Top Model Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Top Model.

Quotes About Top Model

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always carry yourself like you just got best photo in America's Next Top Model even if your life constantly feels like you're on the bottom two. ~ A. Theodore Steegman
Top Model quotes by A. Theodore Steegman
I like the Kardashians. I watch 'em. When Kim got the botox in her face, and it made her face go weepy, that was funny. I also watch 'America's Next Top Model.' I've always been a big fan. ~ Sam Worthington
Top Model quotes by Sam Worthington
I hear a lot of 'Top Model' girls say they are dismissed by clients because they recognize them, but it never happened to me. ~ Fatima Siad
Top Model quotes by Fatima Siad
I created 'America's Next Top Model' one-hundred percent. I was in my kitchen making tea one morning, and I looked out the window, and the idea popped into my head. I wanted it to be 'American Idol' meets 'Ford Supermodel of the Year' meets 'The Real World.' ~ Tyra Banks
Top Model quotes by Tyra Banks
My guilty pleasure is 'Britain's Next Top Model'. ~ April Pearson
Top Model quotes by April Pearson
I went from not knowing anything to becoming really curious and wanting to know and respecting people in the industry, realizing how hard they work. I will always be thankful for 'Top Model' for that. ~ Fatima Siad
Top Model quotes by Fatima Siad
'Top Model' is pretty good, because it gives these girls an opportunity to chase their passion and possibly get a contract. ~ Erik Estrada
Top Model quotes by Erik Estrada
I want people to know me for my singing. I've never been searching for a label of being a fashion plate or a top model. That's a thing that's very short-lived, and it's dealing with a superficial level of this which doesn't really appeal to me. ~ Joyce DiDonato
Top Model quotes by Joyce DiDonato
The reality show 'America's Next Top Model' is my girlie pleasure. ~ Estelle
Top Model quotes by Estelle
'America's Next Top Model' is not a bunch of Barbies - it's a lot of girls that are atypically beautiful. ~ Tyra Banks
Top Model quotes by Tyra Banks
With 'America's Next Top Model,' I've always cast girls who the industry might call 'plus size' but I like to call 'fiercely real.' That was always important to me. ~ Tyra Banks
Top Model quotes by Tyra Banks
My mother was my biggest role model. She taught me to hate waste. We never wasted anything. ~ W. Edwards Deming
Top Model quotes by W. Edwards Deming
I didn't believe you when you said there was a red statue that read "LOVE," with the LO stacked on top of the VE. LO VE It sounded like something out of one of the old fairy tales you used to tell me when I was a little girl. I thought you were kidding when you said people in the past believed in love so much that they made statues to celebrate it, so they wouldn't forget to LOVE ... well, that seemed kind of ridiculous - but when we dove down and you shined the thermal lantern, and it turned out to be true, I felt like there were so many possibilities in the world - like I'm only beginning to discover what's achievable. Maybe I will find a pure love - like what you and Mom have. ~ Matthew Quick
Top Model quotes by Matthew Quick
We got lots of secrets, Will. You Apollo guys can't have all the fun. Our campers have been excavating the tunnel system under Cabin Nine for almost a century. We still haven't found the end. Anyway, Leo, if you don't mind sleeping in a dead man's bed, it's yours-Jake
Suddenly Leo didn't feel like kicking back. He sat up, careful not to touch any of the buttons. The counselor who died-this was his bed-Leo
Yeah. Charles Beckendorf-Jake
Leo imagined saw blades coming through the mattress, or maybe a grenade sewn inside the pillows. He didn't, like, die IN this bed, did he-Leo
No. In the Titan War, last summer-Jake
The Titan War, which has NOTHING to do with this very fine bed-Leo
"The Titans," Will said, like Leo was an idiot. The big powerful guys that ruled the world before the gods. They tried to make a comeback last summer. Their leader, Kronos, built a new palace on top of Mount Tam in California. Their armies came to New York and almost destoyed Mount Olympus. A lot of demigods died trying to stop them-Will
I'm guessing this wasn't on the news-Leo
It seemed like a fair question, but Will shook his head in disbelief. You didn't hear about Mount St. Helens erupting, or the freak storms across the country, or that building collapsing in St Louis-Will
Leo shrugged. Last summer, he'd been on the run from another foster home. Then a truancy officer caught him in New Mexico, and the court sentenced him to the nearest correction fac ~ Rick Riordan
Top Model quotes by Rick Riordan
I didn't have a role model. My role model was Michael Jordan. Bad role model for an Indian dude ... I didn't have anyone who looked like me. And by the time I was old enough to have what could have been a role model, they were my peers. Aziz Ansari is my peer. Kal Penn is my peer. ~ Utkarsh Ambudkar
Top Model quotes by Utkarsh Ambudkar
Since his time, and largely thanks to him, the Ego has steadily tended to efface itself, and, for purposes of model, to become a manikin on which the toilet of education is to be draped in order to show the fit or misfit of the clothes. The object of study is the garment, not the figure. The tailor adapts the manikin as well as the clothes to his patron's wants. The tailor's object, in this volume, is to fit young men, in universities or elsewhere, to be men of the world, equipped for any emergency ; and the garment offered to them is meant to show the faults of the patchwork fitted on their fathers. ~ Henry Adams
Top Model quotes by Henry Adams
The government generally is just too top-heavy. ~ John McAfee
Top Model quotes by John McAfee
I know I'm ready to give feedback when: I'm ready to sit next to you rather than across from you; I'm willing to put the problem in front of us rather than between us (or sliding it toward you); I'm ready to listen, ask questions, and accept that I may not fully understand the issue; I want to acknowledge what you do well instead of picking apart your mistakes; I recognize your strengths and how you can use them to address your challenges; I can hold you accountable without shaming or blaming you; I'm willing to own my part; I can genuinely thank you for your efforts rather than criticize you for your failings; I can talk about how resolving these challenges will lead to your growth and opportunity; and I can model the vulnerability and openness that I expect to see from you. ~ Brene Brown
Top Model quotes by Brene Brown
Gavin! What'll I wear home?"
"Cloak." His voice roughened and he ripped harder, tossing the material to the ground. I felt his smile when he kissed my neck, and shivers ran down my back at the sound of his low growl.
"I made that! I don't have many of those, you know."
"Cam," he snaked one hand around my stomach and made his way north, slipping one hand into my corset top to grope my chest. "You won't be thinking about it when I'm inside you." His hips shifted off my back and he separated my legs with his knee, his breathing ragged against my shoulder. "Now forget the damn dress. ~ Rachael Wade
Top Model quotes by Rachael Wade
Never take a picture of anything you are not passionately interested in. ~ Lisette Model
Top Model quotes by Lisette Model
We think we can plan our lives," he muttered. "We think we can model reality. But chaos is an intrusive, inconsiderate bitch. ~ Linda Nagata
Top Model quotes by Linda Nagata
Of all the things we are wrong about, error might well top the list ... We are wrong about what it means to be wrong. Far from being a sign of intellectual inferiority, the capacity to err is crucial to human cognition. Far from being a moral flaw, it is inextricable from some of our most humane and honourable qualities: empathy, optimism, imagination, conviction, and courage. And far from being a mark of indifference or intolerance, wrongness is a vital part of how we learn and change. Thanks to error, we can revise our understanding of ourselves and amend our ideas about the world. ~ Kathryn Schulz
Top Model quotes by Kathryn Schulz
The Buddha resides as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of a mountain. ~ Robert M. Pirsig
Top Model quotes by Robert M. Pirsig
Just a rock, a dome of snow, the deep blue sky, and a hunk of orange-painted metal from which a shredded American flag cracked in the wind. Nothing more. Except two tiny figures walking together those last few feet to the top of the Earth. ~ Tom Hornbein
Top Model quotes by Tom Hornbein
The new industries are brainy industries and so-called knowledge workers tend to like to be near other people who are the same. Think of the City of Hollywood. People cluster. This means you have winning regions, such as London and Cambridge, and losing regions. The people who want to be top lawyers in Sunderland are hoovered up by London. ~ Evan Davis
Top Model quotes by Evan Davis
A drawing should be a verdict on the model. Don't confuse a drawing with a map. ~ Robert Henri
Top Model quotes by Robert Henri
Brain-imaging studies and psychological testing indicate that the same areas are also impaired in drug addiction. And what is the result? If it wasn't enough that powerful incentive and reward mechanisms drive the craving for drugs, on top of that the circuits that could normally inhibit and control those mechanisms are not up to their task. In fact, they are complicit in the addiction process. A double whammy: the watchman is aiding the thieves. ~ Gabor Mate
Top Model quotes by Gabor Mate
The innovation industries are rapidly going global. In five years, more than 50% of venture capital returns will come from markets outside the United States, including China, India, Brazil, and Australia, and AlwaysOn events are on top of these trends. ~ Jim Breyer
Top Model quotes by Jim Breyer
Cursing, Scarlet pressed the unlock mechanism again. Nothing. Then the control panel pinged, startling her, and a message scrolled across the top. BE CAREFUL, SCARLET. Her jaw fell. What - ? ~ Marissa Meyer
Top Model quotes by Marissa Meyer
I wasn't a model that loved food. I was someone that loved food that started modeling. ~ Chrissy Teigen
Top Model quotes by Chrissy Teigen
When you finish a poem, it clicks shut like the top of a jewel box, but prose is endless. I haven't experienced an awful lot of clicking shut! ~ Kenneth Koch
Top Model quotes by Kenneth Koch
I just realized I know nothing about you. Do you have a family? Where are you from?" The idea that I just invited a relative stranger, who owns nothing, to live in my apartment gave me a stomachache, but the weird thing was that I felt like I had known him forever.

"I'm from Detroit; my entire family still lives there. My mom works in a bakery at a grocery store and my dad is a retired electrician. I have twelve brothers and sisters."

"Really? I'm an only child. I can't imagine having a huge family like that - it must have been awesome!"

Relaxing his stance, he leaned his tattooed forearm onto the dresser and crossed his feet. Jackson came over and sat next to him. Will unconsciously began petting Jackson's head. It made my heart warm. "Actually, I don't have twelve brothers and sisters. I have one brother and eleven sisters." He paused. "I'm dead serious. My brother Ray is the oldest and I'm the youngest with eleven girls in between. I swear my parents just wanted to give Ray a brother, so they kept having more babies. By the time I was born, Ray was sixteen and didn't give a shit. On top of it, they all have R names except me. It's a f**king joke."

"You're kidding? Name 'em," I demanded.

In a super-fast voice Will recited, "Raymond, Reina, Rachelle, Rae, Riley, Rianna, Reese, Regan, Remy, Regina, Ranielle, Rebecca, and then me, Will."

"Surely they could have figured out another R name?"

"Well my br ~ Renee Carlino
Top Model quotes by Renee Carlino
As a musician, I don't have one thing that's "my thing." I like to create, and have a lot of outlets for it. Dustin Hoffman is one of the guys that sets a model for me, because of how good he is at being such different characters. Every time you see DeNiro, he's pretty much DeNiro - great, but DeNiro. Hoffman is different every time, depending on his character. That's how I see myself as a performer. ~ Chick Corea
Top Model quotes by Chick Corea
That was your brilliant plan?" I whispered. I turned my T-shirt so the spatter of blood faced my back, then slipped my jacket on over the top.
"You," he said, sitting on the bed, "were in a state of déshabillé.¨
¨Since when do you speak French?"
"I did suffer through two solid years of class with Monsieur Cann," he said. "I wasn't sleeping the whole time."
"No, of course not. You woke up during the lesson on how to describe the scandalously underdressed."
"I also know in flagrante," he said, "and coitus interruptus -"
"That's Latin," I protested, but he was laughing.
"I hope it was worth it." He swept a hand across the room. "Did you find what you needed?"
"I always do."
Watson's eyes crinkled at the corners. He didn't pry further. How glorious that was; it gave my mind time to sort and contextualize what I'd found. ~ Brittany Cavallaro
Top Model quotes by Brittany Cavallaro
Poppy used to share the room with her older sister, and piles of he sister's outgrown clothes still remained spread out in drifts, along with a collection of used makeup and notebooks covered in stickers and scrawled with lyrics. A jumbled of her sister's old Barbies were on top of a bookshelf, waiting for Poppy to try and fix their melted arms and chopped hair. The bookshelves were overflowing with fantasy paperbacks and overdue library books, some of them on Greek myths, some on mermaids, and a few on local hauntings. The walls were covered in posters-Doctor Who, a cat in a bowler hat, and a giant map of Narnia. ~ Holly Black
Top Model quotes by Holly Black
It's a special honor to be one of the leaders of this football team. But I said it once, I'll say it again, no one person wins a game by themselves. Individually, it's top of the mountain, my sport, my profession. It's what you dream about as a kid. ~ Aaron Rodgers
Top Model quotes by Aaron Rodgers
Don't waste a good idea or allow it to die inside you.
One idea can bring you to the top, make your day or spark
off chains of success chain reactions.- ~ Ikechukwu Joseph
Top Model quotes by Ikechukwu Joseph
It completely sickens me what our culture is doing to women. Last week I wore a big top and little shorts and a bunch of stuff came out saying I was without pants. 'The No-Pants Look,' it said. And I didn't go out without pants, I had shorts on ... If Olivia Wilde had gone to a party with a big silky top and little shorts she might have been told her outfit was cute ... What it was really: 'Why did you show us your thighs'? ~ Lena Dunham
Top Model quotes by Lena Dunham
Stress is the negative whirlwind of emotions that gets imposed on top of our stimulation and engagement. ~ Andrew J. Bernstein
Top Model quotes by Andrew J. Bernstein
The sofa has to go first. We can put that right in the truck to go to the church."
"Is something going on I don't know about? Is the church paying top dollar for old stuff or something? ~ Cat Johnson
Top Model quotes by Cat Johnson
At some point, Alice slipped one arm and then the other into the coat's sleeves, she buttoned its buttons, starting at the top. Silas had followed her, still not seeing what an emblem of defeat, shame, loss, hopelessness, the coat was. With such gaps in his understanding, he saw very clearly how the boy he'd been had grown up to be the man he was. ~ Tom Franklin
Top Model quotes by Tom Franklin
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