Earthsea Trilogy Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Earthsea Trilogy.

Quotes About Earthsea Trilogy

Enjoy collection of 32 Earthsea Trilogy quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Earthsea Trilogy. Righ click to see and save pictures of Earthsea Trilogy quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Am I supposed to feel so much awe and so on about the Godking? After all, he's just a man ... He's about fifty years old, and he's bald. And I'll bet he has to cut his toenails too like any other man. I know perfectly well he's a god, too. But what I think is, he'll be much godlier after he's dead. ~ Ursula K. Le Guin
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Ursula K. Le Guin
The butterflies are working their way up from my stomach into my head, making me feel dizzy, and I try to calm myself by imagining the ocean outside, its ragged breathing, the seagulls turning pinwheels in the sky.
It will be over soon, I tell myself. It will be over soon and then you'll go home, and you'll never have to think about the evaluation again. ~ Lauren Oliver
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Lauren Oliver
W-what are you?"
Selena looked down at her rival. "What you should have been and never were. The Queen of the Witches. ~ Anne Bishop
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Anne Bishop
I want to stay with you. Watch over you. Follow you always. It's what I was meant to do. Blood binds us, Harry, and some fate more inextricable than that. And I want more selfish things. No one wants to die at seventeen. I want to be young and to live, and to be with the person I love, and I want to travel and see the world. And I want to get married and have children someday, and spoil them rotten so they grow up to be foul little bastards, and I want to die in bed when I'm a hundred and ninety, hexed to death by a jealous husband. ~ Cassandra Clare
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Cassandra Clare
As our life is our main provisional value, 'taking the time' to interpret our experiences is a momentous choice. Time, life and choice outline a trilogy that can solve and unite so as to vanquish the powerlessness which we might face on our path. (Could time be patient?) ~ Erik Pevernagie
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Erik Pevernagie
We are as we are. How can you claim to know what life I was meant to lead, let alone threaten to force me into it? All your quibbling is nonsense. As well forbid your nose to snuff, or your ears to hear. We are as we do. ~ Robin Hobb
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Robin Hobb
Where did you find this?" Lakri asked Ingra smiled with no response it dawned on Lakri that his son knew what was going on ~ Charon Lloyd-Roberts
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Charon Lloyd-Roberts
Gregory writes of Armageddon as if the Devil is getting off on using him literally to write that iniquitous beast into existence, into the flesh. I believe both Gregory and Jamie Stillingsworth are being used as vessels to bring about the end of days. ~ A.K. Kuykendall
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by A.K. Kuykendall
Bryan pressed her closer against him and placed her arms to circle his neck from behind. He moved a little faster and Zahara fell into step, laying her head against his shoulder and closing her eyes to drown out the crowd. She focused on the hard muscles of Bryan's chest, his heated breath against her hair, and his fingers gripping her waist. She absently wondered if it was wrong that an angel was dancing inside of a club full of youth, and if this was as weird and exhilarating for him as it was for her. Bryan spun her around to face him and kissed her. He wasn't as gentle as he usually was, digging his hand into her hair and nibbling on her bottom lip. Zahara whimpered and moved her fingers underneath his shirt, digging her fingers into his back. ~Zahara and Bryan ~ Annabell Cadiz
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Annabell Cadiz
You will never have to worry about safety. Being a Dardano will buy you all the security you'll ever need."
Bree shook her head and threw her hands up. "Being a Dardano will put the bulls eye on my back, you asshole,"
"Really, darling, once you become Mrs. Dardano, we're going to have to work on cleaning up that saucy mouth of yours. At least in public," Alessandro purred, tapping her nose.
Bree saw red. But she smiled at him. She took the plate from him and set it down on the vanity table. Then she took the vitamin shake, pulled out the waistband of his pants and poured it down inside. ~ E. Jamie
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by E. Jamie
After a long time spent learning how to write as a woman instead of as an honorary man, I was able to come back to Earthsea and write the next three books in another and newer tradition: that of questioning, rather than accepting, the gendering of power as male. ~ Ursula K. Le Guin
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Lord of the Rings trilogy restored the balance in the Force after the Star Wars prequels ruined everything that was awesome about being a nerd at the movies. ~ Wil Wheaton
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Wil Wheaton
The first Star Wars movie was one of six original stories I had written in the form of two trilogies. After the success of Star Wars, I added another trilogy. So now there are nine stories. The original two trilogies were concieved of as six films of which the first film was number four. ~ George Lucas
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by George Lucas
Pure honesty" is dead in a jungle of eternal, bloody impunity, rampant corruption and dirty politics. ~ Angelica Hopes, K.H. Trilogy ~ Angelica Hopes
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Angelica Hopes
the door was closed behind him, hiding in the shadows was Zlo wearing his normal attire but he had his back towards him like he pretended he didn't exist.

"Checkmate. ~ Charon Lloyd-Roberts
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Charon Lloyd-Roberts
Thomas Randall and Christopher Golden not only are inventive writers but write in a sense to grab your attention cover to cover! I absolutely advise you to read,"The Waking" series. You'll love it if you are into the movie,"The- Grudge". I'm currently working on reading the second book of the trilogy. ~ Thomas Randall
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Thomas Randall
If you make a trilogy, the whole point is to get to that third chapter, and the third chapter is what justifies what's come before. ~ Peter Jackson
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Peter Jackson
I am a child of hell, and I've spent too long in their heaven. ~ Pierce Brown
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Pierce Brown
The Legend of the Firefish,first in the Trophy Chase Trilogy by George Bryan Polivka, is a winner ... filled with action,adventure, danger, intrigue,surprise,suspense ... The characters Polivka created are fresh and interesting ... A must read for fantasy lovers, and a highly recommended drating for others who want a good story.
Rebecca LuElla Miller
A Christian Worldview of Fiction
Website ~ George Bryan Polivka
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by George Bryan Polivka
All those night long phone calls! All those secret visits to my house! All those secret walks! And you're fond of me! You think I'm being over dramatic! How about I break your face open for over dramatics!" ~Becca ~ Annabell Cadiz
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Annabell Cadiz
Fine, I'll admit it, I've read all of the books in the trilogy, which have sold more copies than there are people in the world because a lot of girls have hoarded multiple copies of each book and hidden the backup copies under their beds or in their lockers or in hollow trees, in case there's a nuclear holocaust. ~ Paul Rudnick
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Paul Rudnick
The trilogy composed of politics, religion and sex is the most sensitive of all issues in any society. ~ Nawal El Saadawi
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Nawal El Saadawi
Warwick Castle, Oxford University, the Cotswold, and the countryside of England are my favorite places to visit when I'm in England. Whenever I visit, I feel as if I've come home. These places inspired my settings for my fantasy series, Bitter Frost Series, Wordwick Games, and The Alchemists Academy. I didn't know the great author of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy was also inspired by Warwick, Oxford, and Cotswold. Imaginative minds must dream alike. ~ Kailin Gow
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Kailin Gow
After the children grew up, I began to focus on my writing. My first books were part of a trilogy ... The 'Wind Dance' trilogy. ~ Iris Johansen
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Iris Johansen
He'd never encountered beauty of such magnitude and intensity. It was not allure, but grace, like the sight of land to a shipwrecked man. And he, who hadn't been on a capsized vessel since he was six - and that had only been an overturned canoe - suddenly felt as if he'd been adrift in the open ocean his entire life.
Someone spoke to him. He couldn't make out a single word.
There was something elemental to her beauty, like a mile-high thunderhead, a gathering avalanche, or a Bengal tiger prowling the darkness of the jungle. A phenomenon of inherent danger and overwhelming perfection.
He felt a sharp, sweet ache in his chest: His life would never again be complete without her. But he felt no fear, only excitement, wonder, and desire.
Christian's thoughts upon seeing Venetia for the first time (Beguiling the Beauty, Fitzhugh Trilogy 1, by Sherry Thomas) ~ Sherry Thomas
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Sherry Thomas
If I had a story idea that I felt would work best in three volumes I might write a trilogy eventually. I'd very likely write it all at once, though, so I could work on it as a whole and not broken into individual volumes. ~ Erin Morgenstern
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Erin Morgenstern
Any man who isn't married by thirty-five is either gay or he's got skeletons in his closet. ~ Lisa Renee Jones
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Lisa Renee Jones
I wanted to wake you straightaway, but I knew I had to wait several hours to ensure you were safely recovered."
"What! How long has it been?"
"Five minutes. I got bored. ~ Jonathan Stroud
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Jonathan Stroud
He grinned at her. "Well, then I have a bit of a confession to make. Colin said some things to me and the sound of his voice irritated me so I had one of those clowns with the big red noses in the paediatric wing turn him into a balloon animal. A giraffe I'm afraid. Sad fate it was," Alessandro joked with no sign of remorse at all. ~ E. Jamie
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by E. Jamie
J.R.R.Tolkien has confessed that about a third of the way through The Fellowship of the Ring, some ruffian named Strider confronted the hobbits in an inn, and Tolkien was in despair. He didn't know who Strider was, where the book was going, or what to write next. Strider turns out to be no lesser person than Aragorn, the unrecognized and uncrowned king of all the forces of good, whose restoration to rule is, along with the destruction of the evil ring, the engine that moves the plot of the whole massive trilogy, The Lord of the Rings. ~ Ansen Dibell
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Ansen Dibell
When I can no longer go forward, even by an inch, I lay my head on the ground and wait to die. I'm too tired to be frightened. Above me is blackness, and all around me is blackness, and the forest sounds are a symphony to sing me out of this world. I am already at my funeral. ~ Lauren Oliver
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by Lauren Oliver
I don't double dip, do I? ~ J.B. McGee
Earthsea Trilogy quotes by J.B. McGee
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