Bill Johnson Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Bill Johnson.

Bill Johnson Famous Quotes

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There's something about valuing people not because they value you, but because you can see God in them.
Bill Johnson Quotes: There's something about valuing people
Remaining poor in spirit, combined with a first love passion for Jesus are the keys God created to anchor us to the center of His work.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Remaining poor in spirit, combined
Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Rule with the heart of
We went from rotten sinners to born-again saints in a single moment when we accepted salvation. Once the blood of Jesus has wiped out sin, you can't get any cleaner. That doesn't mean we can avoid the hurdles and issues that come with changing your life and renewing your mind. Maturity is a process. But as my associate Kris says, "You are not a sinner; you are a saint. It doesn't mean that you can't sin; it just means that you are no longer a professional." That's the story of your life.
Bill Johnson Quotes: We went from rotten sinners
If you live cautiously, your friends will call you wise. You just won't move many mountains
Bill Johnson Quotes: If you live cautiously, your
Corporate greed is killing America, and that's what we battling at Boeing.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Corporate greed is killing America,
When we dream with God, we become the masterpieces of His imagination.
Bill Johnson Quotes: When we dream with God,
Gifts are free, but maturity is expensive.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Gifts are free, but maturity
He arms us with purpose by giving us a promise instead of the answer. That way, we are forced to learn how to believe Him before the answer comes and then learn how to exercise His will in the circumstances that are contrary to the given promise. This is part of what it means to be a co-laborer with Christ. He labors, and we labor with Him.
Bill Johnson Quotes: He arms us with purpose
Any revelation from God's Word that does not lead us to an encounter with God only serves to make us more religious. The Church cannot afford 'form without power,' for it creates Christians without purpose.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Any revelation from God's Word
One of the side effects of losing intimacy with God is that at some point we stop doing ministry out of imagination and we begin doing it out of memory.
Bill Johnson Quotes: One of the side effects
Whatever you gain through self promotion you'll have to sustain through self promotion. When our promotion comes from God, He sustains it.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Whatever you gain through self
Through radical generosity, we are awakening in people an in built divine consciousness of His goodness.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Through radical generosity, we are
Because God is better than we think we have to change the way we think.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Because God is better than
Nothing compares with the satisfaction of pleasing the heart of our heavenly Father.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Nothing compares with the satisfaction
True humility is not in the absence of confidence but strength restrained.
Bill Johnson Quotes: True humility is not in
Our faith can only go as far as our awareness of Gods goodness
Bill Johnson Quotes: Our faith can only go
I finally discovered something - it's all about Jesus.
Bill Johnson Quotes: I finally discovered something -
As Christians, we must get rid of the notion that the only answer for life's troubles is for us to die and go to heaven. Don't be mistaken - heaven is real and is greater than we can possibly imagine. But the kind of attitude that says rescue from this earth is the only thing we live for is an insult to the power of the blood of Jesus and the purpose of redemption.
Bill Johnson Quotes: As Christians, we must get
Fear is just faith in the wrong person.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Fear is just faith in
The best way to prepare yourself for your own miracle is to rejoice in somebody else's.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The best way to prepare
It's a great tragedy when the Bible is interpreted by those who are not in love.
Bill Johnson Quotes: It's a great tragedy when
Royalty is my identity. Servanthood is my assignment. Intimacy with God is my life source.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Royalty is my identity. Servanthood
Sacrifice is a step beyond convenience.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Sacrifice is a step beyond
The transfiguration was a physical illustration of what the renewed mind looks like in the spiritual.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The transfiguration was a physical
Jesus made it possible for humanity to host the fullness of God on the earth. The Holy Spirit has empowered us to carry out this purpose.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Jesus made it possible for
Jesus did not go through all His sufferings so we could go to church; He did what He did to atone for sin. And by doing so He made it possible to raise up a new breed of world changers, those who could maintain the standard He set in love, purity and power. This reality is one of the great prophecies that Jesus spoke: "Greater works than these shall you do because I go to the Father" (see John 14:12). Not only does Jesus' life compel us to follow the miracle worker, so do His promises.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Jesus did not go through
People who refuse to step out and be used by God become the critics of those who do. Risk takers, the ones who thrill the heart of God, become the targets of those who never fail because they seldom try.
Bill Johnson Quotes: People who refuse to step
God is not pre-occupied with sin, He's already dealt with it.
Bill Johnson Quotes: God is not pre-occupied with
The anointing to heal and bring deliverance will be of no value in Heaven. These graces must be used here and now as part of the package of tools used to bring the nations to Jesus. After all, He is called "the desire of the nations."Everyone desires Jesus. They just don't know it. We must become like Him more fully so that the harvest becomes all that God desires and has provided for.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The anointing to heal and
Seeing a Kingdom culture established on earth is the dream of God, and it must become the dream of His people.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Seeing a Kingdom culture established
Christians who live out of who they really are cannot be crippled by the opinions of others.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Christians who live out of
Many stop short of a divine encounter because they are satisfied with good theology. The word of God is to lead us to the God of the word.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Many stop short of a
We have been given the privilege to host this presence. The Holy Spirit is in me for my sake but he is upon me for yours.
Bill Johnson Quotes: We have been given the
His presence is not upon us to be commandeered or directed by us. Instead, we are tools in his hand. If there is a dove resting on my shoulder in the natural (and I love that phrase 'and remained') and I don't want it to fly away, how am I going to walk around this room? Every step will be with the dove in mind. Every movement I make will be to preserve what I value most.
Bill Johnson Quotes: His presence is not upon
Faith is not opposed to the mind. It's superior to the mind which is why the renewed mind enhances faith.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Faith is not opposed to
A private victory leads to a public victory and a corporate blessing, because God turns His face toward those who will demonstrate character when no one is looking.
Bill Johnson Quotes: A private victory leads to
Jesus did not live in reaction to the devil. He lived in response to the Father.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Jesus did not live in
Skills can be taught. It's tough to teach heart. Talent is fairly common.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Skills can be taught. It's
Grace is God's empowerment to do what we are called to do.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Grace is God's empowerment to
Those who restrict themselves to mere words limit their gift, and may unintentionally lead believers to pride by increasing knowledge without an increased awareness of God's presence and power. It's in the trenches of Christlike ministry that we learn to become totally dependent upon God. Moving in the impossible through relying on God short-circuits the development of pride.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Those who restrict themselves to
I cannot live in mediocrity, content with merely knowing that there is more of God to experience and explore -and then do nothing about it. Truths that are not experienced are, in effect, more like theories than truths. Whenever God reveals truth to us He is inviting us into a divine encounter.
Bill Johnson Quotes: I cannot live in mediocrity,
If you want to kill giants, hang around a giant killer. It rubs off.
Bill Johnson Quotes: If you want to kill
The Holy Spirit is in you and he wants out. He is in you as a river, not a lake.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The Holy Spirit is in
Your shadow will always release whatever overshadows you
Bill Johnson Quotes: Your shadow will always release
Eternity puts loss in its place. Losses are temporary. Every setback and defeat is put in its place because of eternity. And then add to that the realization that the work of the Redeemer takes every bad situation and works it for our good. So not only is every loss temporary, it is actually reversed in its effect to become a blessing and even grounds for personal promotion and gain. And all of that pertains to loss. This is why every believer is able to live with constant hope.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Eternity puts loss in its
A successful story always offers its audience more than a simple resolution of events. A story offers a dramatic affirmation of human needs that are acted out to resolution and fulfillment. Even when that resolution and fulfillment are dark, the journey can still be vivid, potent and illuminating.
Bill Johnson Quotes: A successful story always offers
Perfectionism is the counterfeit of excellence. Excellence is Kingdom, while perfectionism is religion. What ever you do, do it with all you might, and as unto the Lord. That is excellence.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Perfectionism is the counterfeit of
Anything you think you know about about God, that you can't find in the person of Jesus, you have reason to question.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Anything you think you know
God will never violate His Word, but He doesn't seem to mind violating our understanding of His Word.
Bill Johnson Quotes: God will never violate His
America should meet its obligations in the form of Social Security, Medicare, our ability to pay our military, legally binding legislation that allows unemployment compensation, the judiciary, the federal court system, the federal prison system, all those kinds of things have to be paid for.
Bill Johnson Quotes: America should meet its obligations
Who I am in Christ is amazing. Who Christ is in me is the real story. It is beyond amazing.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Who I am in Christ
To have divine favor on your life means you'll attract extraordinary opposition
Bill Johnson Quotes: To have divine favor on
God has called us into a place of tenderness, when nobody is looking, when there are no great decisions to make, when it's just him and me in a hotel room, with no one to pray for, no one to preach to. When it is just two people in a room, that's where you learn. That's where you learn his heartbeat. That's where you learn the presence. That's where you learn the voice. It's in the moments when nobody is watching, nobody is evaluating how good you're doing. When it is just you and him.
Bill Johnson Quotes: God has called us into
We don't believe because we understand. We understand because we believe.
Bill Johnson Quotes: We don't believe because we
We, as sons and daughters of God, are destined to reveal our Father to the world by bearing His likeness. We do this as Christ did, by communing with the Father, walking in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth through demonstrations of power and authority, all in the context of showing the love of God.
Bill Johnson Quotes: We, as sons and daughters
When we pursue kingdom principles above His presence, we are looking for the kingdom without a king.
Bill Johnson Quotes: When we pursue kingdom principles
Our identity sets the tone for all we do and become. Christians who live out of who they really are cannot be crippled by the opinions of others. They don't work to fit into other people's expectations, but burn with the realization of who the Father. says they are.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Our identity sets the tone
The devil considers all misplaced trust as devil worship, for he hides himself in its shadows.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The devil considers all misplaced
Every peace-filled moment you experience brings terror to the powers of darkness.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Every peace-filled moment you experience
We always become like the one we worship!
Bill Johnson Quotes: We always become like the
No one has ever overdosed on encouragement.
Bill Johnson Quotes: No one has ever overdosed
Faith is not the result of striving. It is the result of surrender.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Faith is not the result
WHETHER OR NOT we believe that Heaven is open does not negate the truth that it is. Our thoughts do not alter the open heaven over our lives; instead, they determine whether or not we partake of this reality. Jesus Christ secured an open heaven for every single Spirit-indwelt believer. This is a fact. The question is: Do our minds agree with this fact or do they entertain a lie?
Bill Johnson Quotes: WHETHER OR NOT we believe
Any area of my life for which I have no hope is under the influence of a lie.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Any area of my life
Jesus is interested in changing cultures, not just putting bodies in chairs.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Jesus is interested in changing
When I live out of discipline, I'm admired - When I live out of passion, I'm contagious.
Bill Johnson Quotes: When I live out of
My destiny is to go to heaven, my responsibility is to bring heaven.
Bill Johnson Quotes: My destiny is to go
For those without fire, any fire is strange fire.
Bill Johnson Quotes: For those without fire, any
We have delegated authority to establish His Kingdom wherever the sole of our foot treads. But the fact is, while God calls
Bill Johnson Quotes: We have delegated authority to
I can't afford to have thoughts in my head about me that God doesn't have in His.
Bill Johnson Quotes: I can't afford to have
that He is committed to meeting our needs, but not our wants. That concept comes in reaction to those who have taken the wonderful Gospel and made it a self-centered lifestyle, in which we use the name of God, along with His principles, to get what we want. While that is a tragic misuse of Scripture, so is the concept that God cares only for our needs. He is not the director of an orphanage, guaranteeing us three meals a day and a cot to sleep on at night. He is a Father who delights in His children by becoming involved in their dreams. He fulfills dreams and desires out of His nature. It is who He is.
Bill Johnson Quotes: that He is committed to
The quest for the face of God has two central dimensions - the quest for His presence and the quest for His favor.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The quest for the face
It is unnatural for a Christian not to have an appetite for the impossible.
Bill Johnson Quotes: It is unnatural for a
Our assignment has never been about what we can do for God, but what can God do through us.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Our assignment has never been
Live in such a way that unless God shows up what you're attempting to do is bound to fail. This is the nature of the Gospel.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Live in such a way
All fruit grows through abiding, not striving.
Bill Johnson Quotes: All fruit grows through abiding,
Great faith doesn't come out of great effort, but out of great surrender.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Great faith doesn't come out
There was no avoiding the fact that we were going to hit our debt ceiling.
Bill Johnson Quotes: There was no avoiding the
People of excellence will always be brought before people of influence.
Bill Johnson Quotes: People of excellence will always
In His mercy, God gives us the level of revelation that our character is prepared to handle.
Bill Johnson Quotes: In His mercy, God gives
Now is the time to Start a Normal Christian Life!
Bill Johnson Quotes: Now is the time to
A powerless church has nothing for the devil to counterfeit.
Bill Johnson Quotes: A powerless church has nothing
Don't rely on leaders to do things you're equipped to do yourself.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Don't rely on leaders to
Just because you are going to Heaven doesn't mean you have Heaven established in you. Success is Heaven on earth.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Just because you are going
Oftentimes religious circles are known for extreme control of the people, situations and environment around them. Control then becomes the issue of the hour. Studying the Scriptures without letting the Holy Spirit teach us puts us in control. He always takes us to Jesus. Going to the One the Scriptures point to puts Him in control. In other words, when the Bible is an end unto itself, it gives us a measure of learning, but no personal transformation.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Oftentimes religious circles are known
Many people criticize those who long to experience more in God, but I don't trust the ones who don't. We are not going to be kept free from deception by abandoning experience. In fact, the ones who do not hunger more for God are already deceived.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Many people criticize those who
The enemy uses lies to make problems appear bigger than the solutions we carry.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The enemy uses lies to
Grace is the atmosphere created by love that makes faith the only reasonable response
Bill Johnson Quotes: Grace is the atmosphere created
The way you think either expresses or undermines faith.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The way you think either
The most simple way to stay encouraged is to feed your heart on what He is doing, not on what He hasn't done. If you can't see what He is doing, feed on what He has done in the past.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The most simple way to
If you knew who God made you to be, you'd never want to be anyone else.
Bill Johnson Quotes: If you knew who God
It is abnormal for a Christian not to have an appetite for the impossible. It has been written into our spiritual DNA to hunger for the impossibilities around us to bow at the name of Jesus.
Bill Johnson Quotes: It is abnormal for a
What you know will keep you from what you need to know if you don't remain a novice.
Bill Johnson Quotes: What you know will keep
The mind is either at war with God or it is being renewed. There is no middle ground.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The mind is either at
The favor of God does not bless self-promotion
Bill Johnson Quotes: The favor of God does
Heaven is filled with absolute, perfect, confidence in God. This world is filled with absolute mistrust. And you and I will always reflect the nature of the world we are most aware of. What you live conscious of is what you will reproduce in the world around you. I try to live in such a way that nothing ever gets bigger in my awareness than my conscious awareness of the presence of God upon me. I don't care what the problem is; if it's an international crisis or a personal issue, the moment that problem gets bigger than my awareness of the presence of God on me, then I will live in reaction to a problem.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Heaven is filled with absolute,
The ability to embrace mystery is what attracts revelation.
Bill Johnson Quotes: The ability to embrace mystery
Reaction to error almost always creates another error.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Reaction to error almost always
Don't be impressed by darkness. Jesus didn't do the opposite of whatever the devil did. He did what He saw the Father doing ... The moment I have a lesser sense of Him and a greater sense of the problem, I will live in reaction to the problem.
Bill Johnson Quotes: Don't be impressed by darkness.
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