Determinedly Synonyms Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Determinedly Synonyms.

Quotes About Determinedly Synonyms

Enjoy collection of 42 Determinedly Synonyms quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Determinedly Synonyms. Righ click to see and save pictures of Determinedly Synonyms quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Here's the thing about middle-class people. They pretend not to look, but they do. They're too polite to actually stare. Instead, they do this weird thing of catching sight of Will in their field of vision and then determinedly not looking at him. Until he's gone past, at which point their gaze flickers toward him, even while they remain in conversation with someone else. They won't talk about him, though. Because that would be rude. ~ Jojo Moyes
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Jojo Moyes
He gripped her shoulders determinedly. 'I should've told you this earlier, Jordan. Now that I've got my chance, you're going to hear it whether you like it or not. You came into my life and messed the whole thing up and now I'm screwed. Because I'm in love with you. As in balls-out, head-over-heels, watching-Dancing-with-the-Stars-on-Monday-nights, wine-and-bubble-bath kind of love. Hell, I think I'd even wear a scarf indoors for you. ~ Julie James
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Julie James
The model for an NHL without fighting is right there in front of us. The [playoffs are] the time of year that fans love best; when the best hockey is played ... [The] enforcers don't play. Even mini-enforcers ... remain on the bench. Teams and coaches can't afford anything stupid and unpredictable ... With no one to fight back for them, players go harder into the corners, more determinedly to the front of the net. If they want to fire up the crowd and their teammates, they have to do it themselves. And in the playoffs, they do. ~ Ken Dryden
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Ken Dryden
Anita is small and colourless in her grey trousers, grey knitted cardigan, grey hair and grey skin. But ove notices that her face is slightly red-eyed and swollen. Quickly she wipes her eyes and blinks away the pain. As women of that generation do. As if they stood in the doorway every morning, determinedly driving sorrow out of the house with a broom. ~ Fredrik Backman
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Fredrik Backman
Slaves hung on determinedly to their selves, to their love of family, their wholeness. A shoemaker on the South Carolina Sea Islands expressed in his own way: "I'se lost an arm, but it hasn't gone out of my brains. ~ Howard Zinn
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Howard Zinn
I was surfing the Internet for a different sort of education. I surfed for photos of circus freaks and synonyms for the word intercourse and for answers to why staring at the stars in the evening tore my heart with longing. ~ Maggie Stiefvater
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Maggie Stiefvater
Fairyland ... Paradise ... In this place and at this time, Marguerite could know that the one was a parable of the other and both were synonyms for something that had no name. ~ Elizabeth Goudge
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Elizabeth Goudge
When you conform to the monoculture's version of who you are and what the world is like, you lose your freedom along with your ability to be truly innovative in terms of your own life. Being able to draw on many different stories, not just the economic one, allows you to creatively and authentically meet the challenges that face you in your life. The monoculture, determinedly single-minded, insists that economic values and assumptions can be used to solve your problems, whether those problems are spiritual, political, intellectual, or relational. ~ F.S. Michaels
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by F.S. Michaels
A large battalion of my thoughts was marching determinedly on its way to Annoyance but it was distracted and took a wrong turn at Adam and found, to its surprise, that it had ended up in the entirely different destination of Dreamy Contentment. ~ Marian Keyes
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Marian Keyes
contextualization is inevitable. As soon as you choose a language to speak in and particular words to use within that language, the culture-laden nature of words comes into play. We often think that translating words from one language to another is simple - it's just a matter of locating the synonym in the other language. But there are few true synonyms. The word God is translated into German as Gott - simple enough. But the cultural history of German speakers is such that the word Gott strikes German ears differently than the English word God strikes the ears of English speakers. It means something different to them. You may need to do more explanation if you are to give German speakers the same biblical concept of God that the word conveys to English speakers. ~ Timothy J. Keller
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Timothy J. Keller
If for one whole day, quietly and determinedly, we were to give ourselves up to the ownership of Jesus and to obeying his orders, we should be amazed at its close to realize all he had packed into that one day. ~ Oswald Chambers
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Oswald Chambers
Last week I pocketed a thesaurus and looked for synonyms for you but could only find rain and more rain and a thunderstorm that sounded like glass, like crystal, like an orchestra. ~ Shinji Moon
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Shinji Moon
You have tens, hundreds of thousands of people in government, and just as many among contractors, who feel totally comfortable writing at the top of the document "internal use only," "official use only," and a million other synonyms, all of which amount to "none of your business" to the public. ~ Ted Gup
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Ted Gup
A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one. ~ Baltasar Gracian
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Baltasar Gracian
The whole compass of the language is tried to find sinonimies [synonyms] and circumlocutions for massacres and murder. Things never called by their common names. Massacre is sometimes called agitation, sometimes effervescence, sometimes excess sometimes too continued an exercise of revolutionary power. ~ Edmund Burke
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Edmund Burke
Everything one used to take for granted, with so much certainty that one never even bothered to enquire about it, now turns out to be illusion. Your certainties are proven lies. And what happens if you start probing? Must you learn a wholly new language first?
'Humanity'. Normally one uses it as a synonym for compassion; charity; decency; integrity. 'He is such a human person.' Must one now go in search of an entirely different set of synonyms: cruelty; exploitation; unscrupulousness; or whatever? ~ Andre Brink
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Andre Brink
Much more surprising things can happen to anyone who, when a disagreeable or discouraged thought comes into his mind, just has the sense to remember in time and push it out by putting in an agreeable, determinedly courageous one. Two things cannot be in one place. ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Frances Hodgson Burnett
I am an anarchist in politics and an impressionist in art as well as a symbolist in literature. Not that I understand what these terms mean, but I take them to be all merely synonyms of pessimist. ~ Henry Adams
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Henry Adams
Activism" is not just what we see on the streets or on the Internet or in the news; sometimes, "activism" is the simple act of doggedly, determinedly surviving. ~ Barbara Gurr
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Barbara Gurr
Many social justice or social activist movements have been rooted in a position. A position is usually against something. Any position will call up its opposition. If I say up, it generates down. If I say right, it really creates left. If I say good, it creates bad. So a position creates its opposition. A stand is something quite distinct from that.

There are synonyms for "stand" such as "declaration" or "commitment," but let me talk for just a few moments about the power of a stand. A stand comes from the heart, from the soul. A stand is always life affirming. A stand is always trustworthy. A stand is natural to who you are. When we use the phrase "take a stand" I'm really inviting you to un-cover, or "unconceal," or recognize, or affirm, or claim the stand that you already are.

Stand-takers are the people who actually change the course of history and are the source of causing an idea's time to come. Mahatma Gandhi was a stand-taker. He took a stand so powerful that it mobilized millions of people in a way that the completely unpredictable outcome of the British walking out of India did happen. And India became an independent nation. The stand that he took… or the stand that Martin Luther King, Jr. took or the stand that Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony took for women's rights - those stands changed our lives today. The changes that have taken place in history as a result of the stand-takers are permanent changes, not temporary changes. The ~ Lynne Twist
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Lynne Twist
Pray daily.
Pray daringly.
Pray desperately.
Pray determinedly. ~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo
Patriotism is the surefire wingnut that binds our diverse society. Rulers historically used patriotism to manipulate the populous. Patriotism serves as the trump card to justify going to war and mandatory inscription of young men into military service. Patriotism is becoming synonyms with state justified coercion and murder of less powerful people. ~ Kilroy J. Oldster
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Kilroy J. Oldster
Morgan glanced over his shoulder to where Dougie walked behind him. "Dougie, you're lookin' a bit worn. Are you needin' to stop and, um, rest a bit?"
Dougie looked at him as if he'd lost his mind. "Rest? Are you daft?"
Morgan glared at him and gave a jerk of his head toward Amalie, who struggled on determinedly before him.
Dougie winked. "Och, aye, I am a bit weary."
In no time, word had gotten up and down the line that Amalie needed to rest but was being too stubborn to admit it. And suddenly Morgan was besieged with whispered pleas to stop, his men whining of sore feet, headaches, and aching backs.
Then Connor appeared at his side, looking fashed.
"What in God's name has come over the men? They're complainin' like old wom - ~ Pamela Clare
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Pamela Clare
Harry witnessed Professor McGonagall walking right past Peeves who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth, 'It unscrews the other way. ~ J.K. Rowling
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by J.K. Rowling
Here's the point to be made - there are no synonyms. There are no two words that mean exactly the same thing. ~ Theodore Sturgeon
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Theodore Sturgeon
When you choose to write using yourself as the source of the story, you are choosing to confront all the silences in which your story has been protectively wrapped. Your job as a writer is to respectfully, determinedly, free the story from the silences and free yourself from both. ~ Christina Baldwin
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Christina Baldwin
I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before,' he said, nodding determinedly. 'She'll see. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by F Scott Fitzgerald
Although she had resisted this knowledge all her life, had lived determinedly in the future focused there by ambition, she understood at last that this was the real condition of humanity: The dance of life occurred not yesterday or tomorrow, but only here at the still point that was the present. This truth is simmple, sel-evident, but difficult to accept, for we sentimentalize the past and wallow in it, while we endure the moment and in every waking hour dream of the future. ~ Dean Koontz
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Dean Koontz
At heart, "uncertainty" and "investing" are synonyms. ~ Benjamin Graham
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Benjamin Graham
When you find yourself in philosophical difficulties, the first line of defense is not to define your problematic terms, but to see whether you can think without using those terms at all. Or any of their short synonyms. And be careful not to let yourself invent a new word to use instead. Describe outward observables and interior mechanisms; don't use a single handle, whatever that handle may be. ~ Eliezer Yudkowsky
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Eliezer Yudkowsky
Many novice writers try to avoid using 'said' by substituting synonyms: 'he uttered,' 'she murmured,' 'he questioned.' It's true that any word repeated too often becomes monotonous, but substitutions for 'said' can be worse than its repetition. ~ Nancy Kress
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Nancy Kress
At Stone's direction, Harry removed ovaries, blinded the female rats, and removed their olfactory bulbs. Sightless, hormone-deprived - it didn't matter. The mother rats crawled determinedly toward the baby rats. They were slower, maybe, but the homing instinct was magnetic, needle to the north. ~ Deborah Blum
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Deborah Blum
But the greatest cause of verbicide is the fact that most people are obviously far more anxious to express their approval and disapproval of things than to describe them. Hence the tendency of words to become less descriptive and more evaluative; then become evaluative, while still retaining some hint of the sort of goodness or badness implied; and to end up by being purely evaluative
useless synonyms for good or for bad. ~ C.S. Lewis
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by C.S. Lewis
A gay lobbyist is a resident of San Francisco who equates Greek pederasty with consented male-on-male only pedophilia, invokes pederasty to justify his bizarre behavior, and then denies that pedophilia and homosexuality are synonyms. ~ Bill Gaede
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Bill Gaede
The more determinedly I exist, as myself, within the conditions of the time, the more clearly I shall hear the language of the past, the nearer I shall feel the glow of its life. ~ Karl Jaspers
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Karl Jaspers
I don't know why people start thank you notes with the word 'just'. Just a quick note to thank you for a wonderful time. Just wanted to say thanks for everything. It reduces expecations right from the start. It says: I understand the importance of saying thank you, but I won't be writing a letter. It says: I'd like to follow the best social conventions, but I won't be spending that much time on it. I've even seen stationery that has "Just a note" printed on the front. If you start there, why write the note at all? Consider the synonyms: merely, barely. Would you write: barely a note to thank you for the visit? Merely a hasty parargaph to acknowledge all you did for me? ~ Jessica Francis Kane
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Jessica Francis Kane
In ballet a complicated story is impossible to tell ... we can't dance synonyms. ~ George Balanchine
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by George Balanchine
So what happened?"
"I don't know." Another glance to ensure his continued state of Not Looking, and then I rip off my clothes in one fast swoop. I am now officially stark naked in the room with the most beautiful boy I know. Funny,but this isn't how I imagined this moment.
No.Not funny.One hundred percent the exact opposite of funny.
"I think I maybe,possibly, vaguely remember hitting the snooze button." I jabber to cover my mortification. "Only I guess it was the off button.But I had the alarm on my phone set,too, so I don't know what happened."
"Did you turn the ringer back on last night?"
"What?" I hop into my jeans, a noise he seems to determinedly ignore.His ears are apple red.
"You went to see a film,right? Don't you set your mobile to silent at the theater?"
He's right.I'm so stupid. If I hadn't taken Meredith to A Hard Day's Night, a Beatles movie I know she loves, I would have never turned it off. We'd already be in a taxi to the airport. "The taxi!" I tug my sweater over my head and look up to find myself standing across from a mirror.
A mirror St. Clair is facing.
"It's all right," he says. "I told the driver to wait when I came up here. We'll just have to tip him a little extra." His head is still down. I don't think he saw anything.I clear my throat, and he glances up. Our eyes meet in the mirror,and he jumps. "God! I didn't...I mean,not until just now..."
"Cool.Yeah,fine." I try to shake it off ~ Stephanie Perkins
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Stephanie Perkins
The dictionary is based on the hypothesis
obviously an unproven one
that languages are made up of equivalent synonyms. ~ Jorge Luis Borges
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Jorge Luis Borges
[Sylvia Plath] was now far along a peculiarly solitary road on which not many would risk following her. So it was important for her to know that her messages were coming back clear and strong. Yet not even her determinedly bright self-reliance could disguise the loneliness that came from her almost palpably, like a heat haze. She asked for neither sympathy nor help but, like bereaved widow at a wake, she simply wanted company in her mourning. ~ Al Alvarez
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Al Alvarez
I feel so fortunate to be one of the lucky ones who is so grateful and appreciative to know such great synonyms for thankful. ~ Demetri Martin
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Demetri Martin
A teacher of mine once said there are no true synonyms. ~ Roy Peter Clark
Determinedly Synonyms quotes by Roy Peter Clark
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