Family Knot Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Family Knot.

Quotes About Family Knot

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It is a very long story, and I promise I'll spill all later. Condensed version: my mom is a Brannick, I am the unholy love child of a Brannick and a demon, and the bar for family dysfunction is now set super high."
Jenna, to her credit, knew when to just roll with it. "Okay, then."
"The more pressing question right now is, why are we back at Hex Hall?"
Jenna looked around, taking in the unnatural fog, the dilapidated (well, more dilapidated) feel of the house. "Something tells me it's not for a class ruinion."
"Did you get pulled through some kind of magic tornado, too?" I asked her.
"No, I flew in here as a bat. It's a new thing I learned from Byron."
"Ha ha," I said, swatting at her arm. ~ Rachel Hawkins
Family Knot quotes by Rachel Hawkins
We're children of LOVE! ~ Abhishek Kumar
Family Knot quotes by Abhishek Kumar
Be strong. Even when you can't be. ~ Saim .A. Cheeda
Family Knot quotes by Saim .A. Cheeda
The older we get, the more Jewish we become in my family. ~ Erica Jong
Family Knot quotes by Erica Jong
When it's not training time, I just do my own thing. I go home and hang out with my family, kick back and [don't] think about the fight too much. I just look at it as another opportunity in my life to move up. ~ Josh Koscheck
Family Knot quotes by Josh Koscheck
When God Created Mothers"

When the Good Lord was creating mothers, He was into His sixth day of "overtime" when the angel appeared and said. "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."

And God said, "Have you read the specs on this order?" She has to be completely washable, but not plastic. Have 180 moveable parts...all replaceable. Run on black coffee and leftovers. Have a lap that disappears when she stands up. A kiss that can cure anything from a broken leg to a disappointed love affair. And six pairs of hands."

The angel shook her head slowly and said. "Six pairs of hands.... no way."

It's not the hands that are causing me problems," God remarked, "it's the three pairs of eyes that mothers have to have."

That's on the standard model?" asked the angel. God nodded.

One pair that sees through closed doors when she asks, 'What are you kids doing in there?' when she already knows. Another here in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn't but what she has to know, and of course the ones here in front that can look at a child when he goofs up and say. 'I understand and I love you' without so much as uttering a word."

God," said the angel touching his sleeve gently, "Get some rest tomorrow...."

I can't," said God, "I'm so close to creating something so close to myself. Already I have one who heals herself when she is sick...can feed a family of six on one pound of hamb ~ Erma Bombeck
Family Knot quotes by Erma Bombeck
I appreciate the 'Surreal Life.' I had a really positive experience on that show, and with those people. I found some love in my heart for religion again, and had the support of a new family of friends. I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting those people, if we were not all placed in that fishbowl. ~ Vince Neil
Family Knot quotes by Vince Neil
Good people?" Hangfire repeated. "Are you sure about that, Snicket? Would good people chop down a tree that was hundreds of years old, to erect a statue in honor of bloodshed? Would good people drain the sea, just so they could force ink out of the last few octopi? What do you think happened to the water that drained away? A whole valley was flooded. Countless creatures of Killdeer Fields were drowned, and an entire village was forced to leave their homes, just so the Knight family could add a few pennies to their ink fortune and the town could limp along for a little while longer. ~ Lemony Snicket
Family Knot quotes by Lemony Snicket
Who are we when we leave our families? Who do we become? What are we capable of? That's something that never leaves us. It begins at that point in your life when you leave the nest, and I don't think we stop wanting to explore that question. ~ Naomi Watts
Family Knot quotes by Naomi Watts
English character and English freedom depend comparatively little on the form which the Constitution assumes at Westminster. A centralised democracy may be as tyrannical as an absolute monarch; and if the vigour of the nation is to continue unimpaired, each individual, each family, each district, must preserve as far as possible its independence, its self-completeness, its powers and its privilege to manage its own affairs and think its own thoughts. ~ James Anthony Froude
Family Knot quotes by James Anthony Froude
What if the point of life has nothing to do with the creation of an ever-expanding region of control? What if the point is not to keep at bay all those people, beings, objects and emotions that we so needlessly fear? What if the point instead is to let go of that control? What if the point of life, the primary reason for existence, is to lie naked with your lover in a shady grove of trees? What if the point is to taste each other's sweat and feel the delicate pressure of finger on chest, thigh on thigh, lip on cheek? What if the point is to stop, then, in your slow movements together, and listen to the birdsong, to watch the dragonflies hover, to look at your lover's face, then up at the undersides of leaves moving together in the breeze? What if the point is to invite these others into your movement, to bring trees, wind, grass, dragonflies into your family and in so doing abandon any attempt to control them? What if the point all along has been to get along, to relate, to experience things on their own terms? What if the point is to feel joy when joyous, love when loving, anger when angry, thoughtful when full of thought? What if the point from the beginning has been to simply be? ~ Derrick Jensen
Family Knot quotes by Derrick Jensen
Maybe punching her enemy right in the nose wasn't the smartest way to get out of class, but it was definitely a much more entertaining way. ~ Ophelia T. Starks
Family Knot quotes by Ophelia T. Starks
To say that all individuals are embedded in and the product of society is banal. Obama rises above banality by means of fallacy: equating society with government, the collectivity with the state. Of course we are shaped by our milieu. But the most formative, most important influence on the individual is not government. It is civil society, those elements of the collectivity that lie outside government: family, neighborhood, church, Rotary club, PTA, the voluntary associations that Tocqueville understood to be the genius of America and the source of its energy and freedom. ~ Charles Krauthammer
Family Knot quotes by Charles Krauthammer
Only trees are rooted in land, and there they stay. You should know this, great oak. But a man whose heart is rooted in family finds a home wherever his pack is, and he is truly the free man. ~ Dannika Dark
Family Knot quotes by Dannika Dark
I was blessed to have family members who encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Whether it is your parents, or your uncles or your aunts or even the neighbor down the road, it's important that kids have someone who encourages them to chase their rainbow. ~ Dolly Parton
Family Knot quotes by Dolly Parton
You pass as a guy; I, as pregnant. Our waiter cheerfully tells us about his family, expresses delight in ours. On the surface, it may have seemed as though your body was becoming more and more "male," mine, more and more "female." But that's not how it felt on the inside. On the inside, we were two human animals undergoing transformations beside each other, bearing each other loose witness. In other words, we were aging. ~ Maggie Nelson
Family Knot quotes by Maggie Nelson
Parenthood doesn't improve one's character, it exposes it. ~ Leslie A. Gordon
Family Knot quotes by Leslie A. Gordon
I look forward to a time when my career in a place where I can get out of Los Angeles and find a nice small town like I grew up in to raise my family. ~ Patrick Dempsey
Family Knot quotes by Patrick Dempsey
After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States entered into World War II to protect our way of life and to help liberate those who had fallen under the Axis occupation. The country rallied to produce one of the largest war efforts in history. Young men volunteered to join the Armed Forces, while others were drafted. Women went to work in factories and took military jobs. Everyone collected their used cooking grease and metals to be used for munitions. They rationed gas and groceries. Factories now were producing airplanes, weapons, and military vehicles. They all wanted to do their part. And they did, turning America into a war machine. The nation was in full support to help our boys win the war and come home quickly.
Grandpa wanted to do his part too. ~ Kara Martinelli
Family Knot quotes by Kara Martinelli
I came from a family where I felt great pressure to be financially successful, and I felt that staying in Chicago and doing theater, I was, in all likelihood, not going to find financial success. ~ David Schwimmer
Family Knot quotes by David Schwimmer
I do think it's important for black writers to show that we too can make it into the mainstream. Growing up, I didn't just watch The Cosby Show, I watched Growing Pains and Family Ties too. We can tell those stories too. ~ Lena Waithe
Family Knot quotes by Lena Waithe
Caleb?" My heart is beating hard, and I'm still pissed at him. He's smiling … but when his eyes meet mine, he sobers.
"Don't fucking touch me like that again unless you plan to finish what you start."
His eyes go hard and his jaw tightens. Before I can turn and walk away, he grabs my wrist and pulls me against him, pinning my arms between our bodies.
"Let's get this straight, Brynna. I want you so fucking bad my teeth ache. I've wanted you for months. But you're part of my family, and I'm supposed to be protecting you. Dropping my guard and fucking you into the mattress is not the way to keep any of you whole. ~ Kristen Proby
Family Knot quotes by Kristen Proby
A family is a tyranny ruled over by it's weakest member. ~ George Bernard Shaw
Family Knot quotes by George Bernard Shaw
I have what you might call the South Pole and the North Pole. I have my team and my work, which I do on one side, and I have my family and my home on the other side. Both have nothing really to do with each other. ~ Michael Schumacher
Family Knot quotes by Michael Schumacher
As a conscious rap artist, you should not want to be in a gangster market. You should be trying to establish your own market, create a place where you can be yourself and make some money and feed your family. ~ KRS-One
Family Knot quotes by KRS-One
Did you send an escort with my family?" "Yes. They're a target." "How did you know they would be leaving?" "My people saw them load up, called me, and I told them to follow." Duh. "Thank you." "You're welcome. I plan to hold them hostage until you sleep with me." I stumbled. He turned and gave me a brilliant, impossibly handsome smile. "Just kidding." Damn it. ~ Ilona Andrews
Family Knot quotes by Ilona Andrews
In Land of Milk and Money, Anthony Barcellos mines rich family history to create a full-blooded tale that readers will find insightful, rewarding, and entertaining. ~ John Lescroart
Family Knot quotes by John Lescroart
Everything she loved and cherished seemed to wither away. No matter how hard she fought, someone she loved always left, one way or another.
Life remained still on the large grounds of the old family homestead. There was nothing but silence, followed by nights that brought the worst dreams with the oddest sense of foreboding knocking at her soul. Too many hours turned into days, all merging together, eating her alive from within. ~ Julieanne Lynch
Family Knot quotes by Julieanne Lynch
A mom forgives us all our faults, not to mention one or two we don't even have. ~ Robert Breault
Family Knot quotes by Robert Breault
There is good in everything; it's just how you choose to look at it. Everything that's worth it has a price. For me to be a model - I had to leave my family. Do you think I liked that? No! There are sacrifices. Life is meant to be a challenge, because challenges are what make you grow. ~ Gisele Bundchen
Family Knot quotes by Gisele Bundchen
No one ever said, 'Be a doctor.' But because so many members of my extended family - aunts, uncles - were doctors, there was this expectation that I'd probably be a physician. ~ Elizabeth Blackburn
Family Knot quotes by Elizabeth Blackburn
Family organisation is broken and young animals are increasingly being denied a mother to turn to for comfort and for grooming. One of the saddest and most pathetic of farm practices - inevitable at the present time for the supply of dairy produce - is the separation of the calf from the cow at birth or soon after. ~ Ruth Harrison
Family Knot quotes by Ruth Harrison
There are so many of you, and you are still just the way I thought I'd grow up, with all that was enviably grown-up about you: the lace tops with modesty inserts, and the spangles as if for nights out, the stiff hair, the cardigans grown over with a fungus of secondary sexual characteristics--bristling with embroidery and drooping with labial frills. ~ Joanna Walsh
Family Knot quotes by Joanna Walsh
The more dysfunctional, the more some family members seek to control the behavior of others. ~ David W. Earle
Family Knot quotes by David W. Earle
No family should have to depend on the labor of its children to put food on the table and no person should be forced to work in captivity. ~ Hilda Solis
Family Knot quotes by Hilda Solis
They address the questions that are proper to us, not as this or that kind of specialist, this or that kind of professional, but as individuals as such - the very questions we are apt to ask when we look up from our work and think about our lives. Questions of love, death, family, morality, time, truth, God, and everything else within the wide, starred universe of human experience. ~ William Deresiewicz
Family Knot quotes by William Deresiewicz
No one can complain about earning good money, but for me, it's being able to help my family out, put my brother and sister through school, take my family on holiday. That's where I get the biggest buzz, not buying a pair of £500 shoes. ~ Abbey Clancy
Family Knot quotes by Abbey Clancy
When I'm on family road trips, there is always Ranchera playing. ~ Becky G
Family Knot quotes by Becky G
Blake, Cole, and I have been family for each other, because the ones we started with were for crap. Why they let me in, I still don't know. But because they did, I believed I was worth more than I would have otherwise." He nodded and gathered his thoughts for a moment.
"Blake's company made me want to hug trees and hear music. Cole's company made me want to try harder to be a better person. I never imagined that anyone could love either of these men enough for me to let them go."
"But I didn't know about the McHugh girls. Their love is fiercer than guns. More powerful than fistfuls of money. I can walk away because of them. Officer McHugh? I want to thank you again for letting me see this through. I know my peace of mind is far from your concern, but I appreciate it anyway."
Beckett held his glass up high. "To my brothers. They've finally gotten the lives they deserve. ~ Debra Anastasia
Family Knot quotes by Debra Anastasia
When people related by blood were so careful with each other, when they were so very polite, there was soon nothing left to say. Only niceties that meant so little they might as well have been spoken to a complete stranger. Pass the butter, open the door, see you after school, there's rain again, it's sunny, it's cold. Has the dog eaten? Has the window been shut? Where are you going? Why is it I don't know you at all?
Such statements did not add up to anything like a family ... ~ Alice Hoffman
Family Knot quotes by Alice Hoffman
It's okay to DREAM and dream BIG. ~ Abhishek Kumar
Family Knot quotes by Abhishek Kumar
Childhood trauma can range from having faces extreme violence and neglect to having confronted feelings of not belonging, being unwanted, or being chronically misunderstood. You may have grown up in an environment where your curiosity and enthusiasm were constantly devalued. Perhaps you were brought up in a family where your parents had unresolved traumas of their own, which impaired their ability to attend to your emotional needs. Or, you may have faced vicious sexual or physical attacks. In all such situations, you learn to compensate by developing defenses around your most vulnerabe parts. ~ Arielle Schwartz
Family Knot quotes by Arielle Schwartz
Family was a fertile breeding ground for the kind of psychological bacteria that warped minds and devoured hope. ~ Tami Hoag
Family Knot quotes by Tami Hoag
There is no such thing as a foreigner or a neighbor, for all humans are your family. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Family Knot quotes by Abhijit Naskar
English is no problem for me because I am actually English. My whole family are English; I was brought up listening to various forms of the English accent. ~ Guy Pearce
Family Knot quotes by Guy Pearce
When two people loved each other they worked together always, two against the world, a little company. Joy was shared; trouble was split. You had an ally.. ~ Paul Gallico
Family Knot quotes by Paul Gallico
Many years ago, he owned a neighborhood family grocery store on Avenue A in the East Village. ~ Rachel Cohn
Family Knot quotes by Rachel Cohn
I go up to San Francisco on holidays and spend time with my family there, but whenever I go to Japan, I enjoy every moment. I try to go back there every year or so. It's a phenomenal place, and I absolutely love it. It's not my second home; it is my home. Whenever I go back, I feel very connected with Japan. ~ Ryan Potter
Family Knot quotes by Ryan Potter
Part of the Disney success is our ability to create a believable world of dreams that appeals to all age groups. The kind of entertainment we create is meant to appeal to every member of the family. ~ Walt Disney
Family Knot quotes by Walt Disney
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