Goodbye Year 2012 Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Goodbye Year 2012.

Quotes About Goodbye Year 2012

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'Five, Six, Seven, Nate!' opens on my 13-year-old protagonist packing up a duffel bag and bidding his Midwestern town goodbye, heading off to start rehearsals for his New York City debut in 'E.T.: The Musical.' ~ Tim Federle
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Tim Federle
Between 2010 and 2050, the urban population of the more developed countries will increase by a mere 170 million people, growing at a rate of 0.6 percent per year. During that same period, the urban population of the less developed countries will increase by 2.6 billion people, 15 times that of the more developed countries, and at a rate of 2.4 percent per year, which is 4 times faster than that of the more developed countries (United Nations Population Division 2012, file ~ Shlomo Angel
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Shlomo Angel
He didn't want to think about this, didn't want to feel this, so he thought about the Foxes instead. He clung tight to the memory of their unhesitating friendship and their smiles. He pretended the heartbeat pounding a sick pace in his temples was an Exy ball ricocheting off the court walls. He thought of Wymack holding him up in December and Andrew pushing him down against the bedroom floor. The memories made him weak with grief and loss, but they made him stronger, too. He'd come to the Foxhole Court every inch a lie, but his friends made him into someone real. He'd hit the end of his rope before he wanted to and he hadn't accomplished everything he'd hoped to this year, but he'd done more with his life than he'd ever thought possible. That had to be enough. He traced the outline of a key into his bloody, burnt palm with a shaky finger, closed his eyes, and wished Neil Josten goodbye. ~ Nora Sakavic
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Nora Sakavic
In North America, there is no nostalgia for the postwar period, quite simply because the Trente Glorieuses never existed there: per capita output grew at roughly the same rate of 1.5–2 percent per year throughout the period 1820–2012. To be sure, growth slowed a bit between 1930 and 1950 to just over 1.5 percent, then increased again to just over 2 percent between 1950 and 1970, and then slowed to less than 1.5 percent between 1990 and 2012. In Western Europe, which suffered much more from the two world wars, the variations are considerably greater: per capita output stagnated between 1913 and 1950 (with a growth rate of just over 0.5 percent) and then leapt ahead to more than 4 percent from 1950 to 1970, before falling sharply to just slightly above US levels (a little more than 2 percent) in the period 1970–1990 and to barely 1.5 percent between 1990 and 2012.
Western Europe experienced a golden age of growth between 1950 and 1970, only to see its growth rate diminish to one-half or even one-third of its peak level during the decades that followed.
If we looked only at continental Europe, we would find an average per capita output growth rate of 5 percent between 1950 and 1970 - a level well beyond that achieved in other advanced countries over the past two centuries.
These very different collective experiences of growth in the twentieth century largely explain why public opinion in different countries varies so widely in regard to commercial and ~ Thomas Piketty
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Thomas Piketty
I just got a band together in mid-2012, and we played our first show in October of that year. ~ Vance Joy
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Vance Joy
When you look what is happening in this country with the debt, the deficit, the CBO coming out and saying once again we're going to have a trillion dollar plus deficit in 2012, the fourth straight year, and unemployment may be going back up to 8.9 or maybe nine percent by the end of the year, these are serious situations that are going. ~ Allen West
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Allen West
I would not look to the United States Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012. ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Ruth Bader Ginsburg
NO reader has ANY obligation to an author, whether it be to leave a review or to write a "constructive" one. I put out a product. You are consumers of that product. Since when does that mean you have to kiss my ass? Hey, I like Pop-Tarts and eat them a few times a year; since when does that mean I'm obligated to support Kellogg's in any way except legally purchasing the Pop-Tarts before I eat them? I wasn't aware that purchasing and consuming a product meant I was under some sort of fucking thrall in which I'm only allowed to either praise the Pop-Tart (which to be honest isn't hard, especially the S'mores flavor) or, if I am going to criticize a flavor, offer a specific and detailed analysis as to why, phrased in as inoffensive and gentle a manner as possible so as not to upset the gentle people at Kellogg's."
[Something in the Water? (blog post; January 9, 2012)] ~ Stacia Kane
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Stacia Kane
Nothing better than this moments of new year, to say : goodbye last day, last month, last year. Do i confused to say goodbye facebook? goodbye virtual world? ~ Nabil TOUSSI
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Nabil TOUSSI
I am a plant, she said, I need fire, earth, water. Otherwise I will be stunted. And: Is marriage not such a stunting? The fire goes out. The wind grows weak. The earth dries out. The water dwindles. I would die. You too. She tossed her hair over her shoulders. Purple lavender. And what if it wasn't like that, I argued. What if the daily routine, our daily routine, is my promise to you? Your toothbrush next to mine. You get annoyed because I've forgotten to turn the light off in the bathroom. We choose wallpaper we think is horrible a year later. You tell me I'm getting a belly. Your forgetfulness. You've left your umbrella somewhere again. I snore, you can't sleep. In my dream I whisper your name...You tie my tie. Wave goodbye to me as I go to work. I think: you are like a fluttering flag. I think it with a stabbing pain in my heart. For Heaven's sake, is that not enough? Is that not enough to be happy? She turned away: Give me time. I'll think about it. ~ Milena Michiko Flasar
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Milena Michiko Flasar
It's all right, Harry. We've come to take you away."
Harry's heart leapt. He knew that voice, too, though he hadn't heard it for over a year.
"P-Professor Lupin?" he said disbelievingly. "Is that you?"
"Why are we all standing in the dark?" said a third voice, this one completely unfamiliar, a woman's. "Lumos"
A wand-tip flared, illuminating the hall with magical light. Harry blinked. The people below were crowded around the foot of the stairs, gazing up at him intently, some craning their heads for a better look.
Remus Lupin stood nearest to him. Though still quite young, Lupin looked tired and rather ill; he had more grey hairs than when Harry had last said goodbye and his robes were more patched and shabbier than ever. Nevertheless, he was smiling broadly at Harry. ~ J.K. Rowling
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by J.K. Rowling
Let the blood and the bruises define your legacy. ~ Lady Gaga
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Lady Gaga
Exhibit 6.2 Cost of $1,000 in Monthly Lifetime Annuity Income, Starting at Age 65 Year Male Female 2004 $157,432 $167,818 2005 $157,255 $167,817 2006 $151,700 $161,363 2007 $151,524 $160,966 2008 $147,953 $155,843 2009 $156,500 $165,502 2010 $170,116 $178,410 2011 $174,828 $182,952 2012 $187,008 $195,216 2013 $183,728 $191,571 Average $163,804 $172,746 Source: CANNEX Financial Exchanges for non-COLA-adjusted qualified annuity income with a 10-year guarantee for California. ~ Moshe A. Milevsky
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Moshe A. Milevsky
According to the Mayans, the world is supposed to end in the year 2012. Are you buying that? When's the last time you even ran into a Mayan? ~ Jay Leno
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Jay Leno
This is the new year the new you. You can pass through another year, coasting on cruise control. Or you can step out of your comfort zone, trying things you have never done before, & make 2012 as the year that you elevate from where you are & soar high. Make it happen! ~ Pablo
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Pablo
I am stronger than I was last year. I am throwing the ball better now in May of 2013 than I did in May of 2012 - significantly better. I got better throughout the season. ~ Peyton Manning
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Peyton Manning
Dean Bartoli Smith's Never Easy, Never Pretty will help satisfy the hunger of so many Baltimore Ravens fans wishing to re-live the club's remarkable 2012 title year. It's a virtual play-by-play re-enactment. But, more than that, it's about the long love affair that's consumed so many in Baltimore, which commenced with a team called the Colts and continues, strong as ever, with the beloved Ravens. ~ Michael Olesker
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Michael Olesker
Hey, gorgeous ... Guess where I woke up today?"
I smiled as Kellan's sultry voice met my ear.
"I have no idea." And I really didn't, I'd lost track of his exact location ages ago. Kellan chuckled , and I glanced over at Denny; his eyes were back on the road. It gave me a weird sort of guilt to be back in a situation that was eerily similar to last year. Different, though, since Denny and I weren't doing anything inappropriate.
"Kansas ... Know what's in Kansas?"
I leaned back in my seat and shook my head. "No."
"Nothing," he dryly said. "Miles and miles of nothing."
Stephens, S.C. (2012-08-16). Effortless (Thoughtless Book 2) (pp. 299-300). Gallery Books. Kindle Edition. ~ S.C. Stephens
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by S.C. Stephens
Make 2012 the year that you were nice.. because people don't like not nice people.. so be nice.. all the time! ~ Harry Styles
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Harry Styles
But "Bloody Sunday" was only the beginning of a year of terror. Three weeks later, in February, Grand Duke Serge, the Tsar's uncle and Ella's husband, was assassinated in Moscow. The Grand Duke, who took a harsh pride in knowing how bitterly he was hated by revolutionaries, had just said goodbye to his wife in their Kremlin apartment and was driving through one of the gates when a bomb exploded on top of him. Hearing the shuddering blast, Ella cried, "It's Serge," and rushed to him. What she found was not her husband, but a hundred unrecognizable pieces of flesh, bleeding into the snow. ~ Robert K. Massie
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Robert K. Massie
So many men murder their partners and former partners that we have well over a thousand homicides of that kind a year - meaning that every three years the death toll tops 9/11's casualties, though no one declares a war on this particular kind of terror. (Another way to put it: the more than 11,766 corpses from domestic-violence homicides between 9/11 and 2012 exceed the number of deaths of victims on that day and all American soldiers killed in the "war on terror.") ~ Rebecca Solnit
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Rebecca Solnit
To the contrary, when you look at projections, both Polish and international, we can expect some slowing down of the rate of growth in the coming year, 2012. But of course these are projections. ~ Marek Belka
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Marek Belka
Among Evangelical Christians, all of whom await the Second Coming of Jesus, there are historically two camps: postmillennialists and premillennialists. For most of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, most were of the "post" variety, meaning that they expected the Messiah's return after the thousand-year reign of peace. In order to hasten His arrival, they set out to create that harmonious world here and now, fighting for the abolition of slavery, prohibition of alcohol, public education, and women's literacy.
The chaos of the Civil War and industrialization caused many evangelicals to rethink their optimism. They determined that Jesus would actually arrive before the final judgment. Therefore any efforts toward a just society here on earth were futile; what mattered was perfecting one's faith. As historian Randall Balmer writes, these believers "retreated into a theology of despair, one that essentially ceded the temporal world to Satan and his minions. ~ Mark Sundeen
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Mark Sundeen
I wanted to retire after I played for the Mets. My family said wait one year, that there was no need to rush it. I gave it a year and now it's time to say goodbye. ~ Gary Sheffield
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Gary Sheffield
In the end of 2012 no one looks back on this year and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep ~ Tiesto
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Tiesto
I have a musical called Goodbye and Good Luck, based on a Grace Paley short story. I also have King Island Christmas, and there are 20 different productions of it this year. ~ David Friedman
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by David Friedman
Statistically, 2012 was the safest year to travel on a plane, in the history of aviation. Not one major passenger plane crashed. It's pretty amazing. And when you see them being taken apart and you see the work that goes into keeping those things in the air, you think, "Wow!" ~ Dallas Campbell
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Dallas Campbell
December is an old friend; it reminds you of the past, together you share some laughs and tears, you feel warm-hearted though it's freezing outside. But, the goodbye is inevitable. May the memories we share with this friend next year be filled with comfort, peace and Love. ~ Mohamed Atef
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Mohamed Atef
Answers to the Twenty Questions People Ask Us Most

6. Missy, who's the better shot: you or Jase?
Missy: The quick and obvious answer is Jase. He is well known for his accuracy (even though Si claims he shoots all the ducks). However, I love to share this story: On the last day of duck season 2012, Jase took Mia and me on a late-afternoon duck hunt. Mia was shooting BBs at the decoys and Jase and I were waiting for the last run of ducks to come through for the year when two ducks came flying over from right to left. We both fired when they got in front of us. He aimed for the front one, and I aimed for the back one, and the back one fell. Jase missed. It was a glorious hunt. ~ Missy Robertson
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Missy Robertson
with this sudden outbreak spreading so rapidly, I question whether there is any truth to the doomsday prophecy that had been circulating all year. After all, it is 2012, and it's very possible the world could end soon. ~ Ann Greyson
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Ann Greyson
Many of us are experiencing a phase of change, shedding outdated patterns and liberating ourselves from the old by moving on to the new. The year 2012 is an important one for mankind, a pivotal year. The potential for this exists in the mere fact that the majority of us are yearning for change. ~ Shari Arison
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Shari Arison
It's only five words long - she died a year ago. And I'm out here to say goodbye. Which turns out to be a long and complicated process. I'm not sure I'll ever finish saying it. ~ Jon Cohen
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Jon   Cohen
Forbes cost of living extremely well index (CLEWI) An amazing thing I came across while researching the question of just what it is that very very rich people do with their money. As Forbes says, the CLEWI is to the very rich what the CPI is to "ordinary people." There are forty items on it, and they are hilarious, though perhaps you shouldn't show them to your left-wing aunt if she's suffering from high blood pressure: Russian sable fur coats from Bloomingdale's, shirts from Turnbull and Asser, Gucci loafers, handmade John Lobb shoes, a year at Groton boarding school, a yacht, a horse, a pool, a Learjet, a Roller, a case of Dom Perignon, forty-five minutes at a psychiatrist's on the Upper East Side (!), an hour's estate planning with a lawyer, and, amusingly/annoyingly, a year at Harvard.36 In 2012, the CLEWI went up 2.6 percent but the CPI went up only 1.4 percent. ~ John Lanchester
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by John Lanchester
2012 has been an extraordinary year for our country. We cheered our Queen to the rafters with the Jubilee, showed the world what we're made of by staging the most spectacular Olympic and Paralympic Games ever and - let's not forget - punched way above our weight in the medals table. ~ David Cameron
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by David Cameron
Goodbye, kind year, we walk no more together. But here in quiet happiness we part. ~ Sarah Doudney
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Sarah Doudney
If you just do something, then you're a five-year wonder and, goodbye, you're gone. But if people feel it's worthwhile, not only do they copy but they want to learn how to do it To me, that's what it's all about. If someone were to ask me, 'What's the number one thing, in essence, that you left behind?' It was the teaching of others so that they could take my work and take it further. ~ Vidal Sassoon
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Vidal Sassoon
In May 2012 - a year after the Arab awakening erupted - the United States made two financial commitments to the Arab world that each began with the numbers 1 and 3. The U.S. gave Egypt's military regime $1.3 billion worth of tanks and fighter jets. It also gave Lebanese public school students a $13.5 million merit-based college scholarship program, putting 117 Lebanese kids through local American-style colleges that promote tolerance, gender and social equality, and critical thinking. Having visited both countries at that time, I noted in a column that the $13.5 million in full scholarships bought the Lebanese more capacity and America more friendship and stability than the $1.3 billion in tanks and fighter jets ever would. So how about we stop being stupid? ~ Thomas L. Friedman
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Thomas L. Friedman
My clones just honored me with the 2012 Man of the Year Award. But I wasn't fooled - I knew they were really honoring themselves. ~ Jarod Kintz
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Jarod Kintz
Goodbye, 2014. You've been a real kick in my lady balls; I definitely will not miss you. Hello, 2015, the year of success and new adventures, ~ Danielle Jamie
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Danielle Jamie
20 ODE 20

The New Year bell rings,
On deafened ears,
Promises to be,
For the coming year.
We've all had our Christmas,
A time of good cheer,
But what of our future,
As it draws so near?
I promise not to laugh,
At your ridiculous gear,
Or to say how much you've put on,
In the passing of a year.
I promise not to cry,
When I leave you by the side,
The side of the roadway,
As I say goodbye.
So 2020 has come at last,
And just as our friendship,
It will come to pass.
The bell keeps on chiming,
Incessant as it sounds,
I will be forever thankful,
When I am put,
In thy hallow ground. ~ Anthony T. Hincks
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Anthony T. Hincks
Q: Which party had wildest celebration and how did it play out?

1) The 1972 Dolphins Super Bowl watching party for the David Tyree catch?

2) The Jack Nicklaus day after Thanksgiving morning in 2009?

3) The NFL referee Monday night football watching party at Ed Hochuli's house for the Seattle/Green Bay game?
- Steve G., Salt Lake City

SG: Here's my theory on the day after Thanksgiving in 2009: I think Jack Nicklaus heard the news, went out and bought a bottle of 20-year-old Pappy Van Winkle, found an antique shotgun with 300 rounds of ammo, then drove to a secluded spot in the woods 25 miles away from any other human being. He got out of his car, started jumping around and screaming like he won the Super Bowl, did this for 20 solid minutes, then started swigging whiskey and shooting at things while whooping it up. Eventually, he drank the entire bottle, got back into his car and just started happily ramming into trees until the car stopped moving. Then he passed out in the driver's seat, woke up the next morning and walked home. Anyway, my answer is Jack Nicklaus. ~ Bill Simmons Grantland Mailbag Oct. 28 2012
Goodbye Year 2012 quotes by Bill Simmons Grantland Mailbag Oct. 28 2012
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