Yana Kudryavtseva Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Yana Kudryavtseva.

Quotes About Yana Kudryavtseva

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I'm simply one hell of a butler.
-Sebastian Michaelis ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
How sad it would be, should laughter disappear. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Only two kinds of people exist in this world; those who steal and those who are stolen from. So then, today, I just stole your future. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Weak in order to love,
strong in order to protect,
both in order to stay
at your side. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
We have no need for the past. All we need are the present and the future. - Ciel Phantomhive ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
I want a baby of my very own one day, but it seems that my being male is a BIIIIT of a problem. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Do you want to run away by dying? Or to live and accept the challenge? - Ciel Phantomhive ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
the chambers and passages of the cave system. A track led past both entrances, and round up onto the hill-top, up which sloping trail Yana now wearily pulled herself. Some huts were private dwelling places while others were the domain of certain crafts. Community meetings were held either outside in a large space deliberately left clear in the centre of the huts, or during cold or inclement weather, in the larger of the two entrance chambers of the cave system. Yana moved aside the leather windbreak sheltering the entrance to the hut which was her family's home and walked down the four stone-flagged steps to the floor of the sunken hut. A strong herbal odour hung in the air. Ignoring it, Yana dropped her kill by the fire, and made her way to the occupied sleeping platform at ~ Julie Reilly
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Julie Reilly
Ciel: *Over Sebastian's 'dead' body* THAT'S AN ORDER! WAKE UP! RIGHT NOW!
Sebastian: *thinking* But I am awake ... ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
If you are crying fight against it! If you are regretting walk forward! Only complaining about your misfortune, you're nothing but a common pig! ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Some people talk about illogical things like love.. But then they can rationally sacrifice their relatives. - Sebastian Michaelis ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Innocence is beauty.
ignorance is death. -Kuroshitsuji ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
I'm arrogant, but not so much that I'd irresponsibly save someone just to brag about it ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Cats are great. They don't talk about useless things. Or do them. Nothing is cuter. They are something that don't exist in my world. They have pets over there as well ... but ... it doesn't quite compare. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
If it's your wish, I will follow you everywhere even if your throne crumbles, and your shiny crown turns to rust. Even if the bodies pile up endlessly, above the bottomless pile of corpses. Beside you as you lie softly down I will be until I hear the word "Check mate!"- Sebastian ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
No, I won't abandon hate. If I did, then nothing would be left of me. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Is that all you want?"

At that, he reaches for me, and pulls me toward him so that we're standing face to face. "Well, I want you, but I didn't think I had to say that," he says. "In whatever capacity I can have you, for however long you want me, I'm yours."

I smile, rolling onto the balls of my feet to kiss him softly.

"Yana Crebesti," I murmur against his lips. "No matter what comes. ~ Laura Sebastian
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Laura Sebastian
Don't cry: it pathetic. Crying won't change anything. the world is never kind to anyone. -Ciel Phantomhive ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Humans cannot reject temptation. When they are plunged into the depths of despair, likened to hell, they will hold on to anything that may help them escape from the situation they are in, even if it's merely a spider's thread, no matter what sort of humans they are. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Even though I dislike being kicked by others, I do enjoy the feeling of kicking others ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
I like black for clothes, small items, and jewelry. It's a color that can't be violated by any other colors. A color that simply keeps being itself. A color that sinks more somberly than any other color, yet asserts itself more than all other colors. It's a passionate gallant color. Anything is wonderful if it transcends things rather than being halfway ... ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
The Blue Miracle? Don't make me laugh. I don't believe in miracles. That's why I'll snatch my victory by force. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
You are not wrong. You fought to protect your world. Isn't that good enough? After all, justice in this world is just a bunch of principles made by those with power to suit themselves. No one really thinks of others, you will lose everything if you cannot keep up. Only two kinds of people exist in this world - those who steal and those who are stolen from. So then, today, I just stole your future. That's all. ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
Desperately struggling, kicking down other people.
Stealing the stolen, while repeating your reasons over and over.
And even so, you aim for the horizon over the hills.
That's why humans are so interesting ... ~ Yana Toboso
Yana Kudryavtseva quotes by Yana Toboso
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