Pieragostini Motorcycle Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Pieragostini Motorcycle.

Quotes About Pieragostini Motorcycle

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I'd like to leave you with a bit of wisdom I picked up from a documentary I saw this weekend: Mad Max: Fury Road. All you young people really need to succeed in the future is a reliable source of fuel and a fanatical cadre of psychopathic motorcycle killers. ~ Stephen Colbert
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Stephen Colbert
No one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise tomorrow. They know it's going to rise tomorrow. ~ Robert M. Pirsig
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Robert M. Pirsig
Riding is within one's soul. ~ Ben Tolosa
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Ben Tolosa
I cuss like a sailor; I smoked cigarettes for many years but quit and have never looked back; also, I ride a motorcycle ... in Los Angeles ... so there ya go. ~ Keith Coogan
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Keith Coogan
I followed Jared outside and eyes the slick, black beauty parked on the curb. "What is that?" Jared sighed. "It's a Vulcan." "Weird. I thought it was a motorcycle." I smiled, but Jared didn't find the humor in my words. I put up my hand and separated my fingers into a 'V'. "Live long and…no?" I shook my head, seeing that Jared was in no mood for jokes. ~ Jamie McGuire
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Jamie McGuire
I've never been on a bike," I say. "I mean, I've been on a bike but not a motorcycle."
"And why is that?" he asks.
"Bugs. They get in your mouth, right? That's just gross."
Chris makes a face.
"If you ride around with your mouth hanging open, I assume that could be a possibility. ~ Summer Lane
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Summer Lane
You see, I don't know how to ride a motorcycle, actually. ~ Henry Winkler
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Henry Winkler
We're not together anymore. Don't forget it.
There is a pause before he responds. Hard to forget that. The gaping hole in my chest that was left when u ripped my heart out kind of reminds me every time I breathe. ~ D.R. Graham
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by D.R. Graham
Institutions such as schools, churches, governments and political organizations of every sort all tended to direct thought for ends other than truth, for the perpetuation of their own functions, and for the control of individuals in the service of these functions. ~ Robert M. Pirsig
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Robert M. Pirsig
I am the audience. I want to observe people. Even when I'm playing drums onstage, I'm watching people. I'm looking at them and their faces and their T-shirts and their signs. And travelling by motorcycle, especially, the world is just coming at me. ~ Neil Peart
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Neil Peart
There isn't a lot written about the motorcycle culture. ~ Katey Sagal
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Katey Sagal
No surprises" is the motto of the franchise ghetto, its Good Housekeeping seal, subliminally blazoned on every sign and logo that make up the curves and grids of light that outline the Basin. The people of America, who live in the world's most surprising and terrible country, take comfort in that motto. Follow the loglo outward, to where the growth is enfolded into the valleys and the canyons, and you find the land of the refugees. They have fled from the true America, the America of atomic bombs, scalpings, hip-hop, chaos theory, cement overshoes, snake handlers, spree killers, space walks, buffalo jumps, drive-bys, cruise missiles, Sherman's March, gridlock, motorcycle gangs, and bun-gee jumping. They have parallel-parked their bimbo boxes in identical computer-designed Burbclave street patterns and secreted themselves in symmetrical sheetrock shitholes with vinyl floors and ill-fitting woodwork and no sidewalks, vast house farms out in the loglo wilderness, a culture medium for a medium culture. The only ones left in the city are street people, feeding off debris; immigrants, thrown out like shrapnel from the destruction of the Asian powers; young bohos; and the technomedia priesthood of Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong. Young smart people like Da5id and Hiro, who take the risk of living in the city because they like stimulation and they know they can handle it. ~ Neal Stephenson
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Neal Stephenson
My first car was a motorcycle. ~ Adam Carolla
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Adam Carolla
I find, bikers are the most adjustable creature amongst human. They can adjust to any simple to complex or adverse condition at a given point of time. ~ Ansh - The Mystic Rider
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Ansh - The Mystic Rider
At an early age I told myself I would never quit skating, I would never quit riding BMX and being a motorcycle junkie. I just can't stop doing those things. ~ Matt Skiba
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Matt Skiba
Everyone is king, when there's no one left to pawn ~ Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
It's possible to search in vain for that point where your running feels "just right." As I considered the point of balance for myself, I was reminded of a quote from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig. He wrote: "Mountains should be climbed with as little effort as possible and without desire. The reality of your own nature should determine the speed. If you become restless, speed up. If you become winded, slow down. You climb the mountain in an equilibrium between restlessness and exhaustion. Then, when you're no longer thinking ahead, each footstep isn't just a means to an end but a unique event in itself. ~ John "The Penguin" Bingham
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by John
My son asked for very little - a kickstand, with a motorcycle attached. ~ Milton Berle
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Milton Berle
Seems to be catching."
"What is?" asked Neku.
"Wanting Kit dead."
Neku shrugged. "He was fucking the wife of a gang boss and bikers used his bar to deal drugs, plus lots of uyoku felt Yoshi Tanaka should be married to someone Japanese. Then there's chippu he owed to the local police and unpaid bills from a Brazilian transvestite who mends his motorcycle. It could have been anyone. ~ Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Jon Courtenay Grimwood
I love motorcycles and riding bikes. Like a lot of riders, I look at a bike like it's an iron horse - a living thing that you have to build a relationship with - and that bike is my horse. ~ Diego Sanchez
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Diego Sanchez
[Mike] just loves [his] motorcycle and he would take it out too early [in Green Bay]. In Green Bay, you've got ice until June, and he'd take it out sooner than that. He can finish the rest of the story. Ask him about taking the bike out a little too early. ~ Steve Mariucci
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Steve Mariucci
I suppose you could call that a personality. Each machine has its own, unique personality which probably could be defined as the intuitive sum total of everything you know and feel about it. This personality constantly changes, usually for the worse, but sometimes surprisingly for the better, and it is this personality that is the real object of motorcycle maintenance. ~ Robert M. Pirsig
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Robert M. Pirsig
My dad is a motorcycle guy, not some Hollywood dude. ~ Shia Labeouf
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Shia Labeouf
Adventure can be an end in itself. Self-discovery is the secret ingredient ... ~ Grace Lichtenstein
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Grace Lichtenstein
I'd like to take a motorcycle trip across Europe, maybe even across China. Of course I'd also like to broker a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, but it's important to put ceilings on one's ambitions. ~ Stephen King
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Stephen King
Landsman recognizes the expression on Dick's face ... The face of a man who feels he was born into the wrong world. A mistake has been made; he is not where he belongs. Every so often he feels his heart catch, like a kite on a telephone wire, on something that seems to promise him a home in the world or a means of getting there. An American car manufactured in his far-off boyhood, say, or a motorcycle that once belonged to the future king of England, or the face of a woman worthier than himself of being loved. ~ Michael Chabon
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Michael Chabon
After you have once ridden behind a motorcycle escort, you are never the same again ~ Herbert H. Lehman
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Herbert H. Lehman
Liquor, guns, motorcycle helmets (legislation had gone back and forth on that) - mainly white masculine pursuits - are fairly unregulated. But for women and black men, regulation is greater. Within given parameters, federal law gives women the right to decide whether or not to abort a fetus. But the state of Louisiana has imposed restrictions on clinics offering the procedure, which, if upheld in the U.S. Supreme Court, would prevent all but one clinic, in New Orleans, from offering women access to it. Any adult in the state can also be jailed for transporting a teenager out of state for the purposes of an abortion if the teen has not informed her parents. Young black males are regulated too. Jefferson Davis Parish passed a bill banning the wearing of pants in public that revealed "skin beneath their waists or their underwear" and newspaper accounts featured images, taken from the back, of two black teenage boys exposing large portions of their undershorts. The parish imposed a $50 fine for a first offense and $100 for a second. ~ Arlie Russell Hochschild
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Arlie Russell Hochschild
That's all the motorcycle is, a system of concepts worked out in steel. There's no part in it, no shape in it, that is not out of someone's mind [...] I've noticed that people who have never worked with steel have trouble seeing this - that the motorcycle is primarily a mental phenomenon. They associate metal with given shapes - pipes, rods, girders, tools, parts - all of them fixed and inviolable., and think of it as primarily physical. But a person who does machining or foundry work or forger work or welding sees "steel" as having no shape at all. Steel can be any shape you want if you are skilled enough, and any shape but the one you want if you are not. Shapes, like this tappet, are what you arrive at, what you give to the steel. Steel has no more shape than this old pile of dirt on the engine here. These shapes are all of someone's mind. That's important to see. The steel? Hell, even the steel is out of someone's mind. There's no steel in nature. Anyone from the Bronze Age could have told you that. All nature has is a potential for steel. There's nothing else there. ~ Robert M. Pirsig
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Robert M. Pirsig
She did something to his insides, twisted and melted them until he sometimes felt he couldn't think straight. ~ Christine Feehan
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Christine Feehan
I read. A lot. I read so much that some might call me a book whore. I can read about a book boyfriend who is a gritty biker in a motorcycle club or a sexy drummer in a world famous band. He can be a military man with a bad case of PTSD or a billionaire with a fetish for bondage and spanking. Any way you slice it, multiple book boyfriends are a hell of a lot safer to my feelings than one living, breathing, idiot who will eventually break my heart. I ~ Jemma Bell
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Jemma Bell
'Motorcycle Diaries' had the best costumes - that battered jacket and those linen shirts. I wear linen shirts in real life, too, and I have a nice, simple number I got handed down. As a father, you just stop buying stuff for yourself. It's all for the kids. ~ Gael Garcia Bernal
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Gael Garcia Bernal
I travel to work on my motorcycle, so it's jeans, boots and a brown Aero leather jacket that weighs as much as I do. If it were black, it would seem like I've got a Brando idea going on, which I don't. ~ Hugh Laurie
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Hugh Laurie
Don't take a chance with your los angeles motorcycle accident lawyer - choose the team that will get you the settlement you deserve. ~ Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
This long ride is the blood my heart bleeds... ~ Jess "Chief" Brynjulson
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Jess
Lily knew what he meant. She loved places that people had forgotten, like the old gas station rotting on the edge of the forest in Pelt, all gray wood and brown metal. She liked to walk there sometimes and imagine that during tempests the king of the forest, dry leaves swirling around his motorcycle, would skid to a halt and demand unleaded gas from shadowy attendants while a mossy-faced knight sat in his sidecar. ~ M T Anderson
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by M T Anderson
I don't have a mullet, but going into season one on 'The Walking Dead,' I asked to have a mullet, and everybody talked me out of it. Because I'd have to wear a mullet when we were not shooting every day. I have that motorcycle, wings on my vest, the crossbow ... Maybe a mullet would've thrown me over the edge. ~ Norman Reedus
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Norman Reedus
You could make a film about being intoxicated only when you're riding motorcycles, but really when you're in an enclosed space safely, you can. ~ Colin Hanks
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Colin Hanks
When you live in the shadow of insanity, the appearance of another mind that thinks and talks as yours does is something close to a blessed event. ~ Robert M. Pirsig
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Robert M. Pirsig
Nolan crossed his arms; he had his gorgeous frowny face on. "Don't you trust me?"
Raina looked at him incredulously. "Of course I trust you...undoubtedly." She felt her spine stiffen in defiance of her friend's assumption. She'd like to prove her wrong!
A slow sexy grin tugged at his lips. "Then take a ride on my bike, Aelan. ~ Sarah Brocious
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Sarah Brocious
Cole,do you feel anything for me?" I don't know what made me ask this, except that Jack had asked him the night of the Tunnels.It obviously surprised him.
He backed up. "What?"
I inched forward,not quite sure I was going with this. "Do you feel ... something for me?"
He was quiet,still as a statue, so I moved even closer.
"Don't,Nik." His gaze dropped to the ground.
"If you feel anything, please leave me alone.I don't know why I survived.I don't have your answer. Shadowing me will get you nothing."
Then he did something unexpected. He backed down, and as he turned around to his motorcycle,he shook his head and mumbled, "What have you done to me?"
"I don't know," I said. "But you have ninety-nine years to figure it out."
He kicked it on and revved the engine, and at the sound,he found his cocky smirk again. "That's a long time, Nik. Jack is gone,and I'm here.Let's see who gives up first. ~ Brodi Ashton
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Brodi Ashton
It's Esmé Squalor!" an Elder cried. "She used to be the city's sixth most successful financial advisor, but now she works with Count Olaf!"
"I heard the two of them are dating!" Mrs. Morrow said in horror.
"We are dating!" Esmé cried in triumph. She climbed aboard Olaf's motorcycle and tossed her helmet to the ground, showing that she cared no more about motorcycle safety than she did about the welfare of crows. ~ Lemony Snicket
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Lemony Snicket
He was the one. This motorcycle man in bed with me was the man of my dreams. ~ Kristen Ashley
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Kristen Ashley
In this world, there are only a few things more available than gasoline: coffee, soda and beer. Oh, and bad advice. ~ Foster Kinn
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Foster Kinn
The first thing I ever rode when I was a kid was a motorcycle, so I knew how to drive a motorcycle before a car. ~ John Travolta
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by John Travolta
If a factory is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then that rationality will simply produce another factory. If a revolution destroys a government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves ... There's so much talk about the system. And so little understanding. - ROBERT PIRSIG, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ~ Donella H. Meadows
Pieragostini Motorcycle quotes by Donella H. Meadows
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