Monica Genta Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Monica Genta.

Quotes About Monica Genta

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When we have fallen and need to get back up again, we are able to do it in His strength walking in His Spirit. Cling to the Spirit of Christ Jesus - He will never fail. ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
Jesus went to the cross for sins He didn't commit. Hello! You can carry a grudge just thinking about that, but don't do it. He knew what He was doing. It was His choice, and He did it willingly. It was the will of the Father, and He always did the will of God without complaint. So what is it that we have to complain about? ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
My first priority is my children. If at any moment I put aside something that I want to do to be a better parent than that is more than okay for me. ~ Monica Denise Brown
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Denise Brown
You will never have great tennis champions from England because of the cold and dark, but most of all because people only care about the sport for two weeks a year, and then they're on to something else. There's just not a great love of the sport there. ~ Monica Seles
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Seles
I wish I got a lie-in on Saturday mornings but I never do. ~ Monica Ali
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Ali
God doesn't make things difficult for us. Do you want to know what the truth is? Look in the Bible, and you'll see that Jesus describes Himself not only as the truth, but the way and the life as well. ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
Messrs. Washington and Lincoln faced enormous difficulties, but they both gave their lives to make sure America survived. ~ Monica Crowley
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Crowley
Young people are not immune to following God's commands concerning discipline. ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
The Santa Monica Freeway is traditionally the scene of every form of automotive folly known to man. It is not white and well-bred like the San Diego, nor as treacherously engineered as the Pasadena, nor quite as ghetto-suicidal as the Harbor. No, one hesitates to say it, but the Santa Monica is a freeway for freaks. ~ Thomas Pynchon
Monica Genta quotes by Thomas Pynchon
I can't say I'm a Bond girl because I'm too mature to be a Bond girl. I say Bond lady; Bond woman. But I'm proud to be a Bond lady, because actually, Bond is the most amazing man. ~ Monica Bellucci
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Bellucci
We must love the people in front of us. We must forgive ourselves for the things we did to survive. The things we broke. The things that broke us. ~ Monica Hesse
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Hesse
Oh, fucking fuckery, ~ C.D. Reiss
Monica Genta quotes by C.D. Reiss
Maybe he's an exotic dancer. He must be used to walking around with that monstrosity dangling like that. Stop looking at it. ~ Monica La Porta
Monica Genta quotes by Monica La Porta
Public shaming is a blood sport that has to stop. ~ Monica Lewinsky
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Lewinsky
Paganism has no fixed creeds or dogmas, no self-proclaimed gurus or prophets, no holy books or saviours. Earth Herself is our teacher. Pagans, like all, natural peoples, desire to live in harmony with
Earth and see all Her manifestations, whether animal, plant, insect, rock or mountain, or, as Native Americans say, four-legged, two-legged, crawling and flying, as our relations and as ensouled. ~ Monica Sjöö
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Sjöö
Real Christianity is based upon God's word given to us through the scriptures, and His word is final. ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
It's hard to hold on to anger. It eats at you, chips away at your happiness, making you miserable. ~ Monica Murphy
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Murphy
While they were dancing, the buoyancy that the champagne had given her left her all at once, and she slumped and felt suddenly tired and miserable about all the things that Denys should have said and done and hadn't. At the end of the dance there was one awful moment when she was bored. She didn't want to go and be kissed in the garden, she didn't want to drink any more, and Denys was in no mood for conversation; what was there to do? She was bored. It was a terrible, treacherous thought to feel like that when you were with someone you loved. ~ Monica Dickens
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Dickens
I'm probably the only person over 40 who does not want to be 22 again. ~ Monica Lewinsky
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Lewinsky
I love fairy tales because I think that behind fairy tales, there is always a meaning. ~ Monica Bellucci
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Bellucci
From politics to parenting, Christians have something to say. ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
Growing up wasn't so bad, as long as you did it with the right person. ~ Monica Alexander
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Alexander
This smells like shit," MacRuairi said, smearing the black seal grease over his naked skin. They'd bundled their armor and weapons in a pack to keep them dry when they crossed the river. The seal grease would not only help them blend into the darkness, it protected them from the cold December waters.
"You'll be grateful for in in a few minutes." MacSorley grinned. "The water will freeze your bollocks off."
"Which shouldn't be a problem for you anymore," MacRuairi said dryly.
"Damn, cousin, was that a joke?" MacSorley shook his head. "It does snow in hell."
MacRuairi muttered something under his breath as he finished applying the grease. ~ Monica McCarty
Monica Genta quotes by Monica McCarty
I'm 5 feet 10 inches, and whatever my whatever my weight is, that's fine. As long as I am able to move and I feel good, it doesn't matter. ~ Monica Seles
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Seles
In Italy, the concept of the family is very important. ~ Monica Bellucci
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Bellucci
Jesus was humble when He walked this earth. He had all power, yet used all meekness. ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
Riding is a complicated joy. You learn something each time. It is never quite the same, and you never know it all. ~ Monica Dickens
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Dickens
In the rainy season, back home, when the land had given way to water and the buffaloes grew webbed feet, when the hens took to the roofs, when marooned goats teetered on minuscule islands, when the women splashed across on the raised walkway to the cooking hut and found they could no longer kindle a dung-and-husk fire and looked to their reserves, when the rain rang louder than cow bells, ~ Monica Ali
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Ali
Don't tear me from one prison, only to damn me to another. ~ Monica Sanz
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Sanz
The information-deprived general populace might have been surprised this week to see a lower paycheck. ~ Monica Crowley
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Crowley
I'm not saying you need to become a spokesperson for every cause your character goes through, but it's important to absolutely do the best job we can in portraying a disease, and all the crap that goes with it. ~ Monica Potter
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Potter
Those who care, teach. Those who love, teach. Those who can, teach. ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
For now, I'll let you please temporary amnesia," he said and lifted my chin to him. "But I'm never going to forget what it felt like when you were biting my lip instead of your own." -Trey to Monica, The Only Exception ~ Magan Vernon
Monica Genta quotes by Magan Vernon
Emily wasn't supposed to be someone I thought about months later. She was supposed to be a fun distraction, like all the other nameless and faceless girls I'd hooked up with over the years. ~ Monica Alexander
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Alexander
Life is not meant to be lived on the sidelines or the edge of the pool. It is meant to be embraced, inhaled, and devoured. It is meant to be tasted, chewed and swallowed, savoring each and every experience as if it were the most delicious delicacy ever eaten. ~ Monica E. Tunnell
Monica Genta quotes by Monica E. Tunnell
I talk a lot about strength, faith and love, but I don't ever talk about the fact that I am one of the most sensitive people in my family. That might be the most shocking, because you always see me fighting the good fight, with the strong face on, but I am the most emotional. ~ Monica
Monica Genta quotes by Monica
My name is Monica, and I am not submissive. I stand six feet tall in heels. I am descended from one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. I can sing like an angel, and growl like a lion. I am not owned. I am music. ~ C.D. Reiss
Monica Genta quotes by C.D. Reiss
In the beginning, I didn't know if I was still a model, if I was an actress. I knew I wanted to be an actress, but it was so difficult to be believed. ~ Monica Bellucci
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Bellucci
Some churches make intercessory prayer part of their weekly schedule. If that's not the case at your church, find another person in the faith to intercede with or go before God on your own. ~ Monica Johnson
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Johnson
I always wanted children late; I had my first daughter at 39 and the second at 45. ~ Monica Bellucci
Monica Genta quotes by Monica Bellucci
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