Associated Press Quotes

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Quotes About Associated Press

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An Associated Press report by Chicago-based reporter Sharon Cohen in May 1993 examined Christian fundamentalists and concluded that they were prone to 'riots, terrorism - and death.' ~ Ralph E. Reed, Jr.
Associated Press quotes by Ralph E. Reed, Jr.
My own career started in New York at the 'Associated Press', a fast-paced news agency where we rarely had time for deep reporting. ~ Tom Rachman
Associated Press quotes by Tom Rachman
I think there's great value to the Associated Press and to Reuters, but if you wanted to generate original content, maybe written by local writers, it just takes a little bit of openness to open your pages up to a wider freelance writer pool, and then you might find new voices and a wider array of voices, and definitely more original content that can't be found anywhere else. ~ Dave Eggers
Associated Press quotes by Dave Eggers
In the eyes of the Associated Press, American Christianity, which springs from the Protestant Reformation, is fundamentalist. And Christian Fundamentalists, radical Muslims, Hindu extremists, and fanatical Zionists are all the same - bloodthirsty lunatics. ~ Pat Robertson
Associated Press quotes by Pat Robertson
Internet news cycles are by the minute, and any fool can take a headline from the Associated Press and send it out as news. ~ Harold Evans
Associated Press quotes by Harold Evans
The beauty parlor is where everything interesting in life, everything alluring, is experienced firsthand, physically, rather than through the spectrum of some screen or another. It's so emotional in there! And all these people are stroking your hair. The atmosphere is centuries old, yet very now too. Elba is not bound to our technological era. Were armageddon to befall us tomorrow and wipe our electricity and organized delivery systems, elba would still have a job. Her gossip would take the place of associated press wire services. Instead of using bleach in a bottle, she'd squeeze the juice out of an unfortunate iguana directly onto her customer's hair. A woman like elba finds a way. ~ Lisa Crystal Carver
Associated Press quotes by Lisa Crystal Carver
In recent weeks, I have heard former Associated Press reporter Ron Fournier on Fox News twice asserting, quite offhandedly, that President George W. Bush 'lied us into war in Iraq.' ~ Laurence Silberman
Associated Press quotes by Laurence Silberman
There are only two forces that can carry light to all the corners of the globe ... the sun in the heavens and the Associated Press down here. ~ Mark Twain
Associated Press quotes by Mark Twain
I started freelancing for the Associated Press. I had a great mentor there who sort of taught me everything. ~ Lynsey Addario
Associated Press quotes by Lynsey Addario
Dr. Julian Huxley, famous English biologist and director of UNESCO, recently stated that Western scientists should "learn the Oriental techniques" for entering the trance state and for control of breathing. "What happens? How is it possible?" he said. An Associated Press dispatch from London, dated Aug. 21, 1948, reported: "Dr. Huxley told the new World Federation for Mental Health it might well look into the mystic lore of the East. If this lore could be investigated scientifically, he advised mental specialists, 'then I think an immense step forward could be made in your field. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Associated Press quotes by Paramahansa Yogananda
Universities are the most anti-Israel mainstream institutions in America. And Westerns journalists nearly always use militant or gunman to describe Islamist terrorists. For Reuters, BBC, the Associated Press, CNN, and nearly all newspapers, it violates moral neutrality to label even a man attempting to smash a bomb-laden car into a nightclub a terrorist. ~ Dennis Prager
Associated Press quotes by Dennis Prager
Extremists often derive their inspiration from literal interpretations of texts that should rightly be read not as Associated Press reports from the ancient world, but as theological and literary enterprises requiring independent intellectual assessment. ~ Jon Meacham
Associated Press quotes by Jon Meacham
Associated Press | 777 words ~ Anonymous
Associated Press quotes by Anonymous
When I heard the news that Steve Jobs had died, my mind flashed back to 1985, when I began my love affair with computers. I was stationed in Moscow for The Associated Press, and I ordered an Apple IIc - by Telex - from a department store in Helsinki, Finland. They express-shipped it to me, a month later, by train. ~ Andrew Rosenthal
Associated Press quotes by Andrew Rosenthal
I remember saying things, but I have no idea what was said. It was generally a friendly conversation. - Associated Press reporter Jack Sullivan, attempting to recount a 3 A.M. exchange we had at a dinner party and inadvertently describing the past ten years of my life. ~ Chuck Klosterman
Associated Press quotes by Chuck Klosterman
Lederhosen Maker Opens First U.S. Store in Cincinnati By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wiesnkoenig (pronounced VEE-sehn-koh-neg), the official supplier of lederhosen for the Munich Oktoberfest, opened its first store in the United States on Wednesday, in a brewery in Cincinnati's Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. Oliver Pfund, a Wiesnkoenig consultant, said, "We want to show people here in the U.S. you can wear the lederhosen with Chuck Taylors, you don't have to wear the suspenders." Founded in 2007, Wiesnkoenig has five stores in Germany and sells in department stores there and in Switzerland and Austria. Mr. Pfund said a brewery was a perfect location. He said the company hoped visitors to the brewery would "have an interest in the German culture, as well. ~ Anonymous
Associated Press quotes by Anonymous
The 'gatekeepers' became a term of revile. But when you think about the flow of information, I personally value immensely the calibration a news organ, whether it's on the web or in print, brings to the floodwaters of information. I haven't the time to read all the dispatches of the Associated Press, for example. It's fantastic what they put out, it's extremely good, from all over the world. I like when someone acts as a filter. ~ Harold Evans
Associated Press quotes by Harold Evans
The circle of salt's potential victims grew at an alarming rate. Part of Dahl's research into the evils of salt involved breeding a strain of salt-sensitive rats, in which he induced hypertension by feeding them commercially prepared baby food that contained added sodium. In April 1970, newspapers ran an Associated Press report about Dahl's findings under scary headlines like "Baby Food Salt May Be Harmful, Researcher Says." The report quoted Dahl calling salted baby food "a needless kind of risk. ~ Alan Levinovitz
Associated Press quotes by Alan Levinovitz
If democracy is the voice of the people, then the AP is its stenographer. ~ Peter Arnett
Associated Press quotes by Peter Arnett
In 2001, the Associated Press published a three-part investigation into the theft of black-owned land stretching back to the antebellum period. The series documented some 406 victims and 24,000 acres of land values at tends of millions of dollars. The land was taken through means ranging from legal chicanery to terrorism. ~ Ta-Nehisi Coates
Associated Press quotes by Ta-Nehisi Coates
He appeared every night, like myself, at about nine o'clock, in the office of Mr. Tyler, to learn the news brought in the night Associated Press report. He knew me from the Bull Run campaign as a correspondent of the press. ~ Henry Villard
Associated Press quotes by Henry Villard
In a groundbreaking move, the Associated Press, the largest news-gathering organization in the World, will no longer use the term 'illegal immigrant'. They will now use the phrase 'undocumented democrat'. ~ Jay Leno
Associated Press quotes by Jay Leno
Here we introduce the nation's first great communications monopolist, whose reign provides history's first lesson in the power and peril of concentrated control over the flow of information. Western Union's man was one Rutherford B. Hates, an obscure Ohio politician described by a contemporary journalist as "a third rate nonentity." But the firm and its partner newswire, the Associated Press, wanted Hayes in office, for several reasons. Hayes was a close friend of William Henry Smith, a former politician who was now the key political operator at the Associated Press. More generally, since the Civil War, the Republican Party and the telegraph industry had enjoyed a special relationship, in part because much of what were eventually Western Union's lines were built by the Union Army.

So making Hayes president was the goal, but how was the telegram in Reid's hand key to achieving it?

The media and communications industries are regularly accused of trying to influence politics, but what went on in the 1870s was of a wholly different order from anything we could imagine today. At the time, Western Union was the exclusive owner of the nationwide telegraph network, and the sizable Associated Press was the unique source for "instant" national or European news. (It's later competitor, the United Press, which would be founded on the U.S. Post Office's new telegraph lines, did not yet exist.) The Associated Press took advantage of its economies of scale to produce m ~ Tim Wu
Associated Press quotes by Tim Wu
For five weeks, the Associated Press had provided the world with lurid coverage of the attack on Virgil Earp, which was labeled Cow Boy revenge for what was being called "the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" because it took too long to set the type for "Gunfight in the Vacant Lot behind Camillus Fly's Photography Studio Near Fremont Street. ~ Mary Doria Russell
Associated Press quotes by Mary Doria Russell
I've always loved science fiction. I think the smartest writers are science fiction writers dealing with major things." – Associated Press interview, 12-7-11 ~ Walter Mosley
Associated Press quotes by Walter Mosley
It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the Soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us freedom to protest.
It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag. ~ Charles M. Province
Associated Press quotes by Charles M. Province
The liberty of the press would be an empty sound, and no man would venture to write on any subject, however, pure his purpose, without an attorney at one elbow and a counsel at the other. From minds thus subdued by the fear of punishment, there could issue no works of genius to expand the empire of human reason. ~ Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine
Associated Press quotes by Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine
Every cat knows how to keep his owner feeding them: You may scratch and bite ninety-nine times, but the hundredth time, you must leap into a lap and press your nose to their nose. Rules are for dogs. ~ Catherynne M Valente
Associated Press quotes by Catherynne M Valente
I hope you can understand one thing, I will like you till the day I die. Don't they say there's no reasons when you love someone? It's a lie. I can tell you one hundred reasons. Your voice ... Your fingers ... Your scent ... Your shadow ... As long as it's a characteristic associated with a woman, I like them all ... That is my reason. ~ Lee Dong-gun
Associated Press quotes by Lee Dong-gun
You've been giving me the full-court press since you got here, and we know what'll happen if I let you through that door. But you're leaving. And when you do, I'll be the one who's hurt afterward. So why start something you have no intention of finishing?
- Lexie ~ Nicholas Sparks
Associated Press quotes by Nicholas Sparks
And so you, like the others, would play your brains against mine. You would help these men to hunt me and frustrate me in my designs! You know now, and they know in part already, and will know in full before long, what it is to cross my path. They should have kept their energies for use closer to home. Whilst they played wits against me - against me who commanded nations, and intrigued for them, and fought for them, hundreds of years before they were born - I was countermining them. And you, their best beloved one, are now to me, flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin; my bountiful wine-press for awhile; and shall later on be my companion and my helper. You shall be avenged in turn; for not one of them but shall minister to your needs. You have aided in thwarting me; now you shall come to my call. ~ Bram Stoker
Associated Press quotes by Bram Stoker
The parallel between antifeminism and race prejudice is striking. The same underlying motives appear to be at work, namely fear, jealousy, feelings of insecurity, fear of economic competition, guilt feelings, and the like. Many of the leaders of the feminist movement in the nineteenth-century United States clearly understood the similarity of the motives at work in antifeminism and race discrimination and associated themselves with the anti slavery movement. ~ Ashley Montagu
Associated Press quotes by Ashley Montagu
Climate change is the world's greatest environmental challenge. It is now plain that the emission of greenhouse gases, associated with industrialization and economic growth ... is causing global warming at a rate that is unsustainable. ~ Tony Blair
Associated Press quotes by Tony Blair
When the students were asked to identify their race on a pretest questionnaire, that simple act was sufficient to prime them with all the negative stereotypes associated with African Americans and academic achievement - and If a white student from a prestigious private high school gets a higher SAT score than a black student from an inner-city school, is it because she's truly a better student, or is it because to be white and to attend a prestigious high school is to be constantly primed with the idea of "smart"? ~ Malcolm Gladwell
Associated Press quotes by Malcolm Gladwell
The local liberal press, much molested by the censorship, had its courageous and skilful writers such as VM Doroshevich, the master of that semi-literary and semi-journalistic essay at which Bronstein himself was one day to excel. ~ Isaac Deutscher
Associated Press quotes by Isaac Deutscher
But this press of time - take it as a little thing next to what endures. All this hurrying soon will be over. Only when we tarry do we touch the holy. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Associated Press quotes by Rainer Maria Rilke
Never woke, at first, without recalling, chilled, all those other waking times, those similar stark views from similarly lighted precipices: dizzying precipices from which the distant, glittering world revealed itself as a brooding and separated scene - and so let slip a queer implication, that I myself was both observer and observable, and so a possible object of my own humming awareness. Whenever I stepped into the porcelain bathtub, the bath's hot water sent a shock traveling up my bones. The skin on my arms pricked up, and the hair rose on the back of my skull. I saw my own firm foot press the tub, and the pale shadows waver over it, as if I were looking down from the sky and remembering this scene forever. The skin on my face tightened, as it had always done whenever I stepped into the tub, and remembering it all drew a swinging line, loops connecting the dots, all the way back. You again. ~ Annie Dillard
Associated Press quotes by Annie Dillard
Shh. Please don't cry. I'm so sorry. Here.
She opened her eyes to see him pull a tissue from his jeans. He handed it to her and she used it to press away her tears.
He carried tissues around in his pockets for her, even on nights when he had no expectation of seeing her. ~ Becky Wade
Associated Press quotes by Becky Wade
Coming from the industry and maintaining contacts with producers and directors, I am very well aware that costs associated with movie production are a major factor in determining where films get made. ~ James Costos
Associated Press quotes by James Costos
The sigh associated with Hot Bartender Dude would most definitely be felt around the world and in the lady parts.
Probably in some boy parts, too. ~ J. Lynn
Associated Press quotes by J. Lynn
The president receives an inspector general's report that the Office of Personnel Management could be hacked into; they had antiquated firewalls; 23 million files have been - are in the hands of the Chinese allegedly, including, by the way, members of the press, it turns out, last week. Maybe that's the only part that's good news, so that you guys can get a feel for what it's like now to see this type of attack. ~ Jeb Bush
Associated Press quotes by Jeb Bush
The path that leads through Latin and alebra is not the path to material success. But it may suggest much more: that understanding things is a waste of time; that if you want to succeed in the world and have a happy family and a nice home and a BMW you should not try to understand things but just add up the numbers or press the buttons or do whatever else it is that marketers are so richly rewarded for doing ~ J.M. Coetzee
Associated Press quotes by J.M. Coetzee
Naturally enough, I couldn't have foreseen the vast sea change which has come upon that scene as a result of German reunification and associated events. ~ Brian Ferneyhough
Associated Press quotes by Brian Ferneyhough
Anyone who has studied the history of technology knows that technological change is always a Faustian bargain: Technology giveth and technology taketh away, and not always in equal measure. A new technology sometimes creates more than it destroys. Sometimes, it destroys more than it creates. But it is never one-sided. The invention of the printing press is an excellent example. Printing fostered the modern idea of individuality but it destroyed the medieval sense of community and social integration. ~ Neil Postman
Associated Press quotes by Neil Postman
Learning, published by the MIT Press, present findings from current research on how young people learn, play, socialize, and participate in civic life. The Reports result from research projects funded by the MacArthur ~ Carrie James
Associated Press quotes by Carrie James
Give me a rose, that I may press its thorns, and prove myself awake by the sharp touch of pain! ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne
Associated Press quotes by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Our great problem, is that children now know whatever they want to know - at the press of a button they can discover all horrors of the adult world. They know very early on that the world is sometimes a very dark, difficult and complex place, and the literature they read must reflect that. Otherwise we're just entertaining them to pass the time. ~ Michael Morpurgo
Associated Press quotes by Michael Morpurgo
It is not enough to demand insight and informative images of reality from the theater. Our theater must stimulate a desire for understanding, a delight in changing reality. Our audience must experience not only the ways to free Prometheus, but be schooled in the very desire to free him. Theater must teach all the pleasures and joys of discovery, all the feelings of triumph associated with liberation. ~ Bertolt Brecht
Associated Press quotes by Bertolt Brecht
The press briefing today I believe has lost much of its usefulness. ~ Marlin Fitzwater
Associated Press quotes by Marlin Fitzwater
I remember being little and wondering if I smoothed this line away would I be able to see inside you, like it was a door or some kind of opening to your insides. Dumb, huh?"
"Sweet," he said, softly. "Little girl sweet. Never dumb."
Her eyes traveled up to his and locked there.
"When I got older I wondered what it would be like to kiss it. ~ Peggy Jaeger
Associated Press quotes by Peggy Jaeger
I exhort you, press on in your course, and exhort all men that they may be saved. ~ Polycarp
Associated Press quotes by Polycarp
Gaze Upward, Look Inward, Reach Outward, Press Forward. ~ Thomas S. Monson
Associated Press quotes by Thomas S. Monson
I think it's time for the people and the press, in particular, to be more vigilant about not giving equal weight to lies as they give the truth. ~ Joe Wilson
Associated Press quotes by Joe Wilson
We do a disservice to society if we ignore the evidence which shows that stable families tend to be associated with better outcomes for children. ~ Iain Duncan Smith
Associated Press quotes by Iain Duncan Smith
If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I. ~ Michel De Montaigne
Associated Press quotes by Michel De Montaigne
And you shouldn't believe all the press about Ouija boards. They can't be used in an exorcism. Trivial Pursuit can, but that's another story. ~ Seanan McGuire
Associated Press quotes by Seanan McGuire
Don't divide the world into 'them' and 'us.' Avoid infatuation with or resentment of the press, the Congress, rivals, or opponents. Accept them as facts. They have their jobs and you have yours. ~ Donald Rumsfeld
Associated Press quotes by Donald Rumsfeld
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