Deknight Dawn Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Deknight Dawn.

Quotes About Deknight Dawn

Enjoy collection of 33 Deknight Dawn quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Deknight Dawn. Righ click to see and save pictures of Deknight Dawn quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Then set out after repeated warning the grizzly
Afghan Duryodhan
in blazing sun
removed sandal-wood blooded stone-attired guards
spearing gloom brought out a substitute of dawn
crude hell's profuse experience
a night-waken drug addict beside head of feeble earth
from the cruciform The Clapper could not descend due to lockdown
wet-eyed babies were smiling
in a bouquet of darkness in forced dreams
The Clapper wept when learnt about red-linen boat's drowned passengers
in famished yellow winter
white lilies bloomed in hot coal tar
when in chiseled breeze
nickel glazed seed-kernel
moss layered skull which had moon on its shoulder scolded whole night
non-weeping male praying mantis in grass
bronze muscled he-men of Barbadoz
pressed their fevered forehead on her furry navel
in comb-flowing rain
floated on frowning waves
diesel sheet shadow whipped oceans
all wings had been removed from the sky
funeral procession of newspaperman's freshly printed dawn
lifelong jailed convict's eye in the keyhole
in autumnal rice pounding pink ankle
Lalung ladies ~ Malay Roychoudhury
Deknight Dawn quotes by Malay Roychoudhury
Once she started awake to a sound like the low roll of drums, and to the south she saw an endless congregation of antelope that moved across the nighted plain, raising a cloud of dust behind them that swallowed the stars and turned the moon rusty brown as a scrape of ruined iron. Near dawn, in that darkest hour, she raised her head again and saw to the north the passage of sails. They hovered across the deep like a parade of phantom cavaliers tilted upon hellish steeds. They passed in waves, ranks upon ranks of ghostly warlords bent toward the coming dawn as if to impale the sun itself and set it atop a spike in the blackened sky. ~ A.S. Peterson
Deknight Dawn quotes by A.S. Peterson
Give an earnest-hearted, devoted girl any true work that will make her active in the dawn, and weary at night, with the consciousness that her fellow-creatures have indeed been the better for her day, and the powerless sorrow of her enthusiasm will transform itself into a majesty of radiant and beneficent peace. ~ John Ruskin
Deknight Dawn quotes by John Ruskin
Over the plains of Ethiopia the sun rose as I had not seen it in seven years. A big, cool, empty sky flushed a little above a rim of dark mountains. The landscape 20,000 feet below gathered itself from the dark and showed a pale gleam of grass, a sheen of water. The red deepened and pulsed, radiating streaks of fire. There hung the sun, like a luminous spider's egg, or a white pearl, just below the rim of the mountains. Suddenly it swelled, turned red, roared over the horizon and drove up the sky like a train engine. I knew how far below in the swelling heat the birds were an orchestra in the trees about the villages of mud huts; how the long grass was straightening while dangling locks of dewdrops dwindled and dried; how the people were moving out into the fields about the business of herding and hoeing. ~ Doris Lessing
Deknight Dawn quotes by Doris Lessing
A working woman, rising before dawn to spin and needing light in her cottage room, piles brushwood on a smoldering log, and the whole heap kindled by the little brand goes up in a mighty blaze. Such was the fire of Love, stealthy but all-consuming, that swept through Medea's heart. In the turmoil of her soul, her soft cheeks turned from rose to white and white to rose. ~ Apollonius Of Rhodes
Deknight Dawn quotes by Apollonius Of Rhodes
At last, in the gray dawn of Civilization the fire in the Soul dies down. The dwindling powers rise to one more, half-successful, effort of creation, and produce the Classicism that is common to all dying Cultures. The soul thinks once again, and in Romanticism looks back piteously to its childhood; then finally, weary, reluctant, cold, it loses its desire to be, and, as in Imperial Rome, wishes itself out of the overlong daylight and back in the darkness of protomysticism in the womb of the mother in the grave. ~ Oswald Spengler
Deknight Dawn quotes by Oswald Spengler
Well … Zeus approves, Aeolus muttered. ―He says … he says it would be better if you could avoid saving her until after the weekend, because he has a big party planned - Ow! That's Aphrodite yelling at him, reminding him that the solstice starts at dawn. She says I should help you. And Hephaestus… yes. Hmm. Very rare they agree on anything. Hold on ~ Rick Riordan
Deknight Dawn quotes by Rick Riordan
Hell...chickens,' Jack groused. It was the snickering that really woke me. And the sound of... Elder Jacobs.... muttering, 'Chickens?' 'Kill 'em... bastards,' Jack snorted. ~ Scarlett Dawn
Deknight Dawn quotes by Scarlett Dawn
The slow constellations wheeled on. It would be dawn and then sun-up after a while and he would be hungry. But that would be to-morrow and now he was only cold, and walking would cure that. His breathing was easier now and he decided to get up and go on, and then he found that he had been asleep because he knew it was almost dawn, the night almost over. He could tell that from the whippoorwills. They were everywhere now among the dark trees below him, constant and inflectioned and ceaseless, so that, as the instant for giving over to the day birds drew nearer and nearer, there was no interval at all between them. He got up. He was a little stiff, but walking would cure that too as it would the cold, and soon there would be the sun. He went on down the hill, toward the dark woods within which the liquid silver voices of the birds called unceasing - the rapid and urgent beating of the urgent and quiring heart of the late spring night. He did not look back. ~ William Faulkner
Deknight Dawn quotes by William Faulkner
Smiling now, Michael Dawn sat on his rooftop, gazing at the stars above him, just like men had done for thousands of years. Out there lay secrets and mysteries that an eternity could never unravel, worlds he could only imagine. Yet looking at them then, it all seemed so surreal. As if the only purpose the stars had in this world was to shine their tiny points of light down on him that evening. To give him something beautiful and breathtaking to admire. Maybe that was their only purpose. Maybe trying to get more out of them, trying to travel among them and shed light on things that were better left unexposed, had been the trouble all along. ~ John A. Ashley
Deknight Dawn quotes by John A. Ashley
The darkest hour is always just before dawn." Sometimes in our darkest hour we can feel so hopeless, so rejected, so unloved, unwanted and discarded, but imagine when dawn eventually arrived, how we could shine!! ~ Lynette Ferreira
Deknight Dawn quotes by Lynette Ferreira
There is a moment each day when it is morning before it is morning. Darkness still hovers over the deep. Those who wait for the dawn can hear it even before they see it. ~ Mary Jo Leddy
Deknight Dawn quotes by Mary Jo Leddy
Pics or it didn't happen."
"Dude, little busy for pics. You know, throwing flame. ~ Rachel Caine
Deknight Dawn quotes by Rachel Caine
The narrative of so many fairy tales are timeless in so many different cultures, and they have been since the dawn of man. They represent escapism, but they all feature themes that have such poignancy in a modern world. ~ Lily Cole
Deknight Dawn quotes by Lily Cole
You know the difference between right and wrong,' he repeated finally. 'Man, why did you need Initiation - by the Golden Dawn, or by anybody else? You are a genius, a sage, a giant among men. You have solved the problem which philosophers have been debating since antiquity - the mystery about which no two nations or tribes have ever agreed, and no two men or women have ever agreed, and no intelligent person has ever agreed totally with himself from one day to the next. You know the difference between right and wrong. I am overawed. I swoon. I figuratively kiss your feet. ~ Robert Anton Wilson
Deknight Dawn quotes by Robert Anton Wilson
"Every dawn of our lives a heart is forged and
Linked with lore to one so similar
Born with blessed life dust
Stored beneath its soul
To bless and pass onto its children
Even though the wind may blow it all away
Don't ever worry 'cos I'm your friend. ~ Marc Bolan
Deknight Dawn quotes by Marc Bolan
I'm fucking good at this boyfriend shit. Who would have thought? ~ Nyrae Dawn
Deknight Dawn quotes by Nyrae Dawn
You said, 'Ramsey…oh Ramsey…please.' Please, what?"

She looked him straight in the eyes. "Please…let my people go! ~ Tessa Dawn
Deknight Dawn quotes by Tessa Dawn
He knew the way she liked her coffee, her favorite flowers--pink roses--and the meaning of countless things, like the way she straightened up to her full height and raised her left eyebrow when she was holding back on something she wanted to say. ~ Dawn Klinge
Deknight Dawn quotes by Dawn Klinge
At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends! The sky is flushed with the dawn and my path lies beautiful. Ask not what I have with me to take there. I start on my journey with empty hands and expectant heart. I shall put on my wedding garland. Mine is not the red-brown dress of the traveller, and though there are dangers on the way I have no fear in my mind. The evening star will come out when my voyage is done and the plaintive notes of the twilight melodies be struck up from the King's gateway. ~ Rabindranath Tagore
Deknight Dawn quotes by Rabindranath Tagore
Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you're free to live. You no longer care about your reputation. You no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically to promote a cause you believe in."
"We must believe that it is the darkest before the dawn of a beautiful new world. We will see it when we believe it. ~ Saul D. Alinsky
Deknight Dawn quotes by Saul D. Alinsky
Dawn streamed through the room Simon shared with the woman who'd kissed him into a puddle of melted brains. ~ Joss Ware
Deknight Dawn quotes by Joss Ware
When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. -Bella ~ Stephenie Meyer
Deknight Dawn quotes by Stephenie Meyer
Every other religion gives you directions on how to find God, but Jesus takes you to Him. ~ Marva Dawn
Deknight Dawn quotes by Marva Dawn
Others have been trying to speak with you, and you can't hear them.'
I raised my brows, stating dryly, 'That's the point. ~ Scarlett Dawn
Deknight Dawn quotes by Scarlett Dawn
In the struggle for existence, it is only on those who hang on for ten minutes after all is hopeless, that hope begins to dawn. ~ G.K. Chesterton
Deknight Dawn quotes by G.K. Chesterton
Well, in Twilight, I started out dying my hair blonde. And then, as the movie progressed, I wore wigs. The wigs went through a transformation. In Breaking Dawn, it's a little longer. That's my arc. ~ Peter Facinelli
Deknight Dawn quotes by Peter Facinelli
Open your heart! Even in trying times. Relax. Breathe. Allow. Feel lighter, happier, and at peace. ~ Dawn Gluskin
Deknight Dawn quotes by Dawn Gluskin
And in Life's noisiest hour,
There whispers still the ceaseless Love of Thee,
The heart's Self-solace and soliloquy.
You mould my Hopes, you fashion me within ;
And to the leading Love-throb in the Heart
Thro' all my Being, thro' my pulse's beat ;
You lie in all my many Thoughts, like Light,
Like the fair light of Dawn, or summer Eve
On rippling Stream, or cloud-reflecting Lake.
And looking to the Heaven, that bends above you,
How oft! I bless the Lot that made me love you. ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Deknight Dawn quotes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Dawn was coming. The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts. ~ Patrick Rothfuss
Deknight Dawn quotes by Patrick Rothfuss
We were three ships in a summer's dawn, and we were going to battle. ~ Bernard Cornwell
Deknight Dawn quotes by Bernard Cornwell
I can't believe my music isn't inspiring you. Guys who play guitar are supposed to be hot, right? I know I find hotness inspiring. ~ Nyrae Dawn
Deknight Dawn quotes by Nyrae Dawn
Gradually the awful truth dawns on you: that Santa Claus was just the tip of the iceberg - that your future will not be the rollercoaster ride you'd imagined, that the world occupied by your parents, the world of washing the dishes, going to the dentist, weekend trips to the DIY superstore to buy floor tiles, is actually largely what people mean when they speak of 'life'. ~ Paul Murray
Deknight Dawn quotes by Paul Murray
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