Cute Cliches Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Cute Cliches.

Quotes About Cute Cliches

Enjoy collection of 49 Cute Cliches quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Cute Cliches. Righ click to see and save pictures of Cute Cliches quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Mia has already persevered through so much. One of our biggest fears when she was born was that she wouldn't be able to talk or sing. My wife loves to sing, and she's a world-class singer. Through speech therapy, Mia talks well and can hold a normal conversation with anyone. There isn't an ounce of shyness in her bones! When Mia was four years old, she sang "God Bless America" on one of our Duckmen hunting DVDs. I'm sure most people who watched it thought, Hey, isn't that cute? They've got a little girl singing on the DVD. But when she did it, there wasn't a dry eye in my family. We knew that Mia was born without the ability to sing, and we realized the pain and suffering she endured to be able to sing. It was a huge moment for our family. ~ Jase Robertson
Cute Cliches quotes by Jase Robertson
A minute ago you told me that you thought I was cute."
"Yeah," Leo said. "I mean, I do think that. But you're not my girlfriend. You're my person."
I knew right away what he meant.
I thought he was cute and he thought I was cute but it was different than it was when people have crushes.
With Leo I'd fallen into another kind of like. I couldn't wait to tell him stuff and I loved hearing him laugh at my jokes and I loved laughing at his jokes. He made me feel like I had a spot in the world.
It felt as if Leo and I could like each other all our lives.
So I hugged him.
He was my person too. ~ Ally Condie
Cute Cliches quotes by Ally Condie
I love this song, can you turn it up?"

I reached and turned the dial up on the Vance Joy song "Red Eye." Adam bobbed his head to the music. At the stoplight I looked over at him. He was wearing the black beanie my brother had given him, his black Wayfarers, and the hospital gown.

I laughed.

He turned to me and smiled. "What?" he said.

"You're cute."

"Oh yeah? Wanna fool around?" He grinned.

I was glad that Adam couldn't see my eyes welling up behind my sunglasses.

The car behind us honked. I hit the gas and my car lurched forward from the intersection. "How much time do we have?" I asked.

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, Adam, I am serious." He was having a good day.

He reached for my phone. "We have like an hour and a half before Leah freaks out."

I knew I was taking a big chance, but how could I say no to him? There was so much joy in him that day just because he got to go to the drive-thru at In-N-Out.

"Okay." I glanced over at him and flattened my lips. "You better not have a seizure on me."

"I can't think of a better place to have a seizure. Although I can see how that wouldn't be much fun for you."

I laughed hysterically. "Oh man, I didn't mean literally on me; I meant on my watch."

"Well, Charlotte, I don't have much control over that, but I'll try. You know what helps?"


"Alcohol ~ Renee Carlino
Cute Cliches quotes by Renee Carlino
That your eyes are like bits of sky seen through the leaves. And that, like the rain washes the mud from the leaves, you ... how did he say it? Oh yes. That you wash the darkness from the world. ~ Jessica Khoury
Cute Cliches quotes by Jessica Khoury
Speaking of Twitter, I don't even know if I composed a blog entry in 2009, as I was too busy parceling my every thought into cute 140-character sound bites. I used to only worry about being pithy for a living; now some of my best lines are wasted on a free app! ~ Diablo Cody
Cute Cliches quotes by Diablo Cody
My first real kiss came when I was 10, and it was in an acting class. I had to do a scene from a movie where someone gets kissed under a tree, and I did not want to do it! But my acting partner wanted me to feel comfortable, so he bought a picnic basket with all these snacks. He made such an effort - and it was cute. ~ Vanessa Hudgens
Cute Cliches quotes by Vanessa Hudgens
Shane never knew how to address her friends' parents. She wanted to call her Mrs. Eliot's Mom, but knew that the cutesiness would not be appreciated. "Mrs. Kaspar" sounded too like a phone solicitor, which would not do after having kissed the circumference of her son's neck. ~ Thomm Quackenbush
Cute Cliches quotes by Thomm Quackenbush
If God had wanted us to be concerned for the plight of the toads, he would have made them cute and furry. ~ Dave Barry
Cute Cliches quotes by Dave Barry
Life is so largely controlled by chance that its conduct can be but a perpetual improvisation. ~ W. Somerset Maugham
Cute Cliches quotes by W. Somerset Maugham
I study the little creature in front of me. What is it about these dwarfish little humans? They lack smarts, lack skills and they never seem to have much money. Yet they are powerful little monsters – adults dance to the tunes played by their chubby little fingers. Is it the disproportionately big head? Or the eyes too big for that head? Did I have this effect on my own mother? Was that why she believed in my goodness, despite all evidence to the contrary?
Suddenly the lower lip pokes out and the eyes grow even bigger. I feel a tug in the region where my heart should be… I want to give it things…
Ahhhhhh! Look away! Look away! Evil, ensnaring, hypnotic monster.
Just kidding, but it is kind of cute. I feed it a cracker. ~ Eliza Crewe
Cute Cliches quotes by Eliza Crewe
Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you ~ Moldy Peaches
Cute Cliches quotes by Moldy Peaches
Words" he growled.
His mental message almost changed my mind.
"Your all the fun I need, Chloe. When will you figure it out? I. Want.You. ~ Carol Van Atta
Cute Cliches quotes by Carol Van Atta
The stewardess was none other than Brenda Vaccaro, my great friend in real life. Brenda decks me. I fall to the floor of the plane, out of commission. She's saved the day. Brenda and I took longer to do our fight scene than any of our other scenes, because we fell down laughing for three takes. The wonderful absurdity of my turning the heavy wheel to open the plane door, her hand on my shoulder, turning me to look at her cute face, then doing our rehearsed one, two, three punches and shoves, just broke us up. My legs were jelly, I was wheezing with laughter - it was the closest I'd gotten to being in a school play. Sympathy for our nervous young director pulled us together just enough to get through it. ~ Lee Grant
Cute Cliches quotes by Lee Grant
I'm cute, but not beautiful.
I sin, but I'm not the devil.
I'm good, but not an angel.
I'm me and that's all I can be. ~ Alona Kimhi
Cute Cliches quotes by Alona Kimhi
She wondered if he thought this was all a lark, a game. She'd been to Disney World once. There the fairies were cute and sweet and didn't attempt to kill the visitors. Living here wasn't anything like the human faerie fairs or theme parks. ~ Terry Spear
Cute Cliches quotes by Terry Spear
Approximately eighteen hours after my kiss with Jack Campbell - my kiss with Jack Campbell - I am sitting at a card table with Pooja in the front entrance of the school behind our veritable army of baked goods, overanalyzing the situation to such an absurd degree, it is now less of a kiss and more of an FBI investigation. ~ Emma Lord
Cute Cliches quotes by Emma Lord
Desi, Desi, Desi what am I going to do with you? (Kyrian)
Don't you dare take that flippant tone with me! (Desiderius)
Why ever not? (Kyrian)
Because I am not some scared little Daimon to run cringing from you. I am your worst nightmare. (Desiderius)
Must you resort to cliches? C'mon, Desidisastrous, couldn't you think of anything more original than that B-movie dialogue staple? (Kyrian) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Cute Cliches quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
I've come to believe that the simpler the title, the better. Whenever I try to get cute with it, it seems to be a problem but if it's just The 40-Year-Old Virgin, people seem to know what they're in for. ~ Judd Apatow
Cute Cliches quotes by Judd Apatow
I have a theory that the world is broken up into two kinds of people."
"Yep. On the one side are the people who love the Harry Pottery books and wish that they could attend Hogwarts and have Ron and Hermione for best friends and vanquish Death Eaters and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."
She's smiling at me, and she's just so fucking cute. I have to ask: "And the other side?"
Aimee shrugs. "Douchebags. ~ Autumn Doughton
Cute Cliches quotes by Autumn Doughton
Asher was a vampire. How much more dangerous could he be with a gun? But I couldn't do it. "Let me test my understanding. Is Asher going to ride in the car with us to the meeting?"
I must to give you directions," Asher said.
Then lean against the Jeep." He frowned at me in an amused, condescending sort of way.
Excuse me?"
I don't care if you're the second coming of the Antichrist, you can't sit behind me in my own car until I know you're not carrying a weapon." Asher smiled briliantly at both of us, flashing fang.
... I could rip you into pieces with my bare hands, and you're worried I have a gun?" He chuckled, a low, skin-prickling sound. "That is so very cute. ~ Laurell K. Hamilton
Cute Cliches quotes by Laurell K. Hamilton
Room service."
YES. My milkshake! I shove Ian out of the way and run for the door. "Oh, and PS, I'm not sharing my dessert."
"Even with your husband?" he asks, dipping into the bathroom to turn on the shower.
HUSBAND! My heart skips a beat. My stomach, however, does not.
"Cute." I smile. "But no. ~ R.S. Grey
Cute Cliches quotes by R.S. Grey
To concentrate intensely for 4 and a half hours, that's too hard for me. Too tiring. I concentrate 'lo maximo' on the 'golpe,' the stroke, but between strokes I'm interacting with the crowd or laughing with my caddie, talking about the spectators, the cute girls. ~ Sergio Garcia
Cute Cliches quotes by Sergio Garcia
Cute Cliches quotes by Khalani, Bowman
I'm afraid my gut level reaction is basically, proceed is cute, but cute doesn't cut it in the emergency room. ~ Larry Wall
Cute Cliches quotes by Larry Wall
I used to say that I wanted someone cute and nice, an actor too, so he'd get it. But now I think it would be good for me to date someone who's not in the business. ~ Selena Gomez
Cute Cliches quotes by Selena Gomez
There is always hope for man or dog in life if only they be cute ~ Chris Pariseau
Cute Cliches quotes by Chris Pariseau
Why would i date him i like someone else" ... "I'm the only someone else you know ~ Cindy C. Bennett
Cute Cliches quotes by Cindy C. Bennett
Cute. I think I would prefer to be stabbed in the eye rather than be called cute. ~ Ilona Andrews
Cute Cliches quotes by Ilona Andrews
I love you.'
'I'm a little stuck for words here,' she said. 'I'm just trying to get my head around it, trying to find the right way for ... Okay, yeah, I have it now. Caelan, cop on to yourself.'
'But I love you.'
'Here we go.'
'When will you admit that you are in love with me too?'
'I swear, talking to you is like talking to a really good looking and mildly stupid brick wall. Look, I like you okay? I think you're cute. You could probably ease up on the brooding self-loathing, though. That stopped being attractive a while ago. But, I mean, on the whole, I like you, and you like me-'
'I love you.'
'Yeah, well ... ~ Derek Landy
Cute Cliches quotes by Derek Landy
Joshua walked to the back of the tent.Caroline and Savannah were there but had their backs to him. They were bent over,an he could hear a wailing and he knew it was coming from Livvy. ...The wailing stopped as Livvy looked up and saw her father. Then there was a horrified howl."Daddy!Not dressed!"
Livvy, Papa nhas to go help some people. Can I come kiss you goodbye?"
There was another howl."Daddy,NOT DRESSED!"
Can I blow you a kiss?"
Eyes Closed?"
I promise."
He closed his eyes and turned around, than blew her a kiss. He then opened his eyes. "I think your'e kindof cute, actually.
DADDY!! ~ Gerald N. Lund
Cute Cliches quotes by Gerald N. Lund
It was around the time of the divorce that all traces of decency vanished, and his dream of being the next great Southern writer was replaced by his desire to be the next published writer. So he started writing these novels set in Small Town Georgia about folks with Good American Values who Fall in Love and then contract Life-Threatening Diseases and Die.
I'm serious.
And it totally depresses me, but the ladies eat it up. They love my father's books and they love his cable-knit sweaters and they love his bleachy smile and orangey tan. And they have turned him into a bestseller and a total dick.
Two of his books have been made into movies and three more are in production, which is where his real money comes from. Hollywood. And, somehow, this extra cash and pseudo-prestige have warped his brain into thinking that I should live in France. For a year.Alone.I don't understand why he couldn't send me to Australia or Ireland or anywhere else where English is the native language.The only French word I know is oui, which means "yes," and only recently did I learn it's spelled o-u-i and not w-e-e.
At least the people in my new school speak English.It was founded for pretentious Americans who don't like the company of their own children. I mean, really. Who sends their kid to boarding school? It's so Hogwarts. Only mine doesn't have cute boy wizards or magic candy or flying lessons.
Instead,I'm stuck with ninety-nine other students. There are twenty-five people ~ Stephanie Perkins
Cute Cliches quotes by Stephanie Perkins
You are absolutely at the correct spot. Well done, you, for finding us!" Damien's smile was so warm that I watched the tense set of the human's shoulders relax. Then he actually held out his hand and said, "Excellent. I'm Adam Paluka, from Tulsa's Fox News 23, I'm here to interview your High Priestess and, I'm guessing, some of you as well."
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Paluka. I'm Damien," Damien said, taking his hand. Then he giggled a little and added, "Oooh, strong grip!"
The reporter grinned. "I aim to please. And call me Adam. Mr. Paluka is my dad."
Damien giggled again. Adam chuckled. They made major eye contact. Stevie Rae nudged me and we shared a /look./ Adam was cute, seriously cute in a young, up-and-coming metro-sexual guy way. Dark hair, dark eyes, good teeth, really good shoes, and a man satchel, which Stevie Rae and I spotted together. Our eyes telegraphed to each other /potential boyfriend for Damien!/
"Hi there, Adam, I'm Stevie Rae." She stuck out her hand. As he took it she said, "You don't have a girlfriend, do ya?"
His straight-toothed smile faltered, but only a little. "No. I don't, um. No. I absolutely don't have a girlfriend. ~ P.C. Cast
Cute Cliches quotes by P.C. Cast
I can mix and match a cute shirt with some skinny jeans under a leather jacket and it looks fun and unique. ~ Miley Cyrus
Cute Cliches quotes by Miley Cyrus
Reading for me, was like breathing. It was probably akin to masturbation for my brain. Getting off on the fantasy within the pages of a good novel felt necessary to my survival. If I wasn't asleep, knitting, or working, I was reading. This was for several reasons, all of them focused around the infititely superior and enviable lives of fictional heroines to real-life people.
Take romans for instance. Fictional women in romance novels never get their period. They never have morning breath. They orgasm seventeen times a day. And they never seem to have jobs with bosses.
These clean, well-satisfied, perm-minty-breathed women have fulfilling careers as florists, bakery owners, hair stylists or some other kind of adorable small business where they decorate all day. If they do have a boss, he's a cool guy (or gal) who's invested in the woman's love life. Or, he's a super hot billionaire trying to get in her pants.
My boss cares about two things: Am I on time ? Are all my patients alive and well at the end of my shift?
And the mend in the romance novels are too good to be true; but I love it, and I love them. Enter stage right the independently wealthy venture capitalist suffering from the ennui of perfection until a plucky interior decorator enters stage left and shakes up his life and his heart with perky catch phrases and a cute nose that wrinkles when she sneezes.
I suck at decorating. The walls of my apartment are bare. I am allergic to most sto ~ Penny Reid
Cute Cliches quotes by Penny Reid
Ku'Sox was indeed a demon. In. The. Sun. I needed answers, but I wanted them from Al, not ... Cute Socks here. ~ Kim Harrison
Cute Cliches quotes by Kim Harrison
Oh my God! She is so cute! Can you even imagine how adorable their little ginger babies would be?" April ~ Helena Hunting
Cute Cliches quotes by Helena Hunting
Man is immortal; therefore he must die endlessly. For life is a creative idea; it can only find itself in changing forms ~ Rabindranath Tagore
Cute Cliches quotes by Rabindranath Tagore
I swear to God, I wish I was cute and dumb. Just for a day. ~ Brian Michael Bendis
Cute Cliches quotes by Brian Michael Bendis
When my daughter was a senior in high school, I remember noticing, almost in passing, that her friends were very cute. Which made me realize her friends' fathers probably found Molly very cute. ~ Gene Weingarten
Cute Cliches quotes by Gene Weingarten
Funny, I'd forgotten that what comes to you when you take a psychedelic is not always a revelation of something new and startling; you're more liable to find yourself reminded of simple things you know and forgot you knew - seeing them freshly - old, basic truths that long ago became cliches, so you stopped paying attention to them. ~ Ann Shulgin
Cute Cliches quotes by Ann Shulgin
Disney will never make a movie about my life story, and that's a shame
I'd make a really cute animated creature. ~ Kate Bornstein
Cute Cliches quotes by Kate Bornstein
You are a white. The Imperial Wizard. Now, if you don't think this is logic you can burn me on the fiery cross. This is the logic: You have the choice of spending fifteen years married to a woman, a black woman or a white woman. Fifteen years kissing and hugging and sleeping real close on hot nights. With a black, black woman or a white, white woman. The white woman is Kate Smith. And the black woman is Lena Horne. So you're not concerned with black or white anymore, are you? You are concerned with how cute or how pretty. Then let's really get basic and persecute ugly people! ~ Lenny Bruce
Cute Cliches quotes by Lenny Bruce
This kind of thing is so awkward and horrible, and from your end, you know it must… Okay, I'm just going to come out and tell you: I'm asking you out. That's what I'm doing. Please don't answer yet, because I know you might have a "No" queued up in your head already, but will you please let me say a few things?

I know that being a woman in New York must be hard, because it's basically disappointing that you try to be nice to men as human beings, and then they respond by just torpedoing to your vagina. And I want you to know that I'm aware that you're young and beautiful - and I'm not… either of those things. And part of me knows that as soon as my lips stop moving, you're going to say no. But please think of the fact that it's low risk what I'm asking.

You just come out with me for a drink, and even if you got up in the middle of the one drink, I wouldn't hold it against you. Just make a judgement based on nothing horrible would happen if you came out with me. I think you're so attractive. I'm attracted to you because you're nice, and you're a decent person, and those are probably the reasons you want people to be attracted to you, right? Also, you're horribly cute. I mean, you're cute as hell.

And I grow on people - women. Some times go by, and you get past the bald head and that I sweat a lot and I'm lumpy… I've run out of things to say. Can you just tell me now? Did this work? ~ Louis C.K.
Cute Cliches quotes by Louis C.K.
I smiled engagingly and showed her my investigator license. A hell of a picture. "Doesn't look like you." "It's me, I swear." I struck a similar pose, turning my head a little to the side, and blasted her with the same full wattage smile. "See?" She shrugged. "The guy in the picture is cuter." I wasn't sure if I should be offended. After all, it was me in the picture, and she was calling that guy cute. "So ~ J.R. Rain
Cute Cliches quotes by J.R. Rain
In the second half of life, our old compasses no longer work. The magnetic fields alter. The new compass that we need cannot be held in our hand, only in our heart. We read it not with our mind alone, but with our soul.

Now we yearn for wholeness. We yearn to remember the parts of ourselves that we have forgotten, to nourish those that we have starved, to express those we have silenced, and to bring into the light those we have cast into the shadows. On this quest for wholeness, we must let go of cliches of adult life, both positive and negative . . . Using the best information available , each of us must find his own way.

To varying degrees, all of us are trying to break out of . . . the "life structure" that we have built during the first part of our lives. ~ Mark Gerzon
Cute Cliches quotes by Mark Gerzon
Roses are read, violets are blue; I'm using my hand, but I'm thinking of you. ~ L.A. Casey
Cute Cliches quotes by L.A. Casey
Love conquers all; let us surrender to Love. ~ Virgil
Cute Cliches quotes by Virgil
My mom's coming home soon," I said. "We should go to your place."
Patch ran a hand across the shadow of stubble along his jaw. "I have rules about who I take there." I was getting really tired of that answer.
"If you showed me, you'd have to kill me?" I guessed, fighting the urge to feel irritated. "Once I'm inside, I can never leave?"
Patch studied me a moment. Then he reached into his pocket, twisted a key off his key chain, and slipped it into the front pocket of my pajama top. "Once you've gone inside, you have to keep coming back. ~ Becca Fitzpatrick
Cute Cliches quotes by Becca Fitzpatrick
You're cute when you're mad."
He caressed my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. I huffed in exasperation.
"Is that why you make me mad all the time? ~ Adriane Leigh
Cute Cliches quotes by Adriane Leigh
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