Sea Urchin Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Sea Urchin.

Quotes About Sea Urchin

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I knew more about produce from the sea than any of my schoolmates, and my reports in school, from kindergarten on, amused and shocked my classmates and teachers. I told them how we ate with chopsticks, had rice and seaweed for breakfast, raw fish, octopus, and sea urchin eggs for supper, and cakes made from sharks. ~ Eugenie Clark
Sea Urchin quotes by Eugenie Clark
SCHISMATRIX is a creeping sea-urchin of a book - spikey and odd. It isn't very elegant, and it lacks bilateral symmetry, but pieces of it break off inside people and stick with them for years. ~ Bruce Sterling
Sea Urchin quotes by Bruce Sterling
Well then, first would be the abalone and sea urchin- the bounty of the sea!
Ah, I see! This foam on top is kombu seaweed broth that's been whipped into a mousse!"
"Mm! I can taste the delicate umami flavors seeping into my tongue!"
"The fish meat was aged for a day wrapped in kombu. The seaweed pulls just enough of the moisture out of the meat, allowing it to keep longer, a perfect technique for a bento that needs to last. Hm! Next looks to be bonito. ...! "What rich, powerful umami!"
Aha! This is the result of several umami components melding together. The glutamic acid in the kombu from the previous piece is mixing together in my mouth with the inosinic acid in the bonito!
"And, like, I cold aged this bonito across two days. Aging fish and meats boosts their umami components, y'know. In other words, the true effect of this bento comes together in your mouth... as you eat it in order from one end to the other."
"Next is a row... that looks to be made entirely from vegetables. But none of them use a single scrap of seaweed. The wrappers around each one are different vegetables sliced paper-thin!"
"Right! This bento totally doesn't go for any heavy foods."
"Next comes the sushi row that practically cries out that it's a main dish... raw cold-aged beef sushi!" Th-there it is again! The powerful punch of umami flavor as two components mix together in my mouth!
"Hm? Wait a minute. I understand the inosinic acid comes from the beef.. ~ Yuto Tsukuda
Sea Urchin quotes by Yuto Tsukuda
I once had an Early Girl tomato at my friend Jay's house, and I thought that was the best thing I'd ever had. But then I visited friends in Senegal, and I ate sea urchin pulled fresh out of the sea. It tasted like the ocean. ~ Alice Waters
Sea Urchin quotes by Alice Waters
The soul, you see, is a shy and retiring thing. It lurks in dark places and dislikes sunlight. And so, if you do not keep the skylight open at all times, the soul will rot. It easily decays, like a fresh sea urchin. ~ Yukio Mishima
Sea Urchin quotes by Yukio Mishima
With the exception of octopus, I don't think I've met any food that I didn't like. And by the way, sometimes I do like octopus. I'm just not crazy about it by itself. I love sea urchin. I love uni. If I'm going to die of anything, it's going to be gluttony. ~ Justin Timberlake
Sea Urchin quotes by Justin Timberlake
You will encounter a fifth taste. Umami: uni, or sea urchin, anchovies, Parmesan, dry-aged beef with a casing of mold. It's glutamate. Nothing is a mystery anymore. They make MSG to mimic it. It's the taste of ripeness that's about to ferment. Initially, it serves as a warning. But after a familiarity develops, after you learn its name, that precipice of rot becomes the only flavor worth pursuing, the only line worth testing. ~ Stephanie Danler
Sea Urchin quotes by Stephanie Danler
I like the way the morning can be stormy and the afternoon clear and sparkly as a jewel in the water. Put your hand in the water to reach for a sea urchin or a sea shell, and the thing desired never quite lies where you had lined it up to be. The same is true of love. In prospect or contemplation, love is where it seems to be. Reach in to lift it out and your hand misses ~ Jeanette Winterson
Sea Urchin quotes by Jeanette Winterson
Indeed Christianity passes. Passes - it has gone! It has littered the beaches of life with churches, cathedrals, shrines and crucifixes, prejudices and intolerances, like the sea urchin and starfish and empty shells and lumps of stinging jelly upon the sands here after a tide. A tidal wave out of Egypt. And it has left a multitude of little wriggling theologians and confessors and apologists hopping and burrowing in the warm nutritious sand. But in the hearts of living men, what remains of it now? Doubtful scraps of Arianism. Phrases. Sentiments. Habits. ~ H.G.Wells
Sea Urchin quotes by H.G.Wells
Eyes see only dust and earth, but feel with the heart, and know pure joy.
The delights blossom on all sides in every form, but where is your heart's thread to make a wreath of them?
My master's flute sounds through all things, drawing me out of my lodgings wherever they may be, and while I listen I know that every step I take is in my master's house.
For he is the sea, he is the river that leads to the sea, and he is the landing-place. ~ Rabindranath Tagore
Sea Urchin quotes by Rabindranath Tagore
Stoans want to be lissent to. Them big brown stoans in the formers feal they want to stan up and talk like men. Some times youwl see them lying on the groun with ther humps and hollers theywl say to you, Sit a wyl and res easy why dont you. Then when youre sitting on them theywl talk and theywl tel if you lissen. Theywl tel whats in them but you wont hear nothing what theyre saying without you go as fas as the stoan. You myt think a stoan is slow thats becaws you wont see it moving. Wont see it walking a roun. That dont mean its slow tho. There are the many cools of Addom which they are the party cools of stoan. Moving in ther millyings which is the girt dants of the every thing its the fastes thing there is it keaps the stilness going. Reason you wont see it move its so far a way in to the stoan. If you cud fly way way up like a saddelite bird over the sea and you lookit down you wunt see the waves moving youwd see them change 1 way to a nother only you wunt see them moving youwd be too far a way. You wunt see nothing only a changing stilness. Its the same with a stoan. ~ Russell Hoban
Sea Urchin quotes by Russell Hoban
Who, to say nothing about the perils of an awful and unknown sea, would have left Asia or Africa or Italy to look for Germany? ~ Tacitus
Sea Urchin quotes by Tacitus
That which is most precious in a human life is indeed found in such an irreplaceable moment of ecstasy. To hurl a single wave into a void of depravity, as dark as a nocturnal sea, and capture in the foam the light of a not-yet-risen moon . . . It is such a life that is worth living. ~ Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Sea Urchin quotes by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
The darkest period of my life, so far, arrived the summer I was pregnant with my eldest son. The future was growing in me with all of its terrifying unpredictability, and I found myself anxious, unable to work and woefully at sea. ~ Lauren Groff
Sea Urchin quotes by Lauren Groff
Si todos los rios son dulces
de donde saca sal el mar?
If all rivers are sweet
where does the sea get its salt? ~ Pablo Neruda
Sea Urchin quotes by Pablo Neruda
Maybe it's better to adhere to the standards of heaven than to those of this world. Failure doesn't upset you, since you can always rely on eternity; you find your justifications in reasons beyond yourself. Personal loss is less important. And pain. And men. And the present day. Everything continues into eternity, faceless and vast, sleepily torpid and solemnly indifferent. Like the sea: it cannot lament the innumerable deaths that continually occur in it. ~ Mesa Selimovic
Sea Urchin quotes by Mesa Selimovic
You are nipping in the bud fancies which I let blossom. The shore is safer, but I love to buffet the sea - I can count the bitter wrecks here in these pleasant waters, and hear the murmuring winds, but oh, I love the danger! ~ Emily Dickinson
Sea Urchin quotes by Emily Dickinson
Ah, when shall all men's good
Be each man's rule, and universal peace
Lie like a shaft of light across the land,
And like a lane of beams athwart the sea,
Thro' all the circle of the golden year? ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson
Sea Urchin quotes by Alfred Lord Tennyson
A wide-angle view of sails sparkling white against a cobalt sky as light dances, silver on the water. Like art, it soothes the edge, allowing you to see something simple from a different perspective. ~ Laurie Nadel
Sea Urchin quotes by Laurie Nadel
I don't look out onto the sea of faces and wish I wasn't alone. I simply acknowledge the sea exists... ~ Jennifer Mathieu
Sea Urchin quotes by Jennifer Mathieu
Don't swim against the current. Stay in the river, become the river; and the river is already going to the sea. This is the great teaching. ~ Rajneesh
Sea Urchin quotes by Rajneesh
Anora signed, then retook her seat. "I believe you are the most handsome man I have ever encountered."
Niall raised his brows at hearing the news. "Whatever made you think to say that, Anora?"
"Poor Matthew, he has a weak chin and an unmanly nose. Now you, your jaw is strong and persuasive."
"I thought you said I was demanding."
"Commanding, you said. And you have the loveliest dark brown eyes, like a stormy dark sea."
"That you have never been on."
"Aye. ~ Terry Spear
Sea Urchin quotes by Terry Spear
We're the bridge across forever, arching above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it, choosing disasters triumphs challenges impossible odds, testing ourselves over and again, learning love and love and love! ~ Richard Bach
Sea Urchin quotes by Richard Bach
This is being written abord the S.S. Augustus, three days at sea. My suitcase is full of peanut butter, and I am a fugitive from the suburbs of all large cities. ~ John Cheever
Sea Urchin quotes by John Cheever
If I'd grown up here,I'd have had headless ghosts for playmates and kept my room in a tower."
Alan maneuvered around one of the winding curves that only added to the atmosphere. The sea was close enough so its scent and sound drifted in the open windows. "There aren't any ghosts, though my father periodically threatened to import a few bloodthirsty ones from Scotland." With his lips just curved, he sent Shelby a quick sidelong look. "He keeps his office in a tower room. ~ Nora Roberts
Sea Urchin quotes by Nora Roberts
Since leaving Moscow I have encountered an alarming level of ignorance about biological weapons. Some of the best scientists I've encountered in the West say it isn't possible to alter viruses genetically to make reliable weapons, or to store enough of a give pathogen for strategic purposes, or to deliver it in a way that assures maximum killing power. My knowledge and experience tell me that they are wrong. I have written this book to explain why.
There are some who maintain that discussing the subject will cause needless alarm. But existing defenses against these weapons are dangerously inadequate, and when biological terror strikes, as I am convinced it will, public ignorance will only heighten the disaster. The first step we must take to protect ourselves is to understand what biological weapons are and how they work. The alternative is to remain as helpless as the monkeys in the Aral Sea. ~ Ken Alibek
Sea Urchin quotes by Ken Alibek
I come from the ocean with songs of the sea
No lesson for learning, just play upon me
Now go make your music in lands near and far
Orion protects you wherever you are ~ Jimmy Buffett
Sea Urchin quotes by Jimmy Buffett
A GIANT heart
Needs a GIANT life!
GIANT arms
Can hold a world!

Let me lead a GIANT'S life!
No little steps, no holding back!
A GIANT'S way, a GIANT'S track!

Let my mistakes
Be GIANT ones!

For I can't live in little worlds!

I need the space to run my fill
I need to jump from hill to hill

And if you take my woods from me
I'll wander out into the sea
And try to find another world

So I can live a GIANT'S life! ~ Cressida Cowell
Sea Urchin quotes by Cressida Cowell
Looking up occasionally to see rare cars crossing the high bridge and wondering what they'd see on this drear foggy night if they knew a madman was down there a thousand feet below in all that windy fury sitting in the dark writing in the dark - Some sort of sea beatnik, tho anybody wants to call me a beatnik for THIS better try it if they dare - The huge black rocks seem to move - The bleak awful roaring isolateness, no ordinary man could do it I'm telling you - I am a Breton! I cry and the blackness speaks back "Les poissons de la mer parlent Breton" (the fishes of the sea speak Breton) - Nevertheless I go there every night even tho I dont feel like it, it's my duty (and probably drove me mad), and write these sea sounds, and all the whole insane poem "Sea". ~ Jack Kerouac
Sea Urchin quotes by Jack Kerouac
The silver corslet shimmered before his eyes like the light upon a rippling sea. Carefully he took it off and held it up, and the gems on it glittered like stars, and the sound of the shaken rings was like the tinkle of rain in a pool. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
Sea Urchin quotes by J.R.R. Tolkien
The sea pronounces something, over and over, in a hoarse whisper; I cannot quite make it out. ~ Annie Dillard
Sea Urchin quotes by Annie Dillard
Life is nothing but a sea shell in the ocean of love. ~ Debasish Mridha
Sea Urchin quotes by Debasish Mridha
We all have to accept accusations that we ignored the refugee crisis for far too long. The first time that I referred to the Mediterranean Sea as Europe's cemetery was in October 2013, when hundreds of people drowned off Lampedusa. Italians, Maltese, Greeks and Spaniards have been pleading for help for years. But nobody cared. ~ Martin Schulz
Sea Urchin quotes by Martin Schulz
What humanity was about to lose, though, except for one tiny colony on Santa Rosalia, was what the trackless sea could never lose, so long as it was made of water, the ability to heal itself. ~ Kurt Vonnegut
Sea Urchin quotes by Kurt Vonnegut
You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. ~ Rabindranath Tagore
Sea Urchin quotes by Rabindranath Tagore
I know you adore Father, but he isn't the white knight you imagine him to be. He never was. True, he's charming and loving in his way. But he's selfish. He's a limited man determined to bring about his own end-"
Tom grabs both my hands in his and gives them a small squeeze. "Gemma, you can't save him. Why can't you accept that?"
I see my reflection on the surface of the Thames. My face is a watery outline, all blurred edges with nothing settled.
"Because if I let go of that" - I swallow hard, once, twice - "then I have to accept that I am alone."
The ship's horn howls again as it slips out toward sea. Tom's reflection appears beside mine, just as uncertain.
"We're every one of us alone in this world, Gemma." He doesn't say it bitterly. "But you have company, if you want. ~ Libba Bray
Sea Urchin quotes by Libba Bray
Here comes his hand, planing slowly across the white tablecloth like a manta ray in one of those deep-sea documentaries. It's descending onto her own hand, which she shouldn't have left so carelessly lying around on the table. ~ Margaret Atwood
Sea Urchin quotes by Margaret Atwood
Great-Uncle Merry, coming back towards the car from the Grey House, had suddenly stopped in his tracks in the middle of the road. He was gazing down at the sea; and she realised that he had caught sight of the yacht. What startled her was the expression on his face. Standing there like a craggy towering statue, he was frowning, fierce and intense, almost as if he were looking and listening with senses other than his eyes and ears. He could never look frightened, she thought, but this was the nearest thing to it that she had ever seen. Cautious, startled, alarmed . . . what was the matter with him? Was there something strange about the yacht? Then ~ Susan Cooper
Sea Urchin quotes by Susan Cooper
I know what you want. It is very stupid of you, but you shall have your way, and it will bring you to sorrow, my pretty princess. - The sea witch. ~ Hans Christian Andersen
Sea Urchin quotes by Hans Christian Andersen
We start out postulating sharp boundaries, such as between humans and apes, or between apes and monkeys, but are in fact dealing with sand castles that lose much of their structure when the sea of knowledge washes over them. They turn into hills, leveled ever more, until we are back to where evolutionary theory always leads us: a gently sloping beach. ~ Frans De Waal
Sea Urchin quotes by Frans De Waal
The true inner self must be drawn up like a jewel from the bottom of the sea, rescued from confusion, from indistinction, from immersion in the common, the nondescript, the trivial, the sordid, the evanescent. ~ Thomas Merton
Sea Urchin quotes by Thomas Merton
The flavour of a fish which comes out of the sea at Acre is not similar to the flavour of a fish which comes out of the sea in Spain. ~ Rashi
Sea Urchin quotes by Rashi
Main Street is the climax of civilization. That this Ford car might stand in front of the Bon Ton Store, Hannibal invaded Rome and Erasmus wrote in Oxford cloisters. What Ole Jenson the grocer says to Ezra Stowbody the banker is the new law for London, Prague, and the unprofitable isles of the sea; whatsoever Ezra does not know and sanction, that thing is heresy, worthless for knowing and wicked to consider. ~ Sinclair Lewis
Sea Urchin quotes by Sinclair Lewis
Tons. Marco Polo, who sailed from China to Persia on his return home, described the Mongol ships as large four-masted junks with up to three hundred crewmen and as many as sixty cabins for merchants carrying various wares. According to Ibn Battuta, some of the ships even carried plants growing in wooden tubs in order to supply fresh food for the sailors. Khubilai Khan promoted the building of ever larger seagoing junks to carry heavy loads of cargo and ports to handle them. They improved the use of the compass in navigation and learned to produce more accurate nautical charts. The route from the port of Zaytun in southern China to Hormuz in the Persian Gulf became the main sea link between the Far East and the Middle East, and was used by both Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta, among others. ~ Jack Weatherford
Sea Urchin quotes by Jack Weatherford
The secret of realizing the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment of existence is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships out into uncharted seas! Live in conflict with your equals and with yourselves! Be robbers and ravagers as soon as you ca not be rulers and owners, you men of knowledge! The time will soon past when you could be content to live concealed int he woods like timid deer! ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Sea Urchin quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche
They won't tell you about how Red Riding was the wolf
and Snow White went back to kill the queen.
Or that Cinderella's step family mysteriously
disappeared after she became queen.

They are afraid to let you know that Aurora woke up screaming
because a strange man was kissing her without her consent.
Or how Ariel had no problem killing the two timing prince
and restoring herself to the sea.

The fairy tales we should tell
our daughter should be about strong women with real flaws
and incredible qualities.

Let's raise girls who don't just wait to be rescued,
but take destiny in their own hands
and charge to battle dragons and their enemies. ~ Nikita Gill
Sea Urchin quotes by Nikita Gill
It was not impossible to build Rapture at the bottom of the sea. It was impossible to build it anywhere else. ~ Andrew Ryan
Sea Urchin quotes by Andrew Ryan
In order to become, to be, to move,
Imagine leaving here, going to a cliff above the sea.
Watch the sea
Dive into the air, down into the sea.
Dive deep toward the bottom.
Feel the entities in the sea, in the cool darkness, the pressure.
Listen and communicate with them.
They know the secret way of escape from here.
Escape into other places far from this planet.
Move up from the sea's depths.
Slant up through the dark clod, up to the warmth.
Move out of the sea's surface, into light.
Travel through the earth's air space, out.
Accelerate toward our star, the sun.
Feel its radiance increase, its energy.
This energy started, maintains us, is us.
Enter the sun's flaming self, be its light,
Be its energy, share the star as you.
Be the sun, shining into space.
Move away on its energy, become greater that this star.
Spread as its light in all directions.
Fill the universe with thee, be the universe.
Be all the stars, the galaxies are your body.
Be empty space spread self to infinity.
Be the creative potential in the empty spaces.
BE the potential, infinite in the absolute zero of nothing. ~ John C. Lilly
Sea Urchin quotes by John C. Lilly
The Crimson Pirate, The Mark of Zorro, Captain Blood, The Black Pirate, Adventures of Don Juan, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Sea Hawk, The Prisoner of Zenda, Scaramouche, ~ Cary Elwes
Sea Urchin quotes by Cary Elwes
A great tragedy passes from crest to hollow of passion, rises and sinks again, as rhythmically as sea-waves. ~ Austin O'Malley
Sea Urchin quotes by Austin O'Malley
Letter 68

A pod of whales was lying like long reclining Buddhas on the sea.
My sister and I put our ears to the bottom of the boat so we could listen to their songs.

We turned to my grandfather and asked, "What do their song mean?"

"The whales do not sing because they have an answer," he said.
"They sing because they have a song. ~ Gregory Colbert
Sea Urchin quotes by Gregory Colbert
For an immeasurable period of time, hours, days, weeks, it seemed, Celia had been struggling against tides of anguish, sinking deeper and deeper into a dreadful sea, whose waves broke at ever shorter intervals until at last there was no respite, but an endless torment that drowned and broke and shattered her to nothing. There was no longer any such person as Celia Bryant in the living world. All that remained was an anonymous hulk, a bleeding rag of flesh in a universe of pain. Her brain had long ago ceased to function. Only somewhere, at the centre of torture, an inexorable core of consciousness persisted.

Hours ago, years ago, she had thought: 'This is too much. No one could bear such agony and go on living.' It seemed that something in her must break; that she must either die or fall into oblivion. Yet somehow she had gone on bearing everything. She had not died. She had not lost consciousness. All that she had lost was the sense of her personal integrity. As a human being she was obliterated; her mind was dispersed. she could not any longer envisage an end of torment. 'Not only not to hope:not even to wait. Just to endure.'

At last, in some region utterly remote, a new thing came into being, words were spoken, and strangely, incredibly, the words had significance. That which had once been Celia could not grasp their meaning because somewhere else a woman's voice was crying out lamentably. Nevertheless, she heard a man speaking, and with a new sea ~ Anna Kavan
Sea Urchin quotes by Anna Kavan
People love their causes they champion; they love their divisions and neatly packaged boxes of identity; for without them, they would be forced to look within, find themselves, set aside pettiness and face reality (that's quite frightening to most). As a result, they are like a lost ship at sea, forced to submit to the waves of society. ~ Dara Reidyr
Sea Urchin quotes by Dara Reidyr
I steered by self as evenly as I could, and it was easier than I thought. My bike and I went shooting off the end, and together we well into the sea that's cold and huge and doesn't care whether living boys launch themselves into it or not. ~ Sarah Moore Fitzgerald
Sea Urchin quotes by Sarah Moore Fitzgerald
It was a clear steel-blue day. The firmaments of air and sea were hardly separable in that all-pervading azure; only, the pensive air was transparently pure and soft, with a woman's look, and the robust and man-like sea heaved with long, strong, lingering swells, as Samson's chest in his sleep. ~ Herman Melville
Sea Urchin quotes by Herman Melville
Ahoy!" a seaman called out. "The English frigate Polaris, ten days out from Antigua, bound for Portsmouth."
"Ahoy, yerself!" It was O'Shea's rough brogue. She'd never heard sweeter music. "This be the clipper Sophia, of no particular country at the moment. Seven days out from Tortola, bound for…well, bound for here. Captain requests permission to board."
Gray. It had to be Gray.
The officers of the Polaris exchanged wary looks.
"Oh, for Heaven's sake." Sophia pushed forward to the ship's rail and cupped her hands around her mouth, calling, "Permission to board granted!"
A cheer rose up from the other ship's deck. "It's her, all right!" a voice called. Stubb's, Sophia thought.
Oh, but she hardly cared who was on the other deck. She cared only for the strong figure swinging across the watery divide as the two ships came abreast. Turning back toward the center of the ship, she pushed her way through the sweaty throng of sailors, desperate to get to him. Her foot caught on a rope, and she tripped-
But it didn't matter. Gray was there to catch her.
And he was still wearing those sea-weathered, fire-scarred boots. No doubt for sentimental reasons.
"Steady there," he murmured, catching her by the elbows. She looked up to meet his beautiful blue-green eyes. "I have you."
"Oh, Gray." She launched herself into his arms, clinging to his neck as he laughed and spun her around. "You're here."
"I'm here."
And he was. Every strong, ~ Tessa Dare
Sea Urchin quotes by Tessa Dare
Religion is, as it were, the calm bottom of the sea at its deepest point, which remains calm however high the waves on the surface may be. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein
Sea Urchin quotes by Ludwig Wittgenstein
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