Ieasha Nolan Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Ieasha Nolan.

Quotes About Ieasha Nolan

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I like games where you can use stealth and guile. As you get older, it's like the difference between playing squash and racketball. Squash is an older man's game, because if you're stealthy and wily, you can beat a better-co-ordinated and stronger, younger person. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
I can honestly say it took two full years for me to get over the fact that I was no longer a baseball player. ~ Nolan Ryan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Ryan
Am I your dom, little rabbit?"
"Yes." Her red-brown brows drew together. "What's wrong?"
"Not a thing." He gave her a faint smile, and his gravelly voice deepened. "I thought I'd tell you we're getting married next month."
~Nolan and Beth~ ~ Cherise Sinclair
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Cherise Sinclair
I grew up watching 'Magnum, P.I.' and shows like that, where you could develop a character over eight seasons, with stories along the way. ~ Jonathan Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Jonathan Nolan
A lot of what is wrong with corporate America has to do with a culture filled with antibodies trained to expel anything different. HR departments often want cookie cutter employees, which inevitably results in cookie cutter solutions. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
I've been told that the color blue can actually cause the body to produce calming chemicals, helping one to relax.
I wonder if that's true. I wonder if it's false. I wonder what it says about me that I feel nothing. ~ Caroline Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Caroline Nolan
My dad was in the military. It was difficult sometimes, because he would have to be away a lot, and we would have to move around a lot. Trying to adapt to new schools and new places can be really tough. ~ Nolan Gould
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Gould
I appreciate the fact that technology and games are a big part of life. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
Bane: We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people. Gotham is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed! Step forward those who would serve. For and army will be raised. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great city... it will endure. Gotham will survive! ~ Christopher J. Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Christopher J. Nolan
TV is, as I'm discovering now, a marathon. You have to keep going and going and going. ~ Jonathan Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Jonathan Nolan
There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue these. ~ Michael Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Michael Nolan
These days when you say 'videogame', people think of immersive games that take over your life and require three thumbs to control. My goal is to create games that almost retreat into the background. I'm interested in bringing them back to their role as a social facilitator, the way party games help people to interact. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
I have been interested in dreams, really since I was a kid. I have always been fascinated by the idea that your mind, when you are asleep, can create a world in a dream and you are perceiving it as though it really existed. ~ Christopher Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Christopher Nolan
My approach with actors is to try and give them whatever it is they need from me. Direction to me is about listening and responding and realizing how much they need to know from me and how much they have figured out for themselves, really. ~ Christopher Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Christopher Nolan
We have been crafted by disaster to push out to the utmost horizon to find out what's on the other side of it. That's in our nature. What's also in our nature is a profound love and connection to our children and our communities. Those two things are very much at conflict with one another at certain moments. ~ Jonathan Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Jonathan Nolan
How can you forgive if you can't remember to forget? ~ Jonathan Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Jonathan Nolan
As soon as television became the only secondary way in which films were watched, films had to adhere to a pretty linear system, whereby you can drift off for ten minutes and go and answer the phone and not really lose your place. ~ Christopher Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Christopher Nolan
The game business reinvents itself every five years. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
No, I've only ever done one film at a time. ~ Christopher Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Christopher Nolan
You don't face Nolan Ryan without your rest. He's the only guy I go against that makes me go to bed before midnight. ~ Reggie Jackson
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Reggie Jackson
One of my first experiences with the space program was with the memorial that was built for the Challenger. When I was in 7th grade my entire class spent the entire school year preparing to launch a spaceship all together. We all had our different jobs that we had to learn how to do, we learned the math that you needed, we learned the practical skills that you needed, and I thought that was really cool. So I think that if you can take a tragedy and find the gold in it and turn it into something positive, that's great. ~ Jonathan Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Jonathan Nolan
Creativity is every company's first driver. It's where everything starts, where energy and forward motion originate. Without that first charge of creativity, nothing else can take place. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
I'm always kind of hoping that I'll get a movie that shoots in Alabama so I can go back and kind of get a break from my city life. ~ Nolan Gould
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Gould
I think that I'm a pretty great producer, but the vision behind Batman is Chris Nolan. I'm there to do my best to help execute that vision, and I think I do a really good job, but the vision is Chris Nolan. ~ Charles Roven
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Charles Roven
I had an awful lot of my soul invested in Atari culture. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
There was a special Nolan idea about the coffee. It was their one great luxury. Mama made a big potful each morning and reheated it for dinner and supper and it got stronger as the day wore on. It was an awful lot of water and very little coffee but mama put a lump of chicory in it which made it taste strong and bitter. Each one was allowed three cups a day with milk. Other times you could help yourself to a cup of black coffee anytime you felt like it. Sometimes when you had nothing at all and it was raining and you were alone in the flat, it was wonderful to know that you could have something even though it was only a cup of black and bitter coffee.
Neeley and Francie loved coffee but seldom drank it. Today, as usual, Neeley let his coffee stand black and ate his condensed milk spread on bread. He sipped a little of the black coffee for the sake of formality. Mama poured out Francie's coffee and put the milk in it even though she knew that the child wouldn't drink it. ~ Betty Smith
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Betty Smith
We used to look up in the sky and wonder at our place in the stars; now, we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt. ~ Jonathan Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Jonathan Nolan
I believe there are Steve Jobses all around us. Really, what is happening is that they're being edited out of importance. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
[Television executives] are afraid to advertise condoms that could save lives, but do not blush about telecasting a National Geographic special on President Reagan's pelvic plumbing. ~ Martin Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Martin Nolan
One of the finest magicians you can see is David Oliver. ~ Barry Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Barry Nolan
The truth is just an excuse for lack of imagination. ~ Nolan Bushnell
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Nolan Bushnell
There is no more important measure of a people than how carefully and faithfully they attend to the wellbeing of their children. The CJC has it right. True justice begins today with the children, or there is no hope of justice tomorrow for the world. ~ Barry Nolan
Ieasha Nolan quotes by Barry Nolan
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