Love Note Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Love Note.

Quotes About Love Note

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If she has given you children remind yourself every day of the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth words in this sentence. If you hurt her in ways that are irreparable I will send out people to hurt you back, sorry, but it has to be like that. Yes, you may have had a difficult childhood, but please allow me to introduce myself: Hello, I am the woman who doesn't give a shit. Make her something warm to drink in the mornings and give her time to begin speaking; only rush at her with an embrace or a gemstone. Wildflowers. A love note. Yeats. ~ Mary-Louise Parker
Love Note quotes by Mary-Louise Parker
I came up with a new reason
To write your name today
I plagiarized each letter
From a love note you wrote me.
The scent of ink was sacred to me
In that relapsed moment…
For a minute I could pretend
The paper reminded me of your skin;
I could pretend the glimmering ink
Was the moonlit lake
Of our summer night.
But the pretending crumpled with paper
And I threw us into the trash can
For the bridge between us is long burned
And it's time I accepted that. ~ Justin Wetch
Love Note quotes by Justin Wetch
The demons are not easily dispatched, instead attaching themselves to otherwise beautiful things, a favorite food or a love note left for you, to see how you react when they rear up. ~ Thomm Quackenbush
Love Note quotes by Thomm Quackenbush
It was the program from her ceremony, and on the side was a love note that I could not recognize as such. It was written in that vague, noncommittal way of a girl who wants you to know what she feels but wants to protect herself all the same. I did not know what I was holding, and was caught on the price in self-esteem for figuring it out. I talked to her that night and thanked her, but I did not push like I was supposed to. I could not see that beneath the shield, beneath the smiles and laughter that were her armor, behind the glowing ax, all of us are waiting to be swept away. ~ Ta-Nehisi Coates
Love Note quotes by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Put a love note in his shaving kit before he leaves on a business trip. ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Love Note quotes by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Try to read or send a love note everyday. Love is the most powerful force there is in this world and we're not tapping into its power as often as we should. ~ J.K. Zany
Love Note quotes by J.K. Zany
I wrote a coded love note in my report for work. All the letters you need to read what I wrote are there - you just have to find them and rearrange the order until you've arrived at something romantic, and then you'll have discovered what I wrote. ~ Jarod Kintz
Love Note quotes by Jarod Kintz
today my heart was ripped in two
one half for me, one half for you
take a half and keep it near
i have mine and will always be here
crossing paths before the end
once a lover, forever a friend ~ Connor Franta
Love Note quotes by Connor Franta
Phillipa blew out her breath. Running a finger along the soft flower petals, she unfolded the note. For Phillipa, she read to herself,
I hope adding yellow daisies isn't too forward. I asked Lady Fennington for their meaning, and she said white means "purity," while yellow means "slighted." I'm taking them to mean "frustrated." Because I am frustrated that you are still pure. Bennett.
She snorted. ~ Suzanne Enoch
Love Note quotes by Suzanne Enoch
Just like you fell on me, I fell for you, and the sensation of the fall happened so fast but in a beautiful way. ~ Aishabella Sheikh
Love Note quotes by Aishabella Sheikh
He went up to his room and sat down at the desk to write the hardest note he'd ever written in his life. He tore up four attempts before he was happy with what he'd written. It was short and to the point.

"You mean everything to me."

I ~ Michelle Frost
Love Note quotes by Michelle Frost
As a parting gift, he gave Harold the key chain from his house keys, the ones that opened the gate to Hamilton Arms: it was a clover, a charm for luck. Its stem was a little drawer, into which, Harold later found, George had put a love note. Harold kept the clover for the rest of his life. ~ Liz Moore
Love Note quotes by Liz Moore
It seems to me that even the least of the human race is touched with genius when mad with love. ~ Evalyn Walsh McLean
Love Note quotes by Evalyn Walsh McLean
If you don't love it, don't touch it. ~ Jenifer Lewis
Love Note quotes by Jenifer Lewis
I appeared before him now, he had no such honeyed terms as "love" and "darling" on his lips: the best words at my service were "provoking puppet," "malicious elf," "sprite," "changeling," &c. For caresses, too, I now got grimaces; for a pressure of the hand, a pinch on the arm; for a kiss on the cheek, a severe tweak of the ear. It was all right: at present I decidedly preferred these fierce favours to anything more tender. ~ Charlotte Bronte
Love Note quotes by Charlotte Bronte
It is acceptable to God when we use our mouths to bring joy, love, and good to others. It is not acceptable to God when we use our mouths to bring hurt and destruction. ~ Joyce Meyer
Love Note quotes by Joyce Meyer
The world is so obsessed with defining sexuality for everyone and attaching labels to it. Any time any person openly leaves the sexual norm, their sexuality becomes, more often than not, the absolute defining characteristic of that person. It becomes the first thing people think about and often the first thing they mention. Every other part of that person all but disappears. ~ Dan Pearce
Love Note quotes by Dan Pearce
Are you afraid of getting hurt?" I asked.
"I'm scared of what's ahead for the person who will...he'll live for a time without my presence. It makes me think... Will I be able to endure just watching over him from wherever I'll be going? ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Love Note quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
I love the chameleon nature of this business [acting]. I always have. Sometimes I'm not as recognizable as somebody else and I may not have gotten a role, but for me, acting is not a competition. I've just kept my head down and kept working, and had the great pleasure of working with some amazing people and playing some extraordinary and extreme characters. ~ Ray Stevenson
Love Note quotes by Ray Stevenson
I think love is the through line and it's universal and it doesn't matter what period of time, time or place, or people, that's something we all connect to. That's the thin thread that I think keeps it altogether. ~ Rachel McAdams
Love Note quotes by Rachel McAdams
I want to direct, write, produce ... y'know, I love the entertainment industry. ~ Jason Marsden
Love Note quotes by Jason Marsden
As long as you're not in love with the man, then why feel guilty because you're having fun? Besides, I've been thinking...
if you did fall in love with someone else there would be pretty little I could do." He suddenly chuckled, "except for ripping your guts out, cutting your balls off and stuffing them down your throat, of course."
(Dan) ~ Aleksandr Voinov
Love Note quotes by Aleksandr Voinov
I know I'm acting crazy but I'm in love with this girl. Major love. And I have no idea what to do about it, so it's messing with my sanity. ~ Anne Eliot
Love Note quotes by Anne Eliot
We in the West regard the universe as a creation of God; like an invention or a product. After he created the universe, God set himself to oversee it and manage it. We see God as our boss. He created the universe, he is present in it, he manages every part of it, but he is still separate from it. It's like he installed video cameras all over the universe, so he can see everything that happens, and he can cause this or that to happen, but he is not a part of what happens. The Eastern view is very different. To the Hindu, for example, God didn't create the universe, but God became the universe. Then he forgot that he became the universe. Why would God do this? Basically, for entertainment. You create a universe, and that in itself is very exciting. But then what? Should you sit back and watch this universe of yours having all the fun? No, you should have all the fun yourself. To accomplish this, God transformed into the whole universe. God is the Universe, and everything in it. But the universe doesn't know that because that would ruin the suspense. The universe is God's great drama, and God is the stage, the actors, and the audience all at once. The title of this epic drama is "The Great Unknown Outcome." Throw in potent elements like passion, love, hate, good, evil, free will; and who knows what will happen? No one knows, and that is what keeps the universe interesting. But everyone will have a good time. And there is never really any danger, because everyone is really God, a ~ Warren Sharpe
Love Note quotes by Warren Sharpe
This will never leave me: that I had love and love died; a photo and a piece of tape is not much, I have learned late, but give me 14 days or 14 years, I will kill any man who would touch or take whatever's left. ~ Charles Bukowski
Love Note quotes by Charles Bukowski
People love to admit they have bad handwriting or that they can't do math. And they will readily admit to being awkward: 'I'm such a klutz!' But they will never admit to having a poor sense of humor or being a bad driver. ~ George Carlin
Love Note quotes by George Carlin
Wuthering Heights love. She stood outside his window at night. She drew little pictures of him in class. She looked at the moon and cried. She drew little pictures of the moon in class and cried at them. ~ Anonymous
Love Note quotes by Anonymous
Romantic love is blind to everything except what is lovable and lovely, but Christ's love sees us with terrible clarity and sees us whole. Christ's love so wishes our joy that it is ruthless against everything in us that diminishes our joy. The worst sentence Love can pass is that we behold the suffering which Love has endured for our sake, and that is also our acquittal. The justice and mercy of the judge are ultimately one. ~ Frederick Buechner
Love Note quotes by Frederick Buechner
We are the bees of the invisible. We gather the honey of the visible, and store it in the great golden honeycomb of the invisible. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Love Note quotes by Rainer Maria Rilke
There is nothing in this world that never takes a step outside a person's heart. ~ Haruki Murakami
Love Note quotes by Haruki Murakami
I finish a short afternoon shift that I spent learning about book descriptions with George. It is an arcane system that the Internet is putting paid to, where fair is foul and good is bad and perfect means you are a charlatan. Price-clipped is bad. Second impression is bad. Inscribed is bad, unless it is by the author, and then inscribed is good, but nearly as good as signed. Unless the inscription is to someone patently important - To my dear Laura, love from Petrarch. ~ Deborah Meyler
Love Note quotes by Deborah Meyler
I know this love, that sovereign of hearts, that soul of our souls; yet it never cost me more than a kiss and twenty kicks on the backside. How could this beautiful cause produce in you an effect so abominable. ~ Voltaire
Love Note quotes by Voltaire
i am awake and alive
and swollen and heavy
with love. ~ AVA.
Love Note quotes by AVA.
You cannot make a miracle like love happen. ~ Caroline Myss
Love Note quotes by Caroline Myss
Maybe none of us can choose who we love, Cas. None of the lucky ones, anyway. The only choice we have is how we serve that love. And Ethan's made his choice. What about you? Are you going to reject it, or make the best of what you've been given? ~ Vicki Keire
Love Note quotes by Vicki Keire
I am the drying meadow; you the unspoken apology; he is the fluctuating distance between mother and son; she is the first gesture that creates a quiet that is full enough to make the baby sleep.
My genes, my love, are rubber bands and rope; make yourself a structure you can live inside.
Amen. ~ Aimee Bender
Love Note quotes by Aimee Bender
Deep down, we are more scared of love than violence, we are more against romance than rapes. ~ Saroj Aryal
Love Note quotes by Saroj Aryal
Can someone decide to leave everything and move to a dreamland?
Was it possible?
if yes, how can one do it without being called crazy or a coward? ~ Nico J. Genes
Love Note quotes by Nico J. Genes
There are so many quirky characters, it's easy to fall in love with any number of the characters on 'The Carrie Diaries'. ~ Brendan Dooling
Love Note quotes by Brendan Dooling
God gave me you for the ups and downs and days of doubts. ~ Blake Shelton
Love Note quotes by Blake Shelton
I love to soar in the boundless sky. In the vast emptiness of the blue, my soul rejoices listening to the soundless music of the wind. ~ Banani Ray
Love Note quotes by Banani Ray
Love makes you smart and strong. Smart enough to know there is nothing else that matters. Strong enough to know that nothing else can weaken you. When you're in love, you're at peace, you're whole, and always safe. I know I made you feel at peace. ~ Morgan Parker
Love Note quotes by Morgan Parker
I equally love both, classic rock and hip-hop. I love all music, really, and I really use classic rock a lot. I'm heavily influenced by that melodically in my music. I can't really separate the two. ~ Yelawolf
Love Note quotes by Yelawolf
I love my kids beyond anything. ~ Stephen Moyer
Love Note quotes by Stephen Moyer
Unconditional love is something people achieve once they've given themselves over completely to someone. Once they've decided that no matter what the other person does, they will always love them. ~ Sarah Noffke
Love Note quotes by Sarah Noffke
In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.
In all the world, there is no love for you like mine. ~ Maya Angelou
Love Note quotes by Maya Angelou
Songs need to have a secret, cryptic, thematic thing about them, otherwise they are just messy and all over the place. ~ Courtney Love
Love Note quotes by Courtney Love
Attie, even when you find that boy who belives you´re beautiful and falls head over heels in love with you, the love won´t be perfect. It will be flawed, just like the boy who gives it. ~ Stefne Miller
Love Note quotes by Stefne Miller
All my life, I thought of love as some kind of voluntary enslavement. Well, that's a lie: freedom only exists when love is present. The person who gives him or herself wholly, the person who feels freest, is the person who loves most wholeheartedly. ~ Paulo Coelho
Love Note quotes by Paulo Coelho
Satirists gain the applause of others through fear, not through love. ~ William Hazlitt
Love Note quotes by William Hazlitt
You saw everything inside me, every pathway to my heart. Every thought, profound to petty. You laughed away the bad and celebrated the good.
To be known, really known, is the essence of love. To live without love is a shadow life. ~ Suzanne Hayes
Love Note quotes by Suzanne Hayes
Part of me would love to have been a leading lady because there's a lot of glamour that goes with that and a lot of applause, but I've been very blessed. ~ Selma Blair
Love Note quotes by Selma Blair
You will work harder at something you love than at something you like. You will work harder than you have ever worked when you start chasing a dream. You will hustle and grind and sweat and push and pull. You will get up earlier and go to bed later. But that's okay. ~ Jon Acuff
Love Note quotes by Jon Acuff
For this is wisdom- to love and live To take what fate or the Gods may give, To ask no question, to make no prayer, To kiss the lips and caress the hair, Speed passion's ebb as we greet its flow, To have and to hold, and, in time
let go. ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Love Note quotes by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I'm hooked on my baby's love, there ain't nothing in the jug this strong. ~ Alan Jackson
Love Note quotes by Alan Jackson
easy to love. easy to loose. ~ Arzum Uzun
Love Note quotes by Arzum Uzun
there is no more powerful medicine than true love. Love can heal any wound ~ Valter Dos Santos
Love Note quotes by Valter Dos Santos
Sometimes you forget how much you love someone, until you realize their smile is like a spotlight shined on your heart. ~ Cassia Leo
Love Note quotes by Cassia Leo
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