Gus Damato Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Gus Damato.

Quotes About Gus Damato

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Modern-day cinema takes the form of a sermon. You don't get to think, you only get to receive information. ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
Like they just wanted to enjoy The Gus Waters Show while it was still in town. ~ John Green
Gus Damato quotes by John Green
I've had the opportunity to work with so many great directors. Different styles, as well, like Gus Van Sant. He just does the casting and the milieu and let's you do your thing, quietly. Bertolucci, who can talk to you about your internal world in quite a creative way or just say, 'Well, put your hand over here.' ~ Keanu Reeves
Gus Damato quotes by Keanu Reeves
How are the eyes?'
'Oh, excellent,' he said. 'I mean, they're not in my head is the only problem.'
'Awesome, yeah,' Gus said. 'Not to one-up you or anything, but my body is made out of cancer.'
'So I heard,' Issac said, trying not to let it get to him. He fumbled toward Gus's hand and found only his thigh.
'I'm taken,' Gus said. ~ John Green
Gus Damato quotes by John Green
I can't help its being gay. I have been a full-time fag for the past five years, I realized the other day. Everyone I know is gay, everything I do is gay, all my fantasies are gay, I am what Gus called those people we used to see in the discos, bars, baths, all the time - remember? Those people we used to see EVERYWHERE, every time we went out, so that you wanted to call the police and have them arrested? - I am a doomed queen.
I would LIKE to be a happily married attorney with a house in the suburbs, 2.6 kids, and a station wagon, in which we would drive every summer to see the Grand Canyon, but I'm not! I am completely, hopelessly gay! ~ Andrew Holleran
Gus Damato quotes by Andrew Holleran
Free time keeps me going. It's just something that's always been a part of my life. I was originally a painter, and I made films sort of as an extension of that, and then I started to try to make dramatic films because the early films were experimental films. ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
Anyway, that was the last good day I had with Gus until the Last Good Day. ~ John Green
Gus Damato quotes by John Green
At the Council of Nicea in 325, all the Churches agreed that Easter, the Christian Passover, should be celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon (14 Nisan) after the vernal equinox. Because of different methods of calculating the 14th day of the month of Nisan, the date of Easter in the Western and Eastern Churches is not always the same. For this reason, the Churches are currently seeking an agreement in order once again to celebrate the day of the Lord's Resurrection on a common date." The earliest date that Easter can fall on is March 22. That hasn't happened since 1818, and won't happen again until 2285. The latest possible date for Easter is April 25. ~ Gus Lloyd
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Lloyd
A waiter appeared, and Gus said: "Bring coffee for my guests, please, and a plate of ham sandwiches." He deliberately did not ask them what they wanted. He had seen Woodrow Wilson act like this with people he wanted to intimidate. ~ Ken Follett
Gus Damato quotes by Ken Follett
Dimension, Existence, Culture and Identity all splinter and are left behind.
Pink Sound, brothers and sisters. Pinkness. It's dark. It's... flat. It is unexplainable... it is peaceful... it is love... is... ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
I look at all the houses along the street. They're all so similar, and I can't help trying to imagine the diffrrences of all the families inside their homes. I wonder if any of them are hiding secrets? If any of them are falling in love. Or out of love. Are they happy? Sad? Scared? Broke? Lonely? Do they appreciate what they have? Do Gus and Erica appreaciate their health? Does Scott appreciate his supplemental rental income? Because every bit of it, every last bit of it, is fleeting. Nothing is permanent. The only thing any of us have in common is the inevitable. We'll all eventually die. ~ Colleen Hoover
Gus Damato quotes by Colleen Hoover
In high school, I read 'Silas Marner' and I was very attracted to this character - he was very rundown and he'd just stop, and things would happen around him. ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
If you put up posters around town for high-school kids, high-school kids will come. If you're casting politicians, you can't put up posters and have politicians come down. ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
Because I didn't have brothers, I was always interested in the kids down the street that had four brothers in their family, so I became one of them - but it was not my family. I've always been attracted to temporary families. They tend to be lost characters. ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
I like so many different directors: Scorsese, Coppola, Cassavetes, Jarmusch, Gus van Sant, Woody Allen and the greats like Fellini, Bergman, Tarkovsky and among current filmmakers von Trier, Ang Lee, Wong Kar-wai. ~ Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Gus Damato quotes by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
there is nothing to fear but fear itself.....AHHH! ~ Gus
Gus Damato quotes by Gus
He took a bite, swallowed. "God. If asparagus tasted like that all the time, I'd be vegetarian, too." Some people in a lacquered wooden boat approached us on the canal below. One of them, a woman with curly blond hair, maybe thirty, drank from a beer then raised her glass towards us and shouted something.
"We don't speak Dutch," Gus shouted back.
One of the others shouted a translation: "The beautiful couple is beautiful. ~ John Green
Gus Damato quotes by John Green
This is not a Scooby-Doo episode, Gus said.
Granted, our current adventure may lack the mastery and grace of classic stories like 'Hassle in the Castle' or 'Foul Play in Funland', Shawn said. But as I've always said, aim high. ~ William Rabkin
Gus Damato quotes by William Rabkin
Of course, I was a head coach at high school for 15 years, so as far as on the field stuff it's the same but for college football it's off the field experience you got to get used to. It was a great learning experience for me, I learned a lot and I feel very prepared coming in here. ~ Gus Malzahn
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Malzahn
My name is Hazel. Augustus Waters was the great star-crossed love of my life. Ours was an epic love story, and I won't be able to get more than a sentence into it without disappearing into a puddle of tears. Gus knew. Gus knows. I will not tell you our love story, because - like all real love stories - it will die with us, as it should. I'd hoped that he'd be eulogizing me, because there's no one I'd rather have ... " I started crying. "Okay, how not to cry. How am I - okay. Okay. ~ John Green
Gus Damato quotes by John Green
When surprised and excited and innocent Gus emerged from Grand Gesture Metaphorically Inclined Augustus, I literally could not resist. ~ John Green
Gus Damato quotes by John Green
Sometimes getting upset with yourself is necessary when you face the truth. ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
The dark comedies tend to be in a non-releasable area. There can be romantic comedies. There can be dramas. But there's no 'dark comedy' inbox for the advertising. ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
She has never been a pretty crier. She sobbed the way she did everything else - with passion and excess. That she had managed to keep it inside her this long was astounding to James. He thought of pushing open the half-closed door and kneeling before his wife, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and helping her upstairs. He raised his hand, stroking the wood of the door, planning to say something to calm her. But what wisdom could he offer Gus, when he could not even heed it himself? James walked upstairs again, got into bed, covered his head with a pillow. And hours later, when Gus crept beneath the sheets, he tried to pretend that he did not feel the weight of her grief, lying between them like a fitful child, so solid that he could not reach past it to touch her. ~ Jodi Picoult
Gus Damato quotes by Jodi Picoult
I love you Camden. I love you so damn, fucking much and it's so right and it's so wrong because people are dying, and we're almost dying and Gus is out there and my mother and we can't trust anybody and all I can think about is you. All I can think about is how much I love you and how badly I fucked everything up and I I don't deserves you but I need you." I made a fist with my hands and pounded it against his chest, hard, my tears flowing. "I fucking need you and I need you to forgive me. I need that more than anything in the world! I need you to make me good."
He swallowed hard, letting me hit him, his fingers strong on my jaw. "Ellie, Ellie, Ellie. You are good, deep down you always have been. You don't need me for that. ~ Karina Halle
Gus Damato quotes by Karina Halle
Even when you're making a movie about life, death is a presence, and I guess it's part of my dramatic viewpoint. I'm not sure why exactly. ~ Gus Van Sant
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Van Sant
See," Gus said. "It's shit like this that makes it impossible for me to believe in happy endings.
You never get the paper umbrellas you were promised in this world. ~ Emily Henry
Gus Damato quotes by Emily Henry
A fighter has to know fear. ~ Cus D'Amato
Gus Damato quotes by Cus D'Amato
Two minutes and fourteen seconds later, he'd somehow gotten trapped in a black hole on a site called Tumblr that led to porn of a most enthusiastic variety, if the faces of the six people on the screen had any measure. Gus may have shrieked slightly when one of the pornographic actors, a large Caucasian male with exuberant-looking nipples, glared at one of the females, gave a cocky smirk, and said, "I'm gonna get yo mouth pregnant." Gus slammed the computer shut just as the large pornographic actor began to do just that. For the next four minutes and seventeen seconds, he stood in his kitchen, rocking back and forth, moaning, "But you can't get her mouth pregnant, you just can't. ~ T.J. Klune
Gus Damato quotes by T.J. Klune
It will all end very badly, Gus ~ John Kennedy Toole
Gus Damato quotes by John Kennedy Toole
Socialism in America will come through the ballot box. ~ Gus Hall
Gus Damato quotes by Gus Hall
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