Great Accomplishment Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Great Accomplishment.

Quotes About Great Accomplishment

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In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work - brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.3 I am fascinated by this research ~ Lysa TerKeurst
Great Accomplishment quotes by Lysa TerKeurst
We were very poor. But between the covers of books I could go anywhere, I could be anybody, I could do anything. I began to read about people of great accomplishment. As I read those stories, I began to see a connecting thread. I began to see that the person who had the most to do with you and what happened to you in life, is you. You make decisions. You decide how much energy you want to put behind that decision. ~ Ben Carson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Ben Carson
Every great accomplishment begins with a dream, never forget that within us all is the fortitude, patience and passion to change destiny. ~ Mark W. Boyer
Great Accomplishment quotes by Mark W. Boyer
The youth of today and the youth of tomorrow will be accorded an almost unequaled opportunity for great accomplishment and for human service. ~ Nicholas Murray Butler
Great Accomplishment quotes by Nicholas Murray Butler
Every great accomplishment of mankind has been preceded by an extended period, often over many years, of concentrated effort. ~ Earl Nightingale
Great Accomplishment quotes by Earl Nightingale
A lot of churchgoers in America think that merely believing God exists is enough to be saved, but the Bible says, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble" (James 2:19). In other words, it's no great accomplishment to believe in God - even the devil knows that God is real. You have to do more than mentally acknowledge God's existence; you have to submit yourself to Him. ~ Andrew Wommack
Great Accomplishment quotes by Andrew Wommack
Making the playoffs three consecutive seasons is a great accomplishment. ~ Pau Gasol
Great Accomplishment quotes by Pau Gasol
Because any idiot can get married and have children; that's no great accomplishment. ~ Fannie Flagg
Great Accomplishment quotes by Fannie Flagg
My children without a doubt are my greatest accomplishment. If I did nothing else I would feel just having and raising them would be enough. The rest is icing. ~ Andie MacDowell
Great Accomplishment quotes by Andie MacDowell
Let us do our best whilst we live for another tomorrow is coming when whilst we are long gone, another group of people shall come to either suffer from our worst or enjoy and build upon our best. Let us run whole heatedly today with all alacrity for another generation shall come for the baton from our hands to either blame us or congratulate us on how we lived the dream and journeyed in life through the good and the bad times; another generation shall come to ponder over our footprints as a good or a bad lesson for them! Let us run with all necessary zeal such that when we hand over the baton, our next generation will have no reason but to soldier on with courage, enthusiasm and absolute commitment to get to the finishing line with a great accomplishment and a noble story worth pondering over and over! ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Great Accomplishment quotes by Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
We did live in dire poverty. And one of the things that I hated was poverty. Some people hate spiders. Some people hate snakes. I hated poverty. I couldn't stand it. My mother couldn't stand the fact that we were doing poorly in school, and she prayed and she asked God to give her wisdom. What could she do to get her young sons to understand the importance of developing their minds so that they control their own lives? God gave her the wisdom. At least in her opinion. My brother and I didn't think it was that wise. Turn off the TV, let us watch only two or three TV programs during the week. And with all that spare time read two books a piece from the Detroit Public Libraries and submit to her written book reports, which she couldn't read but we didn't know that. I just hated this. My friends were out having a good time. Her friends would criticize her. My mother didn't care. But after a while I actually began to enjoy reading those books. Because we were very poor, but between the covers of those books I could go anywhere. I could be anybody. I could do anything. I began to read about people of great accomplishment. And as I read those stories, I began to see a connecting thread. I began to see that the person who has the most to do with you, and what happens to you in life, is you. You make decisions. You decide how much energy you want to put behind that decision. And I came to understand that I had control of my own destiny. And at that point I didn't hate poverty anymore, ~ Ben Carson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Ben Carson
Power is a big thing in baseball. It can't be cheapened. That is, a fellow has it or hasn't. It isn't a fluke or great accomplishment, like a perfect game. When Mantle connects, it's a tape-measure job. Nobody who ever lived has more power than Mantle. ~ Gabe Paul
Great Accomplishment quotes by Gabe Paul
Surprises and reverses can serve as an incentive for great accomplishment. There are no rules here, we're just trying to accomplish something. ~ Thomas A. Edison
Great Accomplishment quotes by Thomas A. Edison
I started reading about people of great accomplishment ... and it dawned on me suddenly that the person who has the most to do with what happens in your life is you. ~ Ben Carson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Ben Carson
Every great accomplishment starts with a first step. No matter how big your goals are. No matter how great your plans are. No matter how immense your dreams are. It all begins with a single step. Take that step today! ~ Clifton Anderson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Clifton Anderson
Wins are the most important measure for goalies, I think. Certainly it's a great accomplishment. ~ Curtis Joseph
Great Accomplishment quotes by Curtis Joseph
In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success - without effort. They're wrong. In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work - brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.3 I am fascinated by this research by Dweck because it ~ Lysa TerKeurst
Great Accomplishment quotes by Lysa TerKeurst
Although it was a great accomplishment to win a gold medal, as soon as they put it on you, that's it; your career is over. ~ Sugar Ray Leonard
Great Accomplishment quotes by Sugar Ray Leonard
Restoring order of my personal universe suddenly seemed imperative, as I refolded my T-shirts, stuffed the toes of my shoes with tissue paper, and arranged all the bills in my secret stash box facing the same way, instead of tossed in sloppy and wild, as if by my evil twin. All week, I kept making lists and crossing things off them, ending each day with a sense of great accomplishment eclipsed only by complete and total exhaustion. ~ Sarah Dessen
Great Accomplishment quotes by Sarah Dessen
Great team can accomplish great works. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
Great Accomplishment quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita
Yes, great God, these torrents of tears which flow down from my eyes announce thy divine presence in my soul. This heart hitherto so dry, so arid, so hard; this rock which thou hast struck a second time, will not resist thee any longer, for out of it there now gushes healthful waters in abundance. The selfsame voice of God which overturns the mountains, thunders, lightens, and divides the heaven above, now commands the clouds to pour forth showers of blessings, changing the desert of his soul into a field producing a hundredfold; that voice I hear. ~ Jean Baptiste Massillon
Great Accomplishment quotes by Jean Baptiste Massillon
You cannot be a good house in a rapidly deteriorating neighborhood. The credibility and the fair functioning of the neighborhood matter a great deal. Without that, the integrity of the capitalist system will weaken further". ~ Bernardo Kliksberg
Great Accomplishment quotes by Bernardo Kliksberg
Leo: Rainbows. Very macho.
Annabeth: Butch is our best equestrian, he gets along great with the pegasi.
Leo: Rainbows, ponies ...
Butch: I'm gonna toss you off this chariot. ~ Rick Riordan
Great Accomplishment quotes by Rick Riordan
The glory of a nation and an age is always the work of a few great persons, and it disappears with them. ~ Friedrich Melchior, Baron Von Grimm
Great Accomplishment quotes by Friedrich Melchior, Baron Von Grimm
The great hatred of capitalism in the hearts of the oppressed, ancient and modern, I think, stems not merely from the ensuing vast inequality in wealth, and the often unfair and arbitrary nature of who profits and who suffers, but from the silent acknowledgement that under a free market economy the many victims of the greed of the few are still better off than those under the utopian socialism of the well-intended. It is a hard thing for the poor to acknowledge benefits from their rich moral inferiors who never so intended it. (p.272) ~ Victor Davis Hanson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Victor Davis Hanson
A mother is a school. Empower her; and you empower a great nation. ~ Hafez Ibrahim
Great Accomplishment quotes by Hafez Ibrahim
There is no great genius without a mixture of madness ~ Aristotle.
Great Accomplishment quotes by Aristotle.
We human beings are tuned such that we crave great melody and great lyrics. And if somebody writes a great song, it's timeless that we as humans are going to feel something for that and there's going to be a real appreciation. ~ Art Garfunkel
Great Accomplishment quotes by Art Garfunkel
When I'm marketing a film, whether its mine or someone else's, I work with a great deal of strategy and elbow grease until the job is done. ~ Ava DuVernay
Great Accomplishment quotes by Ava DuVernay
Training for me is a metaphor for life, period. The dedication, the determination, the desire, the work ethic, the great successes and the great failures - I take that into life. ~ Dwayne Johnson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Dwayne Johnson
The work of the church is not survival. She exists to fulfill the Great Commission. ~ Brother Andrew
Great Accomplishment quotes by Brother Andrew
Some men are great enough that they can love a whole woman, and not just part of her. ~ Orson Scott Card
Great Accomplishment quotes by Orson Scott Card
At the Muddy Waters thing, I played the first song by myself on an acoustic guitar. I thought that was great that y'all did that tribute to Muddy Waters. I had a real good time. ~ Gregg Allman
Great Accomplishment quotes by Gregg Allman
Changes in solar activity have influenced what has been called the "conveyor-belt" circulation of the great Atlantic Ocean currents over the past 240 years. ~ Willie Soon
Great Accomplishment quotes by Willie Soon
As for modern journalism, it is not my business to defend it. It justifies its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgarest. ~ Oscar Wilde
Great Accomplishment quotes by Oscar Wilde
We Greeks want change. We know there are problems in our system. We have great potential but we need to manage our country well. Now that hasn't been done over the last decades. And that is, of course, what we are paying for. ~ George Papandreou
Great Accomplishment quotes by George Papandreou
I think it's a great honor to win an Oscar but I think if you aim to be rewarded in your life you'll get nowhere. I think that the biggest reward is the work itself and what you get out of it and the connections you make with other people. ~ Natalie Portman
Great Accomplishment quotes by Natalie Portman
The national hysteria over hippies and punks alike fell right in line with Puritan minister Ezekiel Rogers' admonition of 1657: "I find great Trouble and Grief about the Rising Generation. Young People are stirred here [in the colonies]; but they strengthen one another in Evil, by Example, by Counsel. ~ Nancy Jo Sales
Great Accomplishment quotes by Nancy Jo Sales
Academic environments are generally characterised by the presence of peole who claim to understand more than in fact they do. Linguistic Philosophy has produced a great revolution, generating people who claim not to understand when in fact they do. Some achieve great virtuosity at it. Any beginner in philosophy can manage not to understand, say, Hegel, but I have heard people who were so advanced that they knew how not to understand writers of such limpid clarity as Bertrand Russell or A.J. Ayer. ~ Ernest Gellner
Great Accomplishment quotes by Ernest Gellner
If you are asked any question by a police officer or a government agent and you realize that it is not in your best interest to answer, you should not mention the Fifth Amendment privilege or tell the police that you wish to exercise your right to avoid incriminating yourself. In this day and age, there is too great a danger that the police and the prosecutor might later persuade the judge to use that statement against you as evidence of your guilt. And if they do, to make matters much worse, you have no guarantee that the FBI agent in your case will not slightly misremember your exact words. ~ James Duane
Great Accomplishment quotes by James Duane
I have been blessed in many ways, and one of those is to have been born in Africa, for me a great treasure house of stories. I have been researching it since my infancy; reading about it, talking to men and women who have spent their lives in this land, living it as I have and loving it as I do. I write almost entirely from my own experience. ~ Wilbur Smith
Great Accomplishment quotes by Wilbur Smith
I do believe that half a dozen commonplace attorneys could so mystify and misconstrue the Ten Commandments, and so confuse Moses' surroundings on Mount Sinai, that the great law-giver, if he returned to this planet, would doubt his own identity, abjure every one of his deliverances, yea, even commend the very sins he so clearly forbade his people. ~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Great Accomplishment quotes by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
How incessant and great are the ills with which a prolonged old age is replete. ~ C.S. Lewis
Great Accomplishment quotes by C.S. Lewis
Great entrepreneurs are often great listeners and they can spot patterns and pick up on small details in customer stories. ~ Alexander Osterwalder
Great Accomplishment quotes by Alexander Osterwalder
Do you know what made Poe great? And Machen and Lovecraft? A direct pipeline to the old subconscious. To the fears and twisted needs that swim around down there like phosphorescent fish. ~ Stephen King
Great Accomplishment quotes by Stephen King
People may have their opinions about Senator Helms, but he was highly effective and he took care of his constituency. I learned all those lessons from him, and I bring a great deal to the table because of that. ~ David Rouzer
Great Accomplishment quotes by David Rouzer
Steerforth, laughing, took me by the arm and led me out. We went downstairs, one behind another. Near the bottom, somebody fell, and rolled down. Somebody else said it was Copperfield. I was angry at that false report, until, finding myself on my back in the passage, I began to think there might be some foundation for it. A very foggy night, with great rings round the lamps in the streets! There was an indistinct talk of its being wet. I considered it frosty. Steerforth dusted me under a lamp-post, and put my hat into shape, which somebody produced from somewhere in a most extraordinary manner, for I hadn't had it on before. Steerforth then said, 'You are all right, Copperfield, are you not?' and I told him, 'Neverberrer. ~ Charles Dickens
Great Accomplishment quotes by Charles Dickens
If they understand that their paativratyam and fidelity are like these sand pots, they will be able to live in peace.'
Sita was confused.
'To make this pot, you need a lot of concentration. Those who did not know this thought I was making a miracle happen by virtue of my chastity, my paativratyam. Since there was no flaw in my character anyway, I let them think what they liked. Concentration can be broken at any time. The cause may be anything. In my case, a man became the cause of distraction. My husband was enraged. He believed that my paativratyam was violated by the mere act of looking at that man. A good pot is a product of many things - practice, concentration, sand, the right amount of water and so on. Sage Jamadagni was a man of great wisdom, yet he did not understand such a simple truth. But such is the wisdom of these spiritual seekers. No matter how much wisdom they earn through penance, they continue to have a dogmatic view on the paativratyam of their wives.'
Sarcasm was evident in Renuka's voice. ~ Volga
Great Accomplishment quotes by Volga
As a man going to battle, and as a beast of great appetite, he deserved to savor them together. This was time well spent - they would do anything to please their master. ~ Vanessa Gravenstein
Great Accomplishment quotes by Vanessa Gravenstein
Gods not looking for the next great Preacher or worship leader he is looking for a BROKEN PERSON WHO WILL BE FOUND IN THE PLACE OF PRAYER!!!!! ~ Joe Joe Dawson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Joe Joe Dawson
Parts are not to be examined till the whole has been surveyed; there is a kind of intellectual remoteness necessary for the comprehension of any great work in its full design and its true proportions; a close approach shews the smaller niceties, but the beauty of the whole is discerned no longer. ~ Samuel Johnson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Samuel Johnson
I see the root of the education crisis in the primary and secondary schools. Academia is doing a fairly good job. The root of the problem is the teachers. Some are great. But too many of them are not capable of being good role models. They can't control the classes. They lose too much time trying to create a learning environment. ~ Dan Shechtman
Great Accomplishment quotes by Dan Shechtman
The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity. ~ Tom Peters
Great Accomplishment quotes by Tom Peters
Because you are a great lord, you believe yourself to be a great genius. You took the trouble to be born, but no more. ~ Pierre Beaumarchais
Great Accomplishment quotes by Pierre Beaumarchais
To find love is the great human undertaking ... and it's always complicated by our compulsions and unconscious patterns, to say nothing of issues of trust and control. ~ Michelle Huneven
Great Accomplishment quotes by Michelle Huneven
Great books are written from a sense that there is nothing to lose. ~ Matthew Specktor
Great Accomplishment quotes by Matthew Specktor
There is no doubt that as an economy grows in a great way like India has, that you have to step back and change your tax systems, because you start to get more disparities of wealth. ~ Bill Gates
Great Accomplishment quotes by Bill Gates
In Buddhism we have a great deal of etiquette. Etiquette is simply ways of living to conserve energy. Etiquette allows people to live in harmony with their environment. ~ Frederick Lenz
Great Accomplishment quotes by Frederick Lenz
On September 9, the day after Prevost's armistice ends, Napoleon launches and, at great cost, wins the Battle of Borodino, thus opening the way to Moscow. The casualties on that day exceed eighty thousand - a figure greater than the entire population, of Upper Canada. ~ Pierre Berton
Great Accomplishment quotes by Pierre Berton
It is a great thing to be a really good forgiver. ~ Frank W. Boreham
Great Accomplishment quotes by Frank W. Boreham
What cities, as great as this, have ... promised themselves immortality! Posterity can hardly trace the situation of some. The sorrowful traveller wanders over the awful ruins of others ... Here stood their citadel, but now grown over with weeds; there their senate-house, but now the haunt of every noxious reptile; temples and theatres stood here, now only an undistinguished heap of ruins. ~ Oliver Goldsmith
Great Accomplishment quotes by Oliver Goldsmith
I was born in Memphis. There was music all around me, really deep and special music. I heard all these great masters at a young age.There was a great genius in my town, Phineas Newborn, who is one of the greatest pianists ever on the planet. He took me under his wings at about 9 and he put me on the right track. ~ Charles Lloyd
Great Accomplishment quotes by Charles Lloyd
I believe that when a person has hope in the future, believe in their ability to achieve and understand that God made them for a purpose, then they will, in the end, and achieve great things. ~ John Patrick Hickey
Great Accomplishment quotes by John Patrick Hickey
Shuttered like a fan no-one suspects your shoulder blades of wings. While you lay on your belly I kneaded the hard edges of your flight. You are a fallen angel but still as the angels are; body light as a dragonfly, great gold wings cut across the sun. ~ Jeanette Winterson
Great Accomplishment quotes by Jeanette Winterson
That same moment he ordered the hateful portrait taken out. But that did not calm his inner agitation: all his feelings and all his being were shaken to their depths, and he came to know that terrible torment which, by way of a striking exception, sometimes occurs in nature, when a weak talent strains to show itself on too grand a scale and fails; that torment which gives birth to great things in a youth, but, in passing beyond the border of dream, turns into a fruitless yearning; that dreadful torment which makes a man capable of terrible evildoing. ~ Nikolai Gogol
Great Accomplishment quotes by Nikolai Gogol
According to Yiannis' sister Irini, who had trained as a hairdresser in London, the British spent their long winters in grey and black, and this was why they chose such gaudy colours for the summer: turquoise with blue, orange with pink, mauve with indigo. Colours that didn't go well with the bleached hair of the women and the reddish flush of tans that resulted from too great a greediness for the sun, as if Mother Nature, who hated to be hurried, had imprinted her exasperation on their skin. ~ Alison Fell
Great Accomplishment quotes by Alison Fell
The great advantage about telling the truth is that nobody ever believes it. ~ Dorothy L. Sayers
Great Accomplishment quotes by Dorothy L. Sayers
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