Words Cant Express Love Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Words Cant Express Love.

Quotes About Words Cant Express Love

Enjoy collection of 46 Words Cant Express Love quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Words Cant Express Love. Righ click to see and save pictures of Words Cant Express Love quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

There's a great adage that says we sing because what we have to express can't be spoken, just using words. ~ Jeremy Jordan
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Jeremy Jordan
The paradox of writing is that you're trying to use words to express what words can't express. ~ Stephen Fischer
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Stephen Fischer
Why kid ourselves, people have nothing to say to one another, they all talk about their own troubles and nothing else. Each man for himself, the earth for us all. They try to unload their unhappiness on someone else when making love, they do their damnedest, but it doesn't work, they keep it all, and then they start all over again, trying to find a place for it. "Your pretty, Mademoiselle," they say. And life takes hold of them again until the next time, and then they try the same little gimmick. "You're very pretty, Mademoiselle..."

And in between they boast that they've succeeded in getting rid of their unhappiness, but everyone knows it's not true and they've simply kept it all to themselves. Since at the little game you get uglier and more repulsive as you grow older, you can't hope to hide your unhappiness, your bankruptcy, any longer. In the end your features are marked with that hideous grimace that takes twenty, thrity years or more to climb form your belly to your face. That's all a man is good for, that and no more, a grimace that he takes a whole lifetime to compose. The grimace a man would need to express his true soul without losing any of it is so heavy and complicated that he doesn't always succeed in completing it. ~ Louis Ferdinand Celine
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Louis Ferdinand Celine
I really have a love for comedy. I can't express it enough. ~ Brandon T. Jackson
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Brandon T. Jackson
How can I begin to tell you how much I miss you without using those three common words that can't even start to express the magnitude nor the depth of my emotions. How can I write in my own blood while wanting to revert its color. The color of blood is similar to "I miss you". It has been raped by writers and lovers constantly, ever since Cain and Abel. I want to be able to create a new alphabet that can simply stand in front of you without bowing. I want to use new metaphors that would erupt like volcanoes between the phrases of my readers' souls. Metaphors such as your absence is similar to eating salt straight from the shaker while thirst is devouring my tongue. Metaphors such as the lack of your presence is like being straddled behind the glass of my own senses. ~ Malak El Halabi
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Malak El Halabi
Ever since Sourav became the captain, I do not feel like a youngster in the team any more. Everybody is treated equally and Sourav himself is extremely approachable and a pillar of strength. Sourav stood by me when I was struggling. I owe a great deal to him for standing by me at the most important time. I can't express my gratitude to him in words. ~ Harbhajan Singh
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Harbhajan Singh
It's entirely possible to get to know someone without actually seeing them in person. In fact, it's better like that because none of the superficial stuff gets in the way. You really get to know a person. And it's easier to express yourself when you're writing things down. At least it is for me. I like to order my thoughts, and delete them if they don't make any sense. You can't do that in real life. ~ Cat Clarke
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Cat Clarke
Everybody feels like that to some extent," I said. "They're trying to express themselves and it bothers them when they can't get it right. ~ Haruki Murakami
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Haruki Murakami
Some people are good & smart at work. When something go wrong, the same people don't have an explanation. That doesn't mean they can't handle situations... It's simply because they don't have words to express it. The situation shouldn't be presumed & take that person for wrong. They work situationally; they are people person. ~ Stephen Manoharan
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Stephen Manoharan
Love is something so divine, Description would but make it less; 'Tis what I feel, but can't define, 'Tis what I know but can't express ~ Beilby Porteus
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Beilby Porteus
Listen! I know it's not right to talk. Better to set an example, better to just start - I have already started - and - and can one really be unhappy? Oh, what do my grief and my misfortune matter if I have the strength to be happy? You know, I don't understand how one can walk by a tree and not be happy at the sight of it! Or to speak with a man and not be happy in loving him? Oh, it's just that I can't express it - and yet there are so many things at every stop so beautiful that even the most desolate of men find them beautiful. Look at a child, look at Go's sunrise, look at the grass, how it grows, look into eyes that look at you and love you - ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Reggie when I first met you, You didn't say two words to me, I didn't know who you were, But we instantly clicked, And you became one of my best friends man ... Words can't express how much I care about you, Your well-being, How you feeling, Not even just basketball man, But off the court, I always make sure you're alright. You're such a humble person man. You do everything for the team. You always put yourself last. And I learned a lot from you. Thank you man, thank you. ~ Kevin Durant
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Kevin Durant
Why are you giving this to me?""well, for a lot of reasons. most of which i can't really explain properly. that's why people give presents, right? because they don't know how to express themselves in words, so you give gifts to symbolically explain your feelings. ~ Matthew Quick
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Matthew Quick
I have trouble with modern art. But in general, all art forms fascinate me - art is the way human beings express what we can't say in words. ~ Andrea Bocelli
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Andrea Bocelli
Every idea that is a true idea has a form, and is capable of many forms. The variety of forms of which it is capable determines the value of the idea. So by way of ideas, and your mastery of them in relation to what you are doing, will come your value as an architect to your society and future. That's where you go to school. You can't get it in a university, you can't get it here, you can't get it anywhere except as you love it, love the feeling of it, desire and pursue it. And it doesn't come when you are very young, I think. I believe it comes faster with each experience, and the next is very simple, or more simple, until it becomes quite natural to you to become master of the idea you would express.
"Idea and Essence" September 7, 1958 ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Frank Lloyd Wright
It's not about surviving. It should be about love. When you know love ... that's what makes this life worth it. When you live with it everyday. Wake up with it, hold on to it during the thunder and after a nightmare. When love is your refuge from the death that surrounds us all and when it fills you so tight that you can't express it. ~ Carrie Ryan
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Carrie Ryan
We Can't Be Beat"

I was the Duke of Earl
The Duke of Earl
But it couldn't last
I was the Pony Express
But I ran out of gas

Golden dreams
Golden dreams
All lose their glow
I don't need perfection
I love the whole

Give me a life
That needs correction
Nobody loves
Loves perfection

Will run you through
All the kids are laughing
I'm laughing too

If you want my eyes
Take my eyes
They're always true
If you want my heart
Take my heart
It's right here for you

It's been so long
Been so long
But I made it through
It's been so long
Been so long
But I made it through
It's been so long

We'll never leave
We can't be beat
We can't be beat
We'll never leave
We can't be beat
The world is ours
We can't be beat
We can't be beat ~ The Walkmen
Words Cant Express Love quotes by The Walkmen
Writing is getting out words you can't express by talking or can't even say to your best friends, writing is about feelings you don't know how to share, writing is a solution to find your inner self, to express it, to admit it. ~ Nourhan Mamadouh
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Nourhan Mamadouh
Cariad, nothing about this is casual to me. But if you want a long, sensitive discussion about my feelings, I can't help you. I'm from North Wales, where we express ourselves by throwing rocks at trees. I've had more feelings in the past half-hour that I have in my entire life, and I'm at my limit."
"That still doesn't -"
"I love whatever it is you're made of. All of it. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Lisa Kleypas
Though my heart is filled with feelings I want to convey You see, I can't express them in words If I had not met you I wouldn't even have such an embarrassing pain ~ Ayumi Hamasaki
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Ayumi Hamasaki
What we don't like about writing
is being judged. We don't like the format, the rules, the editing, the need to
make everything perfect. But writing can be a way to formulate your thoughts
when you can't say what you need to say or you don't know how to say what
you need to say on the spot. Writing lets you take time. Find the words. And
express yourself exactly how you wish. And when we're young, it's a way to
lose yourself as well as find yourself. ~ Penelope Douglas
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Penelope Douglas
Why can't a young lady, learn how to cook, clean and wash clothes so she can learn how to take care of herself? It is imperative that a young lady should know how to love and take care of herself first before she feels she can love and take care of anyone else.
That is where the mistakes begin. A young lady is brought up to put others first. This is when a woman grows up and plays the fool for others because her self-worth was never built on solid ground. Instead, it was built on being a "people pleaser" and putting her life on the back burner.
Consequently, her feelings didn't matter, and her thoughts didn't exist because for so long she was taught to put other people before herself. The question that is never asked is, what happens when a woman (who was once a young lady groomed to give every ounce of herself) loses herself to the point where she has to find a way to dig herself out of the deepest hole? This seems impossible. She doesn't know how because she wasn't ever taught how to express her feelings, troubles, and/or grieve. ~ Charlena E. Jackson
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Charlena E.  Jackson
Love in all its forms is very difficult ... to express. It changes, obviously. If you're young, and you're romantically in love with somebody, and often if you've just met somebody, its crazy! It's completely overwhelming. You can't think of anything else. You just want to climb inside the other person and live under their pancreas. And then it mellows, somewhat ... to the point where you can barely look at them ... without feeling a mild distaste ~ Dylan Moran
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Dylan Moran
Bono: But you write. Why do you write?
Michka: well, because I'm unable to express things in another way. I often believe that the words that come out of my mouth are not the ones I should be using. I can't cut things loose unless I'm really sure about them.
It's good, but sometimes it's an excuse.
Bono: That's often an excuse. You have to dare to fail. I think that's the big one: fear of failure. I've never had a fear of failure. Isn't that mad?
Michka: that's the maddest thing, but at the same time I think that's the secret. Because you've never been afraid of making a fool of yourself, you've never been afraid of looking ridiculous. ~ Michka Assayas
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Michka Assayas
As always, I wrote songs. Some people cook or play sports. This is what I love to do. Sometimes I can't express myself that well in talk, so I write songs. ~ Yael Naim
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Yael Naim
Speaking slang only makes a man sound ignorant. If you can't think of more appropriate words to express yourself, then open a dictionary and study. ~ Kim Vogel Sawyer
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Na, it's not about what I say; It's about what I can't express in words. ~ Saurabh Sharma
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Saurabh Sharma
Crying can help, too. People are often afraid to cry because they are told that crying is for babies. Crying does not make you a baby, no matter what anyone says. There are times when people feel so bad that they can't express their feelings in words. At those times, crying helps. ~ James Howe
Words Cant Express Love quotes by James Howe
I like acting with no lines because all of a sudden you're able to express things without always worrying about the text. It's great to have a great text, but there's a lot of stuff you can't say in words, and I think there's something really nice about good physical moments. ~ Zooey Deschanel
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Zooey Deschanel
If you listen to my words you'll understand how I really feel inside...I can't express my feelings to you, but I can by writing lyrics. ~ Matthew Trevitz
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Matthew Trevitz
Don't you see, Rosalia? I wouldn't mind giving up Paris for you. That's why I can think about staying here or even asking you to come with me to Paris. I can't envision being without you. Before, you said I was being kind to you when I told you how it makes me sad when you're sad, and happy when you're happy. But I'm not being kind. I'm falling in love with you. Can't you see that? I'm crazy about you, and it's tearing me up on the inside. You're all I think about when I wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night. You're in my dreams. Even when I'm struggling over how to make a better pastry better, you pop up into my mind! I wonder what you would add to make it better. Then again, whom are we fooling? Your desserts are always better than mine!"
Rosalia lowered her eyes and said softly, "That's not true. You've won a few of the contests we've had. Madre Carmela wouldn't lie."
"She's getting old. Her palate is changing. I've heard the other workers who have tried your pastries express how good yours are and how they're often better than everyone else's."
Rosalia folded her hands in her lap. He is falling in love with me. He'd said it! Though she was frightened to hear this, she couldn't deny that she was also elated.
Antonio came back to the bed and sat down next to her. This time, he closed the space between them. He pushed her hair back behind her ear, and then took her face in both of his hands. She had no choice but to look at him.
"I love you ~ Rosanna Chiofalo
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Rosanna Chiofalo
The more of myself I transferred into words, the more obvious it became that words were powerless to express anything. Or, rather, it's like this - words can create something of their own, but you can't become words. Words are cheats. They promise to carry you off on the voyage into eternity, and then they set out in secret under full sail, stranding you on the shoreline.

But the most important point is that reality doesn't fit into any words. Reality strikes you dumb. Everything important that happens in life is beyond words. There comes a point when you understand that if what you have experienced can be expressed in words, it means you haven't experienced anything. ~ Mikhail Shishkin
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Mikhail Shishkin
While one lives in a foreign country, language's main function is as a means of self-protection and a weapon in one's fight with the world. You can't fight without a weapon. But perhaps its human instinct that makes it even more imperative to somehow express oneself, convey meaning, connect with others. ~ Iwaki Kei
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Iwaki Kei
When a man says "I know what I mean, but I can't express it," he generally does not know what he means - for there can be no knowledge without words; there can only be feelings. ~ Sydney J. Harris
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Sydney J. Harris
Words can't express what you mean to me. ~ Puff Daddy
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Puff Daddy
Dandy?" Sam was full-on scowling now. "What the hell does that scoundrel want?"
Finley returned his dark expression with one of her own. "You shouldn't use words you can't spell, mutton head. ~ Kady Cross
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Kady Cross
Young people, if you honor your fathers, you will love them, respect them, confide in them, be considerate of them, express appreciation for them, and demonstrate all of these things by following their counsel in righteousness and by obeying the commandments of God. ~ Dallin H. Oaks
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Dallin H. Oaks
Still, a person who cannot express love is stopping the flow of life, is censoring where censorship is a form of self-indulgence, the fear of giving oneself away. ~ May Sarton
Words Cant Express Love quotes by May Sarton
When we are loving, we openly and honestly express care, affection, responsibility, respect, commitment, and trust. ~ Bell Hooks
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Bell Hooks
Liam began to dance from leg to leg, feeling alive, the burning nobility of words still coursing their flame through him. "We have to go, Boyoh. This is the reason why we went into archaeology. Science has laid before us a mystery and we can't insult it by not accepting its invitation." ~ Chapter 6 The Garden of Souls ~ Cheri Vause
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Cheri Vause
I was created in love. For that reason nothing can express my beauty nor liberate me except love alone. ~ Mechthild Of Magdeburg
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Mechthild Of Magdeburg
I don't feel like playing anymore - all because of that stupid announcement. "Express your gratitude," they'd said.

What they take: our rice, our language, our names. What they give: little rubber balls.

I can't feel grateful about such a bad deal. ~ Linda Sue Park
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Linda Sue Park
Live your passion through your heart center. Be present and centered in it when you express and do the things you love, and the right people will find you. When we do what we love doing, the rest of the world that loves what it's doing finds us. ~ Floris De Clercq
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Floris De Clercq
You've got to find a difierent approach. You've got to create some interest in your language, in the words and pictures you create. If a candidate can't give a 10-minute speech and have reporters reaching for their pens in the first 90 seconds, he probably shouldn't be running. ~ Roger Ailes
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Roger Ailes
As a designer and someone that likes getting my hands dirty, it's hard. It's a competition. I can't give too much away. One thing I could do was offer encouraging words. ~ David Bromstad
Words Cant Express Love quotes by David Bromstad
There is a part of your brain that has to stop when you're acting. You have to be in the moment and dare to fly. Words can't be on your mind. ~ Penelope Cruz
Words Cant Express Love quotes by Penelope Cruz
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