only thing worth fighting for. ~ Lilly Singh
Discredits Synonym quotes by Lilly Singh
The commentator may be excused for repeating what he has stressed in his own books and lectures, namely that "offensive" is frequently but a synonym for "unusual;" and a great work of art is of course always original, and thus by its very nature should come more or less as a shocking surprise. ~ Vladimir Nabokov
Discredits Synonym quotes by Vladimir Nabokov
You know, it's always good to have a synonym just for variety. ~ Sarah Vowell
Discredits Synonym quotes by Sarah Vowell
Modesty is related to diffidence, diffidence is related to shyness, Shyness is a synonym for timidity, timidity is a characteristic of the meek, the meek do not inherit the Earth, they serve those who are self confident and self assertive. ~ Dean Koontz
Discredits Synonym quotes by Dean Koontz
In literature and art memory is a synonym for invention. It is the life-blood of imagination, which faints and dies when the veins are empty. ~ Robert Aris Willmott
Discredits Synonym quotes by Robert Aris Willmott
It is easy enough to write and talk about God while remaining comfortable within the contemporary intellectual climate. Even people who would call themselves unbelievers often use the word gesturally, as a ready-made synonym for mystery. But if nature abhors a vacuum, Christ abhors a vagueness. If God is love, Christ is love for this one person, this one place, this one time-bound and time-ravaged self. ~ Christian Wiman
Discredits Synonym quotes by Christian Wiman
Perhaps you'd care for a synonym bun, suggested the duke. ~ Norton Juster
Discredits Synonym quotes by Norton Juster
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