Czarina Alexandra Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Czarina Alexandra.

Quotes About Czarina Alexandra

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You can't make yourself fall in love, just as you can't choose who you fall in love with. ~ Alexandra Potter
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Potter
I don't do well without you," he said. "Who I was before
I never want to be that person again. But I told you when I took you away from here that when everything was over, it would be your choice. You would get to choose where you wanted to go and who you wanted to be. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
I thought I had escaped the monsters, that I'd left them locked up behind an electric fence. But the shadows were alive, and they had chased me here. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
Chubs jumped out of the driver's seat, leaving the engine running. oh, thank God. I saw you both on the ground and thought you killed each other. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
Life doesn't hang around, it keeps moving and if you don't keep up you can lose things. ~ Alexandra Potter
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Potter
The first two concepts - morality and immorality - are well understood in America: codes and boundaries of behavior are set by principles, doctrines, dictate, or convention. It's the third one - amorality - that is largely misunderstood but crucial to identify and comprehend. Amorality is a state of affairs where there are no moral principles or rules to follow or betray. None. Even though a culture may have rules regarding physical behavior, if there are no moral standards regarding truth, for example, then one cannot be right or wrong in such a societal vacuum because there is nothing to be right or wrong about. Therefore, even if lip service to the virtue of truth telling exists on one level or another, lying is firmly established in many cultures as an amoral practice. ~ Alexandra York
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra York
Actually Gabriel's an archangel," I corrected. "But otherwise, yes."
"Well, that explains why he's so hard to impress," said Xavier flippantly ~ Alexandra Adornetto
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Adornetto
There is nothing in this world but pain and the rare moments that exist in between. ~ Alexandra Christo
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Christo
My heart is strong,
I will not fail,
I won't be wronged,
I will prevail. ~ Alexandra Lanc
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Lanc
Nope," he whispered, when I tried to tug it away. "Mine now. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
Strong feelings, especially terror and desperation, leave an imprint on the air that echo back to whoever's unlucky enough to walk through that place again. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
The only thing we got to keep were our memories, and now I was about to take those from him, too.
"Close your eyes," I whispered. "I' going to finish the story. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
And I swear - I swear - I felt time slide out from under me. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
I was in Manhattan during 9/11, and that was really the only thing that I related to as far as a disaster on a grand scale. It was really interesting to see on that day and in the weeks afterwards how people came together, and what people were able to do for each other, and what I found myself feeling and thinking and doing for the people around me, whether it was strangers on the street or my own family. It was really an experience that you can't fake. ~ Alexandra Daddario
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Daddario
He was alone," I cried. "He didn't have anyone with him- he must of been so scared. I told him we would stay together. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
Many partners of addicts have told me they feel bad about themselves for staying in the relationship because of the betrayal they've experienced. They imagine that the people who know their past judge them to be stupid for staying with the person who's caused them so much pain. I often counter this thinking, explaining that leaving may seem quick and easy because they can pretend they're okay and the problem has disappeared. However, if you leave your relationship, you'll be stuck with your pain and sorrow without the person you loved to help you sort it out. Why is this true? Because even though it feels as if your pain comes from your partner, it's actually coming from inside you. ~ Alexandra Katehakis
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Katehakis
What did I know about the fifty-five (give or take) countries of Africa? I carried within me one deep personal thread of one small part of it, and it had changed and colored everything, ~ Alexandra Fuller
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Fuller
As daughter of our ruler I grew up in the crossfire of an ongoing war... All I'd ever wanted to be was a great warrior and ultimately lead my people into victorious battles. -Halíka Dacomé ~ Alexandra May
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra May
To anyone else, Xavier's use of the word angel would have sounded like nothing more than a lovesick teenager professing his admiration. Only the two of us knew differently and now we both shared a secret- that brought us closer than ever. It was as if we had just sealed the bond between us, closed the gap, and made it final. ~ Alexandra Adornetto
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Adornetto
I've been numb for years, and I didn't realize it until after you appeared and - and made me feel something. Since then, these past two weeks I've been awake. Alive. Restless for you to return - and afraid that you wouldn't. ~ Alexandra Monir
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Monir
The world is extremely interesting to a joyful soul. ~ Alexandra Stoddard
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Stoddard
She shows up everywhere, at any time, like she can guess
what we're going to do before we do it."
"The lady is good at what she does," Liam confirmed.
"Can you please not compliment the person trying to drag our asses back to camp? ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
Don't knock finding nemo," Xavier teased, taking the DVD from my grasp. "It's a modern classic."
"Is it seriously about fish?"
"Yeah, but really cool fish. ~ Alexandra Adornetto
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Adornetto
The hardest thing about being a full time chef is leaving my work behind when I go home at night. I'll toss and turn about a menu item or forget to order produce and wake up at 4 A.M. in a cold sweat over some artichokes. ~ Alexandra Guarnaschelli
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Guarnaschelli
You could be a Hemlock, as I could be an Ironwood; or you could sign your name with Linden, as I might sign mine with Hall. Or perhaps you are Miss Spencer, and always will be," he told her, his thumb skating over her cheek. "Or you could choose, one day, to be a Carter. Or we might be nothing beyond you and I, and be done with this business of names once and for all, for they have never once had a true bearing on who we are or who we intend to be. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
How much strength must one people have?
And for how long must they have it? ~ Alexandra Fuller
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Fuller
To the child, as to the artist, everything is relevant, little is unseen. The artist seems to retain something of the child's visual strategy: how to look at the world before knowing (or without thinking about) the name or function of everything that catches the eye. ~ Alexandra Horowitz
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Horowitz
I'm thinking that it's frustrating to feel like I know certain parts of you so well, but others parts of you ...
What coud I tell him? What could I say that would't scare him into letting go? ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
Caring is open-hearted, keeping us available to transmit love to a stranger through simple eye contact and without condition. This is not the opportunistic sizing-up of sexual cruising; instead, it's the felt recognition of the divinity and humanity in another individual. ~ Alexandra Katehakis
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Katehakis
A St. Louis oncology nurse quoted Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl to States News Service in 2012: " 'What is to give light must endure burning.' I think people who care for others understand. Caregiving is painful. ~ Alexandra Robbins
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Robbins
To anyone with a drop of Irish blood in them the land they live on is like their mother. It's the only thing that lasts, that's worth working for, for fighting for ... ~ Alexandra Ripley
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Ripley
Sometimes we have to bend," she says, "to survive. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Bracken
If any-one accosts young girls who are dressed in the clothes of slaves, his offence will be seen as minor, and even more so if the women are dressed as prostitutes, and not as [respectable] mothers of families. Therefore, if a woman is not dressed as a matron and some-one calls out to her or entices away her attendant, he will not be liable to the action for injury ~ Alexandra Croom
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Croom
Just because I've walked into this crazy fantasy doesn't mean I can just abandon my other plans, much as I might want to. ~ Alexandra Adornetto
Czarina Alexandra quotes by Alexandra Adornetto
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